1 salada tea is pure tea fragrant and os delicious flavor stimulating and refreshing watch for the name on every genuine sealed packet b57j 27 years in public service by tileanor h porter conyrlsm houghton nifiiin co published by social arrangement with ti103 allen toronto guarding the kain water has been to any place or entertain- at man composed of ment that you are offering her to one quart of imk and water it what han 15 wmkwcu there isperha no tej ufa will make the woodwork look like ing known to households than having f uriinriuoi1 iv w r ely and never fails to thank new mrs j j oc j chemistry tells the story in sslentl fie fashion good water there are various a as if it an article i find handy in my homej methods ot water supply but one of ws i is a long broom hanlle with a strong iha most coraon and convenient ere a y erj s refresh- hook in the end it saves me from i a man weistlng 150 pounds will con- it jou are serving frc a chair 1 taia approximately 3500 cubic feet of and nitrogen- thousand cubic mere likely she stout hook con be purchased at aayjfeet would be worth 280 for ways is to have it in a cistern a reservoir the contamination i in ways that are often overlooked by the owner it in a cistern as- 11 vou are serving uw micw- mwh mc tiw n aiirv m wwwi iui vism v- astern is subjet to mem m l own home she never climbing up and down from a chair j taia approximately 3501 several ways and makes the mistake far instance of every time i hang a pietuie or dust gas oxygen hydrogen often overlooked bv thanking you for cocoa when you are the molding or the picture fnmes a which at so cents per t chocolate lilla to give it hardware store for s few cents and it mating purposes says the electrical he also contains all fussy too she could get along with cold things but he wanted hot ones and lots of them ami he always j filter cou wanted finger bowls and lots of j would call for chapter viii contd even so simple a matter as the temperature of a sleeping room had its difficulties burke liked air he wanted the windows wide open hel en trained to think night air was damp and dangerous wanted them shut ami when two people are sleepy cross and tired it is appall- ing what a range of woe can lie in j th mere opening and shutting of at winnow after dinner he never wanted to burke was surprised annoyed ahd or k 7 he dismaved beimr unaccustomed to wantea to road or study he said he was studying something about his we take it that all cisterns have jeudoutfiavotand listens at- takes only a moment or two to insert experimenter i their supply of water regulated by a jsfa4a dihte liaoii vour it in the end of an old broom handle the necessary fats to make a 15pound cutoff in the snout above the curb tentivcij u u g candle and thus together with his which is in turn operated by the p f you made your when you are cleaning house do 3500 cubic feet of gases he possesses owner ihe roofs of houses gather in she merely admires not overlook the value of the oil ban considerable illuminating possibiu- more filth- than we realize some of d rn ii this filth may be classified as bird droppings insects cither dead or alive molding leaves dust etc once j in a its way it would be a good thing for all inlet spouts to pnes mwir waters furnishings and does through a filter before entering a u u asked ind m easily be constructed and doesnt dwell conversationally ts chic and tels you how becoming carefully oil all castorj on beds tiei it is and then if you confide that you dressers and tables and you will be a healthy man contains 54 ounces did make it yourself she admires astonished at the greater case with of phosphorus this deadly poison which these articles that you have would make 800000 matches or ging at will move a drop enough poison to kill five hundred per- sueh as your cosy of oil in the door binges or on an ob- sons this with two ounces of lime not expand durate lock will work wonders mrs indeed she j j oc upon molding leaves dust etc once qlu mikc tr while you will find a mouse going your cleverness with the needle which then vay into the cistern i she admires your domestic ar- been tuggi ij i u ii rancrcments such as your cosy of oil in til rangements light lines that he wanted things decent as if she hadnt had things decent herself and without all that fuss and clat ter chamber either of any of her newest or most uptodate spoons and everything fixed just so i ka material or proofed wood possessions for fear of making any daylight saving was p thates an 0bvi0us 17 that he wanted style it w as just ir ia i contrast i granite lamps were usei ractised in disappointments he did not know- used by the granite lamps you dont early egyptians and this is what footlights were first introduced by t i work asif once iie would have cared j r j th rv- ln for her some other condlt ged in alternate layers with strain- c0 ers to assist or to hold the ingredj she never sees wnat icnts from running away with the s vher to ksee water in conjunction with the filter ggjgu yet ker toct is not of silver candlesticks were used in a careful i and reasonable use of the h makes britain aa cutoff should keep the water free at pceulu h t she ug has been known to e of anything coming from- the roof g v things over tinguish electric lights or the caves i 5 ll for all things considered the tact- ton of coal will provide eight fn ohmjelf hltasttmg he had tried to be just as bright and into on v f i wen as screenproteccea tuoes i o debt and he hated debt it made entertaining as she knew how to be u f th b ellow feel cheap