Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), September 20, 1923, p. 7

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canada from coast to coast st johns nfld the notre dame furs form the greater part of the j herring oil co has recently been merchandise which has been received formed to extract the oil from herring a large percentage of labrador peace and process the residue for conversion river and alaska furs being notice- into fish meal and fertilizer it is able in the list capitalized at 100000 and will be established at twillingate which is a herring centre the plant will cost 55000 and will manufacture between 70000 and 100000 tons in barrels of herring oil yearly the oil is used in the manufacture of soap and other commercial products and profitable markets can be found for it and the fertilizer and fish meal in boston montreal and liverpool hallifax ns a heavy hay crop is being harvested in nova scotia roots are making good progress apple pros pects continue favorable pasture is exceptionally good record all round crop expected new brunswicks hay crop somewhat short roots rather below average but improving rapidly general conditions in prince edward island are satisfactory excellent hay crop of good quality roots making good progress predericton nb a meeting of two hundred potato growers from the various districts of the province here recently resulted in the formation of a new brunswick certified seed growers association for the promo tion of the industry of growing certi fied seed potatoes in this province last year 3135 acres of see potatoes were planted with 1248 acres passing the final inspection and reports show there are 2704 entered this year these figures place new brunswick in the front rank of the provinces of canada in the certified seed potato growing industry montreal que furs valued at 2- 000000 and totalling in all over 750- 000 skins will be offered for sale by the canadian fur auction sales co ottawa not canadian flours be cause of their quality are offering ef fective competition on the markets of the dominican republic according to a report submitted to the dept of trade and commerce by g r stevens canadian trade comsr in kingston jamaica the need of advertising and exploiting a trade mark in this busi ness is stressed by mr stevens in his report winnipeg man consideration of a scheme for retaining in canada the 7000 harvesters brought out from the british isles to help in the harvest fields will be one of the principal sub jects for discussion at a meeting of the directors of the canada coloniza tion association this is the first full meeting of the board of directors since the reorganization two months ago regina sask a trial shipment of several thousand boxes of alberta and saskatchewan butter will be exported to the united kingdom shortly by way of british columbia and the panama canal if the trial shipment is satis factory it is said the transportation of dairy produce from the prairies through british columbia will develop into large proportions edmonton alta since the lesser slave lake was opened for fishing july 15 thirty cars have moved to chicago and one to calgary local de mands here have taken care of small shipments from the various lakes in the near vicinity vancouver bc the august ex port of lumber from all parts of the province by deep sea routes will total thirtythree million feet according to estimates of the associated timber own canadas wyandotte king hon john s martin ontario minis ter of agriculture who has swept all the prizes for wyandottes at the new york state fairthis is the eighteenth consecutive year in which he has made the same record canada is sending building supplies at their september sale canadian i exporters stony creek indians greet lord renfrew the welcome visitor mingles with his neighbors in his western home high river alta sept 16 the special train bearing lord renfrew and his party arrived here at 6 oclock this evening mounting the cabin of the engine of his special train at ingolf ont about 130 miles east of winnipeg on saturday lord renfrew temporarily relieved the fireman of his seat and rode in the locomotive for about 25 miles before rejoining his party the coaches cowboys ranchers and townspeople of the high river district accorded lord renfrew a royal welcome when the special train pulled into the depot for the first time since his arrival in canada the baron walked from the depot platform to the main street of the town unaccompanied by either secret service men or policemen they arc my neighbors why should they not greet me said the rancher to his secretary and the po lice officers were compelled to watch the proceedings of welcoming the own er of ep ranch from the window of their private car as lord renfrew reached the street david bearpaw and red cloud minor chiefs of the stony indians from the morley reservation were waiting to greet him when he drew abreast of them bearpaw stood erect and in per fect english said greetings chief morning star your brothers of the stonies salute you lord renfrew apparently non plussed for a moment for the correct way to return greetings hesitated then gravely proffered his hand and said morning star is proud to greet his brothers those who overheard the conversation applauded heartily and no one was more pleased than the in dians themselves an energetic visitor coming david lloyd george the greatest of all statesmen of the war period who reaches canada on october 6 for a visit accompanied by mrs lloyd george and their daughter