asr your grocer for a trial package of h461 green tea if you enjor green tea yotx will be satis fied with no ottier blend try it today love island by owen oliver miss melissa mrs becbe on and airs binns part ii to the men than to the women the so the millionaire refused to give men kept their distance beciuse they up the revolver they swore theyd thought that thr ladies they al- have it youll have to sleep sooner ways called them that expected it of or lster they reminded him s u- v ill have it then the flapper i this was the state of things when cried and watch beside him i the next christmas arrived and some- likely enough ruby green sneer- how its arrival led them all to review ed but you neednt do it here theres their situation plenty of room on the island i republic no 1 started by reviewing thats it richardson said you their store the result was not cheer- take your bit and the gal and if you give up the revolver well swear seems to me lane observed it not to disturb you 1 will soon f ree for use as a bedroom i shant give up the revolver the again lord what damned swabs we millionaire told him and i dont were to f nghicn em out of it thats right carter agreed but rather raise myself more to her level their level i mean he from her finger met at the door of j jos ofeggs butter size of egg me miss melissas empty house cu boied cde f appl i i of course the flapper agreed com ffss hlme 1 song s tsssssg scats the use of adding your ps i ae teaspoon of soda in a girl if she did tore jg sss binns i promised to get things 0i o ih nd her dear and my poor little course and we cant carter sighed us a good eady for the auction this afternoon ita but theiplead- 1 and we cant carte everythings to be sold except the u the add beaten whlte j had no effect cn0u ft has raised silver isnt it asked mrs becbe of e setting down her market basket sofa i did hear shed mana save that out dear old soul- thered be more than enough to w s we vo kven mr a urprjs her debts without it i suppose it goes manilla 3 cups flour beat all together they sctt conditions and went jg qf lagt jr to some fortyleventh cousin or and bak m a loaf returning for a second load of pro- the invitation to dinner visions and stores as has olrfadybeen richardsori added the plum our morning game stated no one said mug except ruby pumng rcajs right forty- other no it goes to the childrens home the little porringer and spoon to be kept for the use of children in sick away u ji ness and theest to keep or sell as you of an excellent plan to hurry up millionaire said a few words in ans- was crossed out and he had written the board pleases wasnt it just like matters we make a game of racing wer to the vituperations of the twoonuie bnct richardhadbwn m t i ii green and stella raikes molly brien do the kiddies loiter with their v crie until the outcasts backed he held out a ships dinner card for dressing in the morning let me tell wav on the i journey then the inspection the menu on the front sailo me that glad out turning the glass more than- twice i mtajj sed of in a way sho its great fun yet it does not cause the outcasts disappeared over chmtmas d quarrels and cross words as a race rise jl- f-h- i l to do then too this plan may tew asked she was very quiet and otherwise pu retain selves melissa to think of tempting a sick with time at our house a small hour- ladies tots appetite with a shiny porringer i glass intended as an egg timer and whatever became of the rest 1 purchased in the tencent store is mrs beebe dabbed her eyes sud- j the timekeeper and each child endeav- denly wasn it though my my ors to slip into his or her clothes with- vlm glad you told something is disposed must have liked to plan for it must have hurt her so to think that all her other lovely things would have to be sold to strangers poor melissa rich melissa she called herself when i was fool enough to call her that once said mrs binns glaring through dim glasses with a kind of fierce pride she said sho wasnt go ing to let- herself be made miserable in her last days by mere things no matter how fond shed been of them still sho did hato the idea of- strang ers i should think so poor dont you poor melissa marden she was abovo it she look at this note read it theres one to go with everything she cared mo3t for and if theyre sold to a dealer im to ask him to pass the notes on this one belongs to the blue wedgwood set the helen of troy teapot with the creamer and the mended sugar bowl to match read it almira read it rather shakily mrs beebe pulled the little note from its envelope and read it aloud tended for a school teacher before he it is you he saitipwho are in iran away to sees and wrote a good danger wait till theyre in drink hand it castaway island christmas 1920 this evening carter and bank of