Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), December 27, 1923, p. 8

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stouffville december 27 192 roadways drug store stouffv1lle sixty days clearing sale having disposed ot my factory and showrooms i am selling the entire stock of wagons buggies sleighs and cutters harness robes and blankets a quantity of other goods come and get a bargain 1 will still handle the willys over land oars w h todd at the old stand the sale register saturday dec 22 auction sale of 30 fresh milch co springers and beef ringers at imjieop 7 markham theypjinfetty or j h brillinger isale at 1 oclock terms 10 months prentice prentice auctioneer saturday dt 22ajjuanslon yards stouilleacnoieo hol- steln cows wkhe3tfaud springing belonging to w a panning sale at one p w silversides auc tioneer y tuesday jajtt s entire farm stock and implements including three fife clydesdales be longing tomred chamberlain lot 29 con 9 1 mile south of stouttville sale at one p w silversides auctioneer t wednesday jan 9 lot 5 con 5 whitchurch the farm stoj and implements of a bethesda yr4nsacslhs credit sale at o p w silversides auctioneer whitchurch tp council i markham township counciii bargains farm implements all kinds of farm implements cheap in firstclass condition no need to buy new ones when we can eupply you cash or credit we have several good cook stoves end heaters that must be sold see them also several good scales h herman phone 1903 stonffviuo caretaker wanted sealed tenders will be received up to thursday jam 3rd 1924 for the oaretaklng of lemonyire school the lowest or anj tender not nec essarily acceptedvtenders t0 oe addressed to s tv hastings secy trustee board lemdnville as required by statutes whit- j church township council met dec j 15th at the township hall- vandorf j with all members present minutes oflast meeting were read and con- firmed i a communication from the pro- vincial treasurer showed amount of railway tax payable to the township to be 517161 the treasurer was instructed to pay the following sheep claims council met at inionville on dec 15th to straighten ur the years af fairs all the members were present srt reeve padget in the chair the hospital for sick children wrote requesting a grant mr rogers county representative of the ontario department of agri culture was heard asking for a grant jto help pay rent expenses in conduct ing a junior farmers short course j at richmond hill and received a wsd hall valued by tv storry favorable promise f0 00 j the tax collectors were given goodwin valued bv pwplayter until february 1st to finish collect- 28 00 ing p pevcb valued by j a clark grants to public libraries were 15 uo made as follows cnionville 20 p viurdhy valued bv j a clarke j thornhill 15 markham 15 and r 2wo 00 richmond hill 10 also the following general ac- i the reeve reported that he had ar- counts viz i need with the provincial high- a yake dvnamiting blnghams pit ways department wnich had recom- 55 00 memded to the goverment that jjjarkey hig and placing culvert j markham be given 800 yards of c opp lot 2 con 7 9 00 ravel so oar loads delivered d gray hlg and placing culvert at convenient sidings as recompense y s 75 tor damage done to roads in mark- j cook 166 ydsgravel 33 20 ham by delouring the past summer ask your deajjbr fob merry wives j pastry flour or white rose bread fliouit jundlco oy almost every dealsr refuse- substitutes ipjjfmtured xj jthe ukbridge milling co unified v card of thanks we wish to express our gratitude for the kind sympathy and help af forded in our recent sad bereave ment of a devoted wife and a devo ted wife and a dearly beloved mother samuel strong and family card of thanks we desire through the columns of the tribune to convey to the many friends and neighbors our sincere gratitude for the numerous acts of kindness bestowed on us during our recent sati bereavement in the death of our dear wife and mother r walter davis and family ufo notice farmers come to the u f o annual business meeting and elec tion of officers on thursday morning at ten oclock jan 3rd notice sam golden- is paying the highest price for live fowl of all kinds inquire at pennocks livery better service we have recently installed an electric mincer and we snail be pleased to supply our patrons witii fresh hamburg steak and choice homemade sausage h lbadbe1tbb phone 9701 stouffville pouitry for sale number rock and white leghorn roosters from bred to lay strain a c mowder phone 3208 46p to rent partly furnished house or lower flat on church street mrs peters cnurch street to rent partly furnished house or lower hat mrs peters church street pigs for sale ten small pigs six weeks old john mantle lincolnville 44pj properties for sale 1600 house property on church