zzzzzsssg j- stouffville sept- 14 1922 k3 k- rgji w to holders of five year 5i per cent canadas victory bonds issued in 1917 and maturing 1st december 1922 conversion proposals the minister of finance offers to holders of these bonds who desire to continue their investment in dominion of canada securities the privilege of exchanging the maturing bonds for new bonds bearing sj per cent interest payable half yearly of either of the following classes a five year bonds dated 1st november 1922 to mature 1st november 1927 b ten year bonds dated 1st november 1922 tomature 1st november 1932 while the maturing bonds wijl carry interest to 1st december 1922 the new bonds will commence to earn interest from 1st november 1922 giving a bonus of a full months interest to those availing themselves of the conversion privilege this offer is made toholders of the maturing bonds and is not open to other investors the bonds to be issued under this proposal will be substantially of the same character as those which are maturing except that the exemption from taxation does not apply to the new issue dated at ottawa 8th august 1922 holders of the maturing bonds who wish to avail themselves of this conversion privilege should take their bonds as early as possible but not later than september 30th to a branch of any chartered bank in canada and receive in exchange an official receipt for the bonds surrendered containing an undertaking to deliver the corresponding bonds of the new issue holders of maturing fully registered bonds interest payable by cheque from ottawa will receive their december 1 interest cheque as usual holders of coupon bonds will detach and retain the last unmatured coupon before surrendering the bond itself for conversion purposes the surrendered bonds will be forwarded by banks to the minister of finance at ottawa where they will be exchanged for bonds of the new issue in fully registered or coupon registered or coupon bearer form carrying interest payable 1st may and 1st november of each year of the duration of the loan the first interest payment accruing and payable 1st may 1923 bonds of the new issue will be sent to the banks for delivery immediately after the receipt of the surrendered bonds the bonds of the maturing issue which are not converted under this proposal will be paid off in cash on the 1st december 1922 w s fielding minister of finance wrgjlrflislfflrrtijbi small advertisements auction sale wjanted ftarm to rent by first- class farmer from 100 to 200 acres phone stouffville 5101 pn fowl highest prices paid for all kinds of fowl special prices for fat fowl harold borlnsky phone 3s04 or 186 46 tt piano and theory miss myrtle beebe teacher of piano and theory will reopen her class at her studio on thursday sept 14th 29 pn of registered horses registered short horn cattle high grade cattle reg istered pigs implements vehicles harness grain hay furniture etc 1 years rkg shorthorx cattle imp white bull scottish duke l bred aug 12 1 sow eligible for reg i i hrrvl tiino sr 5 rows n months old old 1429s7 the undersigned has been instructed by ws hare to sellby public auc tion at lot 30 rear of sth concession markharn half mile east of dixons hill on wednesday sept 27 1922 horses 1 black- mare reg 30132 6 yrs old sup to be in foal to lambtons model 1 black marc reg 14g325 5 yrs old supto be in foal to lamb- nriij- im i ton is s a matched team of show batter fill it with wildfire and sup to be in foal to lambtons model- you will never hare to recharge 1 bay mare 42301 4 yrs old sup also it will increase the life of any to be in foal to lambton matched show battery 50 to 100 per cent any team 1 bay mare 13507 s vrs old battery dhlarged while you wait5 su to be in foal to lambton 1 bay to 30 minutes and guaranteed let filv 47368 2 yrs old weight about xja tell you about it stonehbuse 1 su to bo i foal t0 lamb- battery service repairs and service ton j blw fii 47367 2 yrs old on all makes of batteries markham i gellin 12 old 1 sorrel ontario gei 7 yrs old good driver 1 bav mare 7 yrs old good driver rose crest sultan 1 year old 150362 a marr missie 1 red bull rose crest sultan 1 year old 156676 village girl 1 red bull calf 0 mos old sire scottish duke dam burn- brae matchless 1 roan cow missie climax 9 yrs old 113051 bred aug 7 1 red cow village princess 2nd s yrs old- 110s63 bred june 9 1 red cow burnbrac matchless 3 yrs old 153067 bred march 18 1 roan cow burnbrae missie 3 yrs old 162942 bred april 7 1 roan heif er rose crest gloster 20 mos old 176620 bred aug 11 2 bred june 5 5 sows 5 months 1 roan bull eligible for reg 5 store pigs old harness 1 set double brass mounted har ness nearly new 2 sets team harness high grade