i r i and the worst is yet to come mappy medium between comfort and course the matter of comfort can be economy i carried too far and a lot of money how far to let economy interfere can be spent on things which add a with comfort ard how far to let com- minimum of comfort at a maximum of j fort interfere with economy in buying expense but the reverse is more aptj and operating an automobile are deli- to prevail an extreme case of econ- cate questions which require keen disomy vs comfort is illustrated by the crimination to get the fine balance man who did not want a selfstarter j between the two is a fine art that can on his car he preferred to crank i be cultivated to the advantage of the the engine each time he set out on a i motorist journey in preference to using what just as the thrifty person is apt to gas might be required to develop the lean over backward in his parsimony j power to operate the generator thatj and penny pinching habits which are charged the starting batteries i not in reality the qualities that go toi the ideal car make up genuine thrift so the pros- the idcal t0 he hope1 for j to get a i festive owner of an automobile or the car w will transport the owner present possessor cf a car is apt to from w j to where he wants to scarry economy methods to such an ex- go at a rea cost and with a lib- i treme that a great deal of comfort and eral amount 0 comfort having pur- enjoyment which ought to be a drivers c a car tn6 owner is still upj jis weighed in the balance ami found tne question of economy vs wanting i comfort he may cut down the gas to for instance the man who is amj tile poss point when operat- jbitious to own a car and his name is ing his auto 0n a j day it wi ta legion approaches a salesman to be manv m to warm up his engine tod that such and such a car will go tnis pan the power to accelerate so many miles on a gallon of gas he aral gct awav is impa on the will infer that because of this fact it other j if mon is no object to is an economical machine to purchase him he may llse to0 mucn g- and this particular car may be the hardest develop carbon trouble consequently riding car 01 the market therefore comforl may b limited bv too much if there is any economic value in com- 0 a good thing as well as too little fortable riding this automobile may certain methods of driving save not represent a thrifty purchase at all j gas i speeding up then coasting springs a big factor with the throttle closed entirely but i that the average man lives but half hi the wheelbasc of a car is a factor this does not make for comfort in possible days and during the days that that enters into its comfortable riding driving it is often a mistaken idea he does live enjoys but half of his qualities the springs represent an- to keep out of car tracks when the possible energy and efficiency and rther factor that make for or against road beside them is rough because consequently attains to but half his feasy transportation the upholstery the owner thinks the tracks cause ex- f one car may be more comfortable trii wear and tear on the tires an that of another the size and to go out with a car on a wet day drd 01 tires make a difference in the and neglect to put on chains may ase with which one rides the way make for a little easier riding of the 1 car is balanced affects comfort so car for awhile but the fear of ac irrigation legislation in western canada irrigation received a considerable i his report cf the south maclecd share of the attention of the members r district which was tabled of the alberta legislature during the in the house during the session d w hays the consulting engineer to the alberta government estimates that the cost of construction of the works of the south macleod irrigation dis- legistature during session that has just closed writes james colley secretary western canada irrigation association cal gary alta bills making provision for the guaranteeing of the bonds of the- amount 5 united irrigation district and the 29 p 8c of 60000 macleod south irrigation district were a jve land in the district passed sad a section was added to the a- 0 s irrigation districts act 1922 giving f the bo ther capitalization power to the boards of trustees of tm p v ycars durn tho construction of the scheme mr hays 1 estimates that a total of 520 12279 loes the balance of the engine which cident more than offsets this and the las to do with the vibration whether saving effected by not having chains car is of the closed or open type has with motor accidents on the increase great deal io do with comfort espc- it is in keeping with comfort of mind ially in the cold weather months and and the lowered expense of avoiding luring the spring and fall rainy sea- accidents to take every possible pre- on caution against dangerous experiences whether an engine has four six accident suits of damage and wreck- ight or twelve cylinders affects theed cars are very expensive iding quality of a car the more there are a lot of patent economiz- ylinders the more even the torque and ers on the market headache pills and he less the vibration the height of powders for gasoline devices fastened he car from the ground affects the on the manifold to give the engine a robability of its tipping over under shot of oxygen or morphine some of ertain conditions and consequently these economizers are all right but je comfort of the occupants or at many of them tend to frugality at the ast their peace of mind a low expense of comfort ivung car usually has about as much supplementary springs for instance often make for ease in riding but best way to re mi irrigation districts to aceflnt listings of lands within their respective disj triets and to conduct negotiations for w be squired the sale or other disposal of these t bill giving the trustees ofhhe lands subject to the general control irrigation districts power to accept ef the irrigation council listings for the sale of the surplus in the case of the united irriga- th dktricts is a practical tion district the government guaranj deation that the matter of securing tees amounts to 5645000 the uis- j settlers for the irrigated areas is being