Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), March 29, 1923, p. 2

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out of the golden pack by ida m evans made from your owh qlo carpets 27151 in 75 sox0 ins j150 s sls tu 500 we pay express bend for catalog sanitary ru works 6s st to b- toronto stephen looked about for dan well- i man or a club steward where can i aivttt solution perhaps because in those i get a taxi dan or a hired car part ii elriv childish years cora bentlewin no not yours at the garage lettice was at the dinner toble eary cmimsn ears s two or three men besides his host white shouldered satin clad in beaded he was were cordially ready to supply ste- evening slippers for some reason she lj he deliberately phens lack they pressed forward in was a little pessimistic dropped lettice from his thoughts a group as they taard but lettice and then between dinner and the jvw towne gracefully deftly took pre- first act of the play wch followed and then let- cedence of all smilingly with a his pulse beat faster whyas he anemara us fixed glint in her eyes helped lettice into the wellman car t that cay and hcr tulle she waved them back and his hand touched her bare eioow f its mire ste- im driving back to town tonight her loose evening coat sleeve hen b tried and failed to truly i promised to get home and fallen back a lovely color ran up iir jvj the biame in tnrce equal por- i can just as well go now please delicate profile tions like thirds of a red apple him- stephen was slightly annoyed his of what was wcpmemonxite j tpttice the shnrersmnrl ind attrmtinn rtnrl hiriicf- nrfl iii viw later it was of some si to be concluded his car was undergoing repair that s tvw self accident and lettice the sharers mind and attention had thrust ahead igniiicanco uioi accident lettices responsibility to wettles and hospital and he would ona act his own negligence j have preferred not having any one to night a messenger boy irom nam- had v ssl negligent talk to him on the drive back to town mond wettles himself slipped a sum- crimina nerfigent he could not id like to start instantly he said mons to stephen wettles the break- h ha departed mgke good t fast food king who could not gnv schoo greed for a holi- ill get my coat in a second dan his own products was enromcauy hjs j fixfid pro nave t car brought out of the gar- threatened with append habit of keeping in perfect repair his age please shied from the necessary opewbon naw t p fg hlred su like an od horse from a high lence stephen obeyed the summons at- though lettice smiled musi you i g t d y afternoon when just at the and dan wellman snorted dogs me of hour dan wellman you lead steve j- tmninted breezed into his private consultation but because that last j room dan was all invitation lift of lettices stayed with him gteve ca n a d art iffl ssgft ti ntatess self had he been more insistent loraim ier w u d at wettles might have ffijfflssa two a long mooted point and saved himself fertilized acres with a and stephen much trouble l twelveroom cottage near c0f h for sh business yours agreed stephen then why urge- country club stephen bentlewin accepted the in vitation almost without a word it said was welcome he had been hard driven for a good wo all know hour rapidly an idle brain deteriorates like tie water in the brook which spark les down the hillside becomes foul muddy and attracts all sorts of vermin when it ceases to work and stands idle in the bog at the fcot of the hill so the idle brain which keeps clear and limpid ami pure when active be- comes muddy and foul and at tracts all sorts- of vicious as sociations and deteriorating dan- derous tastes when idle chopped rateire facf c of wafcutl meals quarter tersmoon of vasrika j btxl s3r an water until itj threads hen crxri3 frcm the- tip of a spoon pour cnfctctenesg whj and beat until it cx5 its tfcape add raisics nests sat and varixii mix wes drop from a teaspoon on par- affin paper and set until cold 1 after every meal one of the best a dense population a schoolteacher asked her- class in what part of the world the most ignor ant people were to be found a small boy volunteered quickly la london england the teacher was amazed and ques tioned the lad as to where he had ob tained such information well he replied tie geography says thats where the population most dense johnny scores johnny hated his early bedtime in the course of one of the nightly argu ments his mother told him how all the little chicks went to sleep with the in work or play it gives the poise and steadiness that mean success it belps digestion allays thirst beep lag tbe mouth coot land moist tfce throat muscles relaxed and pliant d the nerves at eaic miss booklover one should he up- i sun for the moment he was silent todate what are the six dest sellers at present mr toper mr toper