megan a new movement is developing in bri tain demanding his return to power j the above is a characteristic pose clothing and blankets are also going forward to japan a despatch from ottawa says the japanese consul has advised hon t a low minister of trade and commerce who has charge of japan ese relief measures in canada that the districts suffering from the recent catastrophe need lumber and other building materials as well as cloth ing and blankets they are not ask ing for foodstuffs the minister said that further quantities of the materials in demand would be shipped to japan on the part of the canadian government just as quickly as shipping facilities became available a despatch from washington says japanese relief funds are far beyond the 5000000 goal the red cross reported 5663100 in hand thursday night and hundreds of thousands more in prospect the red cross bought 1000 more tons of corrugated iron for prompt shipment to meet the housing prob lem purchase was also made of 300- 000 additional suits of underwear making a total so far of 500000 relief supplies of all kinds includ ing much heating apparatus are mov ing rapidly advices received by the red cross from japan request all re lief ships to go to yokohama indicat ing that harbor is not as disrupted as first reported vast emigration flow from scotland 60000 have left for canada and us since year began london sept 14 the flow of emi gration from scotland continues dur ing the next two weeks the exodus will be unparalleled for the period a dozen ocean liners are due to sail from the clyde in tho two weeks car rying over 10000 passengers nearly all of the emigrant class canada will receive the majority of the emigrants but a large proportionwill go to the united states it is estimated that since the be ginning of this year 60000 emigrants have left scotland for canada and the united states 1 buy a car truck or tractor on the weekly purchase plan inaugurated by the ford motor company of canada limited enrollment cards just re ceived come in and ask us for full particulars r e brown ford dealer stouffville ont ford motor company op canada limited 7m3 ford ontario little toronto lad drowned in baths leaps to death from 15th story movement of grain from west begun silk worth 200000000 lost in disaster in japan aboard oriental liner president jefferson sept 14 silk worth four hundred jmillion yen 200000000 stored in the yokohama custom house was destroyed in- the disaster of september 1 according to ray gehr of the wangcr company of new york one of those who escaped but the heavier producing districts have hardly started shipping a despatch from winnipeg says the annual movement of grain from the prairies to the head of the lakes i3 well under way but the heavier pro ducing sections have hardly commenc ed wheat shipments yet total inspec tions of grain from the opening of the crop year sept 1 were 4402 cars as against 9954 cars at the same date last year of the total 2072 cars came via canadian national and 2330 by tho canadian pacific railway load ings were considerably lower to date that at the same period of 1922 and it will be some time before the peak of the movement is reached in ed- nonton district from which it has been estimated there will be a total wheat tonnage in the neighborhood of half a million bushels the harvesting of grain was delayci by unfavorable weather so that only some llc00j bushels have been loaded the car sitaaor is very favorable tnd on the canadian national ri- vays it is stated to be better this year than at any previous time japanese clerk in despair over loss of famliy commits suicide new york sept 14 tokunosvkc inouye member of a family of high standing in japan driven to despair by the almost certain belief that his wife and children had lost their lives in the earthquake and fire horrors which overwhelmed tokio where they lived jumped to his death on the broadway sidewalk from the 15th floor of the american express build ing at 65 broadway at a little before 830 oclock today i boy was playing with boat at openair plunge and fell into water toronto sept 16 falling from a boat in which he and a companion were playing in the high park min eral baths 2000 bloor street west saturday noon william j mccormick aged 6 son of dr w j mccormick 16 gothic avenue owner of the baths was drowned the body was recover ed by david mccullough who resides at dr mccormieks home the baths as is well known are of the open air variety at noon satur day young mccormick and his chum frank moore 28 parkview avenue gardens playing with a rowboat at weekly market report toronto manitoba wheat no 1 northern 122 manitoba barley nominal all the above track bay ports am corn no 2 yellow 108 barley nominal buckwheat no 2 nominal rye no 2 nominal peas no 2 nominal millfeed del montreal freights bags included bran per ton 28 shorts per ton 31 middlings 37 good feed flour 210 ontario wheat no 2 whito nom inal ontario no 2 white oats nominal ontario corn nominal ontario flour ninety per cent pat in jutobags montreal prompt ship ment 460 to 470 toronto basis vjoruena wwjng wui a rowooai aj 4 to 4 buuc seaboard 450 the edge of the baths when the boat manitoba flour 1st pats in cotton suddenly left the bank and precipi- sacks 690 per bbl 2nd pats 640 tatcd the child who was leaning hay extra no 2 timothy per ton against it into the water as soon as track toronto 14 no 2 1860 no he saw his chum fall the moore boy 3 1250 mixed 11 to 12 screamed this brought mccullough i i per te o a t tv j u cheese new