street stouffville 1200 one pair houses on main etreet at 1200 each 2500 we have good properties for sale at this price 92000 16 acres with house and bank barn s 150000 50 acres of land and two six roomed houses also nice piece ot bush on the property 94000 100 acres with brick house and plenty outbuildings 8000 we have 2 fatms of 160 acres each at this price also one at 9000 l call and see jacob yake jeweller buttons block stouffville phone res 8004 office 1004 stouffville for sale i nickel rayo lamp l extra nice hanging lamp l toilet set 1 steel couch and mattress 1 large rocking chair apply to mrs e a hutch inson west end cow for sale holstein cow freshen mladle of january hm foote phone 2115 stouffville 45p reward i will pay a liberal reward for information that will lead to the conviction of the parties who cut small trees from my properties for christmas use robt ratcliff cartage and express local and long dictance hauling trucking etc terms reasonable l c walder stouffville phone 6503 for sale or rent house on main street stouffville electric hath and garage apply f betz 10 hamilton street toronto 44p b jones 65 yds gravel 13 00 e connor 70 yds gravel 14 00 g w baker cement pipes 18 20 h pointon hlg gravel and placing tile tls 11 b e harvey big gravel and placing calvert on tls and hig 10 loads gravel and graading con 4 2630 e harvey grading tls 2 75 v attridge lumber for hall shed 13 20 j condor rep culvert tls 2 50 w ash grading and cutting 2 cor ners at lake wilcox road 215 90 g yake s00 ft plank conh 25 50 g w petch hlg and placing cul- vert opp lot 20 con 3 s 25 w j curry 57 yds gravel 11 40 gtbrowning 102 yds gravel 20 40 h legge gravel at lake wilcox 102 90 canada ingot iron coculverts 92 07 toronto general hospital mainten ance alice heise 25 50 hospital for incurables mainten ance d newton 12 wks 126 00 dr j h wesley 55 dressings f heacock 55 00 r hope placing culvert and clean ing ditch on tln 10 50 e murphy 31 yds gravel tj 20 bruce bros bal acct road damage and 10 yds gravel 7 63 ab haines fees school attendance officer and sanitary inspector 8 63 wh clark postage excise stamps etc 32 64 wh clark road supt salary 1923 100 00 j spence grading and hlg gravel on con 6 6 50 wpettlt caretaking of hall 11 00 gw williams hlg and placing culvert etc 10 oo f ransoln 158 yds gravel 31 60 wdrichardson140 yds grav28 00 e coltham planing road bet lots 25 and 26 con 2 13 75 v playter 4 valuations of sheep i s oo h guthrie work on roads div 4 con 4 4 00 g preston 5 yds gravel 1 00 u evans 74 yds gravel 14 so rratcliff 1690 ftcedar plank 69 66 j a clarke2 valuations sheep killed by dogs 4 00 g hood 91 yds gravel is 20 wd richardson levelling commun ity hall grounds 131 so g mccomack 30 loads gravel 6 00 w pomenden rep bridge bet lots 15 am 16 cn 5 4 60 l paisley 88 yds gravel for diva con 9 17 uo the treasurer was also instructed to refund the following dog taxes bates dog died about may 4 00 lemon assessed in error 2 00 s williamson assessed in error 2 00 a resolution was passed instruct ing the collector to levy 2 per cent extra instead of 5 per cent on taxes paid from the 15th to the 31st dec on motion council adjourned sine die j800 800 60c i to g c happy new year greetings we thank all our customers for their patronage of the past ancl may the year of 1924 be a yearof happy days n lanktrbe son we have a calendar for each of our cus tomers counter check books can be bought for less money at the tribuno eflte you should eat more good bread quaker flour m ii s a product of the qmtker m11u peterborough and saskatoon the staff of life is well named wheat flour contains no less than sixteen essential food elements all of these are retained in the nulling all are in bread when you eat bread and butter you are eating what is prac tically a complete food eat more bread it is best when made in the home make it with quaker flour milled in the iiiiest mills in the world the quaker mills quaker flour is guaranteed to give you always the finest results- if it does not satisfyyou your dealer will give you your money back natter flour always the samealwatjs the best 220 stiver bros stpnffville distributors the following general accounts were ordered paid g a m davison stamps frank stephenson building sidewalk lot 30 con 1 l j couperwaite 32 hrs dragging road 5th con g per hour 1920 hospital for sick children maintenance velma laidlaw 30 days at 150 4500 james proctor redfern en gineers fees bridge lots 4 and 5 con 10 5 of 699275 39960 bruce bros 231 yds gravel at 25c 5775 2 yards stone 1 damages to road 2000 whitchurch to pay half 7885 robert ratcliff lumber 13055 maple sandgravel co tile 732 f stiver valuing sheepetc 900 l j couperthwalte dragging scarboro town line scarboro to pay half 1560 hospital for incurables main tenance