pure green tea is guaranteed the finest when it bears the name the gift of the gods by pearl foley copyright i forest fires increase news print price one of the market features that is keeping the publisher on hla toes to- j day is the ascending prices ot news print only recently this price has been advanced 5 per ton and another increase of a similar amount is ez- j pected in an interview on tuesday interest on the occupants of the onijagt p- p dodge president ot the iu- i do not chapter iv contd when tu hee came to for a few coming machine wen toys face was tematlonal paper co said hs44 famous for its flavor jtist try a sample seconds the past hour was blotted i set in tense lines he glanced neither ifrom her memory and she gazed about to left nor right nor did his com- bewildered the couch she was onpanion or driver v wasnt her own and the room wasl tu hee fearful of their passing strange but very pretty it was alii right by rose to her feet her voice pale blue and gold like a foreign wo- was a half laugh and a half sob as mans boudoir foreign ah she she called please stop uncle weng covered her face with her hands as its tu hee uv memory rushed over her then two the amazed driver put the brakes soft hands were on her own and a on so suddenly that only sheer luck familiar voice spoke to her dear lit- averted a catastrophe the huge car tie girl little tu hee dont be swung round like a balked animal out see how newsprint prices can help but go higher in view of the increased cost of raw materials transportation etc pulpwood is- by far tho most import ant of the raw material entering into the manufacture of newsprint to se cure pulpwood the mills have to go farther and farther away every year labor and camp equipment and sup plies must be sent greater distances and the cost of delivering the pulp- i zt ii ana me cost 01 aenvering xne puip- ztztlomnh whllethe the home garden and canning shelf we usually can products to cover than square so thirty weeks of the year when fresh i products are too highpriced for fre quent consumption the table follow ing gives the necessary amount per person cut this out and watch it through the summer and see if you are accomplishing your goal product per person for thirty weeks 1 greens spinach dandelions chard and other greens fiva quarts one serving per week 2 tomatoes ten quarts two serv ings per week 3 other vegetables peas beans beets carrots fifteen quarts two servings per week supplement canned vegetables with stored ones such as cabbage ruta bagas onions 4 fruits including jellies thirty quarts supplement canned fruits with dried or stored ones such as prunes and apples 5 meats thirty quarts through the warm months beginning april through october total ninety quarts you will notice that we recommend the eating of greens at least once a week tomatoes in various forms twice a week and the other commonly can ned vegetables also twice weekly this makes a total of five days for which the canned products cellar is respon- bible the remaining two days should be supplied by our commonly pitted vegetables for we should eat one gen erous serving of vegetables in addition to potatoes at least once each day children under seven years of age should not be counted in when esti mating the amount of sweet corn needed for it is not good for them but they can eat all other products in con siderable quantities and be the better for it fruits should also be included in every days menu it is never difficult to interest the housewife in putting up berries and tree fruits they always keep easily and furnish for her table an attractive wholesome dessert the amount given below of course is a minimum diet requirement and many of our readers will doubtless find they have gone far ahead of this chart in general it should be said that there should be equal amounts of fruit and sigetables put up for the winter if litis were true we would find high standards of health throughout the country it is the continuous unvaried diit of meat potatoes bread and but ter and pie that becomes a menace ultimately to the family which keeps itself to these foods even though gen erously supplied location of the garden the garden should be near the house since it is often cared for after supper or odd times and it is also more easily accessible for the house wife since rapid growth is desirable a protected spot should bo chosen a southern or eastern slope is best with slowly tu hee withdrew her hands bewilderment was still on her face as have been she murmured its the american i weng toys dignity deserted him mrs claymore please please why entirely he did not wait to open the am i here door but vaulted it like a school boy the woman sat on the side of tho and ran arms outstretched and bare- couch taking one of tu hees hands headed his hat had already been toit- in her own she said it has been a led off to the excited tu hee the tallgrowing plants at the north terrible mistake dear the govern- yes yes sured the girl i am or west to long and narrow rather ment officials took you for some one j safe and sound uige g j to prevent too much eis shading from tho sun the size of the garden the size next for consideration