Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), June 19, 1919, p. 2

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good quality tea properly brewed takes away fatigue and is absolutely i harmless as a daily b thjl an ex of 8u pe o ltd a no d read ma nixedf muef fromfj so a ry once and youll never forsake its use varying the menu and immediately fill with the jelly lone s ivorih istop b a frii lverj by eleanor h porter copyrlcht houghton niffiln co published by social arrangement with thos allen toronto what an easy time we overwork- tn n wil1 tncn turn out easily ed housekeepers have as compared after it hardens withour grandmothers and mothers t mcat atul salad now add yes and even with the days of our y dessert you probably have oldest sisters todays housekeeping your own favorite recipe but nere is is comparatively easy when it comes one discovered by a farm woman to getting meals i thought of it the which is a prime favorite in her com- other day when i discovered that ofjmuivty for the amount of water the thirty or more cans in the fruit failed for in the directions given with locker still filled with something a tencent package substitute the only four contained fruit at first jce f a pint can of strawberries it was rather disconcerting to think i if there is not enough liquid add that homegrown strawberries are enough boiling water to make it up still several weeks away oranges just before the jelly sets carefully eighty cents to one dollar a dozen stir in the berrxs and a half a ban- depending on the grocers nerve ana sliced allow to harden turn chapter viii contd i ly bnew which cut the deeper that i couldnt stand it i couldnt fee had been proved wrong thus los- stand it another minute he told him- k s happiness or that his father self passionately as he hurried helen j bccn p r thu p down the long elmshaded walk lead- 1 j a position to hear the hated ing to the street but daddad l was a brick and he asked us to that helen could ever make him come again again good heavens fppy w convinced now as if id go through that again it never had he realized this so fully was so much worse there than at f since seeing her at his father home but im glad he didnt put never had her her in mothers chair i dont think ways so irritated mm never had even i could have stood thatto- he so poignantly realised the sigmfi- dayt cance of what he had lost and won well thats over murmured never had he been so ashamed or helen complacently as they turned so ashamed because he was ashamed into the public sidewalk and well th day never he vowed over still i didnt enjov myself so uld he be placed in the same po- very much and i dont believe you slt a did either she laughed else you a to helens side of the matter wouldnt have been it such a taking burke quite forgot that there was to get away sucn a thing v hen one is so very there wasno answer helen howu v for ones self one forgets to ever evidently sure of her ground i be sorry for anybody else and burke did not seem to notice she yawned indeed very sorry for himself pleasantly having never been in the habit of guess im sleepy ate too much i taking disagreeable medicine he did twas a good dinner and just as i not know how to take it now having told vour father things always taste heen always accustomed to consider especially good when vou dont get i on himself he considered only him- 1 much at homo i said it on purpose s now that helen too might be i thought maybe twould- rrake him i disappointed and disillusioned never think occurred to him i stiil silence was i a month later that helen turned sfarply and peered another invitation to dinner came vs hir vvraaiias face from john denby this time burke j whats the mattersie demand- did not stutter out a joyous incoher- ed suspiciously why are you so acceptance he declined so glum promptly and emphatically that he burke instantly alert to the danluite forgot his manners for the moj ger of having another scene such as nient and had to attach to the end had followed gleasons first visit of his refusal a hurried and ineffect- i and apples six to ten cents apiece also depending on the same price basis then came the comfortable thought oh well the children like gelatine and the price of that is fixed so gelatine it will be till straw berry time we can buy it with the fruit flavor and serve it without ad ditions if we like or if we want to add the fruit one orange will go a long way when used only to give flavor it doesnt need to be oranges either for any fruit goes with this dessert or for the matter of that any vege table or left over meat if it isnt dessert we are trying to extend a favorite mixture contains only sweet fruits a few raisins figs chopped or cut in small pieces and a date or two this gives a better balanced dish than the gelatine alone since the jelly being a meat extractive is an acid producer while the fruits are base producers that is they givo alkali in reaction out in your prettiest glass dish slice a banana on top and pile thick with sweetened whipped cream loganberry jelly is always liked combined with dates it makes a deli cious and nutritive dish dates are high in carbohydrates sugar the dried dates as we get them contain ing on the average 1g05 calories to the pound a dessert pleasing to the eye as well as the palate is made by placing halves of stoned dates around the edge of a mold at twoinch intervals then filling the mold with loganberry jelly allow to harden turn out on a glass or china plate cover with whipped cream and on top arrange a circle of dates pile cream high within this circle and lay one- half a date in the centre a mixture of vegetables in jelly will sound better if you call it a macedoine for macedoine while it means simply mixture sounds differ ent lemon jelly is the best flavor for these vegetable mixtures and looks well garnished with beets cut volunteers from s america nearly 1000 have paid the sacrifice out of 12000 britishers vessels bound for south america nowadays carry among their passen gers largo numbers of bronzed and hardy young men some whole and sound others bearing scars and losses of conflict but all displaying upon their breasts a special military badge the bvla or british volunteers of latin america says a london des patch these men are returning to one or another of the latin republics