Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), July 26, 1923, p. 7

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ksc j agae j canadas fifty- sixth birthday canada on arrival of her fifty- sixth birthday is yet a land of small and sparse population and taking account of this aspect alone people in other lands frequently ascribe to the dominion attributes and qualities of insignificance in other phases pf her national life but with her population this atomic element ceases in all her aspects canada is to be thought of in terms of immensity a land created on a ti tan plan of towering mountains sweeping forests horizonbound plain fertile valleys expansive lakes and mighty rivers all enterprise is con ceived on a mammoth scale and so in bringing these magnificent natural assets under human control under takings have in many instances sur passed in magnitude anything pre viously undertaken the occasion of of the world with a 1922 production of over 880000000 bushels of such quality that uninterruptedly for ten years the dominion has carried off tho worlds first honors for that crop this country to which are ascribed such inappreciable qualities has a virtual monopoly of certain valuable mineral deposits with but onehalf of one per cent of the worlds popula tion she produces 90 per cent of its cobalt 88 per cent of its asbestos 83 per cent of its nickel 12 per cent of its silver and 4 per cent of its gold she possesses 17 per cent of the coal resources of the globe and 71 per cent of those of the british empire canadian enterprise has of necess ity been planned and carried out on a scale compatible with these exten sive resources at niagara falls canada has great development of electrical energy while the queenston canadas 1922 wheat crop would make over 12 billion loaves of bread and to carry it would require trains over 2000 miles long canada raises more wheat and consumes more bread per capita than any other country 200 million of the 388 million bushels were moved during the season canada won the worlds wheat championship in 1893 for ten years successively the worlds first wheat honors went to the canadian west and in world wheat competition in 1921 canada sccued 22 of the 25 prizes seager wheeler also captured tho worlds wheat championship five times and created a world pro duction record with- 82 bushels to the acre the flag of old england another birthday to the dominion is power plant features the worlds sufficient excuse to make a rough largest waterwheeldriven generators survey of some of these j at bassano watering the canadian canadas coastline totals in length pacifics vast eastern irrigation tract nearly onehalf of the clrcumforunce is tho coitinents greatest irrigation of the globe with 12000 miles vf sea dam and at gouin at the head of coast and 220000 square miles of the st maurice river pq is the freshwater fisheries she possesses worlds biggest dam with a capacity most expansive and potentially weal- j doublo that of the assouan on the thy fishing grounds and in lake su- nile perior shares with the united states among other features in which the largest body of freshwater in the canada leads is the possession of a world and its most extensive inland vast game preserve in the rocky fishery mountains alberta this national her forest resources are second to park has an extent of 4400 square none and she is the worlds first fur miles and gives protection to 10000 producer she is surpassed by only rocky mountain sheep alo e ail hail to the day when the britons came over and planted their standard with seafoam still wet around and above us their spirits will hover rejoicing to mark how wo honor it yet beneath it the emblems they cherished are waving the rose of old england the road side perfumes i the shamrock and thistle the north winds are braving securely the mayflower blushes and blooms hail to the day when tho britons came over and planted their standard with seafoam still wet around and above us their spirits will hover manitoba temperance act defeated by a sweeping majorm government control and sale of liquors endorsed by over 30000 majority in winnipeg rural polls arid small towns disappoint the prohibition workers winnipeg juno 22 manitoba has gone wet by a sweeping majority which went beyond 30000 in winni peg city and which was going up slowly as the country was heard from the bill of the moderation league was endorsed and tho policy of prohi bition represented by the manitoba temperance act the law of the prov ince for seven years was overturned the weather also was wet and a violent electrical rain storm which swept the city at ten oclock drove the bulletin crowds to cover darkened newspaper offices and hampered seri ously the collection and compilation of rejoicim to mark how wo honor it yet well honor it yet well honor it yet i ro it had been shown however the flag of old england well that the country had reversed its tra- honor it yet ditional policy of dryness and ap- in the temples they founded their pcared to be voting fairly evenly faith is maintained while the city which voted wet in the every foot of the soil they be- importation referendum of 1920 by queathed is still ours about 7000 rolled up tremendous ma- the graves where they moulder no joritics in almost every poll and mora foe has profaned but we wreathe them with verdure and strew them with flowers the blood of no brother in civil strife poured than tripled that figure prohibition workers admitted by ten oclock that their cause had met decisive defeat they were surprised and disappointed at the showing from in this hour of rejoicing oncumbors the rural polls and the smaller towns our souls i and at the size of the majority