trict covers an area of 01195 acres ef ttetted to which 23000 acres are irrigable be- the report of the survey board foi tween the waterton and belly rivers southern alberta the royal com- and west of the blood indian reserve 1 mission thnt was appointed by tha in southern alberta government of alberta for the piirposs the bill for the south macleod dis- of inquiring into the conditions in that trict embracing an aroa of approxij part of the province resulting from a mately 90000 acres of which about succession cf years of drought came 00000 acres may be considered irriga- in for considerable discussion in the ble lying southwest of the town of earlier part of the session am was macleod and west of the belly and frequently referred to throughout th waterton rivers gives the govern- sitting in this iepoft irrigation is ment of alberta power to guarantee considered to bo the main sohjticiroi the bonds of this district up to 52-050- tho problems of southern alberta 000 provide it is satisfied that srtisj another report dealing with irriga- factory arrangements are made as to tion that was tabled during the se35lot- the settlement of the surplus lands in was tho first annual report of tho ir- thedistrict rigation council is to forget all about it says this writer ad clearance as a car with a body igher eff the ground and is less apt turn turtle tho weight of a car tects its riding qualities so doe3 e amount of gasoline and oil used he comfort of the driver is affected they should be selected with care tonneau wind shields add to comfort and to the amount of gas required headlights that give added brightness and a well directed light make for orrect breathing mm important so by the position of the levers and comfort economy in lubrication das and the general set of the front should not be carried far unless the at driver wants the discomfort of a dry some of these factors in comfort bearing and the expense of repair- st a little extra and the prespec- ing it re owner has to decide whether the the happy medium between comfort ded comfort to be secured will be and economy exists and should be eon- rth the added cost usually it is stantly studied by the motorist who srth all of that and more ofiis interested in both r ed the fact that a large part of our material bodies is derived from the air and that when we neglect to so develop and utilize our lungs as to get from the air the full benefit which na ture intends us to receive from tho air we pay tho penalty not only in de creased bodily efficiency but alsfc and in an even greater degree in a certain falling short of mental alert- noss and spiritual vision tho cultivation ot our lungs which means the cultivation of the art of breathing ought to be the very foun dation ard commencement of our edu cational system instead of being so little understood and appreciated that very little information about the sub- possible happiness although therefore a part of this falling short of the full abundance of life comes from failure to understand and care for the stomach the gal vanic centre in which the food is re ceived and separated in various con stituents required by the body yet by far the greater part of our inef fectiveness comes from failure to understand and operate the lungs a celebrated english physician dr tucker wise says learn to inhale habitually through the nose and not by the mouth children ought to be taught this habit when they are young the nasal passages act as a filter for the inhaled air many at mospheric impurities and disease germs which would otherwise enter the throat and lungs are thus arrested and are finally expelled with the nasal mucus evils of nose breathing again dr clinton wagner in his treatise on mouth breathing by chil dren says those of mature age must be impressed with the necessity of per sisting in nose breathing it is ex tremely difficult for one who has been addicted for any length of time to the habit of mouth breathing to break himself of that bad habit for those who are addicted to the practice of keeping the mouth open during sleep only enforced closure may be success fully carried out by means of a linen j tie o sport dancln support over the lower jaw properly i singing etc this is perfectly plain adjusted to cogitate about it is proverbially to the fact is that the nose has sevl in the performance how often eral important functions the one s rewoii is too self-con- with which we are here concerned is i sciols or welltrained mind knows what to forget as well as what to remember my friend tomkyns attributes his success in life entirely to his capacity for forgetting it is not half so diffi cult to remember anything aa it is to forget what we dont wish to remem ber but forgetting is an art well worth cultivation the great disraeli always claimed that the reason he got on so well with queen victoria was that he know which of her instructions to forget we all have to practise the virtue of overlooking little indiscretions on tho part of our friends at one time or an other but probably few of us realize that this question of forgetting goes to tho root of every detail of our daily existence quite apart from the attempt to dismiss troubles from the mind it may appear a startling statement but it is perfectly true that we can never do anything while we are think ing about it it is not till we have for gotten it that we can do it strange to other words thinks ning to catch a train would i tell him if his heart was all right i examined the heart and found no i trace of any abnormal condition i told mm that his heart was absolutely sound and there was nothing to sug gest disease anywhere he went away and i never expected to see him again five months later however he came to thank me for curing his heart i remembered the case and was fairly- staggered but bless my soul i said rather borrowed gems perpetual pushing and assurance will mako a seeming impossibility give way jeremy collier it was the saying of a great man that if we could trace our descents we should find all slaves- to come from princes and all princes from slaves seneca it is generally the man who doesnt know any better who