Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), February 7, 1924, p. 1

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dnfftrille cribmic vol xxxv no 50 stouffville ontario thursday february 7 1924 build up your strength now before illness eomes authorities perdict an other outbreak of spanish in fluenza but nval crkopos will help you withstand disease creophos is an effective toic andj tissue builder especially where there is a predisposition to lung weakness take creophos now arid build up your powers of resistance 100 per bottle market drug store g collard druggist btouffvillb ontario 75 grant passed i for fire truck county council fire chief ts although york county council i lias sai lor two weeks il is likely to had better luck thau some time before the business is linished up when the members ar iniollccted laves j came nome 0 friday night there amount to 502 remained many important items to start now get bendy for a busi ness career by attending vonge charles sts toronto our former graduates have succeed ed you can also we admit j students at any time write for particulars w j elliottt principal t h and sarah ratcliff graduate chiropractors albert st stouffville office hours mornings 9 to 12 tuesday thursday and saturday evenings 7 to 830 pm other hours by appointment phone 5304 anne lehman a t c m teacher of piano studio over lehmans shoe store havl you tried our homemade sausage or hamburg steak if not you have missed a treat prime roast beef fresh pork veal and lamb on hand use the telephone we deliver h leadbetter phone 9701 x reeve dougherty presided at the regular february meeting of the local municipal council on monday evening when all members were present being councillors silversides iunau silvester and dales fire chief joe mertens renewed the request for a municipal grant to wards the cost of the recently pur chased fire truck which last years council did not accced to the reeve tpoke in favor of a grant and all the councillors readily fell in line and on motion of dr dales and councillor lunau 75 was voted to ward the cost of truck the secre tary of the fire brigade is to submit a statement at the next meeting of the financial situation in respect to the purchase of the truck which many citizens made a grant to last jj year while others were adverse to one being bought at all harry perry tax collector appear ed before council and requested an deal with which they had not touched among them beinq the police question while a few of the members are engaged most of jhe time on committees many more are simply loafing in the time and this state of affairs ought to impress it self on the county council and others that hon g s henrys sug gestion to cut the size of county councils is a good one the idea advanced was to give those munici palities now entitled to a deputy reeve an extra vote and if they have two deputies then the represen tative would be entitled to two votes besides his own the reforestation committee re ported that they had secured op tions and prices on the following property in the township of whit church suitable for reforestation i jaynes 283 13 acres lots 26 other extension of time to return i j jno and 27 concession 7 value 4500 dr maehell 50 acres lot 27 con cession 7 750 y- swedlove 66 23 acres lot 26 east 13 concession 7 the 1923 roll there is still uncol lected 56213 and council told him to go ahead and collect wherever possible in some cases collection may be made by seizure and in others it will be returned against the property a request from the school trus tees was made for 6500 and the necessary bylaw was passed granting power to borrow up to this amount from the bank nova scotia the ferranti meter co notified council that the two transformers which were burned out last fall are now repaired and ready for deliv ery an account of 69 was ordered paid to the toronto general hospital for maintenance of william smith frorfi defe sth to jan 23rd 46 days at jlso day mr smith being a resi dent of stouffyille the council had no recourse but to pay his hospital charges accounts passed h perry postage 13 tribune printing 4 9 silvester bros account 11 w s cook coal s j urquhart stamps etc 21 rubber stamps 5 municipal world supplies 24 07 binding cases 2 55 wh shaw pkg boxes 10 75 wh clark a phone cost s 50 c nendick work on hydro 54 50 vestry meeting cut flowers and ferns wedding bouquets and funeral designs muston sons stouffville phone 7001 the annual vestry meeting of christ church anglican was held in the church on wednesday even ing last the rector rev t tem- pleton presiding there was a good attendance the wardens report was read shcwrug that all assess ments had been met debts and all calls had been iiaidaiid a snug sur plus carried