those who drink japans should surely try green tea it is reen tea in perfection fresh clean and flavory superior to the finest japans you ever tasted sold by all grocers the gift of the gods by pearl foley copyright chapter vii contd a flood of brilliant light suddenly enveloped the head of the image and on the alabaster whiteness of the brow glowed a patch of red dazzling in its intensity the spot grew spread and glowed full a veritable fountain of radiating crimson davids eyes were magnetized he subconsciously derided himself for al lowing his nerves to play a trick on him the weirdness of the surround ings still had its clutch on him but it was jnore than mysticism now it was the beauty of the lustrous object on tho forehead of the idol that drew him with such imperious force- the mandarins voice brought him back to reality as you gaze on the god of humanity my friend i note on your face that which pleases me a look of yes reerence david pulled himself together your god of humanity sir re sembles very much our god of hu manity the christ indeed ah well it is my opin life our souls have perhaps met be fore do you believe that could be it may be that we two have traversed this planet together in some bygone age that a cord an indissoluble tie then connected us which is to be strengthened before we leave these bodies again or perhaps an injustice was enacted to one of us by the other and we now meet that the wrong may be righted as weng toy paused david felt that a tense moment had arrived it suddenly appeared the most natural thing in the world for him to be stand ing in that chinese temple half an hour after midnight listening to a brief exposition on reincarnation a low chanting sounded from the shadowy depths of the temple the silvery notes of the bells swaying in the night breeze accompanied in strange but sweet contrast the human voices the burning incense still scattered its subtle essence in sooth ing tranquilizing exhalations it seemed to david a fitting period for his life to stand still in the swiftly ion that at the root the religions of moving wheel of existence a strange the world are about the same our icawe feeli swept over him hearts instinctively go out to a god ho had been wait existing for perhaps we call him by different j this scene how long would the names as we name our children but i he won would the cur- the divine element is there just the tain drop fina closing out from his the human is in the other and reaches vision a f the mere thought of the same the one divinity but i which caused his blood to tingle with continued the chinaman it is not for fresh i but co rca started the purpose of discussing the faiths its drea creep through his brain at of the worid that i brought you here that point it bade him awake to tonight my friend on the contrary i his foo paradise for the east it is something very human land the west could not meet their as he spoke weng toy pressed a destiny was to recede one from the hidden spring causing part of the ot the practical sane side of him bronze railing surrounding the statue was w reach at last his brain to swing back through which opening was onee more c and collected and he stepped motioning david to follow his heart normal and level as he v- watched his host slide back a panel what i am about to show you has in the pedest of the imager w y wfljstesss- a dick sounded overhead david fore you are the first outside of- his in time to gee the enquire if he has been to a european school american replied the mandarin dryly and briefly indeed quickened interest was in davids tone my sister died when the child was a babe and through a stupid blunder the childs grandfather on his fathers side misnamed it gratitude he was handed over to an american physician the foreigner and his wife left for america immediately after you know of course the outcome weng toy shrugged his shoulders half philosophically half disdainfully i have on fault to find with amer ican training he added a fine people very fine but it was a blow to me my own sisters son and a re markable child david leaned forward eagerly is this nephew of yours in france now mr weng toy the mandarins face brightened and then sobered yes he has won great distinctions that is the reason the twin jewel has been conferred on him nurses th toronto hospital lor incur- tblen in affiliation with bellevue and allied hospitals new york city offers a three years course of train ing to youns women having the re quired education and desirous of be coming nurses this hospital has idopted the eighthour system th pupils recelvfcunlforms or the school a monthly allowance and travelling expenses to and from new york for further information apply superintendent to th he had intended reassuring the mandarin on his nephews american upbringing adding the pleasing in formation that he was an old friend of pauls fosterparents but at that moment chits pealed out a swish ing of garments and soft pattering of feet sounded and in filed a column of men weng toy rose the ruby was re attached to the gold wire and in a moment was glowing in its alabaster setting the guard had lined up in side the temple and bowed themselves the ground as the mandarin and to he is well worthy of it exclaimed david passed out after pai taking of tea in the big reception hall david took his depar ture weng toy consented to part with him at such an early hour as two am only on the understanding that he would make a second visit very david i know him in fact have gone over the top with him have seen him laugh in the very face of death paul culver is a wonderful lad nay man weng toy drew closer as david blurted out his enthusiastic praise j soon vv you know him paul culver yes i as david sped into the night in that is his foreign name his god- j the mandarin modern uptodate car given name is hing kwong you have the orientals sacred oath of friend- given name is hing kwong faced death by his side ah i saw it in your face captain marsden listen over this