cattle 1 black cow 4 yrs old calf by side tested 43 1 jersey cow 3 yrs old calf by side tested 57 1 jersey cow 6 yrs old bred feb 23 tested 4s 1 jersey cow 3 yrs old bred april 4 tested 5 1 jersey cow 4 yrs old bred may 1 tested 4s 1 jersey cow 3 vrs old bred july 29 tested 52 1 jcrsey cow 6 yrs old bred aug 21 tested 5 1 jersey cow 6 yrs old bred aug 20 tested 6 4 jersey heifer calves 2 spring calves 2 fat cattle reg yorkshire hogs 1 sow elm lodge julia 8 670s3 i it well pumps v you can select an easy working first class iron well or cistern pump from our stock the price will suit you too dont hum bug with the old wooden pump any longer extension ladders ji you will find an extension ladder most handy around the farm we have from 22 to 32 feet preserving time we are showing a very full range ofboth granite and aluminum kettles all sizes also jar tops jar rubbers fruit funnels large spoons etc 1 set plow harness 2 sets single har ness set double harness 11 col lars 2 bridles implements and vehicles 1 bain wagon box and springs com- pletc 1 bain wagon and boxl gra vel box 1 manure box 1 heavy spring show wagon new 1 top buggy rubber tire nearly new 1 top buggy steel tires good 1 set bain sleighs 1 set adam sloop sleighs new 1 mc laughlin cutter 1 cutter 1 light wagon 1 onehorse heavy wagon 2 hay racks 1 stock rack 1 deering binder s ft cut fore carriage at tached nearly new 1 frost and wood mower 5 ft nearlv new 1 deering horse rake 10 ft 1 frost wood stiff tooth cultivator nearly new 1 masscy harris spring tooth cultiva tor 1 cockshutt disc drill 15 disc nearly new 1 frost wood harrow 5 section 1 freest wood roller nearly new 1 deering disc harrow i corn cultivator with discs and wings near- ly new 1 cockshutt scuffler 1 cock shutt double furrow plow 2 oliver single plows new 1 flcurv no 21 plow 1 cockshutt plow 1 hill no 3 plow 1 sylvester no 8 plow with wjheel 1 turnip plow root pulper- 1 chatham fanning mill and bagger 1 set 2000 lb scailcs on trucks 1 gaso lene engine 6 hp 30 ft shafting and 5 dodge pulleys 1 primrose cream separator 750 capacity with clutch pul ley new spramoton spray barrel 1 stoncboat 1 cutting box 1 vessot chopper 6 in plate new 1 agri cultural- furauce 30 gal 1 butter worker 2 churns 1 power horse clip per 1 incubator 240 egg cypress 80 rods wire fence 1 corn rack 3 log ging chains 5 sets doubletrees no turnip hoes 4 neckvokes number grain bags 2 riding saddles 1 milk tester grain and hay 300 bus white wave seed oats quantity mixed grain 20 tons timothy hay 8 tons clover hay quantity of potatoes furniture sideboard royal oak stove bed room suite springs and mattress coal oil stove number pails forks hoes shovels and other articles too numer ous to mention sale at 10 am lunch provided everybody welcome quality servicb grain seeds flour and feeds clover seeds our specialty stiver bros phons 4501199 we have a good line of building material on hand such as dressed and undressed lum ber lime plaster and tile in the yard give us a trial on your window frames and saah and doors have you seen our house trimming material its a finish y stouffville planing mi schell stouffer proprietors phone 194 automobile tops- any style repaired and recovered any kind of special materials and fittings obtained at short notice nem celluloid inserted in curtains all patches sewn on not merely stuck on to come off again readymade ford tops installed in a workman like way the ringwood automobile paint shop e phone 4807 watson ringwood cnt s q mr car owner we carry a good clean stock as follows tires 12 and 1500 each any make tubes 2 and 220 each any make spark plugs patching material blow out patches bulbs repair parts for different makes of cars british american gasoline oils greases and other accessories expert repair work and good service maxwell and dodge service phone 3005 stouffville otaob 0 ioexoe aobiox as io green labarr g o our motto v auditorium garage agents for auto economizer fixem right repairs on all makes of cars r t x silvester stouffville bros ont terms hay grain fat cattle calf store pigs potatoes and all earns of 1500 and under cash over that amount 12 month credit will be given on furnishing approv ed joint notes or 7 per cent off for cash f w silversides auctioneer phone 170 ioe 30exoe ioe aoi o d o d 10 lost single harness martingale finder please return to mr bar ker stouffville 29 n for sale at once in a rush 50 acre house and barn implements the balance of crop for less than one thousand dollars also 150 acres to sell at once call and see us yake co buttons block stouffville chopping during june july and august on monday wednesday and fridays drewery bros s phone 2805 dixon hill m i gjgggggisgis55s55sg m