over j through the year the womans auxiliary had the church nicely decorated all rewired for electricity and uptodate fixtures put in the junior auxiliary and the sunday school presented the- church with a beautiful oak font lined with brass mr richard cunliff donated a iiandsonie aisle carpet jthe wa guild junior auxiliary and the sun day school reports all showed a most successful year and each one carried a surplus over after discussion of several sub jects the election of officers was pro ceeded with and most of the old officers were reelected for 1924 as follows mlnisterswarden fw silvester peoples warden a s leaney rep to synod s foote and a s leaney the meeting closed with prayer a h richardson of the depart ment of lands and forests address ed council on the reforestation ques tion ho slated that the govern ment would only take 1000 acres and it must be all in the one lot the county will buy the land and the government will take it over and re forest it and look after it for 30 yeeiirs after which the county can lake it from them by paying for the upkeep during the 30 years former warden g b padget deputyreeve w g scrace m- baker reeve of whitchurch all spoke in favor of re forestation and after considerable discussion a resolution recommend ing the purchase ot lots 26 and 27 comprising about 600 acres was passed another additional 400 acres will be purchased in that local ity a bylaw was passed to equalize assessments of the various munici palities comprising the municipal corporation of the county of york it reads as follows whereas it is deemed expedient by the council to raise assessment of certain munici palities as made by their several as sessors and reduce others so as to make an equitable assessment of the taxes to be contributed by the war ions municipalities be it therefore enacted by the municipal council of the county that the assessment of the township mun icipalities be increased from the sum of 65508753 as made by their several assessors to be the sum of 674991 6s and that the assessment of the towns and villages be de creased from the sum of 19312424 as made by the assessors to the sum of 17412794 making the total equalized assessment of the county 84911962 being an increase of the sum of 907s the equalized assessment of some municipalities within the county for the ensuing year is as follows local equalized assessment assessment georgina 971975 95797 king 934 552 4148186 markham tp 5242i016 4780059 scarboro 5 970710 6476063 vaughan 3990350 44s967s whitchurch 2372 s72 2537380 york tp 17624228 18343217 n york 7 936610 7673822 aurora 1421871 1372026 newmarket 2264795 1834160 holland landing 108645 103323 markham vil richmond hill stouffville sutton 513084 755 205 559 501607 453668 659939 479022 440676 chiropractor church st i stouffville j is your girl normal is your girl normal have an analysis made to deter mine the condition of her backbone a chiropractic adjustment is painless and puts in place the sublux- ated vertebrae that press upon the life giving nerves milvavhluiljjy friday 9t012 am 1at stouffville out the rink management are plan ning to hold a kiddies nightwhen all the parents will be requested to bring the little folk to skate to band music while the children now have saturday afternoons for skating many of their parents are unable to be with them to teach them to skate and this is one reason in evening as suggested is likely to be arranged if you think it a good thing tell the rink management baker bros january school report stouffville jr johnnie button ted lintner daisy madill dclass margaret mcmullen sam borinsky murray holden c class jack pennock olive bar tholomew eulah brlllinger b class donald clossen jim lawson alfred thomas a class agnes klinck wm mnl- loy evelyn baker jr ii erma holden and luella stouffer hugh thomas sr i avon holse myron ander son stewart andersonharry holden jr ill bruce rowbotham janet button marjory bassingwaite sr ii edward galloway olive baker goldic shakeraac equalher- bert gartbwalte sr iv roy hill annie barnes geo lawson equal isabel aitchison jr iv marion ratcliff edna stouffer gladys dougherty sr ill betty booth donald lewis ted courtney reg stouffer equal i markham village the death of george robb one of the most widely known farmers in markham township took place at wellesley hospital toronto yester day following a short illness and operation on saturday mr robb who lives about a mile south of markham was inrfhe village-appar- cntly in his usual health rixgwood public school january average for month class v fred cook 73 class iv hazel boyd 63 marion stouffer 60 elsie watson 57 alex ratcliff 54 fred foster 37 joseph housser 31 sr iii john housser 45 murray sinclair 36 jr iii gordon reaman 88 norman cook 82 sarah