ieke one of the red hustones in canadas path of glory dominion troops stemmed the tide of advance against ypres tfrmh calais during two weeks of june 1916 adding fresh lustre to their immortnl renown the battle of ziueoeke opened on june- 2 1916 and really continued un til june 13 the zillebeke sector is situated two miles due east of ypres on a front of two mlc3 from hill co to the upper edge of sanctuary wood and hoodge on menln road at the time the canadians were occupying the southeastern portion of the ypres sallont the british were massing troops for tho somrno offensive and the ypres salient was practically stripped of forces tho canadians were at a great disadvantage there was no air service there was little artillery and only a thin lino of in fantry there were no series of sup port and resorve trenches owing to tho nature of tho ground while the germans had oven tho advantage of position being on high ground while the canadians occupied tho low tho zillebeko sector was defended by the 3rd canadian division under the command of general mercer with the patricias was left in the ar general mercer was killed and gener al williams wounded later taken pris oner a mice exploded at the loop destroyed the right company of the patricias but still captain nlvens company on the left hung on captain niven was wounded and no 7 pla toon with its commander lieut ha- garty was wiped out checked german advance to the germans it appeared that no mortal being could live through the terrlde hail of lead and iron at 1245 the bombardment suddenly ceased and the enemy confident of an easy vic tory came over but ho had not taken into consideration the indomitable canadian valor a remnant of the princess pats still remained alive and these under the command of lieut molson subjected the enemy to a blasting enfilade as he passed on the right to the roar attempts were made to reinforce the canadians the 7th and 8th brigades in tho line colonel duller was killed as ho was tho front line trenches were occupied i lcauin llp supports and major gault by tho 2nd and 4th mounted rifles at the lower end near hill go and mount sorrel tho princess patricias two companios of which were largely made up of university meii from to ronto montreal and the west occu pied the upjer part of sanctuary wood a teriiflc bombardment at 6 oclock on the morning of the 2nd general mercer accompanied by brigadiergeneral victor williams be gan inspecting the trenches occupied by the mounted rifles unknown to tho canadians tho germans had for several days been filling their trench es with trench mortars as preparation for a surprise attack which they pur posed launching on this day at 45 they suddenly opened a terrific bom bardment of the canadian trenches for four hours they kept it up they destroyed emplacements and devasta ted entrenchments the mounted was wounded tho remnant in the front line hung on all night though surrounded on the following morning at day break a counterattack failed tho 15th highlanders were badly cut up and lieut maurice malcne was killed while leading his company the pats hung on tenaciously until sunday tho 4th when they were ordered to the rear having been relieved by the 42nd highlanders it was a pitiful rem- i nant that mustered to roll call though they had paid a great price they had achieved a momentous vic tory it was tho dogged heroism of the princess patricias that balked the germans from a straight walk into ypres and on to calais the fighting continued on the zille beke sector until june 13 when a counterattack drove tho germans back except from the edge of sanc tuary woods and hooge the cana- rifles were blown out of their trench- j dians suffered 14000 casualties during es and fell back the right flank of the two weeks sfarkefs of the world breadstuffs toronto may 27 manitoba wheat no 1 northern s224 no 2 northern 221 no 3 northern 217 no 4 wheat 211 in store fort william american corn nominal ontariooatsjft 3 white 75 to tapewrdmg to freights outside r jntario wheat no 1 winter per imported handpicked burma or ig car lot 214 to 220 no 2 do 211 to 219 no 3 do 207to 215 fo t shipping points according to freights ontario wheat no 1 spring 209 dressed poultry chickens 40 to 45c spring chickens 75c to 80c roosters 28 to 30c turkeys 40 to 45c to 38c squabs doz 7 geese 28 to 30c live poultry spring chickens 60 to g5c potatoes ontario fob track to ronto car lots 175 on track out side 160 to 165 beans can handpicked bushel 425 to 450 pnimes 3 to 325 311916 fowl i 37 to 38c british navy names commemorate glorious ships and gallant smsss 8 to i men deathless names are they recalling the deathless deeds of generations of seagoing britons names never die in the british navy it is one of the characteristics of that noble service that dian 325 limas 12c honey extracted clover 5 lb tins 25 to 26c lb 10 lb tins 24 to present by an endless chain of com 25c 60 lb tins 24 to 25c buckwheat memorating valiant actions 60 lb tin 19 to 20c comb 16 oz german ship names emblazon the to 217 no 2 do 200 to t214 450 to o doz 10 oz 350 to 4 fame o tin generals or tin no 3 do 202 to 210 fob ship- dozen names of glorious memory every name of the hundred and i fiftyone names may well be writ- its ships ten in letters of gold in the tablets wear the same names generation l m every brton from the minelayer half and sank at onceonly two of fers inrfurvng commander dann- reuther and four