does the tilings that cant bo done the fool doesnt brusquely there never was anything i know that it cant be done so he goes the matter with your heart j nhead aad does it charles austin as bad as the real thing i ba finish every day and bo dene with no he replied this time with a it y have done what you could quiet smile i know there wasnt au biumters aad absurdities crept i can say is that from the time you in them as scon as vou can told me it was all right tho pain disap- j to is a new day and you shall begin it well and serenely and witia but before that the pain was 3ng step toward health and hap piness ieathing is in effect our lost important function say noted physicians it is through ignorance of our own fers and cf how to develop and them that we fail to attain hap less and in the case of each of us extent of that ignoranco may gliy be measured by simply noting degree in which we fall short of jig happy says dr goliardo in hctively we feel this and instinc- ply therefore we are all endeavor- to dispel our ignorance and rcach- out for more exact knowledge of powers and how to develop and j them o express this deficiency and in- itlency in a brief simile civilized pkind may be likened to a tree that its use as a passage through which the about what he is going to do too much peared real my medical friend says that no doubt it was this young fellow otherwise a sensible youth had by coming to believe that his heart was diseased quite unconsciously so ex cited the nerve centres that the brain received exactly the same impressions as would have been caused by the dis ease kant the great philosopher was subject to oppressive palpitation of the heart but ho conquered his trouble by giving his whole attention to in tellectual work and forgetting all about his illhealth in factories it has been found that the best work is done when the opera tor gets into the swing of the task and does not think too deeply about the job in hand r it is just as easy to make up our mind one way or another to get rid of a thought or to dwell on one idea as william james tho american psycho- logist says it requires as mucli mus- impurities from the air so that they do not enter the lungs this is easily demonstrated after you have been in the streets by passing tho point of your little finger covered with a cor ner of your handkerchief into the mostrils when you withdraw yourj jeet is brought to the attention of our finger and the handkershief you will children while they are still in the re- find it covered with dirt which would air shoukl properly obtain access to the lungs the air passing through i the nose is raised to the temperature of the body before it reaches the a f t 10 larynx furthermore the air is made jjj we ta eetoa sudi and such a moist by the secretions of the n03e dish or cant sleep a or coffee we are and the hairs which grow in the nose j the jictms of our ideas act as a filter which separates the 0u bodliy sh p in performing the j cular effort to take one past the dentists door as it does to take 0110 in in connection with health forgetful- au at is needed it to will the one to be successful task ceptive sand plastic stage of iniman life a life time of aimlessness of pur pose of looseness of thinking of clumsiness of action and burrenness of achievement is the penalty which many of our children pay as the natu ral and direct result of this criminal neglect on our part to properly in- otherwise have passed into the throat and lungs and possibly caused trouble the winning side do you know this that in yourself you hold tho power to make or mar your future life and you can be a better man than now you are struct and train them far better in fortune frown though days this respect is tho custom of the so- called savage races in which the mothers most carefully watch the brcatliirg habits of their children and takooffectivo measures to prevent them nscious of the nutriment drawn by f falling f example into such a irom the ground but has so com tely overlooked tho fact that a e proportion of its substance must jrawn from the air tliat it has ncg- ed to put forth leaves we all tliat such a tree would very ikly perish and as a matter of il it is equally true that the very kin of tho human race which con- p itself most highly civilized is slovenly practice as inhaling through the mouth instead of through the nose chief task of human body bo dark though all seems lost beyond recall that is no reason to despair for you yourself can change it all ask then sincerely what you lack if it is faith or strength of mind and if you answer as you should no fault with others you will find the very fact that you are down that you no chance in life can seej should urge you on to try again the spur is your necessity that the art of breathing is in reality tho moat important function of tho human body is shown and estab lished by the fact that although we can live without food for weeks and remember that as you arc now without water for days the best of us i so wero he great men in tho past jeality creeping along on the very could not livo without air for more what they have done you too can do k of extinction for no other rea- than two or three minutes at most whereer your walk in llfo is cast than the fact that it has fallen death would ensue from lack of oxy- a cheerful smile a steadfast heart fer the evil spell of an ignorance gen the element which gives w neglect of one of its most vital i and energy to the body the element tions this ignorance and ncglectj which makes it possible for the food indeed precisely similar to that which wo eat to be transformed into fh in our simile we have attribj muscle and bono and tissue the elo- to our imaginary tree which ovor- j men in short which can bo called the k tho usefulness of air and the steam of life the steam which im- qucnt desirability of putting parts motion and effectiveness to that wonderful machine the human body so perfect in its adaptability to all purposes of life and yet so noglcctel a faith that will not be donied- these things alone shall lift you up and put you on tho winning side george b rlghtcr quite unconsciously directly