s kr iv stouffville july 10 1913 local items miss veltna v lehman is spend- g the week with friends in toronto iv h todd is having the queens this c an expei suffie ampcd b iswer wi to- ltd f i jtrg afte no mat otel building converted into a ouble house mrs mason and daughter of new- ready 5 are e of mrs koy brlu made nixed at kralue vhen fig from the so roa itbat wlili lone seas worth to lstop fit la fair 1 itvery do lr has 1 lis iner dancing at cedar glen park pav- ion on friday and saturday even- misses it- and p kelly of toron- o are spending a few days with irs hoy brillinger rev jas brown will preach on unday july 13 at bloomington at 1 churchill at 3 and kingwood at7 mr and mrs a s leaney went o their summer home at jacksons int on friday last fte v3 a prize of 3 will be given for the of soieest decorated place of business and iftor fb for tie best decorated residence l three july 12th en o the free methodist church will lold their annual camp meeting for he toronto district on july 15 to fji all arc invited to attend oicrf j mowder returned home from piverseas on monday he is looking ail the best of health we are delight- jm to see him back home again lowing was of mrs kobert johnson and family acres have returned to their home in neiv- rjjnarket after spending two weeks vith her parents mr and mrs kobt felfc on m othert sai betfia brick house good sized lot with enotij ol1 victoria street owned by omjelrs c h hainer apply on premi- sofisf ingtt that mrs c b macleod entertained olhe members of the baker hill and s baptist mission circles fjt her home on wednesday after itsiocn mrs j f madill gave an ad- jress lost sum of jioxev larg on friday night july 4 on road jetween bloomington and lake road pocket book containing a sum of aoney about 25 reward finder please leave at tribune office presbyterian church sunday july 13 1919 3l0 am sabbath school and bible jassj jzntl t0 stouffrille crsamery made 13000 patients at his office wunls ot batfctlast weejc service jievening service ody welcome at all services dr herbert freel has resumed bivil practice after a year and three months in the army medical corps folding the rank of captain the doc tor was fortunate in being attached a large hospital in englandwhich jieant work but was also educative jhe captain reports splendid treat- lent by the army authorities and british people but prefers canadian bioking a s stouffers team ran away th a set of disc harrows on satur- last from the burton place on uffer street where he had been king he had left the team for a minutes to get a drink when they ted off they ran down stoufer et down the school lane to the ige where they fell into the creek animals were only slightly in- d and the tongue of the harrows broken hodist church services july 13 1919 am sabbath school lam service subject are lies contrary to the national ef talk to boys and girls in service subject wearing ilcles ingers heartily welcome seats mington methodist church m sabbath school m divine service talk to boys and girls r meeting thursday evening the orangemen held church par ade on sunday mr w j mathers brother retur ned home from overseas on fridav last o mrs taylor of toronto is visit ing her parents mr and mrs john mcklnnon the misses ada and mabei walker are visiting mr and mrs isaac rea- nian for a few days john and mrs hodgson of caron sask are visiting relatives in this vicinity he is recovering nicely from an operation for a dislocated knee dr barker will be in his office forenoons only during july and aug ust he is taking his vacation by be ing away afternoons during these two months o two stouffville girls arrived home late at night and found the doors all locked but they gained admission with a good long ladder at an up stairs window dont forget the key next time girls o union services of the baptist and christian conyregations will be hold in the christian church next sunday rev mr wilson will preach at the morning service rev a t merer of attica n ys will preach at night o on acount of the picnic to be held at jacksons point on the 16th july the regular meeting ot the womens institute will be postponed until the 23rd and will be held at the home of mrs geo lee a good program everybody welcome o fred winn took a nasty fall late thursday evening sustaining two broken bones in the palm of his hand besides several bruises he had left mrs winn with the horse and buggy while he went into w ii todds carriage shop to obtain some repairs when the horse took fright and star ted to run mrs winns scream caused him to rush from the shop when he fell headlong over a buggy top striking the cement walk the horse was caught before it had run far mrs w s cook gave first aid to mr winn who was rendered un conscious he soon recovered and is now doing nicely o frances carter wife of mr har vey clendenning died at her home cth concession of whitchurch on saturday july 5 after a very pain ful illness due to cancer some time ago she had a cancer removed at the toronto general hospital and for a time it appeared she would recover but the disease had spread through her system and the best medical aid