the six best cellars i really cant say but mines one of them ill bet its my business to urge s wortlm heard rrunt- weeks his night and day sails labor savers i use first comes my kitchen cabinet standing five feet from and in front of the stove and containing every thing that is needed for baking i can prepare anything for the oven without taking a step txl the cake or pies or biscuit ore ready to slip into the oven next comes my builtin woodbox that can be filled from the shed and forms a seat in my kitchen beside the a business tiip to new york thought of his own car he seldom firebox end of the stove a kt vr a rlmhtlevia rodein another mans but he sawl vjjh my five babies acl under five ejdem vuane efov ttfge pa e no great wisdom in waiting an hour and on ye of age tte bath- whhthe yeas influenza a boiler or two on repair work hw spare rwml on the firat flcor is a blessmg explos on in a factory sickeningly hours were too few and delight d 1nto a concrete marked one week hammqnd wettles waits on no mechanic he saw no j y hws0 and bir wote that he would return presently jwtt the hot water tank is comeoted with and mind no saw but yours bentlowin if saw it must be stephen now that it was proffered to him he my range who was grimly devoid of vanity dis- felt eager to get at his golf in a place approvingly reflected that wettles which he knew would be good and better act faster and be less particular green s as to the saws wielder and then for- 1 and lettice towne undoubtedly gut wettles he dined several tintes would be one of the smiling appreci- vith the wellmans which meant with ative guests at the wellman dinner lettice towne and he dined once at for all the cold and careful resolu- the towne table itself and he played tion which undermined his feeling for golf twice out north where lettice her the prospect of seeing her was not unpleasant without ado he accompanied dan go n happened to be playing lettice played golf on nice days when it was not too warm or too cold i out the door pausing to give a direc- she said j tion or two to the office girl then he denied to himself that lettice down in an express elevator towne had come to regard him with the sun was bright and just in- n fleeting plaintive wonder in her dining toward descent of day as they lovely dark blue eyes he would not admit to himself that very often ho had been greatly tempted to answer that question in a way to satisfy her and himself for a while at least he stuck to a slowly formed austere re- patents that bring the largest return are those properly protected you can wrlto with confidence to our firm for froe roport as to patentability send for lilst of ideas and lltoraturo correspondence jnvlted th3 ra3hsay co patent attorneys q73 bank bt ottawa out inventions send for list of inrentlun wanted by manufac turers fortune have been made from almplo idea pisient protection booklet on requetf harold c shopman co rolled north over the great new bridge and took the lovely skirting road of the lake with the first swift rush of north shore air against his face stephen shook off some of the ac- cumulated fatigue of weeks j he shook off more as dan drove into the low club garage to the im mediate west of the garage the smooth rolling turf had caught something fresher and more emerald than usual from the recent rains like a mirror ing lake it allured over it was a scattering of con centrated men and of women in gay sport sweaters and white footgear lettice towne was one of them in a soft blue silk sweater and flat heeled white shoes which made her seem and my laundry tubs such back ache and time saivers as they are mine are in the kitchen and covered as a table when not in use for washing with no tubs to ft and empty wash ing does not seem like washing i had rather be without my handpower waher than the tubs my husband had acetylene lights put in so all the time i once used cleaning and filling oil lamps is now used for other work avith the outfit is the hot plate which makes sunrner cooking more comfortable i have an ironing board on a stand ard and a gasoline iron so i can iron when and where i choose one year i spent almost a day pit ting cherries but never again i bought a pitter and an appl parer they not only do better and riueh quicker work but my fiveyearold boy can operate tnem as well as i doing every bit of my own work sewing for a31 of us even to the making of the ohidrens coats i mut plan to save every minute i can so as to have a httie time for reading and other things i enjoy by using my breadmixer it takes seven minutes to knead bread and other thing which being a mother appeals to roe is- the fact that music seem to be one of the best grounds upon which a matter and her son can keep in touch with each other many of the mothers play a little pihb it may be a very little but each