montreal annual meeting at annual meeting of bank of montreal sir vincent meredith bart the president reviews business and agricultural conditions in canada and deals with principal features of revision of bank act 8lr frederick williamstaylor general manager emphasizes necessity in canada for reduction in cost of living and taxation a ocpoftosh ofobuuuns a uioroai knowl- deposit fci been dcrlrad for uv 7 p4 of prtttbt codcittoas u well w to iujc ef froo accatauuted nstm of prosii tfca ran toutioos for tho nt jrj- in caiudft w utt investment of new caplul tosditkei which tt t sand eaevur of tfct buk of tffonlpil m thff pidtor address bit vlaent meredltn km keddmt la bli nldrjj to hirtiiolilt sam la put- otir bsakiq j h btd cot of manj pt- plexitis our proflta la common with baaxa a but becoica deslrahla to correct when trda expands la order to rlntan an adwjtue acta circulation qeaeral hassrs addrcu sir tntsuk wuuaia taj lor 5rl maaaarr in ms rerlew of th affalrsof xh saak durlai tha jear asld la pan caaadaa ocoaomlc posuloa will not ba saus- bomo and abroad arr aot so lare as duriaj wax fsctorr uatu w succeed la balanrinj our punlo sad sutctcdlnf jeara but i feel sura it haa beea j rerrnua and espeadltura lactudlax rsllwajs niifutjon for yea to know we bar been bla for tb uma bein we am hsadlarotd la thr w pay our usui dlrldead aj well as a two ptr distinct respects two of which ate coaaaoa to all z1 bcnui countries encased in the war trwn the bealnala lesseaed pronts are due partly to th fact and at prsct ndetorlni to balaac thicr bedcets tha- our customers hae leaned less fceatily upon us j u uaa cot of uilnc and hla uutko fuitiief i oec wt that la flew of the canada is safferta tmsx uck of adfute ps- poiiifciiity of untoward deteloptuenlj in th bank- latlon la svorld our cash res nt should be kept ex- 1 at the first two handicaps diminish we shall cepjcnaliy rooe 0 eruote us to lead aid lrjdsubucis attract a trestcr olume of liomlxratloo nd uhca called upon to do so and what is still more important we shall retain jl tb0 tue incidence of much heailerthe people who cccne as well as out natural la- tsson to be considered in conaecia with the crease therein lies economla alrstlcn for th balar shecl our resources liotrcrcr are so larse and our earning vovt so eomtant wat i hae no cilltlaci sa to the maintenance of sub stantial promt ths bsnk act revision the revised hsnk act embodies no norel prin ciples the powers and prlilleges of the banks remain tcry muea as before neither enlarged nor contracted but prorlslon has been mail in the way of wider authority of auditors and hcatlcr responslbluty of directors by which mesas it u hoped to strengthen the sarecuanls for dcpouors and sharehomera it u true to say that how ever rifld the law the loltency of banks as for that matter of all business depends upon the inteerltr dulscaco and perspicacity of th toaa- acemmt tlie amended act continues to tho banks scope for wide and helpful operation in finance and commerce restrained by considerations of safety donlncn the rvrocdy is in our hands and practicable we hae only to conduct our per sonal and public affairs more eccnonlcallj da our neighbors in that mot wealthy and free- cvccdlng of all countries the mied states prlcelen advaotsees meanwhile we must not lower our flag nor li there any occasion for doing so canada has prlcclea advantages as a place to live in to work in and to play in these should be obtlous to all as indeed they are to our frlenj in the united states who now have js50coo000 or more ccramerclally invested in canada and they will without question attract to us in the fulness of time the iople we need irosperlty in full rreaure cahnot howeier re turn to the country until agriculture our chief industry becomes again more proiuable the lot of tho farmer la ths last few years has been hard owing to low prices tor products and high cost but net to harnpmd as to prercnt fair profits of requirements this unfortunate state of affairs under prudent direction in this connection it j itlll persists it is the result of worldwide not may bo observed that despite the notion held la local conditions and is by no mean confined to some quarters respecting the profitable nature of j canada agriculture however ctnnot be pennan- banlilng capital has not greatly sought this source i ently depressed in the nature of thing an lm- of investment in the quarter century from 1st6 j prorement is bound to enue but the burden la to 3801 the capital of canadian banks remained the meantime bears heavily upon this tltal industry stationary and in the subsequent twenty years of for your inforraatloa of this banki current loans rapid commercial development less than jc0- in canada upwards of 133003000 are to th flooooo was added bonking resources