t i j weak mothers mccuilo baiutr r co tub buffalo of the east the buffalo of the east while a do- drfaim hcaitw mestic ailmai ls used ta transport lujuiuil ildrliilli service equally with the familiar ox j from which he is easily dlstlnguish- able by his low set down curving through the new blood dr wil- horns and muzzle carried almost hams pink pills actually straight forward make people who are obliged to travel by buffalo cart are deserving of sym- no mother should allow nervous j p for buffalo is the slowest of weakness to get the upper hand of draught beast lt ws gre her if she does worry will mar her j strcngul that gves hlul t advantage work in the home and torment her in qver he ox the ioaj tuat a slngie body and mind day after day spent j 0 buffaloes will pull is astonish- amid the same surroundings is ing fn iujla thcy are a given enough to cause fretfuluess and de- j tu0 kjnd of load whjch asslgne1 0 pression but there are other causes drayllorses nere ordinary horse work as every mother knows that tend to exce passenger traffic being per- raake her nerves run down a change formed by the humped oxen known would benefit her jaded system and c as zebus rest might improve her blood so as indeed ls j native homo ot to give the nerves a better tone but tne duf and it sti exists there as rest and change are often impossible j a wid aninlal very wild jndeed it is and it is then that all worn out wo- too anj an 0 ou very apt tq a men should take a short treatment tack unprovoked contrary to the usual with dr williams pink pills which custom of almost all wild animals make new blood rich with the ole- us tame desccniant3 retain ments on which the nerves thrive pienty of spiru lt js sa tnat wnm in this way these pills restore regu- home banks record year jss has a s are just mccall sizes 34 e 25c obtained dealer or 6 bond st peal is will be ta ng appeal it k came to this itenant who re am a french ar- i offer my nan being not as e water and care the days work is aref ully for re- rooming is equiva- clean my feet and i in good condition ost important part mes be always iiiat i may serve you the more gladly and learn to love you do not jerk the reins do not whip me when i am going uphill do not force me out of my regular gait or you will not have my regular strength when you want it never iar health increased energy new am bition and steady nerve there ls a lesson for other women in the case of mrs harry p snider wilton ont who says five years ago my twin babies were born and i was left very weak and very miserable hardly fit to do anything the doctor gave mo medicine but it did not help mo then i tried another doctor but with no better results one day i went homo to my mother telling her how miserable i felt and that the doctors medicine had not done me any good mother asked me why i did not try dr williams pink pills and as i was glad to try anything that might help me i got three boxes when i went back home by the time these were usedthere was no doubt they were helping me and i got three more boxes but i did not need them all for by the time the fifth box was used i was entirely cured and never felt better in my life now when i hear people talk about feeling weak or miserable i always recommend dr williams pink pills and tell what they did for me and in similar cases i shall continue to recommend them at the first sign that the blood is out of order take dr williams pink pills and note the speedy improve ment they make in the appetite health and spirits you can get these pills through any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box or sixboxes for 250 from the dr williams medi cine co brockville ont edith cavell what dead queen takes the homage of strike beat or kick me when i do not th str mni what vn mfil ht riv and ent england by the english gates understand what you mean but give me a chance to understand you watch me and if i fail to do your bidding see if something is not wrong with my harness or feet dont draw the straps too tight give me freedom to move my head dont make my load too heavy and oh fpray thee have me shod every month examine my teeth when i do not eat i may have some teeth too long or i may have an ulcerated tooth and that you know is very painful do not tie my head in an unnatural posi tion or take away my best defense against flies and mosquitoes by cutting off my tail i cannot alas tellyou when i am thirsty so give me pure cold water frequently do all you can to protect me from the sun and throw a cover over me not when i am working but when i am standing in the cold i always try to do cheerfully the work you require of me and day and night i stand for hours patiently wait ing for you therefore oh my mas tor treat me in the kindest way why she smiled father objected to his daughters swain a fact of which the young man was well aware but the lure of love i is strong ana the wooer oftenbraved jthe wrath of the father for the sake of the daughters smiles one evening thctold man found the loung fellow in the hall when he re turned from the club and promptly nd efficiently hastened his departure oh dad walled the fair phyllis the old chap limped into the slt- igroom i hope you havent hurt lthur 1hurt him growled father as he lk into a chair and nursed his right it no i havent hurt him but le comes here again with bricks in coattail pockets ill kill him and with a royal escort who is she that passes through the land so splen didly as eleanor above whose halted bier a cross is set to tell a queen lay here a mary borne from fotheringay to rest where earth is kinder than a sisters breast nay tis no queen for whom two sum mer skies oer silent streets of myriad