stutdycomfortablepowerful yet a marvel of economy at present low prices the overland provides com fortable reliable motoring at the lowest cost for which such motoring can be had the triplex springs absorb shock and sidesway and prolong the life of the car the motor returns twentyfive miles and with some drivers thirty miles and a rfmarkably more to the gallon of gasoline the gear shifts tftwpwp easily steering becomes second nature the dri- jju rai ve sea j comfortable and the good looks of the overland commend it everywhere see the new blue bird model w h todd and chas ward stouf f ville ontario also wagons buggies harness etc on hand now is the time to paint if you have delayed painting your property has suffered do not put off any longer save the surface and you save all look around and you will find many places both inside and out that call for a coat of paint now is the time nature is redecorating get in line and do the same the most economical method is to use the weeks markets toronto manitoba wheat no 1 northern 124 manitoba oats nominal manitoba barley nominal all the above track bay ports am corn no 8 yellow 1 no 2 89c barley malting 59 to 61c accord ing to freights outside buckwheat no 2 76 to 78c rye no 2 79 to 81c peas no 2 145 to 160 miltfeed del montreal freights bags included bran per ton 29 shorts per ton 31 middlings 35 good feed flour 215 to 225 ontario wheat no 2 white nom inal ontario no 2 white oats 50 to 52c ontario corn nominal ontario flour ninety per cent pat in jute bags montreal prompt ship- tar used ford cars sensational prices i all these ears have been traded in aa part payment on new fords we guarantee the title model and year and protect you against observable defects every ear j guaranteed to be as represented the lowest prices ever quoted on used ford cars t guarantee if yon do not thick tbo car yon pnrcoaiofrom m it worth thdinej bring it in wuvra ten dayiandw wilkallow the full amoont paid on the pnrchaie of a new ford cash down ford touring in good condition balance 650 month guarantee we guarantee the martlnsenour 1007o pure paint except inside white and a few- dark shades that cannot be prepared from lead and zinc to be made from pure white lead pure oxide of zinc with coloring mat ter in proportionate quantities neces sary to make their respective shades and tints with pure linseed oil and tur pentine dryer and to be entirely free from water ben zine whiting and other adulterations and sold subject to chemical an alysis m hartinsenour 6 mom 100 pure pairst and varnishes their covering power and lasting qualities are very great it will pay you to insist on getting this popular brand for whatever painting or varnishing you do there is a special m artinsenour product each one guaranteed to best serve the purpose for which it is made consult us as to your requirements we have a full stock and complete information as to decorative echcraes let us advise you silvester stouffville 30c breakfast bacon 30 to 88c spe cial brand breakfast bacon 85 to 38c backs boneless 34 to 40c cured meats long clear bacon 50 to 70 lbs 1850 70 to 90 lbs 18 505 to 515 bulk seaboard 495 to 5 manitoba flour 1st pats in cotton sacks 710 per bbl 2nd pat3 660 hav extra no 2 per ton track toronto 14 mixed 12 to 1350 clover 8 straw car lots per ton track to ronto 9 cheese new large 20c twins 3250 lard pure tierces 16 to 16c tubs 16 to 17c pails 17 jo 17c prints 18c shortening tierces 14 to 15kc tubs 15 to 15c pails 15 to 16c prints lta to 17c heavy beef steers 750 to 825 4 cash down vfelllcej fordl roadsterl balane 850 month 22c triplets 23c stiltons 22 to 23c butcher steers choice 7 to 750 do old large 30c twins 32 stiltons good 6 to 650 do med 550 to 32c 6 do com 5 to 550 butcher butter finest creamery prints 35 heifers choice 650 to 7 do med to 36c ordinary creamery prints 83 550 to 6 do com 5 to 550 to 84c dairy 24 to 25c cooking 22c i butcher cows choice 5 to 6 do eggs new laids loose 32c new i med 4 to 5 canners and cutters laids in cartons 36c 150 to 2 butcher bulls good 450 live poultry chickens