apart foui agricultural communltr tho ladies laughed scornfully th os ilors invited him to meet any one k rhah nnd rrin to in i cepted a victimjf unjust violets and pan suspicion two violet plants had sprung up in a certain young man who lives in a corner of the hothouse although middlewestern city was made happy j the gardener had been sure that ho on his last birthday by the present of i ha removed all roots they looked a handsome umbrella given him by i s beautiful there against the row of the lady whom he expects shortly to j y tomatoes that he decided not to marry on the first showery morning disturb them he proudly stepped forth from his door f a while they both grew vigor- mbrolla in hand and boarded a pass- thbn ona appeared to languish ig street car he found a place on whereas the other grew luxuriantly if ncione of the cross seats at the front i soon the difference was striking the lease return the christmas across the aisle from a lady and her vnt had so far outstripped the t misses green raises and britn to if accepted please hang duster on followed when there is but one child seemed to have grown older in the family for a race with time can yes he told her give me some be quite as exciting as a race with more things i can take a lot on the brotherrletmewarn mother though right arm now you re overloaded broken pudding there that my experience with children has j as blg as y0u nearl shs taught me that the hourglass mustbe not so old and strong yes treated with respect and- not used as j meant it my dear men and wo- a plaything otherwise it will lose all i want to warn you its charm and will no longer be inter- 1 but she interrupted if you rcal- esting when dressing time comes ly think that theyve been rather son a brighteyed child of six seven the boy regarded the young man or other that the smaller cut off from the light was ready to perish the gardener was puzzled he re- boil longof than directions on tin w frank interest and after he had i moved the earth from round the plants intoxicants to drink health only sufflc studied his face permitted and iiitei tiiem out roots and a ha his eyes to wander to the umbrella l examined them and the earth with a that the stranger carried the childs microscope and made chemical analy- along ruth graham blind girl wins high honors in scholar ship the brilliant educational progress of a blind girl was disclosed this week when tho name of miss sadie isaacs appeared at the top of the first class in the english honors list of tho uni versity of london miss isaacs who deceives her ba degree wins also a 500 award for the george smith studentship she has been blind since her eighth year she i hope whoever buys this set will now ls twenty two having lost her sight following an attack of scarlet fever tho young woman began her edu cational career by winning several scholarships in tho elementary schools and entering tho university- three years ago ah her studies have been conducted in braille and she has been assisted considerably by her father enjoy it as much as i have and enjoy treating their friends as much as my greatgrandmother did who owned it first she was sybil faunce a fine housekeeper and hospitable woman my grandmother and mother kept the set carefully but when i was a little girl i stole some sugar from the bowl and my mother surprised me in the closet and i dropped the lid and broke it if you really like the set i thought perhaps you might like to know a lit tle about it and i can only tell you this way for it wont bo sold till i am gone sincerely yours melissa mar den ps the teapot pours well after tho first cup you have to be careful y to spill while it is very full she said said mrs binns sniffing frankly but in a voice of triumph that after shed written her letters tho people she wrote them to didnt seem liko strangers at all nnd she wasnt troubled any more since she hadnt any kfn sho was- glad to have them have her things sho felt as if her little treasures were a bond be- tween her and ever so many new friends she hadnt had time to meet that was melissa will you call her poor melissa now no i wont susan said mrs becbe unsteadily but if some of those city folks dont run it up too high i believe ill buy that wedgwood set myself nnd go without a new fall uit i never had a letter from mel issa and id like to have one even more thai- id liko to have helen of troy and will fetch for cooking dont know as id have mentioned the booze carter demurred toxicants lane amended youve got to learn to talk proper dave i was afraid richardson explain ed they might be thinking of last countenance gained animation he turned to his mother and in a shrill voice cried look mamma doesnt that look just like papas umbrella that he lost hush hush georgie whisper ed the mother warningly