could do nothing to save her the deceased was ih her 41st year she leaves besides her husband a family of small children to mourn her loss the sympathy of the commun ity where she was well and favorably known goes out to the bereaved ones the funeral was held on monday july 7 after interment in provi dence cemetery service was held in providence baptist church which was filled with sorrowing friends miss kfcadieux was givfifl a kit chen shower last evening by a ntfui- ber of lady friends mr and mrs chas watts chicago are renewing old acquaintance in town the united farmers will hold a meeting in the council chamber on saturday evening july 12 at s piu all members are requested to attend the copious rains of the last week have been of inestimable benefit to root and grain crops which were be ginning to suffer from the long dry spell folxd lb on corner of 3rd concession ux- bridge and townline a small sum of money r h spofford stouffville r r 1 phone 2124 found at lake musselman union picnic on saturday june 2s a purse con taining a sum of money owner may have same by proving property and paying for this ad apply to d h uusnell stouffville or phone 6413 all the piano candidates among the pupils of mr edmund hardy mus bac ftcm were successful iu the recent examinations held by the toronto conservatory of music in stouffville the examiner mr ziegler was in town last friday to conduct the tests some of mr hardys pupils gained a very tifgh standing iu honors one pupil obtain ing s3 per cent o we are told that two stouffville men were recently approached by a couple of strangers who said they had a barrel of whiskey in the swamp west of the village which they were willing to dispose of for a stipulated sum of money they invited the two men to go out and sample the stuff which they did using a piece of hose to get the booze out of the barrel it proved satisfactory and the money was passed over at night when the purchasers went out to remove the barrel they took another swig but found to their dismay nothing in it but water o death of mrs holdev mrs william ilolden one of the oldest residents of this district pas sed away on sunday july 6 at the residence of her son truman hoi- den 9th concession of markham mrs holden was 91 years of age and had lived her whole life in this dis trict she was formerly miss eliza hamilton deceased was a lifolong and con sistent member of the 9th line bap tist church a kind parent and was highly respected in the community for a number of years she had been blrmlher husband predeceased hor fortytfne years ago she is survived byfougsons elias of california truman anck william of the ninth concession of markham james of toronto and one daughter mrs win herririgtbn of markham the funeral was held on july s to 1st markham baptist cemetery where the remains were laid beside the body of her husband the service was con ducted by rev robt young assisted by rev jas brown aymaking lock smith had a very narrow om death on saturday after- it while raking hay for mr ldoman the rake had not king well and he had got ed it and had reseated him- the horses became friglit- ran away and ho was un- introl them becauso a line nder the end of the tongue to while ho had beon fixing cam ran around the field tree times and then went i gap and over two plies of 1 jolt of going over these smith oft the seat and ho lrst in front of the rake irricd somo distance by hen by chanco it tripped jed out had it not acci- iped ho would probably ihed as tho team ran orchard and tho rake lildlng damaging it very tad his knee badly hurt lined a number of cuts iccessitating tho use of a few days deering mowers hay rakes hay tedders hay loaders are built to give long and efficient service we can supply all your needs we carry a fulljine of repairs holden seott stquffvltberont the market grocery try our breakfast jams and marmalades d bs toronto bread thr leave us your name and give it a trial open every evening violet cl4rks0n phone 909 stouffville big corner store x h do you realize that spring is with us if so you are hitting the trail to the jig corner store for your footwear from the little wee man to the i ig grown up we have shoes which will suit the most wide awake buyer we have a very fine range in chocolates and black for ladies give us a call special in general dry goods we have- les at lowest prices do not hesitate to buy as present prices will prevail no cheap goods in sight for awhile our grocery stock is bigger and better than ever do not overlook those house cleaning needs eveiy line fresh and clean we have them all last but not least that famous blend tea of ours we are receiving compli mcntary remarks on it every day come and be one of those satisfied ones yours for big values s huntley s t q u f f v i l l e o n t headlight twopiece overall headlight onepiccc overall weve got a big new stock made of the same highest- quality denim of prewar days the price is right come in right away and look them over f r fefel re store closed monday wednesday at 6 p m friday at 1230 noon haw stouffville 1 of hon ire dem ino coi iotogrn coat pverj an4 to ntj k5fcskhg hpmqi