in win the frontiers the field for the pa triots sword and cursed be tho weapon that fac tion controls joseph howe weekly market report these are but some few of the many big things canada possesses natural agricultural commercial and engineering features of which a country yet in its infant growth may well be proud canada may yet be small in the number of her citzens but time will remedy this the stage is set and ready for that bigger popula tion which when it does come will transform this country into one of the has already assumed second place j leading if not the first country of amongst the wheatgrowing nations the world one country in the production of pulp and paper and by one only in her wealth of water powers canada has a great reservo of vir gin agricultural land with more than 200000000 acres of arable land in the western provinces as yet untouch ed by the plow and many attractive fertile farms available for immediate settlement in the east yet with what she has under cultivation sho securities moved with warlike care dr p e doollttle reelocted president of the cana dian automobile association at the hamilton convention fire situation serious in new brunswick fredericton nb juno 24 thoro is no cessation of the forest fire men ace in this province and in a state ment given out today hon w c rob inson minister of lands and mines says that the situation is very grave no word has been received since sat urday from rocky gulch about ten miles from campbellton in rosti- gouche county at latest reports the villago was threatened with destruction one of the most sorious fires is now situated in a heavily timbered and very dry forest area to the southwest of the mlrnmichi river negotiable wealth guarded through ny streets by 14 armored cars and 100 police new york june 24 fourteen armored motor cars with portholes bristling with machine guns followed each other in rapid succession yester day afternoon through the crowded streets of manhattan transferring 202000000 in negotiable securities from the old to the new home of the toronto man wheat no 1 northern s125 manitoba oats no 2 cw 65c no 3 cw 5294c no 1 feed 51c man barley nominal all the above track bay ports am corn no 3 yellow 103c no 2 103 barley malting 60 to 62c accord ing to freights outside buckwheat no 2 70 to 71c rye no 2 77 to 79c peas no 2 140 to 145 millfeed del montreal freights bags included bran per ton 26 shorts per ton- 7 middlings 35 good feed flour 215 to 225 ontario wheatrno 2 white 121 to 123 ontario no 2 white oats 50 to 51c ontario corn nominal ontario flour ninetyper cent pat in jute bags montreal prompt ship ment 510 to 520 toronto basis 5 05 to 515 bulk seaboard 105 to g manitoba flour 1st pats in cotton sneks 690 per barrel 2nd pats 0 hay extra no 2 timothy per ton track toronto 15 no 8 timothy 13 to 14 mixed 1260 to 1350 lower grades 8 straw car lots per ton track to ronto 950 cheese new large 19c twins 20c triplets 21c stiltons 22c old large 32c twins 32e triolets 33c stiltons 33c new zealand old cheese 28 to 30c butter finest creamery prints 36 to 37c ordinary creamery prints 34 bowery savings bank besides ma chine guns the guards drivers and to 35c dairy 24 to 25c cooking 22c other members of the trucks crews eggs new laids loose 28 to 29c were provided with side arms ncw laids in cartons 32 to 33c silently and swiftly the cars moved from the old bowery savings bank establishment bowery and grand street up the boweiy fourth and park avenues to tho new building of the banking institution at 42nd street and park avenue more than 100 police were required to clear the route for the armored cars as they sped along one following the other at fiveminute intervals the fleet of armored cars was op erated by tho adams express com pany caterpillars delay train for four hours live poultry chickens milkfed over 5 lbs 25c do 4 to 5 lbs 22c do 2 to 4 lbs 20e hens over 5 lbs 26c do 4 to 5 lbs 23c do 3 to 4 lbs 20c roosters 17c ducklings over 5 lbs 30c do 4 to 5 lbs 28c turkeys young 10 lbs and up 25c dressed poultry chickens milk- fed over 5 lbs 35c do 4 to 5 lbs 80c do 2 to 4 lbs 25c hens over 5 lbs 29c do 4 to 5 lbs 20c do to 4 lbs 22c roosters 24c ducklings over 6 lbs 30c do 4 to 5 lb3 29c turkeys young 10 lbs and up 30c beans can handpicked lb 7c primes 6c maple products syrup per imp gal 260 per 6gal tin 240 per gal maple sugsy lb 25c honey 60lb tins 10 to lie per lb 82lb tins 11 to 12c per lb ontario comb honey per doz no 1 450 to 5 no 2 875 to 425 smoked meats hams med 26 to 28c cooked hams 39 to 42c smoked rolls 26 to 28c cottage rolls 25 to 28c breakfast bacon 30 to 34c spe cial brand breakfast bacon 84to 38c backs boneless 37 to 42c cured meats long clear bacon 60 to 70 lbs 18 70 to 90 lbs 1750 80 lbs and up 1660 lightweight rolls in barrels 36 heavyweight rolls 33 lard pure tierces 15 to 15c tubs 15 to 16c pails 16 to 16c prints 18c shortening tierces 14 to 16c tubs 15 tol5c pails 15 to 16c prints 17 to 17 c choice heavy steers 835 to 875 butcher steers choice 8 to 825 do good 750 to 775 do med 7 to 750 do com 6 to 625 butcher heifers choice 750 to 8 do rried 7 to 725 do com 6 to s650 butcher cows choice 625 to s650 do med 4 to 5 canners and cut ters 150 to 2 butcher bulls good 5 to 575 do com 3 to 4 feed ing steers good 7 to 825 do fair 6 to 675 stockers good 5 to 6 do fair 5 to 550 milkers spring ers each 7050 to 100 calves choice 950 to 1050 do med 7 to 9 do com 5 to 6 lambs spring 16 to 1675 sheep choice light 6 to 650 do choice heavy 4 to 450 do culls and bucks 275 to 350 hogs fed and watered 835 do fob 775 do country points 750 montreal corn am no 2 yellow 98c oats can west no 2 60 to 61c do no s 58 to 59c extra no 1 feed 57 to 58c no 