pagg mj w the tribune vol xxxiv no 32 stouffville ontario thursday october 5th 1922 t i whole number i32 the investors safeguard cafe1y is the first consideration in every phas of this banks business and we are in a position to render a complete investment service- our nearest manager can give you information regarding any securities you may contemplate purchasing let standard service be yoar investment safeguard the j standard bank or canada 3jt total assets over eightythree millions stouffville branch a c burkholder manager 8 fall and winter millinery a nice assortment to choose from at reasonable prices also fancy goods sweaters wools b oesoe mrs f wilson loxaoe 30e30e the tribune is published thursday afternoon terms 200 a year in advance iinele copies 5c r editor and prop successor to f3996fijbffrt stouffville rtfftl kont j editorial comment entertainments galore are being scheduled for the end of the month in town the board of trade the veterans and the methodist church we hear are holding entertainments about the same time entertain ments in town are usually fairly well patronized when the talent is drawn from the residents but to have too many about the same time means that some of them must suf fer if eajch and every one are to be a success the dates should be so arranged as not to conflict sell cream two streams of profit of your separator cream to sell skim milk to grow another crop of calves pigs or chickens the surest safest and most profitable system of farming you take no chances apple crop eastern ontario the total apple wrop in eastern i ontario promises to be approximately 90 per cent of that of last year but stouffville creamery company also agents for delaval famous separator stouffville lodge no 384 meets every monday evening at 8 oclock in the oddfellows hall visiting brethren welcome ftalph baker w r sanders n o secretary j b hanna financial secy roadways drug store stouffville business cards legal mccullough button jarbistbrs solicitors con veyancers ac 8andbr8 blook 8touffvillb mdtiey to loan travel by canadian pacific for full particulars ticket and reservations apply to h- w- sanders local agent phoxe 180 alio cpr nd cunard line ocean ticket dental dr d c smith dentist stouffville ilonor graduate of chicago and to ronto university and the royal ool le of dental burgeons office over shaws store phone office 1011 residence 101 j at uxbridge every wednesday dr e s barker d d d s dentist stouffville iforor graduate of royal college of bui lurgsone and ot the unlver- of toronto office hours 9 to 12 am and to 5 pm office in grablns block over jew- flery store ucie office 8x01 resldense 1101 afarkham every tuesday office m whites store dr s s ball physician and surgeon offiice cor obrien and main phone 196 w j mather 8tojbbal director and bm- balmbr 8toufpvillb residence church street two doors north of store phone nos 9801 or 9812 dat and night call promptly attended to life insurance norman m maclean local representative confederation life association fire accident sick and auto mobile insurance stouffville ontario f w silversides auctioneer having license for york and on tario counties i make a specialty of pedigreed stock and am in touch with the most prominent breeders phone stouffville 507 for dates ond terms grand trunk ivv prepare for a business career elliott nge and cbarfee stt toronto ery graduate of the last twelvo onths has promptly obtained em- ient enter any time write r catalogue j elliott principal the double track route between montreal toronto detroit chicago unexcelled dining car service sleeping cars on night trains and parlor cars on principal day trains full information from any grand trunk ticket agent or ce horning district passenger agent toronto j r hodgins agent phone 4401 stouffville om the quality is not nearly as good and the percentage of no 1 pack will be very light due largely to the rapid development of apple scab within the past month oshawa and whitby the total apple crop is only about 65 per cent of that of last year baldwins are very light and only 10 per cent of last year spies and greenings fair russets ben davis starks and st lawrence a good crop all varieties are more or less scabby and show a lot of side worm newcastle and bowman- ville the total apple crop will average about so per cent of last year but scab is still developing and the quality is only fair russets kings greenings and ben davis are a good crop other varieties fair port hope cobourg and colbourne the total apple crop will be practic ally equal to that of last year spies and baldwin light kings ben davis good mcintosh iair in unsprayed orchards 80 per cent scab is showing an even well cared for prehards are howing considerable scab although apples are of good size brighton and trenton the apple crop throu ghout this district appears to be about20 per cent heavier than last year in most orchards a consider able amount of fungus is developing and the quality therefore is much below that of last season spies and baldwins are a light crop while russets and ben davis are heavy other varieties fair practically all the large well cared for orchards in this district have been sold kingston the apple crop will be 50 per cent over last year mcintosh 100 per cent increase wealthy 600 per cent increase talman sweet 25 per cent increase uncared for or chards are showing considerable fungus codling moth and side worm wellington the total apple crop will be 50 per cent larger than last year spies and baldwins are light cranberries a good crop golden russet and greenings 80 per cent the fruit is well cared for for orch ards are clean south bay the apple crop will be slightly less than that of last year scab is developing rapidly and side worm and rail- rod worm are causing some dam age russets are particularly heavy and of very fair quality kings greenings starks an ben davis are a good crop bloomfield apples 25 per cent heavier than last year but 50 per cent are either scabby or wormy although the size is good kempville the total crop of apples will be 90 per cent of a full crop or 110 per cent of the crop of last year the varieties grown in this district are principally duchess wealthy and mcintosh