papa was looking for his umbrella just this morning persisted the hoy staring hard at the young man yes yes buthe found it said the lady conscious that everyone in that end of the car was paying atten tion to the dialogue why mamma- said the child re- i i i im ii c prdaehfully you know he didnt find you shall be my little sister and 1 11 hke anyt happy enough she was i j you iji him he dld know teach you to shoot and you shall keep f tallsweric mv lines 1 l cats to me except mollie brien but if they are in danger dont you think we pretty right knowing what he ought to go back tonight to protect was himsglf seems to me sometimes them live ought to have been shot before we im not sure that- they want to be him c off that youngster protected marjone he said quietly want m carrying off not really and truly carter thought she liked him and o the flapper cried o i shes better off than some peo- mr franklin i do and you le t was rovmd flatnsh bay the will wont you dar the other night when i caught with all my power he promised those woppers t heard her laughing and i 11 i any thing happy enough she was the revolver icflf gmv quick ohi z f t i think you shallkeep it she dex very happy she sounded tnat ss as39 cided and- if i shoot any one wouldnt be you but myself so she laughed at him suddenly 1 think thats got you god bless you he said yes thats got me all right i didnt mean that i felt it necessary to warn you against me little sis but youre a happier than some other people ah said lane i dont see you can blame him for not standing by and letting a drunken chap mess his girl about and we know the sort of chap black dick used to be if any one was to catch hold of some one great big sis arent you very farjl know and behave like that strewth from it as my intentions go very far id corpse him mates seems to me indeed i moan to be a father and a franklin only did right there was mother and a big brother to you and no other way to stop it id curse myself for any other thought oh that said richardson dare but my dear ive lived and i know say he did but hes got no business im so anxious to be all those relatives to take advantage of a kid what ho to you and today has been such a must have seen had a fancy for him warning and you have heard what and he had for her carter re- those women have said of us that is minded him and very likely means really why i speak forgive me child to do the right thing by her for a much older mans straight word j if ho means that richardson the only one i hope and pray ill said i dont say that i blame him speak to you on the subject you too so much not if hes decent to her and must remember that tho affection j means to marry her when they go which will grow up between us has off my god id give half my life if been growing up between us is tho some one would have me then happy affection the undemonstrative affec- you say she sounded tion of a brother and sister forgive laughed like a child carter de- me clared didnt sound as if shed any- i admire you very much brother thing on her mind either the flapper said and i thank you and did ho go sharp when sho very much and thats that called did you notice richardson and you dont think we ought to go asked to night by the sounds carter thought no ho said it would only en- he did heard him laughing too danger you and we cant save them and kissed her lane suggested i dont believe they are in danger didnt sound like that carter she told him and if they are i be- stated hove they can save themselves fac yelu mates choice dark cake recipes chopped apple cake 3 cups chop- pid apples cooked in a cup molasses 1 cups sugar 1 cup shortening half butter and lard 2 eggs 1 cup sour milk 2 tsp soda 1 tsp baking powder 1 tsp cloves and cinnamon 1 cup raisins 4 cups of flour mix dry in- she do you believe in spirits dear he yes but im a little careful of the kind ybuy nowadays the captive i trust that day will never dawn when thorough scrubbing of a floor and careful baking of a scone is all that im existing for tho meals that stretch in endless queue t woman together a man thats bare the things to make and the things of the mistletoe berries there was f t an bj ir hk herg worsc to do greattromble which led to the second carter asked how about so often done before 4539 white wool challie with ifsggm hlf thft 5 pcgasu3 urcdchallie is here portrayed figured they suffered nothing worse than a mjr k z weje gone on nnh nloir ni ii w i ifvicoo tho men wjin wnrv not 9 ana mnrk you were gone on ive been r n i k wondering whether wo might have ss ss izr wm tw isjudgc3 them a bit he might think her second thought was right they h sort f father t her were in danger that very night the h ied man and men drank nnd they found some more the kind of a hand but at that moment the young