Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), January 31, 1924, p. 8

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stouffvillii january 31 1924 e baking rakfe what you will bread ries or cakes vui viil get satisfactory results every time if yen use quaker flour quaker flout- is always of uniform quality- it is milled to a high standard and tested hourly to iuaiain that standard it is made entirely fr m the finest hard western wheat ev actual daily tests in our own bake shop quaker flour is proven the best for all baking purposes i fttgj r tneqiakerbainp a product of the quaker mills peterborough and saskatoon always the samealwatss the best it is easv to bake homemade bread the quaker way write for our tested recipes tliev villbe mailed to you without charge distributors stiver bros stouffville w s lapp uxbridge claremont on saturday morning jan 19th the death of melissa alice coates wife of win r coates occurred at her late residence in huntsville at the age of 27 years mrs coates had been ailing for about five months with diabetes but her condi tion was not thought to be serious she was taken suddenly worse on friday jan 18th and passed away the next morning at 230 the de ceased had only been married nine months on receipt of the news of her sickness her two sisters mrs da pugh and miss jennie morgan left lor huntsville and arrived at her home a few minutes after she had passed away on saturday evening at 8 oclock at her late residence there was held a service conducted by the rev mr skeene being largely attended by friends and members of the band of which her husband belongs the funeral markham about ten oclock tuesday last week levi weber was found lying on the floor beside his bed in a semiconsci ous condition he had got up dur ing the night sufferered a stroke his right side was completely para lysed and be was unablo to talk dis tinctly when found he might easily have died from exposure had it not been that martin ramer a farmer on the 7th con brought his motor car down to be painted and found met at her parents all the doors locked and was unable home mr and mrs d m morgans to make anyone hear knowing claremont jan 22nd service being that mr weber lived over the shop mr osborne i mr rnmer suspected something hnd assisted bv rev mr mccjlelian takttrcwenfidjiim and notified the negh man graham morgan hill maitland anderson fred evans and magnes morgan there is left to mourn her loss a sorrowing husband her parents mr and mrs morgan five sisters mrs d a pugh claremont mrs leslie feasby uxbridge mrs ab orme- rod greenwood jennie and laura at home two brothers roy of claremont and alex efof toronto ballantrae ing his text from luke 24 6 he is not here he is risen which he delivered in a very impressive man ner to a large gathering of sorrow ing friends r mrs coates was a girl with a loveable sweet disposition and was a great favorite with all who had the pleasure of her acquaintance among the many floral tributes were wreaths from the anglocana dian leather co band and ladies of the baptist church huntsville also a h boomer manager cnr telegraph peterboro interment took place in the union cemetery at claremont the pall bors and constable hebson forced the doors am foiihi tivwebr in a helpless condition as snttrafrpr iacdonald was tntmedlatcly calle3v mr webers son carl of petorboio was telephoned and arrived on the six oclock train and if his fathers cunifitibn permits he will bo taken to peterboro hospital mr weber is we known as a ojsiikv3 man in markham and is a soninlaw of the ate h r wales since the death cf iif- wife ho has batched it over his shop generally going to peter boro to reside with his son carl daring the winter months this winter he decided o stay in mark- bearers were clifford soden nor- ham and keep his business going wedding bells are ringing nothing but the song of the buzz saw is heard in this neighborhood longfellow is very successful at digging wells give him a try miss fern reid and miss maisie miller were visiting at ross youngs if thirtytwo is freezing point what is squeezing point two in the shade sloans champion is the best cigar cool refreshing and lasting sold at tobacco farm just try ose we are glad to hear that the children are recovering from the whooping cough in this vicinity we wonder who the gentleman was that waited at aurora for the car and let it go by thinking per- perhaps the next one might travel faster bethesda quite a number are suffering from bad colds just now job scott has installed a radio some music now job iiss koaf of markham is visiting her cousin mrs ralph allen with the churches baptist rev w w fleischer pastor sunday feb 3rd jo am sunday school 11 am church service rev j sherrien of grande ligne mission que will occupy the pulpit at the evening service sunday feb 3rd bypu