rt stouffville nov 2nd 1928 bkimmam i for coughs and colds a few dotes of balsamea and coughs and colds disappear com pletely balsamea loosens the phlegm and clears the lungs and bronchial tubes i h tjalsamea although powerful in action is free from all harm ful drugs children take it willingly because it tastes good relief guaranteedor money refunded buy a bottle today boadways drug store stouffville ont meats having purchased win yakes meat business we are prepared to supply you j with the best fresh and cured meats your patrovage will j appreciated 1 h leadbetter phone 9701 be trucking long and local distance hauling prices moderate geo valder west of standard bank stouff- ville jphone 1603 1 local and long distance haulim e moderate prices caii phone 1204 for estimate on your work h allen goudie stouffville ontario small advertisements house for sale or kent eight roomed brick house with all modern eouveuienpis on obrien i ave apply to yrdjitrn stouff- ville or nationartrust corpora- 1 tion toronto 35 tf i fowl highest prices paid for all kinds of fowl special prices for fat fowl harold borinsky phone 3s04 or 186 46 tf for sale apples snows talman sweets spies russets other kinds choice alfalfa hay 5 grades 3 grades suitable for road horses also timothy al falfa mixed 1 jersey heifer fresh phone 7805 joseph betz stouft- ville 35p strayed on lot 2 con oct 19 fou prove proj phone 64 fourayoun pronctty an 13clrvtd 9 whitchurch about young cattle owner and rfay expenses rusnell v card of thanks the husband and family of the late mrs francis ward desire to ex- eir sincere appreciation for kindnesses extended to g their recent bereave- nov 2 19 22 i am agent for cray- dor t cars notice to creditors and others lewis brown deceased auditorium garage phone 170 alex scott property for sale new house at a right price this i nonth a house and large lot on main street at 4000 1 4 acres with buildings at a small rice 600 50 acres with buildings at a ovr price 1000 some good hundred acre farms t 7 to 12 thousand dollars call on yake co buttons block stouffville ont business phone 1604 residence phone 8004 local news i grannys own and corticelliwool in all shades at mrs m watts do not overlook the euchre and dance on friday nigbtnovember 10 ratcltffs hall outside orchestra local war veteran auspices peterboro won the intermediate j championship of the ontario ama- 1 teur baseball association by defeat i ing lucan at gait on saturday last i a c kennedy chiropractor and joseph grose left by motor for graveuhurst on wednesday morn ing to join a party of deer hunters in the northern wilds mrs john kennedy died suddenly at her home in detroit last week from pneumonia deceased was a sister to mr elijah pennock of this town sh was 74 years of age and is survived by a husband but no family joseph cooney of the 7th con whitchhrch has leased the wilmot brown farm on the 10th concession of the same township wj bals don the present tenant is giving up farming and will hold a sale on november 11th an auction sale of household goods belonging to mr win cook was held at his residence on saturday afternoon mr cook hopes to move into his fine new bungalo in the west end which he hopes to faave completed shortly and take up his residence there the beautiful weather of the past week has given the farmers a great opportunity to get in the fail root crop which is one of the best on record fall auction sales have not been largely attended on this ac- icount especially is this ithe case with the smaller sales farmers will nave more leisure after the ground freezes up pickering farm sold the yiake co real estate agency report the sale of four acres of land at lot 35pickering and markham townline belonging to mr cobbs to j evans of toronto the price is reported to be 550 successful operation roland winn a wellknown far mer on the uxbridgepickering town line recently underwent an opera tion for appendicitis in the toronto general hosiptal last week he re turned home much improved in health last friday was the last of the half holiday closing so that stores will now remain open all day friday from this out mr s p lennox who came to stouffville four years ago as man ager of the stouffville vinegar works has been engaged in toronto of late and will move his family back to the queen city in november or earlv december percy wideman has sold his farnf of 108 acres onr the 8 th comwssion of pickering j mile soutjiot clare- niiit to mr aglesonbfjiarkham mr wideman intendatiolding a sale this monthsand jyffl move to mark- ham mr wjtreman intends hold ing a sale tms month the ministers wifes new bon net a new musical entertainment with plenty of fun will be given by the grrett mission circle in rat- cliffs hall on friday evening nov 3rd admission for adults 33c children 20c pn marvyn james brother of mrs a c burkholder and a former em ployee on the tribune staff was injured in toronto last week due to being struck by an auto driven by a woman and which got out of control and ran upon the sidewalk mrjames was taken to his home at 40 sprmghurst avenuewhere it was found that his injuries were not of a serious nature failed to get quorum the regular meeting of the board of trade on monday evening flailed to attract more than five or six members and was therefore with drawn quality servtcai fulopep feed store opep laying mash ldryuhashr makes most eggs a dry mash feed your hens the tried and proven way stiver bros n 4 all persons having claims against the estate of lewis brown late of the township of uxbridge in the county of ontario carpenter deceased died on or about aug 14jth 1d22 are required to send to the undersigned solicitor for the administrator particulars of their ney schmidt aifd carri claims duly verified on or before november 16th 1922 after said date the assets will be divided a- mongi ithose entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the administrator shall then have had notice dated at toronto 23rd october 1922 john w mccullough 15 toronto street toronto solicitor for administrator bloody path tells the tale on saturday night stouffville ex perienced a second robbery jjfit this time not of so serious a nalure as the one stagedthe previous week thieves entered the hen geh of sid- off four of the fowl leayirig behind onjy the heads wjiich furnished a suit able clue to the guilty party the constable traced the blood line right up to jthehomw of a resident in the