3 popular troubadour quartet here at chautauqua i to preside over detorme trial chief justice lemicux of quebec is to preside over the trial o abbe de- lorme who has been released from an asylum to stand trial for the murder of his halfbrutber c the widelypopular troubadour link- quartet which will appear here t the dominion chautauqua is not enly a notable singing organization but lc olsof features in its richlyvaried programs firstrank instrumental selections illip programs of the troubadours feature vocal numbers both solo and eusejibjeavnet violin and saxophone solos and vlollncornetclnrinet trios thelrmuslcal selections are both classical and popular in character sel dom does u male quartet present an entertainment of such wide variety as the troubadours and at the same lime render skillfully aud artistically every num ber the troubadour male quartet is an outstanding musical organization and a great favorite everywhere a i observations on hog grading in the opinion of competent observ- chaser and the shipper will assist him in choosing the best specimens i f rom these they are then purchased era hogcracimg combined witn at the market price for thick smooth rte tl ipije hogs plus the ten per cent premium from many of the counties custodian anything else that has been darticuiavlv in thc middie and ifswcrtaken about forty pe- cent i t of 0ntah indicate that namf the hogs uat reach the ioronto wiu ba on few j market are shipped in by cooperati klubs ibout ofty per cent of he nog contained in these shipments oarry identification marks enabling the producers to obtain the premium for those grading select it is claimed by the officials in charge of this work that the improve- nelsons flagship will be refitted i sows kept aire i bacon type all of a high class the worth of a thing is not indicat ed by the show it makes the engine in a car i irortant than its irlosry finish- hient in the type of hsrecejycsl scientific experimentation show wants for ourselves it might be stated that doing what we ought to do instead of doing what wo want to do gives the best results if the currant worm becomes seri- na6ersbe more rapid than cvenl that best results can be obtained by forks and s saviguine would have expect- feeding an animal what he ought to workmen rijfciiting t more care is being have instead of giving him what he ing in thethan heretofore in the kind of turers bufflk stock kept special proclly a shipping day passes at facture loi the heaviest shipping points but they selhrio without several farmers well that wfog themselves who are on the- ous when the fruit is nearly ripe ers or jewelefor bacon type sows to put in j f hellebore should be used as a but in theds a farmer looking for a spray apply at the rate of four xerent th not able to find just what j ounces in two or three gallons of name spooner is frequently assisted by water or the plants may be dusted er made spsr in some cases a half j with a mixture of one pound of tho made knives two of the best looking sows material in five pounds of flour or air- witl- the others ledby the intending pur- slaked lime combining the t the victory to be restored to trafalgar conditions a despatch from london says great britain is striving to raise 80- 000 which is needed to complete the save the victory fund to restore nelsons old flagship to a state exact ly as it was in the time of britains greatest sea saptain at the present moment the ship which led the fight at trafalgar rests in drydock at portsmouth where it is intended she shall spend the rest of her days nelsons ship now reposes on a line of blocks entirely out of the water with ten strong steel frames forming a cradle in which she is up held but unfortunately the victory as she stands does not present the ap pearance that she did when she took part in the battle of trafalgar it is hoped eventually to refloat the vic tory and restore her to her former appearance this means much work because many modifications were made in lord nelsons flagship since the time of his last battle most of thc ships guns the rammers for loading them the magazines storerooms cabins galley cooking stove mess tables hammocks boats and anchors have disappeared the present masts and rigging are small and insignificant compared with those the victory carried at trafalgar and the original steering arrangement virtually does not exist it is intended to restore all these things and have at each porthole an actual gun and carriage such as was used in the ship at trafalgar and also to have the magazines in the hold constructed and fitted as they were when nelson fought in addition it is intended to clear the decksfor ac tion so as to show the fighting ar rangement the suffering and loss caijised by forest fires are common knowledlge and yet carelessness with fire in thje forest con tinues these forest fires afre practically all preventable theyre ydw babys c ofg many simplev the tablets aro ers or by mall at im k the dr williams meo vllle ont xs t fewer births marriages and deaths in england mrs hermad flosie que writv lets have been of g keeping my little oiii not be without themw other mothers say they have learned at damage to corn crops in certain sections latlng has becn caused in recent years by the ishing const c borer to check this pest follow breaking upxlosely recommendations of the department and keeping its life history the moth appears about the middle of june and lasts until about the last week in july egg laying in this period the female jays its eggs on the undersides of the corn leaves preferably on the most advanced corn the borer the damage is done by the borer stage the worm devel- ops from the egg eating into the stalks and ears it winters the safe way to send money by manol is by dominion express money orders ji t ill ta2ssi3f yes indeed worm hey mr bug t think i can get a job in tho a contortionist money orders bble or stalks a despatch from london says the vital statistics of england and wales for the first quarter of 123 shew that nearly all records were bioken there wvc fewer births than in any similar period except dur ing the war the death rate was the lowest ever recorded as was also the mortality rates for infants under one year the number of marriages was 20- g40 below the number for the previous quarter and 15018 below the first quarter of 1921 the excess in thc number of women over