Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), November 29, 1923, p. 5

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stouffville novemijek 29 1923 8touffville market r i fresh wednesday nor 29th i sutter 3740 6 80 groceries oatue hogs ac coll hogs selects sso ljr jtall hogs thick emooth 800 good butchers 4 to 550 j medium butchers 300 to 450 cows- butchers 300 to 400 calres 8 00 to 1000 8hep pr cwtr8 to 600 lire hens 15 to 18 i christmas parcels and other mall matter tor overseas should be mailed now in order to catch the steamer tearing st john on dec 7th next sunday sunday will be advent quality mrs cowie has moved into one of george brownsbergers houses ducks 25 chickens 25 grain market oats 40 to 45 kail wheat i goose wheat 5 barley 5s60 i silos silos siloi sold factory to farmer alio sash and doors farmers silo company markham ont are you insured i represent the poiact hol ders mutual life insur ance co all kinds ot poli cies lot us talk it over with you srdnelt schmidt stouffville we also have jfresh vege tables spanish onions cran- berries etc in choice selec tions try us for- bread cakes rolls etc always fresh and dainty raisins currants and christ mas goods are beginning to arrire geo jlawson west end grocer phone 182 stouffville i boadway s drug store stouffville ask your dealer fob merry wives pastry flour or white rose bread flour handled by almost every dealer- refuse substitutes manufactured dy the uxbridge milling co limited mr alt pugh of the east end has leased the wilmot brown farm just east of stouffville and will move onto the property next spring he has all the fall ploughing now com pleted lemonville public schooljchrlst- mas tree and concert will beheld in the new school on thursday uec20 at 8 pm uoodprogftiin of dialo gues drills reejtatfonspantomimesj etc admisslonzadults 25c chil dren free ah welcome frances ratclirc is prepared to do typewriting for the public reason able rates the tribune can supply you with personal greeting cards for christ mas with your name printed thereon service stiver bros v are going business in the same old stand i mrs duncan campbell wife of the late d campbell merchant tailor of uxbridge is dead interment on friday nov 30th mr and mrs d r stadlebar nee violet clarkson has leased the albert davis place adjoining the presbyterian church to the west and after the first of the month will take up residence there along with mrs robt clarkson the house vacated by them just opposite mr davis is being offered for sale or rent by the owner fred betz come to the stouffville baptist church on monday dec ljwhfo hear the rev dixon abragtol toronto in an illustrated lecture silver col lection they have on hand bran shorts schu macher feed and oil cake they sell the well advertised quaker flour everyone should patronize the board of trade movie showtfrlday dee 7th a slidtrfthe park is much preferable to the sidewalks and safer orchestra buy one v plows for sale one verity imperial junior gang plow in good condition at a bar gain 490 chevolet touring car in good running order at a bargain 1 second hand farmers friend 6ulky plow for 3000 will give terms on any of the above we also carry a full line of massey harrib farm implements and repairs if you are in need of plow shares give us a call our plow sheares are sot made of scrap iron and will wear much longer phone 173 n lanktree agent stouffville better service we have recently installed an electric mincer and we shall be pleased to supply our patrons with fresh hamburg steak and choice homemade sausage h l e a d b e t t e b phone 9701 stouffville all the latest magazines boadways drug store clayton baker has jfurchased the jiaple leaf skating bin stouffville fiom nforsvth last year mrbaker ad rjnk in partnership and his success in rsort ot this nature is the bunding is a splen- re ail covered with but unfortunately it is oha hockey fames however to provide conducted with joan conductin well knov did str sheet nc too sma it is possible some good tun along this line by forming a league with ringwood lemonville victoria square and per haps claremont even three teams along with stouffville would make a successful league and provide a good drawing card tor the young folk during the winter evenings the local lodge iook will hold a smoker and progressive euchre on monday evening uj5c 3rd all mem bers and visiting brethren are re quested to attend o they have on hand a fulhine of poultry supplies trucking there was quite aheavy snow storm in this section last friday afternoon so that afumber of farm ers sleighs were pot saturday morn ing for the iitsfrot tne season on monday it raifaed nearly all day and left the roadgin a somewhat sloppy condition and removed the wlilte mantle from the earth dairy cow 1 i rain or shine she makes her har vest twice a dav keep more j of them aud ship your cream to stouffville creamery co phone1s602 we close every day at 6 pm excepting saturdays work on stouffvihes new hydro electric system is now complete aud the amount of money provided for in the bylaw voted on namely sllooo is practically all spent any further work which will only be slight will be chargeable