netfjp your eye on this brand f uum tea the one tea that never disappoints the most critical tastes on a sealed packet is your safeguard 6673 the r under by eleanor h porter copyrlsht houghton niffiin co published by special arrangement with tnos allen toronto chapter ix contd and how delightfulit would be plpfl rug a tiny hand a series of shrieks from mea curious sounds and noises some smajl animals have remark able vccal powers it is a very curious fact that the loudest sounds are not always made by the largest animals the roar of the lion exceeds in sonorousness the cry of the elephant anyone who had 1 only heard without seeing a bullfrog might well suppose that its fearful voice breaking the silence of the j night must certainly come from the tbroat of an animal of formidable dt- and a rapidly perhaps the most remarkable case ana now dengnttui it would be zzzfcimzian wr hahv dress v vase when she was old enough to meet him kf rtilen nev fvoyk of vocal power iu an animalis that en- at thafmoment burke appeared countered by a traveler in the high- iii luv wuijhauivu uv nau a door i borneo he was informed d in his wife he wuld be with thf eves ne swept the by some natives that they had heard a on his own ground to be a compan ion for him the companion he had not found pretty and cheerful in the future should she bring the tragedy of dis illusionment that her mother had brought to him no indeed for that matter however he should not let i her marry anyone for a long time he should keep her himself per- i haps he would not let her marry at i all he did not think much of this roaring in the neighborhood i c- tail of scolding woman shrieking such news is always startling to a and t e hewvs to child dinnerless table and inky trouger the iungesp aad that to no min in tl ftvftrj chaos then h str0 i the l to the natives mat 10 no man in tne luture urii hv geortre he snaoped i wen dv ueorfel ire an investigation was accordingly t to ritfthisis our set f s idea of a happy home i suppose i covery that the alarming roars had the overwrought wife and mother been emitted by a toad this toad ot with every nerve tingling turned i borneo however was by no means an sharply ordinary member of the family it all grades write for prlcfc toronto salt works g j cliff toronto w- cause of its mechanical interest ct because of the fine view that can be had from the platform at the top it is said by the natives that on a clear day it is possible to see the ocean on all sides of the island although i havr never been able to do so the autograph fiend general smuts tells with gusto thii story against himself i was once at a social gathering- with my distinguished friend and col league general botha he says when two pretty flappers of sixteen or so came up and asked me for ray autograph i havent got a fountain pen e saw much flattered will pencil dor yes said the other flapper and oh yesi thats right blame me mea no less than fourteen and l to l pe ana s my name in the daintilybound little book the babys second summer i working over it comfortably blame me for everything maybe you a happy restful ou think this is business anyway not that jjj that the natives should not have re discovered the se ln not a father had he not in the slaving and never having any fun remarkable vocal capabilities of the less than hollow of his hand- a precious young a being scolded and blamed all the- animals our to op- life to train j t because i dont eat and walk and i thls re bates telis r aj m the he was going to show that feeling any too mavbe vuu fords low n of course from now on 3e thought twould bebeing cognized the true source of the sound t 77 convenient nlace for utensils etc he was t0 show onl caim content- married to you but i can tell you shows that the existence of such toads mothers regarding the babys second convenient place for utensils etc ment d nit of soul n0 t jsn vou think i aint was either unknown to them or at any summer it is generally supposed under the cooker we use a gasoline h fc m was he r of working and pinching and j rate they had never that this period is one of the most pt such as plumbers use in their dangerous in the life of the child work it requires a little lei while it is a fact that children often one quart of gasoline an hour 1iie lu lroln tjme oecause i ooni eai him m tnis relation bates tells of an in suffer from digestive and oilier prate the fire pot again all this was very well in stand up and sit down the way y cident that occurred during his travel troubles during this period it is not incidentally the fire pot is one of theory but in practice me to and where arc yra ti ama among the manv necessarilv due to the fict that it most usefu equipments we have dorothy elizabeth was not six g she broke off as her husband necessarily due to the tact that it j v t f months old before the young father reached for the hat he had just tos- sounds heard in tie dense brazilian is the childs second summer m h t nuts i cotin i covered that parenthood changed sed aside and started for the door forests was a kind of loud metallic the development of the child brings soldering irons heating nuts o coup- condition not pcop he feit just burke turned quietly his face