xxxi mlh stouffville ont1hio thursday jim whole xumuklt 1503 he tribune is published thursday afternoon at the office vffville oxt rms 150 a year in advance c sladill editor and lrop business cards lkgaij iccullouli button barristers solicitors conveyancers c stouffville money to loan dental r d c smith l o s d 1- s- dentist fonop graduate of toronto and chicago universities j over huntleys store jtcsldence main street near office t home every day except tuesday board of trade bob hollidge drowned success and inde pendence do not depend on what jou earn but on what yon save the standard bank of can ada can very materially assist you to win success and secure independence ai the r e s barker r n s v d s stouffville honor graduate of royal college lot dental surgeons and of tne university of toronto lome hours a to 12 a m 2 to 5 p in office in grubins block over jew- lelery store iphone office 8201 residence 202 i residence main street east end markham every tuesday office lover m whites store standard dank of canada stouffville branch a c burkholder j mather funeral director and embalmer stouffville residence church street two doors north of store phoue nos 0801 op 0812 fhtcalls tended 16 ance clark glass accident and life western lands for sale feat permanent loan co rturcs r loan on improved farms phonk uffvillb 2-20-2- ont bebeebe horseshoer ano- general blacksmith repairs and painting buggies or rves any kind a stock of the ry best timber on hand white oak wagon tongues the very best three x buggy shafts best qual ity spokes and rims and the work is being done by the best procurable wood worker during wartime ouick service nnil n guar antee of quality is our motto for fhigli class furniture go to w j mather stttoffvillf a day lor the children miss margaret a creyke writes from toronto as follows on arriving in toronto on sat urday june 14 i had the pleasure of attending the annual picnic in high park given by the people who are interested in the toronto kolief soup kitchen to the children and their parents the lunch was all that could be desired then the children had games and gathered the wild flowers it really was an inspiration to the love manifested between the workers and children and the per fect freedon which was very notice able as you would see the little hands decking themselves with but tercups and wild roses before leav ing there were several hymns sung and testimonies given and each one went away feeling they has spent a very pleasant afternoon the work ers have organized a mothers meeting and they meet once a week to do some sewing have lunch and a nice social time sometimes they are invited to the homes of the workers which they consider a great treat the sunday school is also being i the important business of making j arrangements to hold stouifvilles i annual celebration this year lo take the form of a celebration to honor of our returned sodiers failed to i attract a large attendance at the 1 meeting of the board of trade on j friday evening those who were present however meant business and decided to hold the celebration i i on civic holiady monday august 1 at lake musselinan the only oh- iection to holding it at the lake was the transportation problem and a committee consisting of messrs baker huntley shaw and button was ap pointed to solve this dilliculty dr freel promised to see that the lake residents were organized efficiently a program of games races and aqua tic sports was decided upon the president was instructed to look in to the matter of securing suitable mementos for the returned men differences of opinion were expres sed in regard to the parking of cars some thought it best to have them parked on the streets while others thought separate parking grounds the better plan a motion was passed that the president and secretary be a committee to wait on the council pressing upon them the advislbility of providing parking grounds but that it be not made mandatory it was decided to hold another meeting on friday evening june 27 to go further into making arrange ments for the civic holiday celebra tion and to invite representatives from the womens institute wom- ens patriotic league and januy can ucks f sfe red cross work the following is a report of sup plies which were sent by polling div ision no c markham township to the canadian red cross society 5s0 pillow cases 324 towels 605 sheets 1 15 pairs of socks t shirts 32 pairs of pyjamas 3 dressing gowns 32 face cloths 13 bed jack ets 15 pillows 503 bandages 17s4 handkerchiefs 4 pair knee caps 1 balaclava cap 2 scarfs 31 jars of fruit 26 pounds of wool and a num ber of other articles also two bales of clothing for belgians and one for the french the total amount of money used in purchasing the above list of ar ticles was 115234 of the amount 7000 was a donation from the markham township council carried on and improvement in parents there is a decided the children and cliaiiiuui of school hoard j dr smith is one of the many successful men who were born on the farm but early in life saw visions of greater things in professional life born near woodvlllo in the county of victoria he trudged three j miles to master the three rs hut took such a liking to school that he continued until ho possessed a third class certificate and wield- i cd the rodhimsetf for four years in his native county then he went j to coilingwood collegiate and toronto normal school graduating j with a second class certificate after teaching for one year at corn- wall he resigned to commence the study of dentistry seeing greater j opportunities in it than in the tcachjig profession he entered the i dental college university of toronto and the royal college of den- tal surgeons later he took a post graduate course at the chicago dental college and since has taken several post graduate courses to j keep abreast of the times on looking for a suitable location ho s chanced to come to stouftvillo that was twenty years ago and he i has established a growing practice and never regretted the choico j that brought him here nor have the citizens regretted it lie has taken a deep interest in local affairs especially educational matters having now been twice chairman of the board of education and a member