large enough to supply the table daily jfes throughout the summer with fresh exclaimed tu hee slip- j hee fidgetted as she fancied his eyes vegetables to raise the usual pitted pmg f the couch i rest at home j lingered on the court plaster but she products in sufficient quantities fori her voice was almost childish in its beamed again as she saw his nana the coming winter and to furnish the appeal as she turned to mrs clay- 1 extended she knew trust always w ent some one else questioned tuat david mrs c aymore will ex- hee perplexity in her voice who j plain uncleand please thank this do they not know i belong to the gentleman he has been so kind j weng toy urar u win an ue courteously to explained later just rest for a few his eyes scanned keenly the faceortne of the sarden comes up house of the great weng toy j weng toy stiffened ho bowed lllstt js he they do now dear it will all be courteously to mrs claymore then nsideration it must be t 1 canned keenlv the face of the tu i foreigner seated beside his ward necessary amount of corn beans peas more please you my friend take greens and the like for the winter me home canning budget space for the first w y p have some tea two types can be reckoned by compar- r j hee inu a pair of brown ison of last year s garden plot space s0 bik and friendly that her lips for the canning can be figured by the p a little and she bowed grace- general rule given below if the garden is large so it must be cultivated with a horse it should be long and narrow rather than square so that the turning around of the cul tivator and horse will be less frequent length of row or number of plants to produce fully as she obediently took the bev erage no word was spoken as she partook of the refreshment and she stole sur reptitious glances at the girl opposite her when she had sipped the last of tho tea the foreign girl leaned for ward and addressed her in a low eager tone my name is grace ash one bushel of tomatoes five to ten ton if you can ever forgive us for plants one bushel of string beans 100 this painful affair please let me hear feet of row one bushel of sweet corn 100 feet of row one bushel of shelled peas 200 feet of row one bushel of spinach 100 feet of row one bushel of small beets fifty feet of row ratio of uncooked to canned products 1 bu peaches 18 qts 1 bu pears 30 qts 1 bu plums 80 qts 1 crate blackberries 16 qts 14 qts 1 crate strawberries 16 qts 12 qts 1 bu tomatoes 16 qts 1 bu string beans 20 qts 1 bu sweet corn 12 qts 1 bu shelled peas 8 qts 1 bu spinach or other greens 7 qts 1 bu small beets or carrots 10 qts canning when you can get the vegetables fresh from the garden early in the morning and in prime canning condi tion as regards ripeness it is fairly safe to skip the blanching and cold dipping process excepting wheio shrinkage previous to filling the jars is necessary there are several argu ments for this notably the conserving of tho mineral matter for safetys sake since women have varying defi nitions for freshness and prime- ness we have not suggested the elim ination of blanching in the regular canning routine and usually ad vise to try it very sparingly the first summer until they are satisfied with themselves wat they are successful in this work a dry hot season would not permit tho overlooking of the blanching but a moist season guar antees rapid growth and no germ hardening in the seed vegetables thus allowing greater liberty in canning from you some time tu hee smiled and bowed again and still a little bewildered allowed herself to be ledby mrs claymore to a waiting car where she was em braced by the frantic lun who laugh ed and cried in turns at seeing her child safe beside the car stood the british offi cer a long thin plaster dividing the dark brown of his cheek with its startling whiteness at sight of him tu hee shrank back clinging to mrs claymore david came forward a shadow was with the mandarins handclasp weng toy instructed tho chauffeur to drive both cars into the courtyard and they all walked back to the house mrs claymore cleverly monopolized weng toy david found himself be side lun while tu hee followed be hind with chu sing tu hee was asked all manner or questions by her ruffled companion which she answered evasively and when he grew insistent pleaded she was too tired to talk that uncle weng would explain for the first time in her life tu hee experienced tho feeling of envy she envied lun the old nurso was talk ing and gesticulating volubly the girls heart fiutercd even she stolid lun had capitulated to the foreigner tea was served in the library a concession extended to only weng toys intimate friends tu hee hadnt hoped for this but a glance at her uncles face told her that mrs clay mores tact had won the day and ban ished the last vestige of a cloud not only this but the mutual goodwill be tween her uncle and the officer was unmistakable annual cut of pulpwood has grown to enormous dimensions in 1920 amount ing to over four million cords forest fires are dovastating more of our for ested areas to a far greater extent in the province of quebec last year 740000 acres of forest land was burned over according to hon honore mer- cler minister