was clanking that sometimes rang through it in contact with many sources of jimp that refuse to move and manyi irritateu at the way he butverv white t treek aml the orl of which the danger it will spend much time otner similar purposes where a quick te a whole slice of bread at al im going down to the square to traveler was unable to discover upon the floor either creeping or bej intense heat is required last time and said swell and you was get something to eat then im go- whenever it was nearu the natives ginning to walk often putting dirty winter we took it into the woods with as before just as impatient because j up to fathers and you needn t ctnterea witn r ascr it to a things into the mouth and in other us an made hot coffee for dinner he could not buy what he wanted sit up for me i shall stay all night supernatural origin pos the ways exposed to dangers from which quicker than could have been done at a it was immune while in its bed or chair the child is also allowed a more varied diet and many times given foods that severely tax if they do not entirely upset the digestive organs candy peanuts bananas sauces pickles and other equally im proper things find their way into the childs stomach without much thought upon the part of the parents save that baby wanted it if the child had previously been breast fed weaning time has come and often the milk given the child is too rich in certain elements or may not be pure or clean it is for these and similar reasons that the second summer is made so dangerous for the little one of course at this period the child is often teething and a great deal too much stress is placed upon this fact the eruption of the teeth does not cause so much trouble as the failure to remember that the digestive organs are at the same time taking on changes which require study upon the part of the mother if the diet and surroundings re ceive as much care during this per iod as during the earlier months of the babys life many of the supposed dangers will be avoided and many of the dreaded troubles of the second summer wont appear home on the kitchen stove just as annoyed at the purple cushion its location by searching only for something of corresponding physical dimensions ing all ti i possibly on the red sofa i yest like to sleep forpnc f l they missed he was surprised and disappointed and thats what i cant do here some delicious sald dressings he toiti himself that he had suppos- the next moment the door had bang- physicians tell us that a diet of ed wh fe made good ed behind him i ivw ii resolutions he was given some show helen left alone with the uaoy meat and starchy vegetables is re- u a chanc fo keep but as if feitc limply sponsible for many of the present- anyone col cultivate calm content- why baby he he then she day ills and they urge a liberal diet ment an tranquility of soul as he caught the little inkstained figure to of the uncooked succulent greens was situated i her and began to cry convulsively such as lettuce watercress celery first there were not only all his in the street outside burke strode cabbage cucumbers corn salad en- old disappointments and annoyances along with his head high and his jaw dive romaine green peppers radish- to contend with but a multitude of sternly set he was very angry he es and the various herbs such asj new ones it was as if indeed each told himself that he had a right to be parslev chives onions leeks tara- f f torment had taken unto angry sure y a man was entitled i ii itself wife and children so numerous to some consideration gon sonel and cheivil had they bcome there rea spite of t however there largest water wheel isle of man possesses te biggest overshot largest water wheel worlds these leafy plants contain a valu- no peace at home there was able mineral element which is necesi nothing but the baby he had not sary for our daily growth and physi- supposed that one thing or per- cal wellbeing now that these foods son could so monopolize everything are abundant they should be served and everybody in the form of an appetizer and a when the baby was awake helen sa acted as if she thought the earth since dietitians have made these j axis j f a it fu- ijo i when it slept she seemed to think facts plain many of the old diseases m earth u to gtand due to poor and impoverished blood w baby up with the same stream have disappeared the old wholesale tyranny she marshaled into days of sulphur and molasses are no line everything and evrybody on the more we of the twentieth century earth plainly regarding nothing and prefer to take our tonic in more palat- no one as of consequence crcept in able forms lts relationship to baby mi j v i t r such unimportant things as meals thousand isle dressing one cup and housework in comparison with of stewed tomatoes three onions j baby were of even less than second chopped fine one green pepper chop- j consequence and burke grew to feel ed fine place in a saucepan and cooki himself more and more an alien and until thick rub through a sieve a nuisance in his own home more into a fruit jar and add one table- ove whe before he had found dis- spoon of sugar one teaspoon of salt f and untdne he now found e i positive chaos and however fond one