sacred stone i swear you have my fidelity forever with the words weng toy knelt on the temple floor pressed his forehead against the ruby in davids hand and uttered a few words slowly and im pressively they were in chinese but david knew the solemnity with which they were spoken betokened an oath ship the brave deeds of gallant young culver yes even the ruby in the temple faded to insignificance in the memory of a pair of smiling blue eyes alas for his spartan resolu tions of the evening the romance of the east was fast absorbing them to he continued buy what you want not and you will soon want what you cannot buy why canned food spoils heat but by following certain pre- the housewife has several deadly i cautions one can be safe against this enemies which are hard at work to j poisoning the symptoms of botulism chinese walls to enter this temple crimson brightness disappear from except- weng toy broke off abrupt- m a brow of the statue ly david had the feeling that his h turned in amazement to the man- host had inadvertently come near to darj b t w t was workmg at betraying himself on a subject which i in the aperture of the was never far from his mind the pedestai a thin gow vi nash in oriental wheeled a as f his hand and the snapping of a as he had broken off his sentence he j t lacc cut thr0 thc soft looked at david keenly i know not f fl sou of the lace why i have brought you a foreigner w toy arose an eager look on one might say a perfect stranger into hi f b a somethin red flashed this sacred spot tonight but you f hand he rca towards seem not a stranger to me captain pavid marsden but rather a friend who in bent forward an exclama- some way is to be connected with my tion escaped him as he peered into the brilliant scintillating depths of an immense ruby there is only one other equal to it in the world confided the mandarin davids eyes wandered from the i jewel to the head of- the image where now in place of the red light loomed a dense shadow this stone continued weng toy has been handed down through my line from the time of woo wang i repeat there is one other as magnifi cent an exact counterpart a twin the prince tsoo my cousin had it in his keeping but it will soon be if it is not already in the possession of my nephew a lucky chap mr weng toy i have seen numerous rare jewels but never did i believe such perfect beauty existed in a stone until now this i presume accounts for the strong guard you have here and david glanced around at the forms in the shadows of the temple yes a guard of thirty men is posted here day and night they re tire only to be replaced by thirty more as he lifted thejewcl from the ex tended hand of the mandarin it seem ed to david the warm lights flashing forth from the stone radiated bygone life it was as if thoughts that had never died living ties with the in numerable dead the brave men of the chow dynasty were still clinging to that pulsating piece of antiquity across the brilliant surface of the stone in cameolike relief was an in scription in delicate chinese script this is perhaps the motto of your house mr weng toy questioned david the mandarin shook his head that is a sacred inscription the meaning in your language captain marsden is the all seeing eye you have here a wonderful trea sure mr weng toy i presume your niece will eventually become thc proud possessor of this sacred relic weng toy hesitated his voice was i very tender when he spoke if it were in my power my litij vrl should have the jewel but for reasons which i may not explain it cannot be i if wo deviate from the will of the i gods tragedy is sure to follow and you say a duplicate of this stone has descended to your nephew yes a nephew who in spite of the i blood of kings in his veins has existed ion foreign ideals i fear very much the outcome of it all your house is a broadminded one j mr weng toy to permit a descend ant to be educed abroad which i 1 presume is what you mean may i are gas bubbles in the jar the liquid squirting from the jar as it is opened an odor resembling rancid cheese and a mushy appearance of the food remember that cleanliness of uten sils hands and food is necessary for successful canning bacteria are more abundant in dirt never can any thing that is spoiled overripe or bruised and follow religiously the di rections about blanching and process ing and how to do it one woman lost eight quarts of asparagus because she placed pie tins in the bottom of her boiler with no provision for cir culation beneath the jars it is bet ter to be safe than sorry when can ning make all her efforts in vain by understanding their habits and the ways they work she can kill them or at least keep them from doing harm foods may work or spoil because of the enzymes normally in the fruits causing them to ripen and finally to rot beets and carrots will keep a long time but peas corn and beans must be handled quickly and the en zyme action stopped by heating and sealing the cans the common yeast which is used in breadmaking resembles the other kinds which cause trouble in canning yeasts are rather easy to kill the home canner finds molds are another kind of enemy they can be killed by heating but their seeds known as spores will resist long heating and are ready to cause spoilage if they get a chance upon this principle inter mittent processing was used until it was discovered that blanching would take the place of processing three times the bacteria are tho hardest tol lack of inducement kill some of them are able to grow i simply cant keep my cat at inside of a can away from the air home but most of them remain dormant un- g a canary bird my dear and less there is a leak in the can acid i fa sure t0 sta salt and sugar are preservatives of food and help in canning they are the only legitimate preservatives the wise housewife will not use canning powders but will be scrupulously careful in having food clean and well processed a neighbor told the writer 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