monday evening as usual methodiot sunday feb 3rd rev g e coultfr pastor 11 am communion service ah members requested to be present 230 pm sunday school 7 pm song service subject the needs of young people social hour in the basement follow ing the service rev r young will give a brief talk music open to everybody come monday evening at s pm official board meeting young peoples league at s pm monday evening menxonite church w si mtgiiiie pastor sunday feb 3rd stoufiville 10 im sunday school 11 am preaching by elder c ramer 7 pm preaching by pipher v altona jo so unio l sunday school 7 pm preaching by elder ramer at the morning service at stouff- ville and the evening service at altona an offering and subscription will be taken for the beneficiarv fund of the mbc church presbyterian church sunday feb 3rd church services 11 am and 7 pm sabbath school 230 pm boys bible class 1010 am the sacrament of the lords supper will be observed at the morning service and at the service at mel ville at 215 pm the young peoples society will meet on wedneday feb 6th at 8 pm mr a d bruce will re peat his address given to the mel ville young peoples society on one of our early canadian authors and there will be other interest ing features on the program save energy time and rash words use the singer electric sewing machine it runs itself deal in your old sewing machine if you want to make wash day a pleasure use the white cap or 1900 electric washer and wringer just watch it work the electric phonograph solves the wind ing mystery deal in your phonograph on an electric come in and look them over geo e baker phone 17902 stouffvilfe the sale register notice of application- eor divorce mr and mrs w graham of petch- villeyisited the latters brothers and sisterkmiss allen and mr allen on tuesday sorryto report that miss n taun one of our popular young ladies now teaching at atha is sick with dip- theria heirwithher f j march received a message last week that his brother david was seriously ill in the west we extend our sympathy to mr march in his anxiety why ford predominates proof that ford predominates is to be found in the fact that 50 per cent of all cars in canada are fords ford predominates because it supplies the essen tials of adequate economical transportation ford has been the pioneer in the automotive in dustry has blazed the trial in evejry fundamentally sound transportation principle pit ford service is an outstanding example of ford predominance authorized fordvservice is to be found wherever motor cars are used always capable businesslike and prompt more than 4000 service stations in canada are assurance of this see any authorized ford dealer cahs trucks tractors mongolia mrs t smales called on mrs j hoover on sunday glad to report that mrs j hoover is improving somewhat mr and mrs bert hopkins spent wednesday at mr q meyerss we understand that mr tdiller will remodel his house this year mrs ed vanzant and miss lewis visited mrs d meyers on sunday mr and mrs harold wright spent sunday with mr and mrs j b turner mrst smales returned home last week attgi- spending a few days in toronto mrs k fair andhss lemon visited vithmr afict mrs t diller cmssmlsy miss fern wideinan spent the week end with her parents mr and mrs w wideman the young people of stouffville baptist church gave a shower to mr and mrs harold wright but on- account of ihe rough night mr and mrs j turner had to act as bride land groom the young people were unable to get here wednesday feb 6th about five acres standing timber in m acre lots of pine tamarac and elm at lot 14 con s whitchurch belonging to jones bros four months credit sale at one f w silversides auctioneer saturday feb 9th at mansion yards stouffville 18 head choice cows fresh holsteins- this may be the last sale of the season as mr fanning is finding it difficult to pick up more animals of the desired type sale at 130 pm three months credit f w sil versides auctioneer shaws dollar davsale now on markham tp council for sale oak diningroom suite and other good furniture mrs crosby phone 1213 p wanted 100 or 150 egg incubator willrent or buy apply mr staddelbar one door west presbyterian church ip for sale jersey bull 3 years old registered edgeley bright pat no 172g7 lot 3 rear con 4sxarboro- h xv ree- sojyjrsrtsot 1 markham p for sale good brick house on albert st west end wj bennett 2p for sale uptodate portable hen house new also about 20 hamburg hens prize winners 10 pullets justready to lay apply rolph davis 52p at the adjourned meeting of the markham township council con siderable discussion took place in respect to certain road work in the south of the townshiplt was agreed to spend 500 more to complete gravelling on the 8th line south of markham village a bylaw was passed appointing anthony forster assessor for east half and