we think about them we throw them out of gear if you ask me about breathing di gestion etc i reply most emphatical ly forget them for your healths sake dont pamper new ideas it is perhaps less easy to understand that wo can reason out problems with out thinking about them but as a mat ter of fact our mind often works with out definite thought on our part the operation of memory perhaps tho greatest function of the brain works almost entirely unconsciously how often we reallzo this when we cant think of a name or plaeo or date and so long as we try to bring it to mind wo fall but directly we put it out of our thoughts it comes to mind apparently ot its own accord the supermind is essentially the one that knows thoro is a time for re membering and a time to forget sup posing a problem has to bo solved so long as tho tired brain is tortured for an answer so long will the mind re main a blank take the other line however for th ing or the other and what is will ing itself but the selecting and keep ing hold of one idea by banishing all the others it is the greatest mistake to be con stantly brooding ovor any singlo idea once it has served the purpose of the moment let it go forget it too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense emerson i saw a delicate flower had grown up two feet high between the horses path and the wheeltrack an inch more to the right or left had sealed its fate or an inch higher and yet it lived to flourish as much as if it bad a thousand acres of untrodden space around it and never knew the danger it incurred it did not borrow trouble nor invito an evil fate by apprehend ing it- thoreau the day has come when i was a little boy tho ser geant said to his men at the end of an exhaustive hour of drill i had a set of wooden soldiers there was- a poor little boy in the neighborhood and af ter i had been to sundaysdhiool one day and listened to a stirring tele on the beauties of charity i was softened enough to give them to him then i wanted them back but my mother said dont cry bertie some day you will get your wooden soldiers back and believe me you muttonheaded goosebrained prehistoric set of certi fied rollingpins that day has come dismiss i shale oil record shale oil production in australia reached a record figure in excess ol 2600000 gallons in the last fiscal year the housewifes problem in russia an english woman who recently made a visit to soviet russia was as tonished to discover that the house wife of that country is in a sad plight her investigation was not along the lines that arc generally chosen by the visitor she made a point of iooring into the affairs of tho rus sian home and her observation is that every individual and every family has reverted to primitive conditions in petrograd and moscow families live in fiats of great manystoried houses just as they do in new york the difference is that they have no garments of all members of her famifo from falling to pieces one can im agine what hopeless rags the cloth ing has become during the four yean of communist power for thoro hav been almost no now goods produced in russia and the little quantity that has come from the factories has been taken by the red army shoes are not literaliy a house- wifos problem and it is just as well for a now pair costs 1000000 rublos tho principal problem is that of food communism has worked out ac cording to promise in that women are modern facilities they must carry free from kitchen cares but idle rea their water up long flights of stairs 1 son for it is that there is nothing to and must carry refuse and garbage cook meagre rations were issued down in pails they havo no run- for four years on the card systom ning water system and no sewerage nnd during that time any effort to system j buy food atan open market was however there is some comfort in punishawo by death now there is that fact that very little water is j not even any ration potato skin bis- get all about it leave tho thought alone and after a nights sleep it may be that the desired idea will present itsolf bright from the mint of tho un derground workshop of the brain in the domain of health nothing may be worse than a pampered thought 1 soap supply but that is now exhaust- j rat 1 jumpy hearts for instance can easily j ed and 0ly a certain favored few in spito of all privations mothers j he produced by a wrong idea got rid are issued any rations by the soviet still strive and struggle and sacrifica needed fcr there is nothing to wash cuits are considered a luxury in and nothing t wash with there is i the largo cities there are very fow no fuel to heat the water and there small children left for they have died is no soap of starvation in great numbers tiib for a wlijlc there was a limited 1 death rate vastly exceeds the birth leaves to catch the air dependent upon air cautious would you wish the ladys name engraved in the ring the jeweler suggested pleasantly eh why no the cautious young man responded i- suppose you just other words we have overlook- nr mishandled through ignorance put to my beloved of the notion that the hearts action is affected and tho organ beats correctly again a physician friend gives me tho following actual case in his ex perience a young man camp to mo complain ing of severe pain in the region of the heart it had according to his ac- these few aro fortunate enough to get somewhat loss than half a pound of scap a month tho rest must buy if they are to havo it and i pound of soap costs 30000 rubles 14000 at the prewar exchange rate the housewife is frequently called upon to ply her needle and thread but count been gradually increasing for j she has no new goods upon which to some time it frequently came en af- sew her effort in this direction is a tor he had run upstairs or when ran- continual labor to keep the ragged themselves for the lives of their chil dren with the same lovo as any mo- thors in canada or great britain un- der happier conditions there are fortuauc families in russia living in the greatest plenty those wlo havo the favor of tho soviet gtrernment live exceedingly weh but they are mere thousands while milkons aro iajf starved an ragged 1