men being subse quently picked up by the destroyer badger the spitfires feat the invincible was a seventy four in admiral harveys fleet that captured trinidad and destroyed the spanish fleet in 1797 adrriral lord samuel hood captured the anchorage of kassterre st kitts in the west indiss from the french ad miral de graise 1732 it was his cousin of tho same name who was commodore of the british fleet in the caribbean in 1804 and added to the navy that quaint sloop of stone still known as hms diamond rock an islet which he seized anj fortified and with which as from i blockading ship he muzzled tha french in martinique for eighteen months there was the spitfire too what might be expected of a de stroyer of her name nothing but what happened at midnight enemy cruisers fell in with the fourth destroyer flotilla opening a heavy fire the destroyers were outgunned but undaunted they at tacked at once the tipperary leading was cripped and set ablaze the broke unmanageable rammed her consort the 3parrowhawk and wrecked her but the spitfire pull ing out of the smoke and flame of the tipperary torpedoed one four- funnelled gorman ship and having no room to turn bumped into a ger man light cruiser scraping alongsidf and tearing off 29 feet of the skii plating of the hun to take home ai a souvenir turkey to be allies who are unsatisfied witb other arrangements each to have slice a despatch from paris says what ever doubt existed as to the disposi tion of the once mighty empire tur key was dissipated on wednesday af ternoon when the conclusion was finally reached to begin a dismem berment process of distributing choice after generation names of both men and ships link the glories of the past to the greatness of the abdiel which toiled all night sowing a mine field to cut off the german retreat to the war rior whose crew were saved from destruction by the wild circles of the helmless warspite iron duke she was jellicoes 121 i ping points according to freights peas no 2 210 nominal ac cording to freights outside barley malting 116 to nominal buckwheat no 2 nominal rye no 2 nominal manitoba flour government stan dard 11 toronto ontario flour government dard 11 in jute bags toronto and j 48c boneless montreal prompt shipment millfced car lots delivered mon treal freights bags included bran to 52 to 55c s42 per ton shorts 14 per ton good feed flour 270 to 275 per bag hay no 1 32 to 35 nor ton mixed 20 to 24 per ton track to ronto straw car lots 10 to 11 per ton maple productssyrup per imper- victories or tinhorn institu- hi was vicead ial gallon 245 to 250 per 5 im- tions as kaiser scharnhorst perial gallons 235 to 240 sugar and gneisenau or more geograph- lb 27c i ical accidents as leipzig or em- i den or pet pups such as pom- provisicry wholesale mern or prinz eitel friedrich smoked meats hams mod 39 to r headache powders as seydlitz 41c do heavy 33 to 34c cooked 54 british navy names commemorate to 56c rolls 33 to 34c breakfast glorious ships and gallant men the i 44 to 4sc backs plain 47 to seagodmothers and seagodfathers 0 clear bellies 23 of s and men destined in their to 29c turn to pass on deathless names sto sol hat wi ins other men in othcr lard pure tierces 34 to 34c sh to deathless deeds tubs 34 to 35c pails 34 to 35i prints 35 to 36c comp tierces 27 to 2sc tubs 2 to 29c pails 28 to 29c prints 29 to 30c there is romance adventure in- spirationi allegory and centuries of history in tho one hundred and j fifty names mentioned by admiral i jellicoe in his account of the grand fleet at the worlds greatest sea montreal markets montreal may 27 oats extra fight the battle of juttand may l no 1 feed soc flour spring join country producewholesale v v ino l leca suftc nour spring iqii butter dtiry tubs and oils 38 wheat new standard grade 11 to to 40c prints 40 to 42c creamery t10 roiled oats bags 90 lbs indomitable fearless in- fresh made solids 52 to 53c prints s390 to 1 bran 42 shorts 44 flexible invincible valiant 53 to 54c hav no 2 per ton car lots 3s to they might have been taken from the eggs new laid i dressed 34c roosters ducklings 32c miral beattys conqueror thun dered vanguard names of cour age and power temeraire and bellerophon recalling nelsons glory and napoleons finish they were all there at jutland and seven score others big and little many of them smacking even of the forbidden pages of the dime novel morning star mindful marksman mis chief attack yes and little mary rose was there later on going down with flag flying fighting against hopeless odds while she sav ed her north sea convoy the genius and destiny of the greatest naval nation the world has man and a good ship both bearing ever seen ensure that the names of j at jutland seagevng names famous great naval heroes shall reappear sinc0 the eighteenth century from generation to generation in the the canada was one of rodneys ships in the battle of the saints in the west indies 1782 the can ada fought the ville de paris two blls among tho allieswho have been hours broadside to broadside in rod- neys victory a canada was also in the battle of jutland fourth ship in the third division of the battle fleet a sir francis drake led the van in the battle of the saints for rod ney in 1782 even as tho original sir francis harried the armada two hundred years before the little destroyed ardent in the jutland battle torpedoed the huge german pommern the flottila was again in action a little later