moistened eyes in two great capitals a love proclaim scornful of death and innocent of fame no queen only a simple english nurse slaughtered between a challenge and a curse who learned her duty where she learned to pray and died as truly as she lives today all that she had and that was life she gave all that she valued other lives to save all that we praise and all we fain would be is summed in her and her simplicity in a herd they do not fear the tiger and a recognized method of getting stripes to bolt when he has taken to cover is to drive in a herd of buffaloes to rout him out which they will do to a certainty if they get on his scent even tame buffalos can make them selves very unpleasant to people they do not know and they are not at all safe for a westerner to approach in india but and here appears the most attractive side of their character they display toward their owners a faith fulness one usually associates rather with dogs than with cattle the true indian buffalo is to a great extent an aquatic animal and when off duty likes nothing so much as to lie up to its cars in water but like the duck it can if necessary resign itself to existence without a bath that an aninial so nearly naked of protecting hair as it is should thrive in so cold a climate as that of eastern europe is a remarkable fact of acclimatization its presence in italy is less surpris ing but even there its introduction seems to be merely of medieval date scientifically the tame buffalo is of in terest as having like the ass varied so little from the wild type pied buf faloes are as rare as pled donkeys though white and fawn colored varie ties occur as well as the natural black like the ass also the buffalo is a des pised animal yet in local utility both beasts may surpass their more aristo cratic relatives the horse and the ox while in intelligence and force of character they are certainly far su perior the report submitted at the an nual meeting of the home hank or canada indicated that the bank had enjoyed the most successful year in its history the proeress made by the home bank during the past few years was referred to particularly by general manager mason who pointed out that the liquid assets now amounted to over 57 of the total liabilities to the public or actual cash assets were the strongest in the history of the bank representing approximate ly 22 of total liabilities to the pub lic larue kalns were also made in deposits the increase for the past twelve months having amounted to over three and a half millions not withstanding the fact that 950s of the depositors had subscribed over st 900000 to the last dominion vic tory loan the increase in deposits during the war period had amounted to over ten million dollars an increase of over 105 pc and reflects the in creased patronage extended the bank by the public in both savings and general commercial lines none of these fipures include deposits of the dominion government the general statement of assets and liabilities everywhere reflects the progress made thi total assets of the bank now standing at 2s- 635921 as compared with s23g75- 773 at the end of the previous year total deposits now stand at j1s600- 000 as compared with s14c00000 at the end of the previous year the profit and loss account is al so of special interest to sharehold ers as it reflects a pain in profits and has permitted of an appropria tion to rest account of s100000 the net profits for the year amounted to s238753 equivalent to 1063 pc of the paid up capital and reserve fund after the payment of dividends and various appropriations includ ing s100000 to rest account the amount carried forward was 158- 34s as compared with 150371- for the previous year bit op humor from here frlmk red hot july days hard on the baby july the month of oppressive heat red hot days and sweltering nights is extremely hard on little ones diarr hoea dysentery colic and cholera in fantum carry off thousands of precious little lives every summer the mother must be constantly on her guard to prevent these troubles or if they come on suddenly to fight them no other medicine is of such aid to mothers during the hot summer as is babys own tablets they regulate the bowels and stomach and an occasion al dose given to the well child will prevent summer complaint or if the trouble does come suddenly will banish it the tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cts a box from the dr williams medi cine co brockville ont trouble in the garden young onion and young sugar beet in youth were friends together their lives were happy pure and sweet no matter what the weather but they fell out one summer day when something came between the trouble was the parsnips say love for miss lima bean to win her they decided that theyd stage a fistic game and he who triumphed in he spat should have the little dame each thought the prize was worthy pay nor did the fighters quail the corn quite shocked at their rude way marched both of them to jail the cabbage was the judge he said in words that came with ease i sentence each back to his bed soo lettuce now have peas exercise necessary doctor what you need is more ex ercise what is your occupation patient i am a piano lifter doctor recovering quickly well er hereafter lift two at a time getting his status what did mr cummings say to you last night clara when he was trying tobutton your glove queried the anxious mother why replied the daughter ho said that any firm making gloves as hard to button as mine ought to quit the business well my dear continued the am take my advice and dont waste any more time in that direction a double advantage with frowning brows the famous artist was