Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), February 7, 1924, p. 4

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stouffville february 7 1924 9 f sugar for one week or until saturday the 16th of feby we will sell sugar st lawrence for 1100 per cwt on a spot cash basis after this date there wilj be a considerable advance try our choice new ceylon tea at 60c per lb aylmer tomatoes and vegetable soup ratcliff co r during february sales womens 130 felt slippers to go at 75c yvomens 225 felt slippers to go at 125 womens 190 felt slippers to go at 125 womens 150 felt slippers to go at 100 mens women children felts reduced accordingly womens allwool hose greatly reduced in price also in misses mens and womens warm mitts and gloves down in price i want to clear them all out the above lines are all no 1 goods come in and look them over and see for yourself that they are bargains i have a few pairs of jersey cloth leggings for women at 5125 regular 165 also 2 boys maccanaw coats size 30 and 32 regular 600 to go at 500 a g lehman phone 4iii stouffville cut prices still the order we are continuing our slaughter prices on all winter goods come in and see for yourself mens overcoats as low as 1200 boys overcoats down to 1000 stylish caps warm and good reg up to 250 only 100 leather mitts heavy quality reg 175 now 125 horsehide- gloves reduced to 125 curlers boots warm and sure footed reduced to 350 overalls and union suits are not advanced here although wholesale prices are away up j l little west jend stouffville the dairy cow versus other food producing animals average dairy cow produces in milk 18 lbs food solids hog produces 156 lbs calf produces 81 lbs hens produces 51 lbs poultry produces r 42 lbs steers produces 28 lbs sheep produces 26 lbs keeep more cows and ship the cream to sitouffville creamery co n phone 18602 also agents for the delaval separator the tribune js published thursday afternoon riiltms 200 a year in advance a v nolan publisher stouffville ont we are selling the remainder of our winter ftlillin- ery at a very low price also wools and fancy goods monarch wools our special monarch down monarch dove monarch silver twist mrs f wilsons phone 4303 through out the bill and this is what they- will do if the present govern ment attempt to take the countrys money to compensate the losers in a private enterprise we havegreat sympathy with the depositors of the home bankbut they must be treated i the same as other losers inprevious bank failures the whole trouble is that the people wait until they get nipped before they move against rimtahi a i passhjh mt thegoverniiunt instead of rising up hoilukial lumflifcnl are s 8 aooth aml lililuhinl vvmuiiilll illsisting tllat the g enact j a banking act that will prevent the hon manning doherly has accep- people losing thelrv money why ted the house leadership of the it should the government pay the losers and still maintain practically the same act which permitted the people to be hoodwinked out of their ijj ajl f o on the advice of his doctor j j morrison the ufo secretary has taken to his bed for one month and as the illness is not supposed to be particularly serious he will make this a four weeks holiday fergus council at its inaugural meeting voted themselves a salary of 5 each for 12 meetings or 65 a year special meetingsto be without extra pay the fergus newspaper favort pitying councillors but objects to beginning just arter a campaign at which the matter was not voted on by the people it thinks that the majority of ratepayers are against the change perhaps they will have forgotten when the next election comes around many friends of mrs dewart widow of the late rev dr dewart and mother of h h dewart kc mpp will learn with interest that she reaches today her 93rd anniver sary and is enjoying the best of health she is still living at her old home on slierbourne st toronto where she watches the march of the worlds events not with the weary eyes of an aged woman but with the relish of one still young in heart and mind although far past the allotted span a writer in the sew york tribune attempts to make the casualty lists of the late war more real than mere figures can make them he asks us to visualize the dead as marching past on a city street first the brit ish dead at daybreak they start twenty abreast until sundown they march and the next day and the next and the next for ten days the british pass in review for eleven daye more the french dead file down the avenue of the allies for the russians it would require the daylight of five more weeks two months and a half would he required for the allied dead to pass a given point the enemy dead would re quire more than six weeks for four months men actually killed in the war passing steadily twenty abreast i money j district doings in addition to the proposed new gasoline tax the ferguson govern ment is contemplating the tapping of another hitherto untouched source of revenue this new proposed tax is a summer resort tax to be placed on summer residence proper ties in unorganized districts in on tario which escape the usual munici pal property tax details of the new tax scheme are not yet fully worked out butit is anticipated that it will yield about half a million yearly provided the legislature ap proves the legislation to be submit ted in this connection inasmuch as the proposed tax is to bo placed only upon summer residence properties in unorganized territories where no municipal taxes are now levied or collected it should be a good thing the toronto globe had a timely editorial on jam 24th and we wish to reproduce it in part for our read ers it shows in part one of the reasons why we are being taxed oil every hand these days the cry for reduced taxation now echoing from coast to coast will soon re sult it is hoped in some searching analysis and radical action with re spect to canadas civil service civil service costs are not arbitrary amounts like interest on railway bonds or the national debt they cau be controlled but the desire to con- ttrol must bestrong and determined a