with some enemy battle ships writes admiral jellicoe and the ardent attacked and fired a torpedo but the result could not be observed as a very heavy fire was concentrated on the ardent which sank with colors flying after a most gallant nights work it is sad to record that lieutcomnfander mars- den and one man were the only sur vivors they were picked up by a des troyer on june 1st after having been five hours in the water the original ardent was a cap tive frcm the french one of rod neys prizes in the battle of the saints asd the only one to get home the others including the gorgeous 110gun ville de paris wove lost in hurricanes on their way to england admiral jellicoes book thus re cords the last four minutes of a good disaffected by their treatment on other subjects turkey is to be a sort of universal sop britains insistence that constan tinople shall remain islamic is likely to result in her receiving a mandate possibly in conjunction with franco and italy supervised by a league of rations commission another of the latest suggestions concerning con stantinople is that it should be cons tituted an independent state with a residence for the sultan who would retain his spiritual and temporal power british apprehension as to the effect on mussulman subjects if the sultan were to be expelled from eur ope explains the revision of plans to that end chronicles of maritime glory and a wholesome regard on the part of the admiralty for the great helpfulness of tradition makes it certain that i i i- io lirj i- j x7 i i w ol iraaiuon manes it certain mat njltrv ch4cnv 30 to if fi easterns 30 to pages of the holy war or pilgrims names of equally gallant ships poultry mckcns to 3j butter choicest creamery 55 to progress lioii i j n f i fs 25c fowl so to 33c eggs f 52 to 53c- select- 10ercss sha never fade from the face of the 32c tur 3d to 40c 54 to 55c- no 2 stock 50c po- waters no matter what the fate of so r- ioi oifo eo t 9 in butchers cows choice 12 to 13 do the individual wearer of tho name squabs doz 6 live poultry roost 28 to 33c diicklings k eys 30c chickens 27 to wholesalers are selling the re tail trade at the following prices cheese new large 30 to 30c twins 30 to 31c triplets 31 to 31c stilton 31 to 31c butter fresh dairy choice 48 to 50c creamery solids 54 to 55c prints 55 to 56c margarine 35 to 38c eggs new laid 51 to 52c new laid in cartons 53 to 54c tatoes per bag car lots 2 to 210 5c fowl i fivesied hog7 abattoir killed s3050 s io j turk- t0 31 lar pure woo1 pai 20 to 10 do com 8 to 8 50 lbs net 34c stackers 87o to 12 feeders 1250 to 14 canners and cutters 450 to 650 milkers good to choice 90 to live stock markets 150 com and me1 g5 to 75 toronto may 27 good heavy steers 14 to 1450 choice butchers steers 1350 to 14 butchers cattle choice 1325 to 1375 do good 1275 to 13 do medi 1175 to 1225 do com 10 to i050 bulls choice 1175 to 1250 do med 1050 to 11 do rough 8 to 850 springers 90 to 160 light ewes 13 to 15 yearlings 12 to 14 choice lambs 1850 to 20 spring lambs 12 to 15 calves good to choice 14 to 16 hogs fed and wat ered 2250 to 2285 do weighed off cars 2275 to 2315 do fob 2150 to 2185 the individual wearer of the name revenge true to its reputation thus sir richard grenville fought the spaniards in the re venge one to fiftythree off the azores three hundred and twenty odd years ago a revenge fought and sailed in nelsons fleets and a revenge rammed a submarine in the battle of jutland and received viceadmiral sir cecil burneys flag when he quitted the damaged marl borough captured from the french rear admiral hood the hon horace l a hood cb mvo d so who was on the bridge of the invincible with capt cay hailed commander dannreuther the gun nery officer in the fore control at about 630 pm saying your firing is very good keep at it as quickly as you can every shot is telling at about 634 pm the invincible which had already been hit more than once by heavy shells without appreci able damage was struck in q turret the shell apparently burst inside the turret as commander dannreuther report of canadian trade commissioji market reports which will serve to guide canadian exporters and farm ers show that livestock iin great bri tain is in keen demand the board of agricultures weekly returns foi the middle of april show that price for nearly all meat animals are main tained especially for store cattle though qualities vary considerably from several market centres the re ports were that the supply was no up to the standard and that sheet showed no improvement as many lot were marketed in unripe conditior owing to wet weather and the short age cf artificial feeds the sam shortness marked the reports 01 hogs of which all classes were sell ing well at shrewsbury some an gus cross bullocks made up to eighty- eight shillings 2112 per cwt live weight while at birmingham the live weight price for hogs ranged about twentyone shillings per score 352 per stone of 14 lbs prices every where showed an upward tendency the same shortage was reported in provisions especially butler and cheese i will produce fish meal it is hoped to produce a million pounds of fish meal annually from fish f the roof blown off a verya waste and offal at a plant that is to bog heavy explosion followed immediate ly evidently caused by the magazine blowing up and the ship broke in established at tiverton nova scotiji most of the product will probably marketed in the maritime proving