large 26 to 27c who was near to the scene and he 27 28 u 28 to 29c dived in after the child the boy was stiltons 28 to 29c old large 33c recovered without much difficulty two doctors were called and they with mccullough tried artificial res- seeks new drilling methods charles canviel canadian deputy minister of mines who is on his way to franco and germany to study a new german discovery cf a method to suc ceed tapping and drilling in the search for oil if approved it will be tried out in canada first snowstorm of year in portage district a despatch from portage la prairie- says reports received here thunj day from points south of the assini- 1 boinc river ir the portage district twins 33 to 34c butter finest creamery prints 38 to 40c ordinary creamery 36 to s7c piration methods with the lad but no 2 35 t- 36c eggs extras in cartons 44 to 45c extras 41 to 42c firsts 37 to 38c seconds 32 to 33c live poultry spring chickens 3 lbs and up 82c chickens 2 to 3 its 28c hens over 6 lbs 24c do 4 to 5 lbs 22c do 3 to 4 lbs 17c roosters 15c ducklings over 5 lb3 20c do 4 to 5 lbs 20c turkeys young j 10 lbs rnd up 25c i beans canadian handpicked lb london sept 16 after only an 7c primes 6c hours deliberation the jury today maple products syrup per imp without success mme fahmy not guilty of murder i woman who slew husband first confessed slayer freed in years honey 60lb tins 11 to 12c per lb 10lb tins 11 to 12c 5lb tins 12 to 13c 2lb tins 12 to 14c comb honey per dozen 375 to 4 no 2 325 to 350 smoked meats hams med 27 to 29c cooked hams 43 to 46c smoked rolls 22 to 24c cottage rolls 23 to 27c breakfast bacon 30 to 34c spe cial brand breakfast bacon 34 to 38c backs boneless 33 to 39c cured meats long clear bacon 50 to 70 lbs 18 70 to 90 lbs 1750 90 lbs and up 1650 lightweight rolls in barrels 36 heavyweight rolls 33 lard pure tierces 16 to lc4c tubs 16 to 17c pails 17 to 17c prints 18c shortening tierces 15vi to 15c tubs 15 to 16c pails 16 to 16c prints 18tf to 18c heavy steers choice 8 to 850 do good 7 to 775 butchers choico 650 to 725 do good 6 to 650 do med 550 to 6 do com 4 to 5 baby beeves 850 to 950 cows fat choice 4 to 475 do med 3 to 375 do canners and cutters 1 to 2 bulls butcher good 4 to 460 bologna bulls 225 to 3 feeding steers good 550 to 625 stockers 4 to 5 calves choice 10 to 1075 do med 8 to 10 do com 4 to 8 milch cows 60 to 90 springers 80 to 110 sheep choice 550 to 6 do heavy 3 to 5 do yearlings 8 to 9 lambs ewes and wethers 12 to 13 bucks 10 to 11 hogs fed and watered 985 do fob 925 do country points 885 montreal calves remained strong at 7 to 9 for veals grasscrs were from 3 up lambs good 1050 sheep 4 to 5 hogs selects 11 do other kinds 10 light hogs 9 to 10 cheese finest easterns 23 j to 23c butter choicest crcamer7 acquitted mme marguerite fahmyof gj p k o 2 iftji ebg3 see 40c the murder of her husband whom she j shot in their rooms at the savoy hotel 25c tctatoes per bag car lots 125 i think your english justice is too after admitting the killing and setting fire nearly wipes out wonderful for words she said later p no plea of selfdefence the jury when she was holding a reception at simply accepted the defence contention i the hotel i that the young egyptian millionaire j but when she was led into the dock drove his wife to murder by his crucl- i to hear the verdict she was in a state ty to her of collapse and had to be supported by two attendants her demeanor led wasps nter jj rj many spectators to expect a verdict of i guilty especially as rs mary aus- ten a woman juror bbirg con- vulsively as the jury consequently when the an nounced l the verdict the spectators in such numbers auto stops fort william sept 16 driven by the frost and cold in search of university town assistance sent from frisco and los angeles to fight flames berkeley cal sept 17 two per sons arc dead hundreds of homes are ruined millions of dollars worth of property was consumed and the entire city of berkeley was threatened be cause a grass fire swept by a heavy broke into applause so loud and pro- warmth a swarm of wasps invaded north wind swooped through the the princes neighbor george lare the fimcus veteran record the first snowstorm of the sea- rancher prince edwards nearest son at oafcville and other points south of the river it bcan to srow during the night ard wlc daylih neighbor at the high itver ranch ho was host lo the prince on his previous thusinstic crowd visi west sad his pennine western longed that judge swift had the court the radiator of e littles motor car cleared cheering throngs greeted near grand marais as he was rcturn- mme fahmy as she was led out toing home from a motor trip to min- her car and the rolico had a hard neapolis tho swarm rose on the road cragmont district this afternoon and into the more crowded residential dis tricts two unicrsity of california students unidentified are known to camo it showed to be abcut two inches democracy srt sincerity re a delight on the ground a real wintry day to his now ltoyal neighbor time clearing a path through the en- near grand marais and entered the have fallen through the roof of a thusinstic crowd j front part of the radiator in such burning building the case is the first recorded in numbers that the car had to be stop- 1 a third person also unidentified fligland in recent times in which a ped and the dead wasps picked out of j is believed to have been lost in tho defendant was acquitted of murder j the radiator j residence district near the bills ft

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