southtfart of the town and a prosecution is likely to be the out come of the affair george a cox a farmer of mark ham township who died july 2s left an estate probated at 16600 a thirty acre form in markham township is valued at 8500 ami the residue is as follows crops 1000 automcfafle 4010 cah 3615 bonds 500 mortgage 1000 horses and stojjk 1100 and household goods and farming implements 575 the widow gets the estate until the youngest child reaches twentyone years when it is to be divided one half to the widow one quarter to a son merrll cox and an eighth to each of two funds are needed daughters iria and jean cox stouffville leads for cheaper bcsd last week therewas axoread war on in uxbridge whenfhe price was reduced from 18c ur 16c per large loaf to meet competition of toronto bread in j8touffville the citizens have beeir enjoying 16b bread for about a month extensive improvement work has commenced on remod- delling the house on obrien avenue recently purchased by mr james mc cullough of toronto and known as the wm paisley property when operations are completed mr mc- cullough will have an ideal home and we look forward to having him as a permanent citizen of this town hallowonen pranks halloween night a year ago the council employed a special force of constables to protect property on that time worn occasion at that time it cost 16 for these special cops so this year there was no protection provided and we are happy to say the pranks performed were not of a seriousniature al though jthe pranks were not alto gether without expense to the citi- ens of the town will help northern brothers at a meeting of the farmers of stouffville district held saturday evening in the council chamber plans were formulated to colleci supplies to be sent to the fire suffer ers of the north the meeting was fairly well attended and sixteen or eighteen canvassers will cover the section in an effort to furnish one car each of hoy straw vegetables and possibly grain if the inten sion of the meeting is carried out the local farmers will nave done a splendid work we have a good line of building material on hand such as dressed and undressed lum ber lime plaster and tile in the yard give us a trial on your window frames and sash and doors have you seen our house trimming material its a finish stouffville planing mill schell stouffer proprietors phone 194 overland cars sales and service we nave secured the agency the overland call and have us demonstrate tho overland for you appointments at any time milliken garage jns clayton proprietor phone 16 r 2 milliken ont buy u poppy the local bnyich of the gwva will hold a poppy day on satur day nov llth armistice day you will be greeted on the street by young lady taggers selling pop pies which were made by disabled soldiers in various military hospitals j music and fire in canada and have been purchased the rhodes avenue silver band by the different soldier organ iza- of the salvation army which played tious to sell to the public all in stouffville on saturday afternoon profits accruing from the sale of hvenfover to port perry on stur- these poppies will be devoted to day evening for an hours en-gage- alleviating distress among the re- ment t0 on a concert turned men of the district these in uxbridge the boys just arrive poppies will also be sold at the on the bailks of the scugog when euchre and dance on friday nov j the fire alarm was souided and the wholesale and retail harness she s parage mr car owner we carry a good clean stock as follows 10th the veterans are asking the citizens to cooperate with them to the fullest extent having in view the laudable cause for which the stove time goal is very scarce but it takes very little to keep you warm or cook with if one of our four or six hole tortoise cooks is used two hundred of our customers boosters of these popular little cook heaters look i hem over our stock is very complete are users and come in and perfection oil heater quick handy heat thsse chilly days an oil heater is fine half a dozen styles of coal heaters to choose from for the cold season silvester bros stouffville of s jeffrey son was found to lie ablaze the conflagration was of serious proportions and although there rasan insurance of 1s000 the loss to lhe firm is said to be heavy as the band had only a limited time to spend in port the citizens had to be content with the music from the fire bell uxbridge had big fire on tuesday a serious fire occurred in the eld plank house hotel tires 12 and 1500 each any make tubes 2 and 220 each any make spark plugs patching material blow out patches bulbs repair parts for different makes of cars british american gasoline oils greases and other accessories expert repair work and good service bridge early tuesday morningwhen ink situate on the corner of mie operty main street was totally destroyed the alarm was smfnded at 3 oclock and the brigade succeeded in saving the canu5boli tailoring shop across the archway even tho heavybrick waus of tho building lie low iii the imins the property has boon used as a garage jty rettre bros and part of the upper jnoray was occupied by mr reawns a dwelling his wife happened to be away from home on the night of the fire but mr heare had to got out by the fire escape nothing was saved except ing olio automobile fortunatply the stock of new ars was low al though quite a number of necond hand ones were destroyed tho clirlrira itcolkanlze on friday evening last thoso-mn- terested in curling met for ejection of officer and general business the mattor of a new curling pfnk leame under discussion and acommfttee was appointed to secue subscrip tions cost of rink sltef etc and re port at a special meeting the committee is comirosed of w j matberj henry rfilunger and dh rusnell the election of officers for thd ensulm season resulted as follows presiaendr s s ball vloepresldent c armstrong sectreas h w sanders management com dr sangster wh todd w j mather membership com blake sanders dh rusnell f l batton representatives to oca annual mating h w sanders and w h todd maxwell and dodge service phone 300s stouffville xoi green kenmare automobile expert3 our motto auditorium garage r bepairsonall makes of catts automobile supplies for prompt personal attention phone 170 1 o a o o a o stouffville ocsoi ioe20i ioe 30e30z o socio chopping during june july and august on monday wednesday and fridays drewerybros phone 2805 dixon fiili aimmo99amim9mot0e9mm 6