teaspoonful of red pepper one- he was of the bab he v half teaspoon of mustard three- terably weary of searching for his quarters cup of salad oil juice of one belongings among babys rattles lemon two tablespoons of vinegar balls shirts socks milk bottles juice of onehalf orange two table spoons of raw onion grated three tablespoons of finely minced parsley shake until creamy and then use blankets and powderpuffs the cool calm serenity of his determination hefound it difficult to realize and the delights and respon ojirtu until uiuawiv ami men uae this mixture will keep until used if fl trsss ms issi upon him it looked to be so long kept in the refrigerator j a way aheaj cven to tceth talkin italian dressing onehalf cup of and walking to say nothing of the salad oil four tablespoons ofinegar j charm and companionship of a young one teaspoon of salt one teaspoon of daughter let them talk shes got nothing to say for her self was the unanimous verdict of the drawing room as the door closed on a pretty but tonguetied girl guest probably the girl herself had quiet ly suffered agqnies at her lack of social ability probably she will miss much worldly advantage thereby for the world judges largely by exteriors and seldom has time to seek for the gold beneath more than one boy and girl have to thank their parents for illsuccess i in business and in social life not i that education in the ordinarily ac- icepted sense of the word has ijeen idenied them but because their par- cnts have never tried to draw them out as children to express their pwn ideas as a matter of fact the large maj ority of people deliberately suppress i noon ritd ne7ner om hnh and s0 ie went another winter vhat they please to call chatter in l l pepp on i passed and spring came matters teaspoon of mustard one teaspoon of- 10 bctt bu rathcr worse a red pepper three tablespoons of grated cheese place in a fruit jar and then shae the blend sour cream cucumber dressing children were all very well of course very desirable but did they never do anything hut cry couldnt they be taught that nights were for sleep and that other people in the pare the cucumbers and then soak in house had some rights besides them icecold salt water for onehalf hour selves and must they always choose wipe dry and thongrate place in four oclock in the morning for a fit a bowl and add two tablespoons of otthe colic helen said it was colic grated onion three tablespoons of f his part he believed it was no- finely minced parslcvtwo tablespoons think m0 le tha tcm of lemon juice one teaspoon of saltj pian ntdown temper hildren if you want to attain perfection at inging you have got to devote many turs to practice this applies to most any art why not to con ization iselfassurance an easy manner a was in a faraway corner of his soul an uneasy consciousness of a tiny voice of scorn dubbing this running away of his the act of a coward and a cad very resolutely however he sil enced this voice by recounting again to himself how really abused he was it was a long story it served to oc cupy his mind all through the un appetizing meal he tried to eat at the cheat restaurant before climbing elm hill to be continued 3 plebean names of nobles sugar one cup of sour cream beaten series of incompetent maids had been then use on adding considerablv to the expense i stiff blend well and fish or meat salads lettuce tomato and little to the comfort of the and lettuce or potato salad plain french dressing pllice in a fruit jar or a widemouthed bottle some of peers of great britain have common family cognomens when one glances casually at the roll of british peers and sees such highsounding names as de montmor ency and cholmondeley grosvenor and howard de walden one is im pressed by a sense of the grandeur and proud descent of our nobility says an english writer but a closer examination dispels this illusion for rubbing shoulders with such splendid patronymics suggesting long centuries of blueblooded ancestry you will and jscores of surnames such assmith and troblnson hogg and gardner two of our marquesses have for sur names browne and hay in common with many a farm laborer while lord headfort is a taylour like his re mote forefather who probably earned his bread by his scissors among the wearers of carls coronets lord ennls- kilen is a colo and his lordship of leicester signs himself coko tho earl of dartmouth is a lcggo lord desart a culfo and lord dudley bears tho name of his ancestor tho gold smiths apprentice ward with humble before it wo have an earl who is hardy ono is a boylo two others aro hay thoro aro also a browne and a scott a harris and a hare in tho group of viscounts flguro a ward and a flower a gngo and an ogrady a smith and a dully flrat mado famous by an oldtlmo prlsto the largest water wheel in tile entitled world is in laxey a small mining town of the isle of man and it is used to pump the drainage water from the deep mines of the vicinity these mines have been worked for almost two centuries and are now over four teen hundred feet deep the wheel is an overshot wheel and the water for driving it is conducted from areservoir on a hill near by and ascends inside the round masonry column at the left of the wheel the