transferring to canvas the beauteous highland scene before him and furiously wishing that the specta tor who was breathing down the back of his neck would go away but that spectator was a sticker man he said presently did ye never think tae try photygraphy no snapped the artist as he went on wainting i wunner at that noo said the spectator its a hantle quicker as wells bein a sicht mair like the place the uncommercial merchant he was a typical street gamin and he was so diminutivein stature that i had to stoop to interrogate him hav ing done so i began the following con versation where do you get your papers my little man oh i buy em in the times alley what do you pay for them fi cents you dont make anything at that nope then what do you sell them for oh just to get a chance to holler nvbsxaa i wanted probationers fori the montreal womens hospital j tiro years course monthly salary dor sng period of training apply lady i superintendent 1002 st cathertne street- west montreal podirtby wastto what have tou jtor sale lit uva poultry fancy hens plceon eaxs etct write x welnrauch sou 1018 st jean baptist market moat- real que r toe sai03 totevvspaper weekly in bruch x countv splendid opportunity tint box t wilson publishing co limited acelslde st w toronto well equipped newspaper and job printing plant in easterly ontario insurance carried 11500 ww go for si 200 on quick sale box 52 wllsop puhllkhlnr co ltd toronto ecbee boildebsi write for our free book of house plans and information tell ing how to save from two to four hun dred dollars on your now home ad dress hallldav company 23 jackson w hamilton ont misceliiarteous c1lassy rabbit copy 50c year monthly brantford magazine 10c fur and food cancer i tumor lumps btou internal and external cured with out pain by our homo treatment writ es before too late dr bellman medical co limited colllncwood ont rpeacher wanted for ss no t x huron tp bruce co protestant female 2ndclass certificate salary 600 duties to commence after holidays board and lodging convenient apply to c w pollock sectreas rr no 1 kincardine ont nothing to hinder him the farmer and his fair young cous in irom the city were going round the farm together and the farmer was rapidly falling beneath the spell of the townmaidens eyes you see she knew the way to do it now thats a pretty scene he said pausing beside the fence of a paddock in which a cow and calf wore rubbing noses together in bovine love the sight of it makes me want to do the same well go on said the sweet young thing placidly its your cow you know how do you do s53ss3pi many an offcolor day is due to a disturbed digestion- tea or coffee is often the mischief- maker if you have suspicions about tea or coffeetry ostum tnerels a reason 53gi- iikvwmtfjmi various greetings in vogue among the peoples pf the earth in most american and european countries when we meet a friend we shake hands and say how do you do but in other climes the methods ofgreoting vary considerably when two arabians meet one an other they rub their cheeks together while a native of purma pretends to smell his friends face pronounces it sweetand then asks for a smell i the australian natives have a greet ing which if it were practised here we would consider very rude they stick their tongues out at each other if a chinaman is riding and anyone great passes ho immediately dis mounts the hindu falls in tho dust before his superior while tho turk crosses his hands upon his breast and makes a very low bow thus showing his re gard without coming in personal con tact with its object a jap removes his sandals crosses his hands and cries out spare me but perhaps the greeting that would strike us as the most strange both physically and mentally is that of tho south sea islander he throws a jar ful of water over the head of a friend when thcy meet war privations a major of the intelligence bureau of tho yar department tolls tho fol lowing anecdote on tho other side of tho water the ci has had to enduro all sorts of queer privations and hardships in many parts of france for example thoro were no matches no coal no kerosene a man was staggering along a dark street with a grandfathers clock on his back another man stopped him and said hello caston moving moving nothing of tho kind gaston answered im carrying this clock to tho nearest lamppost so that i can seo what time it is wedding rings for men brazilian women wouldnt swap that equality for vote the women in brazil have not equal suffrage but they have an equality with the men of their country which is not enjoyed by their north american sisters says a rio de janeiro des patch all brazilian husbands are expected to wear their wedding rings as con scientiously as their wives and gen erally they do so the ring is a plain gold band the same as that worn by the wives in canada the women in brazil unanimously are of the opinion that this is about the last word in equality and it is doubtful if they would exchange the custom for the right to go to the polls a poser the marchioness of waterford re cently created a dame grand cross of the obe has a good collection of irish anecdotes a one that she is fond of retailing up on occasion concerns a countryman who went into a shop in dublin to buy a clock the shopman showed him one for 2 what 2 for that bit of a clock he exclaimed is there anything won derful about it yes said the other this is an eightday clock antl- whats that enquired pat why answered the shopman it goes eight days without winding pat scratched his head in bewilder ment so much as that he said begorra theres wan thing id like to be after asking ye if it goes eight days without winding how long will it go if