where when war broke out they were en gaged on railways cattle ranches plantations or mines or in banks and commercial houses established years ago by british enterprise and capital twelve thousand of these men on the declaration of war left their posi tions and hurried across many thou sands of miles of sea hi answer to the call of the mother country from ar gentine alone where british interests are markedly strong it is estimated that some 7000 volunteers set out withdrawal of these men from south american industries and enter prise has been of no light concern for british interests have suffered and development has been checked not all of those who set out so gallantly are returning nearly 1000 were kill ed or died of wounds while others are too seriously disabled to return to active life but this is certain that wherever these anglosouth american volun teers have gone they have carried in spiring accounts of latin america with them little has been known of these contingents because like the british volunteers from the united states and other parts they came all grades write for prices toronto salt works a j cliff tjgono across the atlantic on their own re sponsibility and enlisted in whatever regiment was convenient committees have been formed for the purpose of rounding them up with a london headquarters whtro all necessary information regarding pas- sage money and demobilization can be- obtaincd his littte bit she but you only volunteered just as peace was proclaimed jj yes you see exactly i er wanted to seo it was carried oul properly queens university kingston otttaiuo arts part cf tie arts course may fee covered by ccrrci02ieac- medicine education applied science mining chemical cm mechanical end electrical engineering sukiiek ssficol t3ugiitr39 school july and august december to april 20 geo y chown re there are so many ways in which in orange section shapes to the prepared jelly powders can be get your beets to stay in used that one could not give a tenth i place pour just a little jelly of the recipes in one article suppose in your mold and let it harden place you have a little cold chicken not the beets in position then pour in enough to put on the table in the the rest of the macedoine and let present condition a bit of breast the harden when emptied on the serv- neck and wings maybe a piece of the ing dish the beets are on the outside back you shred the meat from the bones prepare your jelly powder ac cording to directions on the package flavor with celery salt mint kitchen desperately ran to cover othing nothing he essayed a gay smile and succeeded im stu pid that myself it cant be youre put out cause we came away so early you sug gested it yourself htr eyes were still sujaiciajslytjetttuponnim bit oi it i wanted to ual er thank you you are very kind im sure he looked up then and met his fathers eyes but in- all maybe im sleepy stantly his gaze dropped i er ah helen is not well at all dad he still further added nervous- ly of course ill speak to her but i dont think we can come there was a moments pause then very gravely john denby said oh i am sorry son burke with a sudden tightening of his throat turned and walked away he didnt laugh he didnt sneer he didnt look anyhow only just plain sorry choked the young man to himself and he had such a mng- nifieent chance to do all of them c she relaxed and took her gaze off his face the unmistakable sincer ity in his vcice this last time had carried conviction hmm i thought you did she murmurc contentedly again still i was kind of scared when you pro- he j nosed it i didn t suppose twas b spoke to helen that night father asked us to dinner next proper to eat and run mother al wav said so do you thinkhe sum minded it your father not a bit burke n his thank fulness to have escaped the threaten ed fcene was enabled to speak light ly almost gayly hmm weil im glad i would nt have wanted him to mind i tried i to be sncciallv nice to him didnt i ay but i said i didnt think wo could go i told him you werent feeling well i didnt think youd i want to go and i didnt want to go myself helen frowned and pouted well ive got my opinion of folks who refuse an invitation without even asking em if they want to go she bridled not that i mind much bouquet or any good flavor that goes well with meat and the minced chick en and pour into a mold empty bak ing powder cans or tin coffee cans do very nicely lacking even these your bread tins make nicely formed molds set the mod away on the cellar floor until the jelly hardens turn out on a platter garnished with parsley watercress lettuce cut in ribbons even celery tops or carrot tops and you have a dainty platter of jellied chicken two or three chopped olives mixed with the meat add to the flavor of the dish and the beauty as well so much for your meat a salad is as easily made with the leftover vegetables bits of cold carrots and beets diced cold canned peas lima- beans any vegetable your family likes will be relished if added to gelatine as you do fruit and served with your own salad dressing to mato jelly is made by using boiling strained tomatoes instead of the boiling water called for mold in individual molds if you havent the individual molds use teacups of uni form size before using molds fill with cold water pour out the water as a garnish set in a nest of head lettuce leaf this macedoine should go the prepared gelatine is identical in nature with the jelly you find in your kettle if the water in which meat with a great deal of bone or chicken or veal is allowed to get cold it is a meat extractive and while not a true proteid and by no means a substitute for meat yet contains some food value you did certvnly burkes lips tk case tn0ub if its just a ane together a ljtte grimly but ideas eyes were turned away and after a moments pute she changed hc nubicct -to-hci- husbands in- linito reliefjsy jjchapteil ix ijuvxe denby did not attempt to ive himself after that sunday jiuier his marriage had been a stake and he knew it he was dis jointed ashamed- and angry he lid himself that he was heartbroken he still loved helen dearly he did not like to be with her jv she made him nervous and libcd him the wrong way her od never seemed to fit in with his had so many little ways nmetimes he told himself irritnb- dinner i thought once maybe he meant something that