hoover 77 gordon atkens 72 edna sinclair 68 irene wildgoose 63 beatrice cook 59 dora wildgoose 46 sr ii ella gould 46 pearl cook 33 nellie watson 27 class 1 evelyn watson harry davis clara miller mildred cook herbie gould primer ruth davis gordon ratcliff bruce cook wm e smith teacher personal notes mr barsto miller was home over the week end i l g beebe toronto was home over the week end mr and mrs walter gray spent the week end in toronto mrs ira anderson spent three or four days in toronto this week mrs robt stewart is progressing favorably after her recent accident mrs a s collins has been spend ing a few days among relatives at malvern javiob reesor wiva ana daughter spent sunday at mr jos mertens west of stouffville mr and mrs w a quantz spent two weeks recently visiting friends j in agincourt toronto and maple mr jacob wideman toronto an old time resident of stouffville visi ted with friends in town this week miss mamie smith of toronto was home over the week end visit ing her parents mr and mrs n e smith mrs jos millard who lives with her daughter mrs lud hoover is visiting in toronto for a couple of weeks mrs john mcmullen went to hamilton on saturday last to visit her husband who is somewhat im proved in health mrs vansickle of port burwell is spending a few days visiting her daughter our primary teacher the public school mr and mrs jos barkey elm farm lemonville wish to thank their friends and neighbors for their kind sympathy and flowers during mrs barkeys illness mr m williams of markham is teaching tile first form in our con tinuation school owing tq the illness of the regular teacher miss mckin- non who is at her home in orillia on friday rev w m mcguire left for deiroit where he will assist in tan evangelistic campaign in one of the mennonite churches in that locality mr and mrs john marshall of toronto mother and father of mr f marshall manager of the bank of nova scotia are visiting at the home of their son mrs austin wagg formerly of this vicinity is qui e ill at her home in torojrfo her mother mrs pat terson of blooniington is fn the city with her i miss greta smith who is taking a special course in moderns at toronto university visited her parents over the week end dr and mrs d c smith mr jacob barkey who is spending the winter with his son isaac the foundryman passed his 87th birth day onjanuary 24th mr barkey is able to lie on the street every day and enjoys all his faculties as well as any man twenty years his junior the womans liberal association met at the home of mrs j w rat cliff on jan 29th a particularly at tractive program was presented and very successfully carried out at the close of the meeting a social half hour was spent with mrs ratcliff who served delicious homemade candy archie kelly who was home last week visiting his grandparents mr and mrs j b wurts left on thurs day with friends for a trip to aus tralia they sail from vancouver on feby 8th on the steamer niagara the boat trip on the routes they will travel requires six weeks al though they will go ashore at several places enroute another early inhabitant gone goodwood special correspondence norman wagg and friend were- in toronto over sunday robt hynes of toronto spent sun day with his parents here f bentley and sister mrs walters were in toronto last week j f reid and daughter viola were in toronto over the week end fred middleton spent a few days with friends in whitchurch last week mrs eli storry is in toronto vis iting her sister mrs ellis who is ill in the hospital the death of thomas fraser took place here last saturday night at the home of wrii and bella murison deceased was in poor health for some time and was attended by his sister mr mcintosh of minneapolis one of our correspondents is crit- ized for articles in the papers but is upheld by the majority of the read ers and is not guilty of everything printed as there are others in the game mrs j holman and family have returned home to foleyet after spending a couple of months with her parents hero- her eldest daugh ter dorothy remaining with her grandparents mr and mrs ottewell tie lion tamers received a very bad beating by the organized play ers of stouffvile at the king edward lastthursday night twenty games of euchre were played of which some were skunks and joe and bob looked rather white the next morn but cheer up boys for the re turn visit may be in your favor few men have lived longer in this locality than did themate christian wideman who passed away on sun day feby 3rd 1924 at the home of his son henry on the townline of pickering and markham for he was born on the sth of markham at dixon hill eightyfour years ago had he lived until the 4th of april next he would have pissed his s5th birthday the late christian widenian came