parliamentary return in the corn mons last session gave the total fed eral civil service salaries as 50- 355721 which means that if taxa tion had been equally divided every man woman and child in the dom inion last year would have paid 572 to support civil servants and their families the same return placed the number of federal civil servants af 39204 in other words one out of every 224 inhabitants gets his or her salary from the treasury vaults at ottawa the average sal ary figures out at 1284 or a little better than 50c per hour it must be understood that these totals do not take into consideration provin cial civil servants and municipal em ployees all of whom depend on taxa tion for their living neither are government railway employees in cluded the ice crop at beaverton is being harvested the cakes are 1c inches thick v v v richmond hill board of trade are holding a series of banquets this winter e a ontario county council has de clared in favor of a greatly reduced roadbuilding program for 1924 c ixbridge stock market shipped the following animals during the year 1923 hogs 9310 sheep 1213 cattle 1s9 2 beaut the town maintains a public weigh scales and the fees for weighing the year amounted to 2c2 v arrangements are completed for the celebration of one hundred years of methodist preaching in newmarket from feb 10th to the 17th inclusive and all the sermons but one will be delivered by former pastors on this charge after quite a long illness noah stover markham village died last week at the home of his sistermrs harvey brickwood of markham the deceased was 13 years old and had resided in markham all his life he is survived by two sisters mrs a reeve of toronto and mrs brick- wood john forgie of claremont who has been clerk of the second division court for the county of ontario since the death of mike gleeson has re signed and thos gregg also of claremont has been appointed to the vacancy mr forgie who is reeve of pickering township could not hold the two positions legally charged with causing bodily in juries to the late col j e farewell kc late crown attorney of oh- tarioc county by negligent and reck less driving w gordon kingston mills was found guilty and fined 25 and costs police magistrate willis presided col griersou pro secuted and w e day of kingston defended fine was paid the case lasted from 11 am to 11 pm on friday jan 25th the provincial police dept brought several expert mechanics to prove different points in the case m tuesday of last week while messrs archie mcphee and m g parring- ton were digging a well for john a anderson cannington they struck a root of a tree which was green and full of sap or moistr they were at a depth of 15 feet and in hard clay there is notree jyithin five rods of this well this is a small evidence of nature it is evident this root had found its way to a water strata for in less ithan three feet the welldiggers struck a live spring which in a few hours filled thewell to within a few feet of the topi v some three hundred prominent breeders seed growers apairists and specialists in different lines of agri culture were the guests of lieut- governor cockshutt at government house toronto to a luncheon on tuesday afternoon of last week from this section and markham were hc hatnill r h crosby j l byer ag gormley wh pater son h doherty l a kennedy c young win graham and others the guests were received by his honor the lieutgovernor and his wife and premier ferguson speak ers at the luncheon included w a dryden president of tho royal wln- ter fair robt miller president of the canadian national the minister of agriculture and others axxouuvoixg a strong delegation from all parts of canada where the bank operated will urge parliament at ottawa to compensate the depositors of the home bank for the loss they had sustained through th- failure of tho bank it is report id tint many members of the cabinet are in sym pathy with the move if the gov ernment compensate the depositors of this bank what about the hun dred other banks that failed in can- j nda since confederation when the farmers hank failure took place a similar move was made on ottawa and the government acoeeded to the request but the senato promptly that i am now in a position to demonstrate to you the caron light water power plant made in canada supplying electric light running water elqctrlc power belt power for every need every where engine has only three mov ing parts no gears no valve no springs no oilers no loss of power and no belt slipping as the different units are all within itself i will be pleased to send any liter ature or call and- talk the proposi tion over with you or if yon are in terested call at my garage and see for yourseif remember this outfit is much cheaper than others of same size soe this before you buy do not forget our garage bring your batteries to be charged your car tuned up get your tires now as prices will soon advance thanking my many customers for past favors and hope to be some service in the future satisfaction guaranteed o v bakkit phone- 0304 gormley hess stock tonic samples now on hand for distribution brlug in your coupons fi boadways drug store stouffville w h 5hawcs thursday friday and saturday many of these lines are very limited you had better come early as some of them will be sold out the first day 100 remnants consisting of flannelettes ginghams pillow cottons art muslins delaine cottons to clear at 39c remnant v 5 dozen girls white vests and drawers to clear at 39c childrens and ladies worsted and cashmerette hose special 39c childrens and ladies woolen mitts special sale 39c pair kiddies snugs sleepers special while they last 39c each childrens and ladies woollen scarfs special 39c each boys caps sweeters and pullovers thursday friday and saturday only 39c each kiddies fleeced waists 39c each 100 bowls medium on sale 2 for 39c fancy art muslin cushions a very special offer 39c each w h shaw phone 9512 stouffville s during winter months store closes every evening except saturday addwdhsijsishsdd

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