man considerably embarrassed signaled the conductor and left the car ses the explanationswas clear the roots of the larger plant had reached out toward the corner of the plot where a pinch of nitrate of soda had been spilled with tho aid of that powerful stimulant the plant had soon crowded its neighbor moreover in the same corner the hungry roots had found a rich compost of decaying leaves obeying the only law that it knew the violet became stronger until it choked out the life of the other plaat and that is as it should be for the violet knew no other law it ls scarcely necessary to point tho lesson god made one law for the plants and it ls a good law for them but for us there is another a law that transcends the natural law bear y one anothers burdens said paul you are strong beside you a comrado stumbles stop and give him a handl ease his burden rejoice that you ara sturdy enough to carry your own burden and can also lift something from off the shoulders of the weak a dainty frock for the little miss and plain voile would also be attracjfew kisses tho men who were not t desnerate irone seems to me i brutes even in drink were soon con- cm esperate gone beems to me m the olympian blue disturbs my burning thoughts no more scalped a scottish footballer was as bald a a billiard ball but managed to keep it concealed by means of a capand wig in one match however as one of his opponents took a redhot shot at the goal wlggly got his head in the way of the ball and the wig and cap were knocked off when the first player saw the result of his shot he seemed thunderstruck for a moment and then exclaimed guld heavens ive scalp- ed the mon farsvjers t if interested in wagons or repairs sen4 in your name with this ad wo will send you an article worth 100 to 500 jackson wagon co ltd st george ontj rses p for incur- r flllmlon with bellovue and m1uu hospitals new york city efffrra thr yturs couraa of train- in to you nc women having- th ra- culred education and dealrous of ba- comlne nuraea tma hospital haa leopted thy elxmhour aystem tha puplla reealve uniforms of the school a monthly allowance and travelllna rxpensts to and from new york for furtier information apply to tlu r rint indent live as well as plaid suiting and plain brutes even in arink were soon con- wh r enough i ln w woolen the sleeve may be finished i w b thelr ungues and their u of you want to beh scales magic heights i never knew without the peasant portion v a ftlv 3 ffiwv s you can go on respecting her ho while toiling here i must go the pattern is cut in 4 sizes 4 cj presto the ace to which ho mighfeellike that its all very well 8and 10ycar a cyear si requiriss fled sassssss matches always satisfy the housewife j i man nature human natures 2 ynrds of 32inch material to tent solemnly svoreto respect their l weu bad aln lt make sleeves and front of contrasting territory and did for some months ffijjj material requires yard 40 inches there was little communication except wide i that the men often came to their own pattern mailed to any address on side of thojavine and called inquiries receipt of 15c in silver or stamno hv the could do anything 1 wnv i uk li- o t y gradually friendly relations were l t 7 i w established and it became a regular adelaide st toronto allow two habit to exchange assistance tho weeks for receipt of pattern i cause of the separation was never nlj i luded to after tho original abject apol- j to be continued every evil to which we do not sue- logics and the promises to try to for- curab it a benefactor as the sand- trfve but at tho close of tho year tho wlch iilander believes that uie presumably had been strength and valor of an enemy he for cach t kill passes into himself so we gain ot man jfjfl sej f s t made any individual application for m ltl temptation we re- j assistanc to him indeed the formal- tot emerson of jjj rdatioru was duo rather weil publish your songs we will also put wordsto your music music to your words write for particulars tiptop music company 70 victoria st toronto unstirred by fiery fairy hoofs a- trampling at tho door good elizabeth fleming how- o without foundation during the courso of construct o7f a big power plant in the mining coun- try of northern ontario tho engineer j in command had a lanky swede out on tho frozen rlzes boring holes in tho ico to get soundings the swedos in- j dustry and weight caused uio ice to sink nnd tho waters to rise danger- 1 ously jump olie jump yelled j tho engineer from tho bank olio glanced at tho raging waters reaching i for his neck and returned in agonized tones yump how can i yump when i got no place to stood in soups stews gravies savoury dishes nnd in hundreds of different ways oxo beef cubes will make food more tasty and nutritious r in tinsof4 1050 and 100 i issue no 61- i