Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), February 7, 1924, p. 5

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j stouffville february 7 1924 mr nathan forsyth is confined o his home through illness but hopes to be about again shortly stouffville entered tvteams in the ontario curling tapkard at to ronto although the flayers enter ed were recognized as strong curlers they evidently werenot up to their best tor tfev were early dropped i from the ruxulngby thornbill the two rinks were composed of hwsanders w s armstrong sk c armstrong v w armsrong wr sanders d rusnell w j mather h brillinger joseph borinsky proprietor of the local creamery and his father isaac borinsky have purchased a block of land in the birchclifl district on the danforth road near bircbmont there are 7 5 acres in the parcel and we hear the purchase price was 19000 the mortgage sale hold at lot 29 con 9 whitchurch about seven miles north on tuesday afternoon drew some buyers and auctioneer silversides sold the 1x0 acres to warren grove for j2so0 during the war when inflated prices were being paid for farm lands this pro perty changed hands at 5000 the present sale price is considered a fair one for the place worth the money from every section of the country are coming enthusiastic- reports from inew star car owners which more than sub stantiate all the good qualities which were naturally expected of this new model have us demonstrate the new star car for you then and only then can you have a just appreciation of its unusual value baker bros dealers stouffville phone 8109 reduction h coal prices having been able to secure a stock of choice quality anthracite coal at lower prices on account of the mild weather have reduced ray prices as follows chestnut and stove sizes v 1600 per ton large furnace size 1500 per ton pea size 1150 per ton full stock of bran shorts chop manitoba flour pastry flour salt oil cake- etc on hand at lowest prices highest prices paid for all kinds of grain and clover seeds v r ss cook telephones office 169 residence 171 a a m a a a a mm m m m a the choice of canadas champs canadian hockey experts recommend automobile skates because theyre lighter swiiter and stronger than any other skate nickel steel blades hold theirtdge light aluminium tops help to eat up space scientifically designed for 3pedy hi starts and sudden stops automobile skates are the choice n of men who need the be3t handsleighs toboggans hockey sticks bells everything to give the boys and girls a good time very special prices on mitts to clear them out ilvester bros 0 kaymer is agent for nursery stock and also sells polishing cloths for gold silver etc phone lay 6 stoulfviiie ip ringwood- thistles and stouff ville hockey team will play in the local rink this thursday evening following the game by the orange men and oddfellows both games promise to provide good sporf the baptist young peoples union will hold a skating party on monday evening next in maple leaf rink later they will enjoy a luncheon probably in ratcliffs hall the norwood register published by j g keefer son was burned to the ground last week mrkeefer will be remembered as being in the publishing business hero in part nership with mr wm malloy when the latter first came to stouffville some 81 years ago gordon a quantz otlhe canadian national railway hair recently com pleted his final examinations at stratford forts loyomotlve engineer thus qualifying himself to take charge of an ieregine when the posi tion conies towlim through the line of seniority the eleven oclock morning train from port hope uas sixxhours late on tuesday yeingsfcalled at omemee where a freighttrain was stuck a snow bank an auxiliary engine sent out got off the track causing additional deja evidently there is much more jsiow to the north of here a few mi isjiow the reid memorial mission dand of the presbyterian church held an afternoon tea in porters ice cream parlors on saturday besides rais ing the creditable sum of 25 s5 they provided an excellent opportun ity for the ladies of the town and the men too to enjoy a social half hour over the cup that cheers but does not harm under the new highways act all bylaws now passed by a municipality like stouffville that are inconsistent with the new act areillegal and can not be enforced in future all by laws passed for regulating traffic must be approved by the highways department before they can be made law a notice to this effect was read before the council on monday evening we understand that dr brown son of mr and mrs j w brown who spent a good deal of last sum mer at home here has taken up a medical practice at lions head if our geography is correct lions head is on the extreme end of the bruce peninsular and the nearest railway is wiarton some miles away fish ing and hunting are among the chief occupation of the people of lions head so that our former townsman will have some real fish stories to tell the boys when he makes us an other visit on thursday feby 14th the stouffville uf6 will hold an oyster service next- sunday in christ church anglican at z pm exhibition hockey at the rink to night two game ojfe admission 15 cents the next sitting of the division court in stouffville is dated for feb ruary 25tb it is a little too early for the docket to be made up the w c t v will meet at the home of mrs mcleod on tuesday feby 12th at 3 oclock all ladies made welcome george watson and ira anderson shipped a car of horses to