considerable scab is in evidnce but the fruit is well up to normal size river st lawrence i p school report honor roll september 1922 jr 1 erma holden 2 jar- da barker ana edward galloway 4 reta burkholder sr i hugh thomas jack hill billie sanders hillyard pugh jr 1 lila mertens verna hare gordon murchison clara lehman a v spofford sr iv 1 velma st john 2 mil dred pugh 3 kathleen vanzant jr iv 1 ivy saunders and g cockerill 2 wilbert gower 3 reua hare sr iii 1 marion ratcliff 2 ir ene balsdon 3 mary lewis paul boadway jr iii 1 may hill 2 verna cockerill 3 lillian baker sr ii 1 harry pennock 2 leonard byer 3 edwin smith jr ii 1 ivy wild 2 janet button and helen todd 3 jack baker miss spofford primary d class 1 edra burkitt 2 eve lyn green 3 hazel davis c class 1 edward garthwaite 2 ruth mtemullen 3 grant baker b glass 1 isobel coulter 2 elda heise 3 norma rusnell and isobel col lard a class 1 ruth barker 2 norma little 3 olive bartholomew and bobby hare l j bennett f training l i trainings boy or cirl shaw school in toronto hold th premier portion thirty ytun record over 25000 student and their parents tetify to the sl instruction riven eleven schools in tb best sec- j timt handbook sent to anyone on request p uclmiesk chitf phtuipal ulllfbiishkssaioois pium toronto s meats having purchased wm yakes meat business we are prepared to supply you with the best fresh and cured meats your patronage will be appreciated h leadbetter phone 9701 get your school supplies here geo collard market drug stope stouffville bloomington weekend miss n card spent the in toronto mr arthur storry who has been sick we are pleased to say is slowly recovering mr and mrs earl jones of tor onto were guests at mr c brum- wells on sunday mr and mrs soden and air mrs oldham of hartman visiting at mr wm storrys sunday dont forget the anniversary vices in the methodist church sunday oct 8th services at 230 and 730 tbevandorf quartette will music everybody welcome drug boadways y store stouffville and were on ser- on ipm furnish ninth line middlebrook and wetson fair on mr and mrs family attended saturday a large number of friends and neighbors gathered at the home of mr and mrs a johnson last fri day night to welcome mr reynolds and his bride they were presented with a library table among those present at newmar ket fair last saturday were mr and mrs hare and family and mrs m gillion miss luella hol den and miss f postill r about 75 friends gathered at the home of mr andmrs hare last fri day night to bid them farewell be fore going to their new home in temperanceville mr t eagleson and sister were visiting friends in toronto on sun day we welcome mr and mrs connor to their new home miss moore of toronto was guest of miss blair over sunday mr and miss mcblwain and mrs postill motored to weston on thurs day we welcome mr hams bride to our vicinity mr and mrs mcelwain and son were visiting friends in richmond hill last sunday cut flowers and ferns wedding bouquets and funeral designs muston nurseries stouffville phone 700l trucking long and local distance hauling prices moderate j geo valder west of standard bank stouff ville phone 1603 local and long dist ha moderate prices call phone 1204 for estimate on your wdrk h allen goudie stouffville ontario i am agent for graydort cars 0 auditorium garage phone 7001 alex scott fine hunting where to hunt fish and paddle in the new north is the tftle of a dealing with terri- district the total crop of apples i si th transcontinental line will be practically the same as last canaman national railways year except for fameuse which is northern i ontario and quebec g therefore found eu camps eouipmentetc and in addition a series of compre hensive maps this virgin country offers ideal sport for the hunter apply to any agent of the canadian nationalgrand trunk railways for free copy or write c k howard general tourist agent toronto very light apple scab is developing f u11 j talned trfw rapidly and the quality therefor i at 0 wnere s mav e quality will be materially less than that of 1921 in unsprayed orchards mcin tosh are almost 100 per cent spotted and in orchards that were not thor oughly sprayed there is from 30 per icent to 50 per cent spot the per centage of number ls therefore will be low where thorough spraying has been done the apples are in ex cellent condition almost 100 per cent clean the fruit is of good size and well grown lor the season fall millinery opening the price with the quality mrs m watts larsons blqck stomffvule where to hunt in canada there are many districts contigu ous to the canadian national rail ways where the hunter can get his limited bag of igame in the pro vinces of ontario and quebec they are numerous and within a few ho urs travel of your home the ex citement of the chase is wonderfully fascinating in addition a week or two in the woods furnishes the fin est kind of a vacation abundance of moose deer bear and game birds are to be obtained with a minimum of effort and expense apply to nearest canadian nationalgrand or write c k howard general tou- s trunk agent for bunting literature rlst agent toronto its fine after you have been straining your eyes over even coarse print it loartainly does seem good to be fit- led to glasses that makes even kine print easily read our optometrist is performing just such j seeming miracles daily so why not come in and have your eyes examined and fitted to ithe glasses that will re lejve all defects today see me and see better adam r yake registered optometrist and optician office phone 1604 resid phone 8004 a g kennedy chiropractor wm1 bo in his otflca on church at from 880 to 12 ym on monday wednesday and friday you say exactly the same as other ladies how did i ever get along with out one thats what all th ladles say the moment ona ot our new kitchen cabinets comes into the kitchen bo convenient so handy o indispensable we 4t one tort will suit you bvervthiko xn furniture j w j mather stoeffvill drug boadways stork stouffville overland cars sales and service we have secured the agency ssc overland call and have tm demonstrate the overland for you appointments at any time milliken garage ja clayton proprietor fhone 16 r 2 milliken ont i i