milkfed to 5 do com 350 to 4 feeding over 5 lbs 25c do 4 to 5 lbs 22c steers good 650 to 750 do fair do 2 to 4 lbs 20c hens over 5 lbs 6 to 650 stackers good 550 to 28c do 4 to 5 lbs 26c do 3 to 4 lbs 6 do fair 5 to 560 milkers- 22c roosters 17c ducklings over 6 springers choice 80 to 110 calves lbs 30c do 4 to 6 lbs 28c turkeys choice 10 to 11 do med 8 to 10- young 10 lbs and up 25c dressed poultry chickens milk- fed over 5 lbs 35c do 4 to 5 lbs 80c do com 5 to 750 lambs choice 13 to 1525 do com 750 to 12 lambs spring each 10 to 1250 do 2 to 4 lbs 25c hens over 5 lbs sheep choice light 750 to 850 do 30c do 4 to 5 lbs 28c do 3 to 4 choice heavy 6 to 7 do culls and lbs 24c roosters 24c ducklings bucks 4 to 550 hogs fed and over 5 lbs 80e do 4 to 5 lbs 29c watered 1125 to 1150 do fob 1050 to 1075 do country points 1025 to 1050 montreal corn am no 2 yellow 101 to 102 oats no 2 cw 67 to 67c lcash down eord light delivery balance 12 month easy term s little as 200 a week will enable you to buyxford this year 1 ac cash ip 1 uo down goodlooking ford coupe balance 17 month t 1 oa cash plzi7 down ford sedan bxcsllant condition balance 22 month 72 cash down reliable ford roadster balance 11 month l 1 q cash p 1 i o down and 18 a month vi soon pay for ford coupe 62 down ford touring in good snaps balance 850 month ford trucks full set of tools and 1tdt717 driving instruction t kejilij 2450 month buys this ford sedan 150 cash down cash down goodlooking roltablo ford touring balance 11 month 25ij cash jpoo- down termi 9 month ford ton truck cgrfcs cash spo down term 11 month ford ton truck ff 1 ca termj12 month ford ton truck th abov easy terms an for twalvo monthly paymanti and includo interest and insurance substantial extra savings for all cash whllo we always have a good stock or used fords at low prices now is the time to buy when we are at the peak of our spring business com pa iiteo canada lartcit ford dealer uutno toronto phoxc main 361 htpftporetry turkeys young 10 lbs and up 30c beans canadian handpicked lb 7c primes 6c maple products syrup per imp gal 250 per 5gal tin 240 per gal maple sugar lb 22c honey 60lb tins 10 to lie per no 8 cw62 to 63c extra no 1 feed lb 82lb tins 11 to 12c per lb 1 0 to 61c no 2 local white 59 ontario comb honey per doz no 1 to 60c flour manitoba spring wheat 450 to 5 no 2 375 to 425 pats firsts 730 do seconds 680 potatoes ontario no 1 115 to do strong bakers 660 do winter 125 no 2 110 to 115 pats choice 616 rolled oats bag smoked meats hams med 25 to90 lbs 310 to 320 bran 28 27c cooked hams 36 to 40c smoked j shorts 30 middlings 35 hay rolls 26 to 28c cottage rolls 28 to no 2 per ton car lots 14 to 15 ship cream to us and epen a healthy cow likes her food and digests it all if it is properly bal anced she then produces milk to capacity cows eat schumacher feed clean be- cause it tastes good they digest every bit of it because it is perfectly balanced you will find schumacher more efficient and more economical than a straight grain ration it makes more milk beef stock and hogs thrive on it schumacher feed is manufactured from milled products of corn barley wheat oats and linseed meal evenly ground sold in new sacks which carry the govern ment guaranteed chemical analysis stiver bros stouffville creamery company phone 18602 stable lomfs equipment rustdefying because hot galvanized theres one feature in particular youhi appreciate about toronto stable equip ment this is the fact that the hot galvanizing method we use thoroughly covers and completely coats both the inside and outside of the steel tubing with pure zinc spelter this method makes it absolutely rustdefying and proof against strong stable acids for the maximum period while the method or dinarily used simply applies a surface coating and goes only a short distance inside tubing toronto stable equipment will mate work easier keep cattle healthier bring more profits let mc explain the many advantages of toronto stalls bull pens water bowls and litter carriers or get some of the toronto literature n lanktree siflnillp ontario