of lands and forests and in 1921 over 800000 aores was des troyed while the publisher will no doubt be compelled to absorb a large portion of the increasing price of newsprint this increase must eventually come from the roader consequently both the newspaper publisher and tho read er aro directly interested in the pro tection of the forest from lire this year the forest lire hazard will undoubtedly be severe and every citi zen should recognize his personal re sponsibility and do all he can to save the forests for laboremploying indus tries afteife give your diges tion a kick with wrigleys sound leetn a flood appetite and proper digestion mean much to your bealtb whigleys la a selper in all tola work a pleaoont beneoelal picltmenp fooling the bugs a motorist in the southern states once stopped for water at a dilapidated house where a barefooted man lean ing against a rickety fence was gazing meditatively across a field that had grown up to weeds how is your cot ton this year the motorist asked well sir replied the man i aint got no cotton i didnt plant none cause i was afraid the boll weevil might be bad how is your corn well came the reply i didnt plant no corn neither for i didnt know if wed git rain the motorist hesitated how are your sweet potatoes he asked at last well now stranger the man re- does your touch sense ever play you false did you know that besides optical illusions there are illusions of feel- lng the proof is very simple tak a small round pellet about the size of a pea cross the middle finger ovefl the thumb side of the first finger now insert the pellet between the crossed fingers and roll it about the surface os tho table you will bo astonished to find that you distinctly feel two obj jects- about half an inch apart the explanation of the experiment rests in the fact that the pellet to touched by the opposite sides of tie two fingers and consequently two sensations of touch arise instead ot one party who was out of his element he sat aptrt moody and silent nibling cakes and drinking tea and all the on his face and his voice was tense furt watching the english- with feeling as he tried to right mm- the p question which self in the eyes of the chinese girl darkened hi face was whether the ltltllz foreigners wound meant an act of piled you see its just this way 1 9iiiife5f wdwnt plant no sweet pertaters cause i was afraid the bugs might take them no sir i didnt plant nothin i just played safe inexcusable miss weng toy but when you are strong enough to listen to an explanation i feel sure i can clear chivalry to tu hee weng toy urged his guests to re main for dinner david would willing- myself won t you please trust me haye get aside us business engage and give me the honor and pleasure but a warning g from mrs of driving you to your home claymore bade him leave with her something in the voice stirred tu reluctantly oboyed however hee strangely instinctively she trust- ihe r accept weng toys in- ed this foreigner and wondered at the v for the next week and as he moment how she could have ever fear- bent over tu hee hand at parting he felt like imploring her to not forget him entirely in the long interval of seven days but commonsense tri umphed again and merely murmuring a few commonplace civilities he ac companied mrs claymoro from tho room when the door had closed on tho foreigners weng toy took tu hees j face between his hands my little how to plant pepper one warm day in spring silas sut ton and his wife harriet were plant ing their garden he was covering jho seeds with a hoe as bhe dropped them into the furrows and now im ready to plant tho red peppers she said well howre ye goin to plant it asked silas ye know it wont come up if yoro not as mad as hops when ye plant it yes thats so i was jest athlnkin about it what can i do to make my self mad silas stood in thought for a mo ment then striding quickly to his wifes sido he stuck hor with a pin the next instant he was fleeing across tho garden and harriet was in hot pursuit with a hoe ho got over the fence just in time to avoid the blow that she aimed at him then ns they both stood panting ho ed him his gaze was so clear and direct she bowed her assent and david handed her into the front seat of the car mrs claymore smiled relieved that a tense situation was over and took her place in the back beckoning lun in beside her lun was not so easily dealt with however she had had enough of foreigners and foreign auto mobiles nor was she willing that the monster should go without her until it had disgorged her child tu hee was half inclined to obey her nurse but a glance at the profile beside her with its long white dis figurement decided her peremptorily she turned please lun seat your self quietly this foreign gentleman wishes to take us quickly to my uncle lun turned an aghast face on her mistress twisted her hands nervously and seated herself beside mrs clay more but tu hee had no thought for lun crochet and fancy needlc- workrs wanted we sell your goods on consignment outoftown send stamp for reply hh gorie and specialty shop 120 danfortt avenue toronto mnntiiimniihiiiiimiiiliiniiimiiuinr always satisfy the housewife everywhere k canada ask