to the maintenance account those who estimated the cost for construction within the corporation should not take 1 1000 will be disappointed but in tne expenditure there is an item of approximately 51000 for transformers and power meters which were not ligured on at tne start but the purchase of this equip ment was made necessary by rea son of the system selling power to the local creamery and to burkhol- ders chopping mill the amount expended for this purpose will of course bring in a much greater re venue far exceeding the outlay by the town deducting this amount it may be said that the construction of the system created an expenditure of 10000 had the council built a new ilne from church street to the loth concession instead of leas ing the bell telephone poles the sum of 511000 would easily have been spent charles nendlck has the loh nr iii all temporary last week drs dales sangster ira and herbert freei attended the district meeting of the ontario medical association held in the academy of medicine in toronto the afternoon session was given over to clinical work while addresses in hie evening were heard from pro minent medical men of the province a turnace has been installed at the post otlice which will be appre- j ciafed this coming winter we are prepared to do your oartaga v work when a truck is required ringwood school concert and i freight to and from tor- christmafc tree will xyt hold nn15 thursday evening r lou mordenisdgatn driving one of the creanierymiik trucks after a month offguttering trom rheu matic everir onto solicited george vajider phone 1003 stonffvui stouffvelm5 special a picture show everyone should see the board oh trade have ar ranged with ouv vovie theatre to present on friday eveningirdec 7th the new and exhtremelypopular mov ing picture vfcneniies of women the object mtojtffse sufficient funds to build a wrfffer slide for theychil- dien in the park if you would like to see a chil drens slide built in the papk come to the theatre fyfdayjdecvvth the board of trade jpromiseyou the best you have steen 3 5jvand 20c ene mies of wonrenrs one or the most popular pictupes of the year orches tra in attendance the piie of earth in front ot the carnegie library has been removed and nicely levelled up winch gives it a much better appearance a gift for christmas which would be wonderfully appreciated would be a years subscription to the tri- i bune to your friends who live at a distance i see the best film stouffville has had enemies of women audi torium friday dec 7th your pre sence will help to offild the children 3 slide in the park xv h shaw received a circular letter from a business tirm in ger many on tuesday which requirred six million marks to send it through the malls remember that thousands of other people are mailing an unusual num ber of letters and parcels too at this season and if ffcey all pile up together the last few days it is im possible to get everything handled on time and somebody is bound to anes mienaick has be disappointed mall early and been assigned the job or doing your friends ketyour all temporary work christmas greeting before the day 3 festivities ar over l the street lights in the east end of the town have been very poor and scarcely as good tfs those used under the old system tne trouble is in the relay switch at the school comer and the council has instructed the light committee to have this changed to a timeclock system similar to that used oh obrien avenue and other parts of the town so that the dr dales was in toronto the fore part of- this week and attended the banquet tendered to dr banting and dr mcleod the discoverers of insulin beautiful solid brick house 8 rooms running water cellar fur- i nace 2 coal grates balcony sua porch lot 163x145 corner rupert i and charles streets oarage fruit trees berry bushes tennis court sur rounded by hedges wonderful bar- gain to close an estate h h lloyd i 396 brunswick ave toronto 35 the convention of the uxbridge district annual young peoples league will be held in stouffville methodist church on vriday dec 7th there will be morning after noon and evening sessionst milk its clean its fresh its pure use more of it i we deliver sweet cream and buttermilk note we have an uptodate method for sterlizing bottles and milk cans stouffville creameryco claremont village has organized a board of trade 25 paid members being enrolled on organization night the board will immediately make a dead set on sir adam beck for a supply of electric power tor tne village j i ralph- weliman son of jas well- man of glasgow is locating this week on the albert hoover farm south of stoiiff mr weliman had been farming in the west at y m i keiheld sask and a car of his farm east may soon have its full ray of i stock supplies arrived here monday j properties for sale i 91600 house property on church street stouffville 1200 one pair houses on mala street at 51200 each 2300 we have good properties for j sale at this price 2000 16 acres with house and i bank barn 9500o 50 acres of land and two six roomed houses also nice piece of bush on the property 4000 100 acres wth brick houga and plenty outbuildings 8000 we have 8 farms