Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), January 31, 1924, p. 5

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stouffville january 31 1924 worth the money from every section of the country are coming enthusiastic reports from new star car owners which more than sub stantiate all the good qualities which were naturally expected of this new model have us demonstrate the new star car for you then and only then can you have a just appreciation of its unusual value baker bros dealers stouffville phone s109 more cattle if your progressive ideas for cattle raising are beyond the financial resources at your command talk the matter over with the local manager of this bank standard service aids 7wtfio protnesi the standard bank or canaiul stouffville branch a c burkholder manager reduction i coal prices having been able to secure a stock of choice quality anthracite coal at lower prices on account of the mild weather have reduced my prices as follows chestnut and stove sizes s1600 per ton large furnace size 1500 per ton pea size 7 51150 per ton full stock of bran shorts chop manitoba flour pastiy flour salt oil cake etc on hand at lowest prices highest prices paid for all kinds of grain and clover seeds telephones office 169 residence 171 any wood to cut let us fix you up with a first- class axe and a maple leaf cross cut saw or if you use power a 28 or 30 buzz saw will fill the bill do any shootin g our stock of guns and ammuni tion is complete r silvester bros stouffville ont ps during january february and march we close every evening excepting saturday at 630 ilocal happenings shaws dollar day sale now on easter is very late tills year beiug on april 20th ash wednesday is ou march the 5th and 4imjd friday april 18th the early bird gels the worm says the proverb but we havent heard of any leap year proposals in stouffville up to the present time the methodist mission band bazaar in porters ice cream parlors last saturday afternoon was a great suc cess notwithstanding the very cold weather prevailing net proceeds amounted to about 50 afternoon tea will be served by reid memorial mission band at porters ice cream parlors on fri day february 1st from three to six oclock admission children 10c adults 15c the band will appreci ate a call from you shaws dollar day sale now on dont forget your auto license so grace after feby 1st three of mr malcolm ranters children of the th con whitchurch are down svith scarlet fever c kaymer is agent for nursery stock and also sells polishing cloths for gold silver otc phone ljub stoutfville 0p quality service lipped charlie williams shipped eighteen general purpose horys from stouff ville station this vek to the tor onto market attended monday only seven members the board of trade on evening so that the annual election of officers was postponed rev frederick sommer of tor onto lias accepted a call from the congregation of the church of christ disciples at guelph and will take charge at once mr som mer will be remembered as having charge of the disciple church here for the past year a bunch of hockey enthusiasts from the sixth line played a gang of stouffville puck chasers on the local rink last wednesday evening and were beaten by a score which left no dispute as to which was the better team the boys from the sixth are not to be downed for all time and expect to come back strong lor they are a husky bunch on monday mr lloyd turner re ceived a telegram stating that a buyer whom he presumes saw his horses at the winter faif in ottawa would be here this week to purchase the team at voo this is a hand some price for a pair of clydesdales only four years old and mrturner is to be congratulated on the suc cess he had in showing and soiling his prize winning team after winn ing everything at the focal fairs these horses stepped into the ring at the great royal show and won the red ribbon against all comers any age a fancy dress icarnival iannounced to take place in the ideal rink on tuesday feb 5th you will be pre sent or sacrifice a good time prize3 for best costumes ana largest load from country points band music lets go a fire was narrowly avertedin the fine new home of mr george collards on sunday evening when the woodwork became ignited in the rear of the tire place sir collard got it under controlby putting on several pails of water with a syringe inserted through a hole in the wall farm stock sales continue to real ize good prices in this locality despite the fact that farming is said ot be unprofitable at the present time on wednesday last week jacob hoover at lot 33 concession 7 markham sold his entire stock and get ready for hatching feed feed feed i schumacker feed for milch cows schumacker feed for hogs this is the month to get your hens ready for the hatching season by feeding fulopep laying mash and fulopep scratch grain bran shorts and oilcake v read our quaker flour adv stiver bros phone 4501 big cattle sale next saturday in mansion house yards sttouffville eighteen head of fresh holsteins will be sold for w a fanning j there will be a moccasin dance in the maple leaf rink this thursday evening you are invited to be there and enjoy the fun good band music green body hardwood is beginning to arrive in town and is selling at various prices a load of fine well cut 16 wood sold at 13 per cord u liiam sunt ins fuiiit oruviv av plements through auctioneer sili on ay and there isn t much last week was a quiet time in this locality for business with the mer cury standing for several flays bet ween zero and 13 below it wasnt very inviting weather to venture into and most farmers and others staged at home in addition to the severe cold the terrificwind most of the time made laattes worse and showed up the chinks in the houses it might have mfidv the coal men smile but no one vise has so much love for jack frost- when he is on such a rampage the cold spell didnt break until sunday nighttind now we hope the back of old win ter is completely severed miss mekinnoii of the continua tion school staff believes that one of the speakers at the nomination meeting misquoted the amount of her salary as teacher and we have therefore been requested by the secretary to publish the correct amounts received by eacli teacher on the staff which is as follows a stoulter 1900 miss mclvinnon 1400 mr boadway 1300 and miss huxtable miss spoffard and miss vansickle 1000 each this makes a total paid in salaries of 7600 the greater portion of which is received by the section in pro vincial and county grants versides with only one exception all the milch cows sold at 100 or over horses were a litttle down implements sold high the binder brought 100 for which mr hoover paid 135 five years ago a seed drill realized 33 and cost 35 eleven years ago that makes pretty cheap farm implements for mr hoover but an even better investment were his sleighs at the sale they brought him 50 and they looked worth the money at todays prices hut mr hoover paid only 35 for them 7 years ago the farm of 100 acres which had been in the hoover fam ily for the past forty years is sold to j smith of almira mr hoover is moving this week to stouffville and will live on albert street next door to his fatherinlaw robert vague elsewhere in this issue will he found the abstract of stouffville plib- lic and continuation school for 1923 in respect to the financial situation it will