forejtfek again threaten ims ad property in the north country situation at white river somewhat improved tventy- five serious fires in sudbury district sweeping over big timber limits forest rangers and railways co operating port arthur june 1 the situation j dry as tinder and a high wind at white river threatened by forest blowing dozens of forest fires are area has improved but the dan- raging throughout northern on- ger is by no means past andjtario and unless rain intervenes should a wind spring up serious j shortly the situation will be fraught consequences would result with serious possibilities for railway the situation in northern ontario towns in the hinterland which during the past few days hasj while admitting that the fires are been confined largely to isolated spots of grave proportions forestry head- took on a much broader aspect with i quarters officials here stated that the the receipt of reports from several situation has been exaggerated by re sections the spread of the danger area is indicated in the new reports which have been received from various points along the al- goma central fires of more or less magnitude are reported further north again on the line of the can adian naftbnal to the cast of horne- payne the bush fires have reached the point of destruction of homes and at a station called peterbelle where are located a number of residences and stores one has already been destroyed residents are burying their posses sions train crews and passengers coming in from east and west state that fires of various proportions can be seen in many directions atikokan is men tioned as one district at graham on the canadian na tional 104 miles west of port arthur people were forced to take to the lake in boats for safety when the flames encroached near the station later in the day the wind changed and relieved the situation graham consists of a station and a few other buildings only sudbury june 1 with the bush as ports from the west and declared that at the present time no towns along the cnr or the cpr are in danger there are few farmers in the areas in which the fire3 are most serious these extending largely over big timber limits but the property loss at the least will amount to many thou sands of dollars before the week is out there were 25 bad fires burning in the sudbury forestry district today everything possible is being done by the rangers despite the fact that a high wind has been blowing and the heat is suffocating they are immensely better equipped than they were this time last year and chief rangers are moving from poio- to point handling the sit uation every available ranger is on the job and the railways are cooperat ing in every manner many extra gangs being out fire fighting along the lines ten new pumps arrived this week and are all in use the forestry service areoplanes have not been used owing to the thick pall of smoke which now hovers over the entire north coun try the bubble great new york comedy success presented by a cast of new york tauqua j ys in this laughable threeact play is portrayed one of humanitys oldest fallingsthe gctrlchqulck ambition engaged in speculative adventures are found in this perplexing and delightfully amusing comedy tors will be an outstanding feature of the coming dominion chau- experlences familiar to everyone who has stouffville challuauqua july 5 6 7 and 9th presides over kiwanlans president george h ross of to ronto international president of ki- wanls clubs who presided over the an nual convention in atlanta georgia kiwanlans have decided to exclude wet or drinking songs from their 6ongbooks europe arming for war says lord robert cecil a despatch from london says lord robert cecil made an eloquent plea to the united states before the englishspeaking union to join the league of nations lord robert sounded a warning that inmany parts of the world war like symptoms were developing which were profoundly disquieting he sur prised his audience by informing them that there were more armed men rivers run wild in southern alberta big irrigation system dam aged and houses washed away a despatch from calgary says with rivers and small streams run ning wild following the abnormally heavy rains of the past few days great havoc has been caused in south ern alberta districts and in the sub urbs of this city during the past 24 hours streams continued to rise fri day afternoon some at the rate of three inches an hour arid rain was continuing at many points serious conditions prevail at mac- leod and okotoks where residents have been forced to abandon their homes several houses have been washed away at maclcod and it was necessary for police officers to make a number of rescues during the day the old man river is a mile wide at macleod and the lower part of the town is inundated the situation is somewhat better at ototoks with the water in the town receding slowly but apprehension exists that further dam age will result when the heavy flow from the mountains reaches the town the elbow river running through calgary was within eight inches of the 1919 highwater mark early fri day afternoon and continues to rise lowlying residential property in elbow park is flooded and several bridges are in danger of being swept away the town of high river 45 miles south of here is being flooded by the highwood river serious damage occurred during