he was giv ing in you know but i havent seen any signs of that and as for just going to dinner i cant say i am specially anxious for that mean as i feel now no i thought not said burke and there the matter ended as the summer passed burke fell into the way of going often to see his father though never at mealtime he went alone helen said she did not care to go and that she did not see what fun burke could find in it anvway to burke these hours that he snent with his father chatting and smoking in the dim old library or on the vine- shaded verandah were like a breeze blowing across the desert of existence like water in a thirsty land prom day to day he planned these visits from hour to hour he lived upon them to all appearances john denby and his son had picked up their old com one difference mother was never mentioned john denby never spoke of her now to be continued hat lie believed that if it were a thing like a crime that helen committed he could be heroic and living and glory in it but for- 1 to battle against a succession of hrending lirritations always co kjintcr the friction of antagonistic 8 and ideals it was maddening i radeship exactly where the marriage khwns ashamed of himself of had seevred it even to burkes he he was ashamed of lots of watchful sensitive eves the wall bfs that he said and did but lie seemed quite gone there was how- not hcln an explosion now and he felt as if somewhere 1 him was an irresistible force k him to it the pitv of it was he not to be pitied what had he iuen up as if it were his fault t was now so disillusioned he apposed that marriage with iwould he a fresh joy every v a new delight every jvcii- i unbelievable glory of imai- st hems together 1hc did not want to be ts i he did not want to go home llhoss faultfinding slovcnli- l perpetual criticism lie i- go home to peace and har- v oliot rooms servants that lr business and dad lat was another thing dad fcen right he himself had jbut that did not mean t cv to own up that he vong somctviss he hirj- ssme old boys jluddletoncumsplosh is very proud of its schools which boast all the latest improvements every visitor is asked have you seen our schools i have replied one man promptly in answer to this question theyre quite good splendid arent they gushed the native fine buildings and all the most uptodate fittings by the way what was the first thins which struck you on entering a pea from a peashootor said the visiter coldly boiled ullwisn forpuemr w clankumo wcnfrct dcnls in use of the sewing machine dont forget to oil the sewing ma chine frequently the treadle and pitman should be oiled in their bear ings almost as often as the working parts above the table dont allow the machine to stand uncovered when not in use as it collects dust and lint the working parts below the cloth plate should be dusted and lint removed frequently with a small camels hair brush the parts above the cloth plate should be wiped often with cheesecloth dont run the machine while it is threaded without a piece of material under the foot as this causes the thread to knot around the bobbin and makes a big ugly bunch of thread on the under side of the work when stitching is begun there is often a tendency on the part of the oper ator to stitch several inches after the end of the seam has been reached this is a bad practice dont pull the material while it is being stitched as this causes a stretched tight ugly stitch and very often blunts or breaks the needle the feed will take care of this unas sisted and will push the material through as fast as the machine can take care of it learn first aid the small son of the house pinchod his finger the other day and later an infection developed pus formed and cozed out beneath the nail i applied the good old remedy flaxseed poul tice but the infection spread and the finger grew worse and worse a doctor charged me four dollars to tell mo that i should have first paint ed the linger with iodine then made a solution of one teaspoon of boracic acid to a half pint of boiling water covered the finger with a pad of antiseptic gauze soaked in this and kept the pad soaked day and night a cot of antiseptic gauze will keep the pad in position and the whole thing is to have the solution poured over it at frequent intervals to keep the pad wet this treatment cured the infection in less than a week a poultice the doctor explains spreads an infection by softening the tissue he added that a boil should never be poulticed but failed to give the treat ment i will pay him four dollars some day to find out the new treat ment for boils ore good pay days for you especially mteresting to returned men voi t can have raore pay days by putting an nour or two of your i vu spare time to good use you can sell us all the spare time you have heres a chance for you to turn into cash something which is perhaps going to waste every day if you will be enthusiastic over our popular lowpriced o henry jack london combination book offer or our official illustrated frank simonds his tory of the war we wiil our representative ad pay you well 3raie adim- mobe pay days coupon chief of subscription staff national colturo association ltd- 130131 corlstinc bldg montreal desr sir 1 can stand more pay days please show me how to ret them name address appoint tage of this opportunity mail in couponjat once i jrservtssetheriishlaxjfflctii imperial eureka harness oil soaks into leather keeps water out prevents drying and cracking keeps harness strong soft pliabl lengthens its useful life and saves money comes in convenient sizes imperial eureka harness oiler simple and convenient should be in every barn imperial mica axle grease keeps the metal spindle from contact with the hublining coats both with a smooth cover ing of mica and the finest grease kills friction and makes axles and wheels last longer and run easier helps the horse and saves wagon repairs sold in many sizes 1 lb to barrcbr- many do not use the fat which ex udes from the bacon while cooking yet this is about twothirds of the original weight such fat should he drained or scraped into a covered glass and will keen as long as lard and be ready for reheating potatoes or for cooking liver indeed its spec ial flavor is relished with greers and for many other purposes j gr jak 5r j

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