of the same for eight years and also a member of the pub lic library board for several years the doctor is a church worker too being superintendent of the presbyterian sunday school and the chairman of the board of management he is president of the local branch of tlio british and foreign bible society he has taken an active part in the executive work of his profession being chairman of the oral hygiene association and past president of the central ontario dental association dr smith is a liberal from old liberal stock ami he takes a deep interest in all public affairs lieut rout c hollidge lieut root c hollidge mm ixc 31 was drowned at lake miissolman on monday evening at about s30 oclock the unfortunate young man who was not a good swimmer was in tlie water with a number compan ions and had been swimming and diving from and old pitnt not far from the shore the last thing he was seen doing was to give the punt a push and shortly afterwards throw up his hands yml siiik without titter iijg aiiy warning- that lie was in dis- fss when ho did not come up and it became apparent that some thing was wrong with him his chums at once began to search for him and recovered the body after a few min utes harry wilson of stouftvihb- a third year medical student was present and under his charge artifi- 1 cia respiration was resorted to and continued under the direction of dr i a freel who arrived in short time for two hours but with out success tlie peculiar circumstances sur rounding his death tlie fact that he was drowned in only six feet of water and that he gave no sign of distress would seem to siow that death was due primarily to some some other cause than drowning tlie fact- that ho had been wounded in the head and tlie side would make it seem possible that he had sustain ed an injury to his brain at the front bob hollidge was a son of mr ahd mrs fred hollidge of vivian hjjj with his brother ted only re cently reliirncdfroiu overseas where he had served with great bravely winning the military medal and the distinguished conduct medal he enlisted in 1316 at the age of seven teen and wont overseas with col sam sliarpes battalion at one lime lie was a student at the con tinuation school here bob was universally popular ami iiis death under such tragic circumstances is viewed with the deepest regret by everyone the funeral took place yesterday afternoon from mount albert burial being made at liartmau vivian june 25 1919 a very sad chapter was added to the misfor tunes of mr and mrs fred hollidge of vivian on tuesday afternoon of this week a the very time that the remains of their son lieu itob- i ert c hollidge drowned at lake musselman on monday evening were i expected to arrive from the under- i takers the home of the parents was i burned to the ground the tire slar- i ted through a eoal oil stovo which i ired up and ignited tlie building it was at first thought that no harm wa done and the blaze completely extinguished but within fifteen min- i tiles tho roof suddenly burst into i flame and owing to the strong wind ami the condition brought on by tin drought the whole structure was soon beyond hope of being saved mr and mrs hollidge resided at the grand trunk station at vivian which iiad been erected some torty- fiv y sirs ago with all available help from neighbors and friends a considerable portion of the household furnishings was saved although a number of valuable articles and treasured pos sessions were lost lieut ilollidges ear and his military papers and medals were saved mr liollidgos son ted was al most overcome by tlio smoke and flames while removing some of the belongings bui was able to continue in a few minutes neighbors brought their teams and removed tlie salvaged possess or mr and mrs hollidge to i of shelter during tlie after- the bugs are here o we have the retvledy pure paris green arsenate of lead ions plac noon tlio family tlie present at have taken rooms for mr george binghams tlio best lino of fresh g al way- gobd rocenes on hand service market drug store gl col lard chemist druggist stouffville- stouffvjllli nk1lsoxs ice cih3am telephone orders promptly tended to a b lhmai family grocery stoke mongolia oxt and travel canadian pacific for full lartie4ars reservations apply to fl- w- sanders local agent phune 8001 also c p r and allan line ocean tickets rsesarz yvfc have afuil line of flower and vegetable plants and a large stock of ger aniums and coleus phone orders taken and deliv ered once a day 9 a m w ii brillingcrs sixth concession phoxi 7002 son storifvillli oxi real estate farm and town property listed and for sale in village of stouffvllle and townships of markham uxbrldgo whitchurch and pickering hoover bros box 205 stouflville bdsiuxi hardy mils hue ftcm honor graduate and gold med alist of toronto conservatory of music honor graounte and gold medalist of triuitv uni- versify toronto in stouffvillo over geo every thursday coiiards drug storo m bads pi qpaliiy wherever you sec this emblem you will find a car that is giving continuous motoring satisfaction let it be your safety first sign to insestigate he gray dort it represents 60 years of experience in building vehicles and automobiles read these brief specifications and write for catalog or better still see the gray dort at our showrooms ii i brown p c brown vs bvsc graduate of ontario veterinary college and toronto university calls day or night ind phone 2700 bell 25 maikliaiii ontario electric lighting electric starting demountable rims complete equipment connecticut ignition nonskid tires on rear 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 00000000 n get thk best it pays f zluvl 7 0 yonge and charles sis toron- 0 o is noted- throughout canada 0 for high grade business cduca 0 hon great demand for om it graduates open all year filter write for catalogue j elliott principal ooooooooooooooooo noted for its wonderful the approval which th liberty car has carried is due to its constf ution apd is so convincingly de monstrated in its performance r e brown m 17b stonffville we can satisfy your taste in a now suit or overcoat our now suitings and ovcrl coatings are in stock and it will be a pleasure to ntf tend to your needs iili k tilk leading mil t f