of 190 acres each at this price uo on at 9000 call and see jacob yakb jeweller buttons block stouffville phone res 8004 office 1604 a stouffvujie also two car loads 5 6ats one iar of which he has already sold to a i local grain merchant furnaces fu furnaces h b has leased a wo hun dred acre farm over on the second concession of whitchurch wumn 1 i mile of newmarket the place l zt1 tbe trent property and rivh i sood 00ys to vor air as tnis the farm he now has ipwom from his brother hugh just south or and tnat tney not mtend- stouffville on the mth will be used hi lng t0 dlsd0 of tf business any the owner as a ranch the chance t0 the c0 are raise will be made next spring cnan i he company has installed an a street report had it that the stouffville creamery had disposed of their milk business recently pur- da i i chased from albert davis when in- m rtll terviewed mr bortnsky assured us that there was no truth in the state nent and that they were not intend seasonable now is the time to think over heating problem a good furnace properly installed by an experienced workman will give you perfects result but is is important to have the right one we understand the stouffville citizens band will put on a hand concert and movingpicture combined in the near future the purpose of this is to securefunds to help meet expenses fo tuition fees during the winter thebars have been paying their own tuition fees for over a year and latelv made a slight reduc tion in feesmvhlch means resorting to outside irtlp to make up the defi ciency v understand from capt slatter that this is the first band which he has organized where ex penses have not been paid by tne town or some public body so that the boy deserve extra credit keep ap groceries proved sterilizer for cleaning bottles members of the ufwo and all others wishing to contribute grocer ies or clothing to the annual charity box sent to the neighborhood church toronto kindly have donation handed to the social service secre tary mrs s w hastings on or before dec 15th let this be our best box make others christmas time happy this j the annual report of stounvllle methodist church was issued to the members on sunday last it shows the total givings by envelope to be shs941 while 51000 additional mu c h ih extra vrcuu iveep i wnne siooo additional the correct size plenty of weight properly made and a firm behind whose guarantee o t0 isfe j s v- raised by the missionary societies mcclarys soft coal sunshine is just that either pipe or pipeless stvle burns hard or soft coal perfectly made to heat made to last see one on our floor and talk over your heating with us cook stoves heaters our four and six hole tortoise cooks are very popular if you need a stove be sur to see ours we can tell you hundreds of satisfied users silvester bros the total receipts for all purposes tilings are not going very rosy in are shown- as 53 ro3 in addition lermany according to letters being tne moomington church raised over received by parties here cue re- j ysoo bv eeneraj mislonarv and con reived two rcontbs ago cost one good clean and wholesome gro ceries are essential to good health we have a com- plete line alsoa line of choice confectionery ice cream in bulk visit our parlors a w lehman telephone 909 stouffville stouffville tnt million marks to send to canada then a month ago the same party received another letter which cost thirty million marks and tite price is still jumping or rather the mark is still declining for the letter re ceived last week had eight five mll- liin marks stamp on it the writer lives in a town of 12000 people and he tolls in his at letter of the hardships in at ieiu parts or ger many at the present time in his own town there irere 26 sucdein one week there i not a slnrie pound of cos to be had at any eca milk and food are srce and tie farmers save o sit up at nsiits 3rnti with shckg ns to reps ely folk fron tiir fields wo coe to vl vestbio tfrp nsp wil nt rjecept narer money f ityihinind a irrr sells n cbv he inis on cettins clothing or vegetables in ex- chanre nexional funds a forword points out that a serious problem conl fronts the church in the matter of i nonchurch going the attendance upon church services not bems what it ought to be the deputy minister of kducamon for manitoba has announced tnat 131 public schools in that province have been closed down this fall be cause thg necessary funds for their maintenance was not forthcoming ths affected some 3000 chidren its a serioii matter and yet here in ontario the public s7ool inspec tors ho al draw salaries of no less than y30ft per year are afcln tromier hvrgison for an increase tr we think they chonjo a very oor i to make sch i demani bit tb vernier sve ihsm a gioi rfcron nd a hope that they might txrect same consideration many folks in autos stop here for a pound or two of our most delicious chocolatps our chocolates and bon bons have more than a local reputa tion we get orders from afar off too our confections are strictly on a quality basis wed rather cut the profit than the goodness of them try a box today 4 4 rfer v phone 198 stqcffvilie ovt

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