be noticed that it requires in round figures to maintain all the classes for one year and if there are 265 pupils it costs a fraction over 15 per head to educate them for one year fortunately the corpora tion of stouffville is not called upon to pay all this 45 per head out of her taxes what the ratepayers pay in direct taxes of this 12000 is 570087 and the remainder is made up of grants legislative county and township os will be seen in the statement last year the board started out with a bank ac count of 141417 and finished with only 41538 which indicates they did not make a large enough demand on the council this small balance is used up very early in the new year and necessitates the board borrowing from the bank much ear lier in the new year than should be william smith more familiarly known as bill blew into town last thursday night after his mysterious disappearance a couple of months previous bill had learned that his better half had since left this part and no longer sought to live with him but it came with some thing of a shock when he learned that the old home with its little furnishings had been sold and nothing but his wedding suit remain ed in the vacated property realiz ing that the way of the transgressor is hard william resolved to make the best of matters and being un able to work for ho is infirm and go years of age he applied for quar ters over on yonge street at the king- palace where plenty of warmth and simple food is provided and a real smoking room for the old men yes they are provided with tobacco rations too avhat more could our old townsman wish he didnt always have it before but now hes going to live as old people should cheer up william things come to the poor that cant get in at the door of the rich it isa great thing to be poor said a well known writer but very few have sought to retain it land yet many have learned to prize it nicer looking wood comes in for twelve inchienth 1400 is being asked this length sold at 13 and 16 last winter when coal was a little dearer than it is today two loads of baptist young people about thirty in all journeyed to j john turners last friday night to give a shower in honor of mrs i wright who is a member of the local bypu it took a brave heart to turn out in such weather as pre- j vailed on friday night but it appears f there are many brave ones in the baptist organization graceful fixtures we have got cue wire your house from top to bottona light up the cellar and put a lamp in every room we will wire your house rapidly and at slight expense the moulding we use to hide the wires is handsomely designed and will not mar the appearance of any room this is the live wire electrical store you need to know i leiois ikennedy in an effort to develop the com- j munity spirit to a greater degree and to extend it to all nonchurch j goers the methodist congregation held a social hour in the basement i following the regular service on j sunday evening last the limited advertising and special work of the j committee resulted in an increased attendance at the church serviceand j a good attendance at the social gathering later there was a good turnout of young men and the tinie was spent in singing old familiar hymns and listing to sacred music played by the john hodgson orchestra we hope soon to add i famous to this young orchestras title the meeting is open for social intercourse and those present are invited to move about mid converse i with each other next sunday even- ing there may be some five minute j speeches and perhaps a solo by a i member of one of the churches if you are open on sunday evening come along to the basement of this church electrical supplies 6fixtuhesj over lehmans shoe stohe stouffville ont the local lodge of oddfellows held installation ceremonies for this years officers in the lodge rooms on monday evening j s bell ddg m of markham acted as installing officer and after the duties of the evening were performed the mem bers and visitors enjoyed an oyster supper served in the lodge rooms this years officers installed are as follows ipg clayton baker xg j h slack vg sam mckuen recsee w r sanders fin sec martin tait treasurer m c barker warden ray yoke conductor cbas barkey rsng ed litner lsng rgeo martin rsvg jess cook lsvc ralph baker rss j o span if lss ed hoover chaplain s p foote ig j h madil og john ratcliff a fancy dress carnival is annunced the prospects for stouffville be coming a manufacturing town are not very rosy then why not turn our attention to making the old town one of the most beautiful places on the map to live inthis is something we can do let stouffville be known as a beautiful residental tbwn and it will surely attract more people to us with ojiir splendid public utilities everything is most favor able to beautifying our surroundings and a good way to get together on this matter is through the formation of a horticultural society affiliated with the provincial body richmond hill markham aurora and many other plaeeslwe might mention have such organizations and their streets show a wonderful improvement since horticultural societies were organized when a society is organized say for instance in stouffville the mem bership fee would be 100 per year and this entitles each member to a choice of shrubbery or plant which is furnished by the provincial de partment each year other assis tance given is the sending out of speakers and just now many towns are enjoying addresses from promin ent borticulturallsts we notice that henry j moore who came into prominence for putting victoria park niagara falls on the map is delivering splendid lectures in on tario and it would be a good starter to get a man like mr moore out here he talks on town beauti- ficatlon the care of shade trees comes in for the maior part of his address and he delivers something of an invective speech aganst the habit of allowing the bell telephone co the riighway dpt and others to carve up and otherwise maltreat shade trees to suit their purpose of stringing wires and widening and irving roadways etc he miks some practical suggestions as to the election and planting of flowen hat the best effect may b obtained ard that there mav b a continuous vtowing of flowers from one end of the season to the other this is ho season of the yeir to get organized rady for the spring work two speeches were made at the annual meeting of the markham township liberal conservative asso ciation at unionville on saturday last the one by w f maclean m p for south york and the other by hon g s henry minister of public works for ontario and mla for east york the old officers were all reelected by acclamation with jas camplin as president and jas a gibson secretarytreasurer after skating theres nothing better than hoi drinks and i i j sandwiches at porters the leading candy and choco late store phonii 198 btouffviijlk ont all this week the big prestock taking sale is going on at borinskys goodwood owing to bad weather we are extending the cut prices in dry goods boots shoes rubbers and underwear get in now the low prices cannot be repeated goodwood economical general store h borinsky prop f t hill co ltd stouffville successor to toim cook dealers in alsike timothy red clover alfalfa- and sweet clover mohrst prices office phove 1401 hous3 1s3 paid for above seed3 l e todd managing director

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