nelson smillie assessor for west half at a salary of 225 each and s m hutchinson and abner summerfeldt auditors at a remuner ation of 10 each councillor clarry objected to the appointment of mr forster whose appointment was moved by reeve gobn but was overruled on divi sion townline commissioners were ap pointed and appropriations made as follows whitchurch the reeve and mr campbell 300pickering north half mr smith 150 south half mr clarry 150 scarboro west of milliken mr stiver 150 scar boro east of milliken mrciarry 250 york reeve gohn 100 discussing the completion of the gravellliw of the 8th mr clarry was of the opinion that the men on the 8th should give a lot of work free gratis as they had already pulled a lot and they would be well paid mr clarry was appointed a com missioner to look over the 8th con cession south from lot 1 to 6 in re gard to gravelling the same and on condition that free gratis work be done he was authorized to spend a sum not to exceed 500 a resolution was passed that the rate for road work up to april 1st next be for teams 50 cents per hour and for laborers 25 cents per hour the appointing of road commis sioners after some discussion was left over until next meeting of coun cil on monday feb 4th for sale 28 acres small timber and top wood on lot 23 con 6 whitchurch known as the playter bush all fire wood to be sold in bulk or may be sold to four parties dry saw dust now on band robt ratcliff phone 4809 poultry for sale a pen of purebred rhode island red pullets apply a c mowder farm implements s g schmidt of stouffville desires to inform the farmers of stouffville and district that he has taken over the agency for- the cockshutl plow co of brantford until recently held by mr alex mtodonald bargains in wall paper i have a few specials in room lots of wall papers good selection of designs 500 for paper and hanging for a limited time e w baker phone 8103 52np poultry wanted sam golden is paying the highest price for live fowl of all kinds inquire at pennocks livery ufo notice now is the time to order your salt for quick delivery also binder twine sugar seed corn shingles wire fencing and coal all for spring de livery regillarjjieeting jan 31st to pre pare for our annual oyster supper d h rusnell secretary notice is hereby given that stan ley george harris of the city of toronto in the county of yorkand the province of ontario chauffeur i residing at 30 hamilton street to ronto will apply to the parliament of canada at the next session thereof for a bill of divorce from- his wife celia harris residing at- 265 rhodes avenue toronto on tario on the ground of adiilterv dated at the city of toronto in the county of york and in the pro vince of ontario this sixteenth day of january ad 1924 stanley george harris per his solicitor henry strachan mullowney 2453 yonge street toronto ont 54 boadway s drug stoke stouffville bargains farm implements e have big bargains for you ini sleighs cutting boxes and in grain grinders s up to 14 inch plate come- early while there is a gooa selection we have several good cook stoves and heaters that must be sold see them also seyeral good scales highest prices paid for hides wooli horse hair and live poultry h herman phone 1903 sleighs we are prepared to supply your wants with sleighs either long or short reaches a good supply always on hand we also have a few second hand sleighs at bargain prices n lanktree masseyharris agent stouirvglle silver black foxes for sale these animals are government inspected fully registered and from prince edward island stock foxes are on view to all visitors and full information regarding pedi grees etc supplied see what you nre buying at first hand and be sure of securing genuine highclass stock it g law vs bvsc phone com ringwood stonffvi he- properties for sale 91600 house property on church street stouffville 1200 one pair houses on main street at 1200 eacjk 92600 we have good properties for gale tt this price 92000 16 acres with house and bank barn 9cooo 50 acres of land and two six roomed houses also nice pieceof- bush on the property 94000 100 acres with brick house- and plenty outbuildings 98000 we have 2 farms ofie- acres each at this price also- onet at 9000 call and see jacob yakjb jeweller buttons block stoufftlu phone res 8004 office 1004i 8toufpviulk ask your dealer for merry wives pastry flour or white rose bread flour handled by almost every dealer t- refuse substitutes manufactured dt the uxbridge milling co limited sixty days clearing sale having disposed of my factory and showrooms i am selling the entire stock of wagons buggies sleighs and cutters harness robes and blankets a quantity of other goods come and get a bargain t 1 will still handle the willys over land cars w h todd at the old stand

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