orchestra member was required to pirrchase the piano parts to all orchestra music and to practice his parts with tho piano outside of school houra tras becoming familiar with fjrigjxiliix then he piped up but the old hen goes to bed with them you know mama the extra half hour was conceded the eternal cause whats the matter little girl two boy were flghtln and i got struck by a stone thats it the innocent bystander always gets hurt but i dont know as 1 was an inno cent bystander i was what they was- tghtln about 1x38 tbe habit of ciiroing as our own as a vivid prefst rlljty that wh3ct we lee wjjh effi or heart is a mag- notje power which attracts the things wo long for the creative power ex ists in affirming the desire of tw thing we long to be or to accomplish mlnard- liniment for coughs colds eo ofcourse flour sifter you seem well fixed rolling pin well i gather a little dough now and then dye any garment or old drapery in diamond dyes the general orchestra score many of the boys met frequently in small groups perhaps three or foui at a homo of some mother who pgayed thej piano with an interested teacher to play the accompaniments tlhe school piano was also utilized for practice purposes write the school orchestra does notl buy diamond dyes and follow the eradicate the gang spirit that seemsj simple directions in every package to be born in all boys yet it directs dont wonder whether you can dye or it into safe and sane channels my j tint successfully because perfect homo orchestra boys are gangsters love dyeing is guaranteed with diamond of music seems to draw them toj dyes even if you have never dyed be- gether just as love of adventure or of fore worn faded dresses skirts mischief prompts tfce formabion of waists coats sweaters stockings other gangs- if there is a fine con- draperies- hangings everything be- cert or an opera company or some come like new again just tell your other especiahy good asttraction in druggist whether the material you town you will find the majority of wish to dye is wool or silk or whether my boys there usiiaery on the front j it is linen cotton or mixed goods seats and they are just as interested diamond dyes never streak spot fade and wellbehaved as the girls who or run will be there too none of the orchestra boys smoke most of the girls and boys excel in their studies i smaller and younger for all her havert set to rise modern training the color rose in her i must also mention my mop wrmg- face too at sight of stephen bontlej ev dust mop and sweeper although lettice had merely motor- winter used to mean spending goodly share of each day carrying p7tomatfytokrrv i j wellmans for the day chunks from the woodshed to keep raiull auulintiio ottawa canana ishnvllirl hnrl tvirooirrhr rinu f- 1 ottawa canada east or west eddys best ho had had foresight enough to bring j along evening wear in a soft white silk dress she sat next stephen bentlewin at dinner it was a filmy delicate silk her arms were bare and powdered her slippers were satin and never manufactured for walking purposes her stockings were white cobwebs i two heaters going now we have a pipeless furnace all wood for it in the cellar and a muoh warmer house mrs l l s women 100000 years ago what were women like a hundred when the cottageful went thousand years ago a number of french profesors later across to the clubrooms for the even- insist on having eddys ing dance she wore a tulie scarf as have been trying to find out and some well it was silvery tulle with infinit- very intercting results have followed esimal beads forming a feathery dej their search they say that in the sign hxpensivclookmg but nether d whon ive1 in wo- a useful nor a durable article merely l u a certain woman one might be with hcr year on year and yet find always something new in her each day as a familiar landsenpe has a way of changing so that one may quite forget how well one knows each hill and rivulet her sudden vagaries are chaken-g- ing as are the fragrant breezes of the spring and from her smiles one learns loves alphabet in fact she is so many different folk one never wearies of her comrade ship nor may a final judgment eer invoke so varied the opinions she jets slip and always through what mood or phaso she goes one catches poetiy within her prose charlotte becker in uhs world it fe not wiatwe take up but wihat we give up tlhit makes ns rich she wrote him a note which read dear john meet me at the trystimj ptace at 630 thes evening without fate and john answered in thaife ixicon of you4lh which fato has re served for a bright manhood there is no such word as fale prevents chapped hands craclce lips chilblains makes your ia soft white clear and smooth all drugeists sell u raisin fluff two cups of sugar hajf cup water esimal beads forming a feathery dej then- search they say that in the one