toronto last saturday but the market is re ported as very dull whitchurch township council will meet for general business on monday feby isth instead of on the 20th as previously arranged the change is made in order to meet in with the sitting of county council the person that stole the blanket from the horse ist sunday night in the methodist it off the ani to the tribuis place by fe be taken ag its seen taking ifnot returned or the owners proceedings will 5t them at the county council session last week the assessment of stouffville village was jumpedftp some 28000 which is the whole amount of in crease addcm by our assessor last year the ttecvt informs us that he registered avjkong protest but the equalization committee were deter mined a reference to the county council report in this issue will give the comparative rates of other muni cipalities the school board discussed the cigarette question at their last meet ing and the nitmberof boys repor ted to be smocersof cigarettes was alarming hetrustees may ap proach theooiyrcil with the view of putting a cigarette license on the local vendopssuch as is in operation in most toxvns and villages this may they think cut down the number of vendors and make it easier for those interested to find out where minors are getting their supplies james drewery aged 70 was al most instantly killed in uxbridge on friday last while assisting to remove a drilling machine from the newly built high school there the unfor tunate man got a fence rail to pry up on the machine in assisting it over a bare spot on theroad leaving the school when in some manner the machine went over causing him to strike his head against a tree with terrific force james drewery was a brother of mr thomas drewery of lemonville and mrs caleb march of the east end stouffville quality service sghumagher feed stouffville has received her first bill from the commission for hydro supper in ratcliffs hall some three electric power although we con hundred invitations have been sent out and as an invitation includes the whole family theue is likely to be a big turnout the first table will be seated at six oclock so come early following the supper there will be an address from chas mc- curdy head salesman at the ufo stock yards in toronto mr mccurdy will have some interesting facts to tell in connection with the live stock business which should be of real interest to every farmer the supper is purely of acomplimentary nature nnd there will be no admis sion fee bring your basket h o klinck the new teacher em ployed by the schoolboardcommen- ced his duties on msndayf with five teachers in the- public seliool the big knowledge worksshould roll along at a much betterspded for there is now on teacher for each grade which is everywhere recognized as the best system traded for 70 horse power with some fear that this amount might not be sold for a year or more the account received indicates that we used 70 hp from the very first month here is the bill we have to pay october 7007 hp 46491 november 7 hp 460 s3 december 87 hp 50750 the december account is probably the heaviest of the year for the christmas season takes a lot more light if the money received from the light and power customers is not used for construction purposes we will create a big surplus during 1924 which will mean reduced rates next year j tion will take place at easter in order to move on those pupils previ ously held back owing to the classes ahead being too overcrowded on monday morning trustees smith railchisoh booth and the secretary reeve dougherty were atthe school and spoke before a number of the classes when the rearranging of the scholars took place the new room in the basement is most satisfactory as to light heat and ventilation on wednesday of last week there passed away at lethbridge alberta david march at the age of 41 years deceased was a former resident of whitchurch who went west about jjl an i twenty years ago just five years he came home owing to the by many that some form of promo- am when the local orangemen played hoqkey last week against the lodge of oddfellows there was n merry battle the followers of king wil liam waded right in as if to emulate the battle of the boyne only they met with more disastrous results the excellent training in the 12th of july marathons failed to show any results in the matter of staying power arid they allowed the odd fellows to run up n big score even the assistance of ernie button failed to stem the onslaught on the orange mens goal and when johnmadill came down with the puck h invari ably scored when ye was taking a shot he usually went through tha sameantlcsyrequired to get into a union suit in an upper berth bill sandei was a big help to th oddfollowfi line up he took everybodys olcturo but his own we overlooked the correct score but can assre our readers it was large enoupm to leave no doubt in anyones mind that the oddfellows were the fastest team the players were orangemen martin toit irwin gray e a button f l but ton jos mertens sam armstrong and robt hare oddfellows john madill wr senders jess cook s w hastings ed lintner and ab lehman the orangemen want an other chance to sho- their mettle so a repeat game will be played this tmirsday night commencing sharp at 3 oclock death of his mother but had not been back since he had been in the hospital at lethbridge three weeks prior to his death suffering from an enlarged heart and hlspassing was a great shock to the old