for theil by jjamk tliimiitiiimiumiimniimiimmin worms and cold water magistrate whats your name youve been here before lyrebird lyre lyre magistrate liar am i ofllcer take him back worms and cold girl looks not unhappy or downcast water for thirty days for all her harrowing experience she has truly imbibed tho brave spirit of the house of weng toy it was terrible at first uncle tu hee shuddered but and her eyes beamed up at him the foreigners dis pelled all that they were very kind to me that young man is hero on an im portant mission for the great war ho is already a hero my child the scar ho carries on his foot is tho symbol of his share in the ultimate triumph of right over the powers of darkness bees have hip pockets in tho bees legs are pockets for holding pollen each pocket being closed by rows of bristles which inter lock in the most wonderful manner so preventing the pollen from falling out no wonder smarfe mower are so popular theycuiso easily end with such uiileprsh moferfoanc workmanship guoraife at every hafldware store l mlnards liniment for corns and warts a gratified pleased smile which shei europe had glimpsed had set hor heart beat- tu hees eyes shone like twin sap- ing rapidly and she felt her mysterjphircs as her hero worship was being ious adventure had opened up a glor- fed ious now avenue of life weng toy unaware of tho fire that david drove rapidly fain would d been kindled continued mrs ho have allowed the car to crawl common sense ruled tolling him hoj bv the two government officials must clear up without delay every as s did not wish to harass you with vostigo of tho blunder caused by tho details when you were nmong strang- bungling of tho officials ers and still suffering from the effects the streets were thronged with pee of tho shock the two men who kid- pie but for once tu hco took no in- mapped you mistook you for a german tercst in her surroundings she evcn wh in tl to ner- felt no shame at riding openly and mn i i th bu i u tifi a j my little girl has come to no harm the swtl 1 s thing to do is to overlook and for- cance of her action did not dawn on ct tho whole ntair especia as they fes wht nn thought they wore working for china sf w ji rf l8ion and thc go of n chnd rl flta 1 a run un to your room and rest for an uffirllft hour before dinner i must go and lost in the fog during foggy weather a seagull flew into tjxbrldge england railway sta tion caught its wings in a gas lamp and extinguished the light james smart plant brockviueoifn 6s88mbbsb3bbbbs3s5bbascsbbebbhm local agents wanted to sell and demonstrate the worlds most efficient snail supersensitive concert radiophone receiver to farmers townsmen eto apply to sparks radio company 34 yonge st arcade toronto said now i think youre mad enough i on tho nh but mrs claymoro explain to chu sing to plant the pepper so if yell not dig insisted on accompanying tu hco tu nco f barely touched the nh ton with t b n enet d go on with tho work of gard- thinkf davidi tho prcsent and ening a new meaning a teachor asked her class tho mean ing of the word furlough jack was called up and said it means mule it says so in tho book heart sang until she was dizzy he is i i t ua mhero he won his scar in the great needs a womans tact and i am suro f i miss wong toy will agree with me j slice- tu heo had nn idea hor unclos wrath might bo considerably mitigated by tho gracious american woman and considering her formor feelings it was a surpriso how very much sho wanted tho teacher asked for tho book and y n n7olr shoved back euo krtmgis c rert came to a picture of a soldier sitting acknowledge that the silent courteous auo man beside hor figured in it largely as they neared tho groat entrance gates of her homo a touring car turn ed out and approached them tu heo leaned forward cagorly tho veneer of at tho bottom of tho plcturo was written going homo on hta furlough ue sand clean metal a nw compressed air aand blast overcivilization dropped from her gun for cleaning metal does it work and clasping davids arm sho said inside a cabinrt that prrent the tremulously my uncle sir he ap- sand flying i peaches in the grey car i david drew up hi gaze fixed with to be continued o the sky the sky is a drlnklngcup that was overturned of old and it pours in tho eye3 of men its wine of airy gold wo drink that wine nil day till tho inst drop is drained up and nro lighted off to bed ry the jowels in the cup richard henry stoddard our free booklet of engravings li touts for thr flsktor it sivfi partlculira cf how jou ran obtain tho finest instrument th world produces at factory prick cosh or credit 10 oars fteo trial in your own homo lapcrla phonograph corp oept k owen sound ont ktaliillirj 25 itara tz olives of quality want of thought causes ns much evil as want of heart mlnards liniment for coughs colds rrcaajaiijiiaisauiiiaaiwmimjrtaij issue no 19 23 packed in a man ner which insures their keeping in fresh condition remove capping from cork by dip ping in hot water every single olive inspected for size and quality before it goes into the invincible bottle plata and staffed a t all grocers insist on mclarens 1nvincibib tct ar1t 13 ttmh kb hamilton winntpoz i