ye wind it a food luxury large jars of baked clay were used by the ancient romans as cages for dormice why dormice to eat of course dormicfi were es teemed a great delicacy by epicures in those days and were kept in the jars while being fattened for the table if a theatre party was in contempla tion after dining- meaning a visit to the amphitheatre of circus the host it may be supposed had already bought the tickets but they were not a pasteboard with coupons they were made of baked clay and stamped with letters or numbers referring to the position of the seat send order money orders a dominion express money five dollars costs three cents ul building in 1917 for the year 1917 the total value of the building permits issued by thirty- live cities in canada was 33936422 as stated in the canada year book for 1918 311 minarda idniment cures distemper the biggest touring season in hi3- tory is predicted for this year never before have so many people been tak ing extended automobile trips as this season i other tablets not aspirin at all ed lie 3ge pie lemons whiten and beautify the skin make this beauty lotion cheaply for your face neck arms and hands i at the cost of a small jar of ordinary cold cream one can prepare a full quar ter pint of tho most wonderful lemon skin softener and complexion beauti- fier by squeezing tho julco of two fresh lemons into a bottle containing thrco ounces of orchard white care should be taken to strain the juico through a fine cloth so no lemon pulp gets in then this lotion will keep fresh for months every woman knows that lemon juice is used to bleach and remove such blemishes as freckles sallowness and tan and is the ideal skin softener whitener and beautlfler just try it get three ounces ot orchard white at any drug store and two lemons from the grocer and make up a quarter pint of this sweetly fra grant lemon lotion and massage lt dally into tho face neck arms and hands it is marvelous to smoothen rough red hands i fell from a building and received what the doctor called a very bad sprained ankle and told me i must not walk on it for three weeks i got minards lfniment and in six days i was out to work again i think it the best liniment made archie e laundry edmonton only tablets marked with bayer cross are asperin if you dont see the bayer cross on the tablets you are not getting aspcrin only acid imitation spring memories just a farmhouso garden back in my old slilro but to visit it in springtime is always my desire the daffodils and ribbongrass are growing side by side and there youll seo sweet william take a wallflower for his bride tho daisies in their little bed beneath tho hawthorno tree know they will graco a may queens head ere thoy much older be and by that path of cockle shells i heard a primrose whisper that just at dusk as evening fell a bluebell stooped and kissed her ive learnt to love tho maplo trees of this canadian clime but that old farmhouse garden still haunts this heart of mine pursued nathaniel hawthornes handwriting was so illegible that some of his manu scripts remained unpublished because nobody could read them this was likewise true of carlyle tho story is told of a type compositor who was em ployed by a london printing office be cause of a strong recommendation which he brought from scotland the first piece of manuscript given him to set was by carlyle heavens said the new typesetter j ca canada of bayer manufactfif have you got that man here too i ot mo of salicyl fled from scotland to avoid him ac know your weeds while they are young in order that you may dispose of them before they pollute your grain fields h ry ta i k e innij 25- karl genuine bayer tablets of asperin are now made in canada by a canajn o dian company no german interestl j whatever all rights being purchased from the united states government during the war acid imitations were sold as aspirin in pill boxes and varlj ous other containers tho cross is your only way of knowing that you are getting genuine asperiny proved safe by millions for hcadachcj n neuralgia colds rheumatism lunj bago neuritis and for pain generallltno handy tin boxes of 12 tablets alag larger sized bayer packages can li had at drug stores asperin is the trade mark registe i yes magically corns lift out with fingers xxinartva xlnfmnt cnra cold at you simply say to the drug store man give mo a quarter of an ounce of freozono this will cost very littlo but is sufficient to remove every hard or soft corn from onos feet a fow drops of this now ether com pound applied directly upon a tender aching corn should reliovotho sore ness instantly and soon tho entire corn root and all dries up and can be lifted out with the fingers this new way to rid onos foot- of corns was lptroduced by a cincinnati man who says that while frcezofo is 6ticky it dries in a moment nridxifm ply shrivels up tho corn without in flaming or even irritating ty sur rounding tissue or skin dont let father die of infection or lockjaw from whittling at ff corns but clip this outand make byfi try jt issue 29 19 rcoa in tcrribletash on face which mof ovcl skin sore and inllamed irritaik ancp facebysctatciiingandwasdlsfigurito al could not deep well and mode i unpleasant trouble lasted 3 mont before used cuticura and after usi 2 cakes of soap and 1 box of oli mem was completely healed v j from signed statement of k gladys neabel r r 3 brusselac cuticura soap ointment and ll cum promote and maintain sfnt purity skin comfort and skin bej l- 50c m solj lddre given ij losing ft and i cuti- next i a soap i eatthyl often when all else foils for trte mp wh of cotintra soj w rant and talcum aldram mstcardc roab 3 dpt a statu b a h33amivibr 5 a i y