mrs futter 8 days g 150 1200 r cook 1e0 yds gravel at 25c 3750 harry pointer per w h clark work on whitchurch townline markhams share 1325 ambrose corming opening 80 rods ditch and gravel 2375 wm brooke valuing sheep and mileage 5 50 the following road accounts were ordered paid div no 1 f thwaite work on con 2 82 avanhorne drawg stone 18 vva deane scraping road 5 days 33 r cunningham per statet 406 div no 3 a duncan per statement 198 j a mitchell overseeing roads and mileage 78 div no 2 bk alcomback work con 1 28 rj cunningham gravel 87 for several years past messrs and john allen of lot 11 con have complained of water lying their farm and wanted the council to take it oft but the council had no power to do so and notified mralien that the only way he could force the issue was to call in the township engineer under the ditches and watercourses act this mr allen did recently and the engineer made an award which was going to be very expensive to carry out another plan was thought of much less ex pensive that was to carry the water along oil mr allens farm alonga ditch for a short way on the road side and though h p eckhardts farm on the 5th by way of an open ditch the parties got together at the council meeting and all being agreed the matter was settled the council passed this resolution that the township engineers re port to the clerk as to the possibill- ties of arranging water course on lot 11 con 5 and on the clerk re porting to the township and appro val being received action be taken as soon as possible by the municipal ity and the reeve and deputyreeve be commissioners amount if any payable on their order a resolution was passed to pay salaries and commissions or council lors as provided by bylaw the treasurer submitted the finan cial statement berore having same printed to our many friends in the trade new years greetings we feel that all of us you ana meplay a prominent part in making a happy new lear by providing the means for that music without which the season would be dull indeed we vant to give expression here to that age old wish that is ever new a wish prompted by years of pleasant an we trust profitable business- intercourse and intensified at this season of good will- b a and may you all live long and prosper george e baker bsbsbsii 95 00 00 60 80 70 50 50 m 5 on f t hill co ltd stouffville sncceskortot63d cook dealersin alsike timothy red clover alfalfa and swekt clover highest prices paid for office phone 1401 house 189 above seeds j l e todd managing director a happy new year is our sincere wish to one and all mrs f wilsons phone 4308 fourth use uxbrtdge donald rawson has returned home mr and mrswm dickinson are spending a- few days in toronto from university at toronto to his parents for the christmas season miss agnes mcfarlane is spending a few days with her sister mrs r rawson mr and mrs orval koach spent sunday at mr and mrs j alsopa on the third line mr and mrs milton harris visited at mr and mrs wm dickinsons one day last wecs mrs elwood carruthers of the sixth line visited at mr and mrs r watsons on saturday misses edna and olive crawford have returned from toronto after an absence of tvlb weeks quite a number from this line attended the entertainments at claremont churches last week mrs stanley sparks of little britain is visiting at her sis ter mrs h roacli a few days quite a crowd assembled at our school house on friday afternoon last to hear the entertainment jt was a splendid tribute to the teacher and scholars to render such a fine program w s lap uxbridge one of the oldest residents ot york county died at aurora on christmas day in the person of mrs mary cherry aged 91 she waa the wife of anner cherry who for many years was proprietor of the flshervllle hotel a well known stopping place for farmers mr cherry is dead six years electric fixtures on display over lehmans shoe store electric irons toasters house fixtures heaters and repairs come and see them lewis j kennedy phone 2204 stouffville church street j l worth the money ioe 30boe aei the appearance of the new series star car is particularly distinguished by the graceful design of the radiator the lines and depth of which are not approached by any other make of car in the low price field the refinement of the front end of the car is further in- creased by the splash apron extending down from the radiator to cover the view of the front axle and also by the extension of the frame and springs beyond the front axle in a pleasing ellipse drum type headlamps with nickeled rims complete the smart effect the star special touring car with its smart disc wheels and nickeled radiator attains its greatest beauty when finished in attractive colors baker bros dealers phone 8109 stouffville

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