the day when the old man river white river fle homes threatened by fores special trains with steam up wait to rush them from danger zone outskirts of town already in flames a despatch from white river ont says this little railway town be yond the north shore of lake superior which is known to fame principally by reason of the weather reports which distinguish it during the winter months has been the centre during the past couple of days of a forest fire which has been threatening to rival in many of its features some of the most serious conflagrations that have been known in the province for nearly a week the town has been threatened with flames starting in the woods gathering strength day by day as they were fanned in the dry woods driven from tree to tree slowly and relentlessly creeping up on the com munity overcoming all attempts to which workmen made strenuous en deavors to effect repairs cutting oft telegraphic connections with the cast in the early afternoon after the flames had devoured a couple of houses and the people who were not engaged in fighting them the women and children had begun to move out carrying with them such possessions as they could get into suitcases grips and bundles the turn in the wind im proved the situation and it began to look as if fears that the whole town was to be destroyed would not de velop into realities the day was one which will never be forgotten by the townspeople peo ple were almost in mourning for homes which seemed to be doomed to destruction as they set about various check them until thursday saw the ways of saving their valuables when inhabitants of the town commence a the word was given that a train had general evacuation of their homes in been prepared by the canadian pacific the face of danger that was so close railway made up of box cars in at hand as to partially destroy home which the people could place their buildings and to threaten to take personnl possessions and which would others at any time i carry them to safety in case of necc3- on wednesday the fire which had sity strange processions through the during the day come to close proxim- streets began women carrying ity died down somewhat with a fav- bundles with little children tugging orable wind but early thursday morn- at their sides trudged through the ing there was a new outbreak to the streets toward the railway station not east of the town flames crossed the knowing what was before them while railway track burned down the poles others set about burying the more carrying the telegraph lines carry- j valuable articles they could not carry ing the lines of communication with with them altogether it was a scene them and for some hours during of greatest confusion hp i oo rotate ate that there were more armed men in v europe today than before the world of the left ti jij u l j bridge northern irrigation projects war he declared that the tendency of most of the larger countries was toward greater military equipment theres nothing so hopeless as the man who only hopes new canal 10 miles west of maclcod the costly headworks and dam are still holding according to reports late friday afternoon with nine feet of water pouring over the crest dominion news in brief dawson yt the first of the yu kon fleet of gold dredges to get under way this season started operations re cently on the klondyke valley ground of the burrall and baird co water for the hydraulic plants was turned into the yukon gold companys ditch on may 13 for tho first time this sea son winter camps of gold pay dirt arc being washed up vernon bc orchards in tho val ley arc reported to bo in avvery prom ising condition much is hoped from the oporalion of the associated grow ers of british columbia tho now sell ing organization this year which with hendnuartors hero practically controls all valley marketing broker age and selling arrangements for tl season are now being made calgary alta for every acre of corn that was sown on alberta lands last year ten is being sown this year more cream separators have been sold this year than for the same period last year these statements arc made by heads of large implemont and machin ery firms in edmonton and calgary new farm machinery is being pdrchas- cd by farmers in fair quantities espe cially corn implement and listers which ara gaining popularity over esting to note that the figures for this port during the month of april show an increase of approximately 40 per cent over the figures for the samo month of last year sarnia ont that the season of 1923 would be one of the busiest in the history of canadian shipping was the prediction of a wellknown navigation official here he pointed out that apart from a general improvement in business conditions it was known that a large quantity of ore would be mov ed from the northern mines by am erican freighters and there would be little competition with canadian lines in the grain trade in view of the fact that tho ore trade was more profitable quebec que within the last six the weeks markets toronto wheat no 1 northern manitoba 123 manitoba oats no 2 cw 54c no 3 cw51c no 1 feed 60c manitoba bailey nominal all the above track bay ports am corn no 3 yellow 97c no 2 96c barley malting cq to 62c accord ing to freights outside buckwheat no 2 71 to 72c rye no 2 79 to 81c peas no 2 140 to 145 millfcod del montreal freights bags included bran