stiffly beaten ts white half cu sign kxpensivclooking but neither j d whon 0 lived in caves wo- a useful nor a durable article merely t important 0 tho one of the soft useless lovely trifles iit which civnizationexhibiwvathetvcaity two s8xes men were only tolerated to mark wistful humanity rise from the sake of jho food and skins savage red and yellow beads j thoy provided women ruled cvery- his pulse was not slow as he and thing and almost every art and j she entered the club doors lighted science wo have today is due to tho and streaming music he was not a i facile dancer he had learned the art ak0 i too late in life with hardly enough w i zeal but he knew that he was going work of the women of thousands of women taught men how to defeat doctors prescribe and hospitals use diodccrr tt uasd-rfo- oliver oou banter doe ihto pitcr boat tag o fctuoa ra uuntlr 3 i tlm acarj ubor cheaper than coal or wood oliver deratr d4cn its own a from it oil u cbcac tascs tttt or inff mj fit erect iao6i krccat oil u cheap d4r ta crfcz p lom dat cbiojo yoor ttot blip l lans fitapts itctoct bttutu l4itjtltl shhsb vmzs m heat stft m 44ri j cp7 arnlni j fci- twjagt qrc ucuffi just turn a valve fmt orooftv kftrn tnr piibm dbrt voi amti m bjtm btler acto 30 pays trial em of tba ottrvr fr 0 dar tw i so co rjtm l 19 lifn r it i- rti mi fss for full informjtllon wth to oliver oil burners v limited 6jyoiig st toronto there are accirclen vllbl writ i through n lurn or two with lettice i fallie b snaring animails and stor- j that would top a pleasant day ua inf them for times when food woud i continued unmoved however in some be unobtainable women taught men secret recess of his being j how to get skins to clothe themselves and then even as she put a hand j in the winter women in fact saved on his arm and the orchestra finished the humanrnee from being detroyej with the preliminary strumming of aj since she ws not strong enough to foxtrot he was summoned to the jni her enemies or provide food and wits force every laborsaving device we have today is dcscnij from the early sj i t el r wcrran had to use he cd over the wire to him as it had been i received by his office assistant in t l town aboard ilier hammond wettles stricken on way- invention of a woman home immediate operation imperaj atogether it scyms that woman tive have ambulance meet train a thousand vearsago rausl man in 1130 pm you yourself requested to ahl ex same manner that operate telegraph reply flier hc d t d toledo physician on train i when he had had his assistant in mus best antidote for chicago repeat the telegram and in j waywardness return had telephoned orders for a during tho adolescent age the byi reply to be made and the ambulance and ustm loan to bc forming attended to the turn of stephen im bentlewins heel was professionally f m pf eager and obedient an animation too r rc3t 8 parents whether different from that induced by a green s mail bocsme srjermtrd in turf had taken possession of his face the higher pursuit or in pool cigar- that to correspond a certain anima- otto etc music is the best antidote tion had withdrawn from lcttico for waywardness that i know an- towncs fnccathis sidcis irrelevant- to hammond wettbs plight minards liniment for coins and warts because of its purity wholesome nourishment and delicate flavor also best for home use economical and easy to make one package serves eight people costs only one cent a serving at all grocers specify mclarens invincible jelly powder t by mclapens umlrd j hmtlun and wlrinisci y rlijij bxop -ttstrtrt- t i vhen foh can buy bread like fit ready baked i count the raisins j at least eight big plump tender fruitmeats to the slice taste it ste how the rat- sin flavor permeates tho jraad no need to bake at home when weve arranged with bakers in almost every town and city to bake this full- fruited raisin bread just phone and theyll de liver itrall ready to sur prise the family- tonight j it comes from master bak ers modern wens irl yotl city and its made with sunmaid raisins thats another reason for its superiority a rare combination of nutritious cereal and frul both good and good for you ea you ahould serve it at least twica a week use sunmaid raisins also in puddings cakes and cooties you may be offered other brands that you know less well than sun- moido but the kind you want is the kind yon know is good in sist therefore on sunmaid brand frhsy cost no more than ordinary raisins mail coupon for free book of tested sunmaid recipes sunmaid raisins the supreme bread raisin sunmaid raisin growers bltie pacings mmbtrhte 14000 fresno california j cot this out and send it i sunmaid raisin growers dept n53312 fresno california 1 please lend roe copy of year frcfl boot recipes with raisins i nam i stuet i crrv- province

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