of that old dutch pennsylvania stock his father henry wideman coming over from pennsylvania nearly a century ago and the subject of this sketch often recalled his lather telling about the journey made by wagon and oxen at the age of 23 he married hannah pugh of uxbridge and they settled on the townline markham and pickering just across from where he passed away and it was here that he spent all his long life he was a man of great physical strength but of a kindly disposition and a lover ot all that wasgood as a member of stouffville mennonite church he was until the time of his death perhaps the oldest member on the roll he knew the pioneer life and radiated the hospitality of his forefathers and in his early life he rode behind the team of oxen and labored in hueing a home in the dense bush land of those early days his faith ful wife passeil away twelve years ago three children survive namely wellington of the 10th of markham henry with whom the father lived at the time of his death and one daughter mrs barkis reesor of pickering also one brother and two sisters all younger than the deceased survive him they are martin wideman mrs fanny mover and mrs susan hoover the funeral took place on wednes day ruorning to dixon hill cemetery with divine service in the little church alongside revac bricker a former pastor and old friend took the service business cards legai mccullough button barristers sojjcitoics ooju vkyaxces c muttons block stouffviua money to loan medical dr s s ball physician and surgeon office cor obrien and maim phone 190 dental goodwood regular correspondent pins c johnson spent saturday in stouffville mrs eli storry visited friends in city last week mr taylor seemed to be some brighter last week mrs w todd visited her sister in ring wood last week mrs darling and miss preston in stouffville on saturday we hope this february is not as cold and stormy as fast year the ladies aid and wms held their meeting at the parsonage on wednesday there was a small attendance at quarterly board on monday on ac count of the weather mrs holman and three children have returned to their home dorothy is attending school here the league had a jolly time last week and are planing for a good time at the valentine social to be held on avednesday 13th we won- der whose heart cupid will aim at who said doughnuts the sympathy of the village is ex tended to the friends of the late mr fraser who passed away on sunday after alingering illness at the home of miss murison funeral taking place on tuesday burial at mark ham the trains were so late tues day on account of storm causing in convenience to a number of- friends attending the funeral births byer in stouffville on febv 1st 1924 to mr and mrs nelson w byer a daughter deaths pearson at claremont on sunday feby 3rd 1924 in her 81st year mary catharine swinson heloved wrfe ofthomas pearson intere- ment at myrtle on wednesday card of thanks mrs h dickson and family wish to express their thanks for sympathy and flowers shown during their recent bereavement stouffvilln market thursday feby 7th dairy butter 48 eggs 40 to 42 cottle hogg c select hogs 775 hogs thick smooth 700 baby beet choice 7 to 9 good butchers 550 medium butchers 400 to 460 cows butchers 300 to 400 calves 900 to 1100 sheep per cwt 200 to 600 lambs per cwt 900 to 1000 live hens 15 to is ducks 25 chickens 25 grain market oata 40 to 45 all wheat 97 goose wheat vtv barley 60 to 62 all the latest magazines boadways drag store dr d c smith dentist fctouffville honor graduate of chicago an toronto university and the royal college ot dental surgeons office over shaws store phone office 1011 residence 118 no outside appointments e s barker lds ddjst dentist stouftville honor graduate of royal college ol dental surgeons and of the unltj sity of toronto office in grublns block phone 8201 markham every tuesday office otor geo crosbys store veterinary r g law v s b v sc graduate university of toronto ringwood phone 6014 stouffville lodqe no 384 meets every monday evening at 8 oclock in the oddfellows hall visiting brethern welcom clay baker wr sandera- n g recse m tfiit financial secretary i mrt a griffiths corsetiere for spirella corsets for stouffville and vicinity stouffville phone 15303 boadway s drug store stouffville twfxkl our bread is real food its the food that belongs on your table its the bread that will help build up the health of your family its the breadlhat you should order by name to avoid substitution and thats a rather important thing to remember a stover we deliver to your home after skating theres nothing better than hot drinks and sandwiches at porters the leading candy and choco- v late store l phone 198 stouffville oni

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