per ton 20 shorts per ton 31 middlings 35 good feed flour 215 to 225 ontirio wheat no 2 white s125 to 127 ontario no 2 white oats 50 to 51c ontario corn nominal ontario flour ninety per cent pat in jute bags montreal prompt ship ment 510 to 520 toronto basis 505 to 515 bulk seaboard 495 to 5 4 lbs 24c roosters 24c ducklings over 5 lbs 30c do 4 to 5 lbs 29c turkeys young 10 lbs and up 30c beans can handpicked per lb 7c primes 6c maple products syrup per imp gal 250 per 6 gal tin 240 per gal maple sugar lb 25c honey 60lb tins 10 to lie- per lb 32lb tins 11 to 12c per lb ontario comb honey per doz no 1 460 to 5 no 2 375 to 425 potatoes ontario no 1 140 to 150 no 2 125 to 140 smoked meats hams med 26 to 28c cooked hams 88 to 41c smoked rolls 26 to 28c cottage rolls 25 to 28c breakfast bacon 30 to 33c spe cial brand breakfast bacon 35 to 38c backs boneless 87 to 42c cured meats long clear bacon 50 to 70 lbs 18 70 to 90 lbs 1750 90 lbs and up 1650 lightweight rolls in bbls 36 heavyweight rolls 33 lard pure tierces 15vi to 16c tubs 16u to 17c pails 17 to 17c prints 18c shortening tierces 14 to 15c tubs 15 to 15c pails 15 too much protein or too much carbo hydrates or fat is like too much water in a pail when fed to the animal it simply flows over it is not digested schumacher feed is perfectly balanced every bit of it is digested animals eat it clean and thrive on it schumacher is an every day ration for both cattle and hogs it improves the general health condition and milk yield of cows it helps sows to produce larger litters makes young pigs grow bigger and stronger give schumacher a trial and watch the results stiver bros to 16c prints 17 to 17c choice heavy steers 825 to 875 manitoba flourlst pats in cotton bu choice 8 to 8 25 do sacks 710 per bbl 2nd pats 660 j 0 j to 7 75 d med u0 to hayextra no 2 timothy per ton i in j m i sir iernt xt o ers choice s750 to so do meu soo track toronto 15 to 15 oo no 3 d 0 butcher timothy 14 mixed 12 cr- j ft weeks 300 claims have been register- r mr ints inn trnck to- to 25 ennners and cutters cd in the counties of tcmiskaming and i t0 butcher bulls good 5 to abitibi the gold field of the province chcoselnew large 19c twins do fr to 4 fcedin of quebec according to official figures 21c triplets 22c stiltons 22c old f fj t t0 obtained here forecasts are that large 32c stiltons 33 c fnir to within a week or two prospectors who butter finest creamery prints 35 fws choice have been waiting for better road con- to 86c ordinary w8wjftiffi do med750 to 850 ditlons to travel north will be able to to 34c dairy v4 to fcc cooking ic to 6 lambs spring 16 rn do so without much trouble 2 itcarton 36c l0 4 fredericton nb spruce logs aro ou try chickens milkfed do choice heavy 4 to 5 do culls said to be selling at from 22 to 25 ov 0 do 4 to 5 lbs 2 bucks 3 to 4 hogs f cd and per thousand feet at springhill the do 2 to 4 lbs 20c hens over 5 lbs 15iimlos0 do fair 6 good 550 to 6 stable nfb equipment rust-defying- because hot galvanized there one feature in particular you 11 appreciate about toronto stable equip ment this it thu fact that the hot galvanizing method we uie thoroughly covers and completely coats both the inside and outside of the steel tubing with pure zinc spelter this method makes it absolutely rustdefying and proof against strong stable acids for the maximum period while the method or dinarily used simply applies a surface coating and goes only a short distance inside tubing toronto stable equipment will make work easier keep cattle healthier bring more profits let me explain the many advantages of toronto stalls bull pens water bowls and utter carriers or get tome of th toronto literature n lanktree stouftville ontario cultivators is being more adapted to fivo miles below fredericton drier areas moose jaw sask there are few 6igiw of improving trade more certain than thoso contained in customs bouse returns it is therefore inter- rafting grounds on the st john river 28c do 4 to 5 lbs 26c do 3 to 4 lbs these prices for what are known as bank logs aro near tho highest level ever rcchcd on the river and arc regardej as indicative of the prosperous con dition of the lumber industry 22c roosters 17c ducklings over lbs 30c do 4 to 5 lbs 28c turkeys young 10 lbs and up 25c dressed poultry chickens milk- fed over 5 lbs 35c do 4 to 5 lis 30c do 2 to 4 lbs 25c hens over 5 lbs 30c do 4 to 5 lb3 28c do 3 to country points 950 montreal cheese finest easterns w to 164c butter choicest creamery 8014 to 31c eggs selectea 33c po tatoes per bog car lots 135 to c140 calves milkfed veals 550 to 6 do com and med 450 to 5 bulls 14 to 18c per lb good local hogs 1125 to 1150 do coarse and heavy lots 1025 up sows 775 to 8 the total wheat production of can ada in 1922 was 399786400 busheli and of this amount saskatchewan pro duced 250167000 bushels or practical ly 63 per cent half us much again as ono out of every fifteen people in the balance of canada put together saskatchewan owns an mitomobile saskatchewans wheat crop amounted according to tho latest government in viluo to 287000000 while produc- figurcs saskatchewan whose populni tion costs including seeding harvest- tion is over 70 percent rural has n ing threshing etc have been cstimat- largcr automobile registration than ed to not exceed 187000000 leaving any other provlnco in the dominion a net surplus of 100000000