men as the result of the huge war losses is beginning to right itself however as 1 boys wers born in tho first quarter for every 1000 girls every individual who steps iiside the woods should remember he is in the ritiidst of highly inflammable property for the j upper layer of ground in the forest consists of j partially rotted wood which will burn lack tpf consideration for this gave rise to the strenulous situation in ontario the last week of may land the anxiety for days in some settlements i thoughtlessness or bad jutllgment or care lessness cause practically all fcfirest fires your cooperation as a citizen is neseded to prevent these fires by taking the same cajare in the woods as in your own home ii l ontario forestry branch parliament buildings toronto ont vtejer ggi canadas total exports canadian produce in april 1923 were valued at 53642251 of which s259443bj went to the united states and s13- canadas rivals in dairying the dominion dairy commissioner mr j a ruddick who with mr w a wilson of rcgina saskatchewan recently returned from a visit to new zealand and australia states that new zealand has made great progress in the dairy industry in recent years many new factories have been built and many have been reconstructed and modernfzed australia too has made groat advances large factories as in new zealand being the rule some of he creameries making as much as 800 to 1000 boxes of butter a day in new zealand it is a small cheese factory that does not make 400 or 500 tons in a year mr ruddick is of opinion that canada will meet much keener competition in the future t in thc matter of quality and quantity required to drink a quart of milk a day doctors dentists and opticians give their services free of charge in 1922 tho people i of- california con sumed 13500000 gallons more milk than in any previous year the per capita consumption increasing from 17 gallons in 1921 to 22 gallons in 1922 the consumption of butter in creased from 22 lbs to 22ii lbs per capita in the same period consolation when the young husband returned j cdnti from the office he found his wife in finance tears l subr oh john she sobbed i had baked ig pupa changes to the h in turn develops ix vo ad0ut the second a lovely cake i put it outside fortk n or later tho frosting to dry and- and tho dof wen dont cry about it syitmeipl of agriculture heart replied her husband pa tvzjomnon entomologist her flushed check i know a man w will give us another dog f laboratory strathroy ont 007550 to the united kingdom this 0 dairy products from these coun is an increase in the total of mord tries than she has in the past ro- than 20000000 over exports of canjl lating to these facts it is interesting adian produce last april impoits foj to note that the amount of butter consumption during the month of graded in new zealand in the month april last were valued at risi320 of december 1922 was 9758 tons compared with 47095454 for thi compared with g128 tons in the cor- corresponding month a year ao f i responding month of the previous j year the total for the last five j months of 1922 was 35gg3 tons against 24914 tons in the same per- iod of 1921 since tho commencement of the year to the end of- the first week in may over 58000 acres of homestead lands have been filed on at the ed monton land office the total num ber of persons filing oh their lands numbered 365 figures for tho yonr 1922 show that 1500 homesteads were filed on in the edmonton registration area giving a total of 254400 acres in all says sam talk is first of all take hold all right but sent free ny of the following may bo had free on application to the publications branch department of agriculture ottawa canada j lie rrho in russia there tie estimated to 1 nbfe sotoao- 1229 women to every 1000 men get sd n prcimnurior many comes next with 1100 and auj atnow ot trl 1069 increased consumption of milk in the movement for the greater consumption of milk and its products which is going on in many states of the union california stands at the j head there is scarcely a city of any size in california that has not som sort of milk service in the publi schools in san francisco 1050 halfpint bottles are purchased bya children at thc school lunches day in berkeley every schooji similar service nutrition clatf also common in tm tyr every child in thc mjbrop ft lltte orn instant- then 8hortlr pers truly corrugated gasvasiized g direct from manufacturers to con- sulncr write for prices special tains to farmers the metallic roofing cc i umliad 300e 1194 king st w toronto mttants liniment used by physician fit phone without a mouthpiece a telephone without a mouthpiece termed a laryngaphouo has been in- vented in england the sounds are transmitted from the larynx as shown in theplclure- j automobile i mobile parts magnetos cajfcph utora gears and new acc it low prices -1- a 1uw l ivlj toronto automoblls wreckt ilstronto i179 queen st west tolalr stult tramnt the ftk rihty pmrlj fr ml i iraia j el- tiuaffeettfr9m for y ir knuhs scufln oir it krej lb hvr- rtstj nit loatlng wht it hi dvn frr itlra it lll d xbt you kp a uttl ft kendalls spavin treatment hjddf 7mifantiw1tqhki vhntb ieed a vtl4 ny iit it hri fr yon it wort vmli to to rd jtt rr lr tfc ntt tliv yu r la tarn tirlhllrtmfrtoittornl1 tr tpw trrvi ct a rrr toirf a tru o tli llrl jrfrlntftuixr wrtl a ririu tar hen timiaat tiwo urtlol for llantil nt or b j kendall company enotburg fane vl usa 9 ufalfa growing in e stern canada rop rotation for central and eastern canadn otato the its cultivation and varle- es allyear hog cabin the feeding of sheep keeping dairy herd- records why andiiow to use milk why and how to use cottage cheese pwinter egg production a poultry keeping in town and country the farmers poultry house simple methods for tho storage of ice dehorn your commercial catlle dressing and cutting lamb carcasses bovine tuberculosis feeds for wintering and winter fat tening of ueef cattle in eastern canadn new varieties and selections of grain the root vegetables act 1922 i 1 1 illustration community work in dua- i das county ontario i the wiutr finishing of steers in v western quebec report of the division of horticulture dominion experimental farms 1921 i repoit of the poultry division domin ion experimental farms 1921 list of 300 available publications name post office ur no province no postage required issue no 24 23