friends in this locality he was unmarried and is survived by three brothers and three sisters namely mrs r s bambury and mrs d curtis of regina mrs j c steckley of guelph william march of aurora t o v march of newark n jand fred of bethesda the remains were brought home for burial at aurora all that was mortal of the late henry dickson was laid to rest in the family plot in stouffville cemetery on thursday afternoon following the impressive funeral obsequies at the late home the service was conduc ted by the family pastor rev r young assisted by rev e morton of the christian church fitting tri bute was paid to the tong life of mr dickson and he was likened unto the sheaf of ripened grain ready for the harvest beautiful floral offerings pay tribute to the love and respect for the life that is past beyondand many were the old friends who came to look upon the bier of our aged citizen the pall hearers were all neighbors and friends namely ae booth a s collins sandy jones geo dowswcll edw walls and robt mckinnon those from a distance who attended the funeral were an aged sister of deceased mrs jduff of toronto also her daughter miss tattle duft and john david and murray duff and david young all of toronto robt cunningham orlllia david walls and alex brown of to ronto miss minnie brown of good wood george young find archie muir of senrboro mr w johnston of unlonvllle thos morton and wife of pickering james mccall of dixon hill james lee of markham and others ground corn in sacks is worth 4000 per ton today ground oats in sacks is worth 3800 per ton today ground barley in sacks is worth 37 per ton today schumacher feed is selling at 3600 per ton today schumacher feed is a balanced ration carrying eight different product is kiln dried carries a guaranteed government analysis is the best known balanced ration on the market today for cattle horses sheep and pigs it carries 50 per cent corn oilcake barley meal low grade flour etc if feeds were- fed according to the results obtain ed there would be mighty little straight grains ground fed we carry a good stock of schumacher feed at all times and will be glad to supply you stiver bros phone 4501 root wintersteinreceived a kick on the knee from one of the cows re cently which lail wim up for a time but lie is gettingibout again big cattle sale next saturday in mansion house yards sttouffville eighteen head of fresh holsteins will be sold for w a fanning at a meeting of the official board of the methodist tehurch on monday evening an unanimous invitation was extended to the rev g e coulter the pastor to remain on the charge for another year our neighbor n e smith has just passed his 70th birthday with his great infirmities of ill health and inability to walk only a few steps at a time the veteran auctioneer of by gone days looks much younger than some men of his age who enjoy the best of health i the hydro accounts are now being sent out and this is likely to be the biggest reading of the year as it embodies the christmas season when more lighting was naturally used in the homes under the hydro regula tions an account not paid within the specified time will not be allowed a discount this means that if the 15th of the month is the discount date it positively cannot be secured on the 16th users of electric should keep this in mind and see that their bills are paid on or before the final day for payment the regulation reads no prompt payment dis count will be allowed unless the bill is paid on or before the last discount day this rule will be impartially enforced doris the eight year old daughter of mrs cora mantel and nieco ot mrs cowie died in toronto on tues day and the remains were brought to the home of mrs cowie in stouff ville on wednesday morning for burial at glasgow on wednesday afternoon the little one suffered from heart trouble graceful fixtures we have got cm wire your house from top to bottom light up the cellar and put a lamp in every room we will wire your house rapidly and at slight expense the moulding we use to hide the wires is handsomely designed and will not mar the appearance of any room this is the live wire electrical store you need to know j kctiicajfy dtyfoim cw4 electrical supplies fiktu0e5 over lehmans shoe sto3je stouffville- ont clearing sale boots and shoes commencing thursday feby 7th broken lines at less than cost gents romeo slippers best quality 250- gents leather house slippers 2j0 ladies leather house shoes 185 ladies felt juliet slippers 200 ladies leather oxford cushion soles 275 ladies boots black or brown 275 ladies felt boots leather soles- 195 ladies felt boots leather trim 250 ladies ah felt boots 275 gents felt boots 300 gents hockey bots 325 425 boys hockey bodts 295 325 small boys boos going at 195 a good line of boys uptosize 5 295 girls boots from 195 small boys rubbers boots adens work boots mut be cleared dont forget come and look them over g hsanpers over shaws dry goods store upstairs and save money february sale 20 per cent discount 6n every articlein the store- including all optical goods watches clocks cut glass rings brooches cuff links chains scarf pins fountain pens pencils etc everything excepting repairing remember this is a genuine sale positively 20 per cent to be deducted from every article large or small see me and see better adam jr yake we do watch clock and jewelry repairing no job is too difficult satisfaction guaranteed

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