2 local white 56c flour manitoba spring wheat pats lsts 690 do 2nds 640 strong bakers nipeg moderation league workers expressed gratification and pointed out that they had claimed a change in sentiment throughout the province under the bill of the moderation league which manitoba has today adopted the government will appoint a commission of three members to ad minister the sale of liquor for con sumption as a beverage in the per manent or temporary residences of permitholders who may be residents of the province or guests breweries will be permitted to deliver direct the legislature will meet in july pledged to enact into law the bill which was approved today a second referendum is to be taken on july li on proposal of the hotel mens asso ciation for sale of beer and wine in diningrooms of licensed hotels with meals and should it be adopted also the two systems will be amalgamated under the administration of the gov ernment liquor commission portage la prairie was the only major town which had reported a dry majority at ton oclock and that was under 100 brandon was wet by near- ly 1000 the pas had a wet majority of 500 tho solidly dry farmer vote seems to havo vanished lakeside was dry by 450 but mordenrhincland was wet by 275 winnipeg june 24 very little change in the large majority obtained in fridays referendum in favor of the moderation leagues bill for the government control of liquor occur red over tho weekend according to the returns tabulated up till a late hour tonight the majority resting at 32714 this reports an increase ofi about 200 slnco saturday afternoon rural polls being responsible for the increase there are still one hundred and sixtyeight rural polls to report it was shown including ono whole con stituency ruperts land from which no returns have yet been received so far 166710 ballots have been counted of which the moderation leagues bill was endorsed on 94712 and opposed on 61998 the modera- tionists have obtained a majority of 6726 in the districts outside of win nipeg and 25988 in the capital the city vote was 46459 wet and 20371 dry and the outside 48368 wet and 41627 dry dont try to save money by saving food like the man who traded his leghorns for bantams moncton nb june 24- days canadian national ocean lim ited from montreal was delayed four hours between bathurst and icw- castlo by swarn iatcrpillars which have bcongivi lot of trouble on certain section new brunswick railways of late near bartibog river sectionmen train hands and soldiers onthe ocean limited worked fur some time sweeping the insects from tho rails before the engine could pull the train up the grade at some points the rail- were completely coverei with caterpillars tho pest being tho vorst experienced in recent years 9620 winter pats choice 605 to 615 rolled oats bag of 90 lbs 305 to 315 bran 26 shorts 29 middlings 34 haj no 2 per ton car lots 13 to 915c cheese finest easterns 16 to 16c butter choicest creamery 31c eggs selected 31c potatoes per bag car lots 125 to 130 med cows 475 to 5 do com 350 bulls 350 to 5 calves med to fairly good 6 to 9650 well finish ed veal 8 com sucker 550 fairly good pailfed 450 sheep 350 to 6 lambs 13 to 16c real choice lambs 17c per lb good quality local hogs 1025 to 1050juoorer lots 10 western hogs fairlyifood weight 10 sows 650 to 7 packers offer ing 11- for select bacon hogs selected under government grading the largest passenger engine in canada sixteen new passenger engines are shortly to bo put in operation over the nationallyowned railway lines in canada of which the engine in the pic ture above is the first the engine is ninety feet long and it weighs 290 tons tho engines are built in kingston and represent the last word in develop ment of speed and power locomotives canada canada maple land land of great mountains lake land and river land land twixt the seas god grant us hearts that are large as our heritage spirits as free as its breeze grant us thy fear that we walk in humility fear that is reverent not fear that is base grant to us righteousness wisdom prosperity peace if unstained by disgrace grant us thy love and the love of our country grant us thy strength for our strength is thy name shield us from danger from every adversity shield us o father from shame lastborn of nations the offspring of freedom heir to wide prairies thick forests red gold god grant us wisdom to value our birthright courage to guard what we hold arthur beverley cox blill land of midnight sun views annual spectacle dawson yt june 23 the land of the midnight sun provided its an nual spectacle last night for nearly 20000 tourists lord ampthlll j grand master of thj grand lodge of englaud af am who is coming to canada for the grand lodge of canada meeting in toronto july 17 18 and 19 this is the first time the grand lodge of england tho mother of grand lodges has been officially represented on this continent bei of st patricks time found in abbey ruins london juno 24 while excavat ing in the ruins of ncndrum abbey ia ulster workmen dug up a tell which is believed to date back to the timo the end of the- longest day last of st patrick thebell which was midnight found the thousands out of found in the wing of the abbey is doors gazing with varied emotions at- made of rivetod wroughtiron origin- tho big red disc of light which swung allycoyered with a coating of bronze about the horizon at midnight and except for a crack at the base and a started again for the zenith without broken handle the bell though cor- sctting roded is in fairly good condition rabbitboro oh you are a case poctor whiteyir pont know what to make of you mtr i w i well why not make husband of me j

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