wheel has a diameter of seven tytwo feet and six inches and is six feet broad it exerts two hundred horse power and is capable of pump ing two hundred and fifty gallons per minute from a depth of twelve hund red feet its crank stroke is ten feet the wheel forms one of the princi pal attractions of the island both be- that she had given me the flapper studied the signature- with a frown then she looked ur and said arent you general botha no i said im general smuts the flapper turned to her friend with a shrug of disgust lend me your indiarubber may she said germany sold goods valued at 835000000 to the british empire- in 1913 canadas opportunity is waiting the canadian trade com- mission says keep minarqn liniment in tlic lionse 1 bibsbbsee j university kingston ontario arts part of the arts course may be covered by correspondence medicine fducation applied science mining chemical civil mechanical and electrical engineering summer school kavisatioh school july and august december toaprll b meat- vegeta8les complete 20 geo y chowh reelstrar this legend on the tin is a government guarantee of purity wclark household helen as a mistress was not a success she understood neith er her own duties nor those of the r i one teasnoon of jst otteasnoon of n rcsuit in short i j flghtor among tho barons aro luko d flow of language original ideas f t on of red nen xt serviee remiont changes kvhlte lord annaly and algernon more often than not due uncon- su onenan teaspoon of red pep- july came with its stifling heat and i ti t i n usly perhaps to careful horn tu- p onehalf cup of oil juice of one dorothy elizabeth now twenty fs 5 l s n in the art a home environ- lemon or three tablespoons of vine- months old showed a daily increasing lawless by name though not by t where children aneax as 8 shake unti disapproval of life in general and of- all of these dressings will sepa- ner rate if left standi time but if mixed 1 as seen where they arc encour- to ask questions and to vent r own ideas will nine times out en develop conversational ability grace of manner in the child in years e precocious child of course is uch to be pitied as its timid play- but there is a happy medium struck between them and par- wlth their wellworn be quiet own baron glontawo calls hlmsolf existence in particular jenkins and lord dynovor is a rico ne any length of rie worn and worried and halfi howard de walden is a tltlo of which it ft nl itom care ani loss of sleep its bearer is prouder than of his pn- l m a fruit jar they i b d morc f tf more lonymle ellis and lord invcrclyde may simply be shaken until creamy difficult to fret nlontr with rurko lron again and then used a so half li f f rom moss o sleep and s r0al y p burns mayonnaise dressingplace the consumed with a fierce i sir- have a tam yolk of one egg in a soup plate and bellion against everything and every- a oves nnotler whoso father add one teaspoon of lemon juice oncl body including himself was no less i kc himself was dubbed hogg and o quarter teaspoon of red popper one- to get along with quarter teaspoon of mustard beat 0f course this state of affairs could with a fork until mk sysi the tension fork until thick and creamy ntinu do would doweutobll spsffiji2m 1 poveh v ijfcliaf canning in hot weather lack of a gas stove often makes j summertime jxcccdlngly fk as ths ordinary shgc heats z 11 carrot ono onion almost unbearable iivi j me oil aumng a little lemon julie or v vinegar from time to time ifhlsj dressing may be made in a bowl with noon out continue forever sometime bottle of ink in a babys third who if ho wcro not a peer would bo simply james ilozler a namo probably derived from nri nncostor who sold stockings in lll0i north pf tho rus- it happened on bridgets after- 1 pr0 xrctiangel where oh en to an for table use and ah cooking purposes everybodys happy when there is com syrup on the table do you know that there is a white syrup as we as the delicious golden covetous hands toward the fascinatjof the vast frozen marches which ex- inour home canning factory liw2 little fat black bottle the next j tend in these regions from the forest i very efficient especially if cooker is operated pulled out from the old iron standard of a disarmed scp- i tie cooker place- on this v mvnntert heigh- for a bowl and add one and onehalf tea spoons of salt one and onehalf tca- j tide surging from an upside spoons of red pepper threequarters down bottle held high above a golden teaspoon of mustard two teaspoons head told that the quest had been of sugar a for zilnard8 and toko so ot2ur successful things happened then very fast there were a dismayed cry from helen halfadozen cnirrv snati on belt to the shores of the arctic these peoples owe allegiance to no master civilization has passed by them in its stride and they live today pretty much as their ancestors lived centur ies ago they worship idols and their sole wealth consists in reindeer corn syrup crown brand is unequalled as a syrup fi cakes muffins as a spread for bread f or f candy sauces and in coovjngj gtneralls lily whi corn syrup best for preserving and marmaladej it is a clear white color andj excellently sold in 2 5 10 and 20 pound the canada starch ca limitci montreal 091 s