and mean but they never came again so of p gw h e sven helen was not what he hadieourse she could not go to see them ketne water fell ev were never any callers now she had j against the entrance of anything like delight every hour it was neither i every one of the calls she dirt insects or small animals such living now was a matter of never- from burkes fine friends as mice 0 rats there should be a encvng adjustment selfsacrifice an j she had put on her new red dress and str0 sm betwee the pat economv and he hate them all her best hat with the pink roses and and curb a air ag well as screenprotected tubes on op- enough ing out thoughrshewashewasaslamedtoishe had gone once or twice but but allowing air to come through own it even to himself but there burke sad she must not do that it this should supply plenty of ventila- was a good deal about helen that he was not proper to return your own j tion moreover the walls and bottom did not like she was not careful j calls if they wanted to see her they of the cistern should all be well plas- about her aopearancc she was ac- 1 would come themselves but they tered and be investigated whenever tuallv almost untidy at times he j never came probably anyhow they the cist is drainc f cleaning hated those loose sloppy things she i did not want tc see her and that was a f kd sometimes wore and he abominated the trouble jsot that geared they b dr those curlpaper things in her hair weie a stuckup ot anyway ana m tl sire was willful and fretful and she she was just as good as they werel the bme may cause the certainly did not know how to give a i she had told one woman so once j water to be rather hard for a lew fellow a decent meal or a comfort- j the woman that carried her eyeglasses days but this condition soon passes able place to stay for his part he on the end of a little stick and stared j locations so often regulate the did not think a girl had any right to that woman always had made her construction of platforms that it is marry until she knew something j mad so it was just as well perhaps i nex to impossible to name any one tht they did not come any more after tiular mater f their con- wayn ssssg kw ftion but for an allpurpose plat- that he did not like anything she we hcievc there is nothing that did nowadays he was always telling c beat concrete a concrete plat- about running a simple home then there was her constant chat ter was she not ever going to talk about something but the silly little everydav happenings of her work a fellow wanted to hear something her he did wish she would stop saylorm unlike wood will not allow dirt when h came heme tired at night i k w or holding her fork to drop into the cistern the opening like that or makmg so much noise at the top should be large enough to eating soup and a dozen other things admit an ordinarvs man when as if nobody in the house had a right thc cistern is to b cleaned to do anything but his way the edge of r should ba it had been so different at home provided with a sort of elevation over anyshevs nveiclihe upper curb may sit to pre enough to be comforting quiet jolly or lovable as the occasion requires poses in many parts of tiie west in- dies how we do it gus pp measuring over two thou sand miles run under the streets of for the birthday cake in plac- london ing candles on a birthday cake try electric light was first produced heating the point of a hatpin very with carbon points by sir humphry hot and push it into the base of the davy in 1800 candle about a half inch pull out pin a and insert a toothpick the wax will harden about the toothpick the other end of which may be inserted into the top of the cake and the candles will have a secure foundation- mrs r m d j one of the handiest dcvices for the housewife is a bread or cake cooler i purchased a piece of fine meshed heavy wire fencing i turned down about four inches in each end and had the hardware man bind it with tin this made the side pieces for the all grades toronto q j cliff write for prices salt works toronto make the stiff borc3 and brains no difference how sour a man looks he contains about sixty lumps of sugar of the ordinary cubical di mensions and to make the seasoning complete there are twenty spoonfuls of salt if a min wore distilled into water he would make about thirty- cikht iurta or more than half of his entire weight he also contains a great deal of etarch chloride of pot ash mangciiium sulphur and hy drochloric acid in bis wonderful human system berides complaints that the range didnt work or that the grocer forgot his order or that the money was out why helen used to be good com pany cheerful often witty where were her oldtime sparkle and radi ance her talk now was as meaning less chatter of trivial things or an irritating wailing complaint of everything under th vohvng around the do not est 0 43 when prico sell vahsjj3 is low treat them with fleming egg preserver cooler to stand on and when finished guanmte to keep them fresh foi it was one of the most inexpensive nine months and longer articles i possessed mrs m b g easy to use just rub it on a child a quick method of separating the can apply it whites and yolks of eggs is to take a no cold storage no pickle no stone small funnel and break the egg into g bs aiwnyb it the white mill run through the small end and thoyolk remain in the get it f y0u dealer or from ready to use 60c box will do 30 doz eggs funnel mrs l m t m to cook onions so that the odor will not be noticeable place a small dish of vinegar on the stove and let fleming egg preserver co 1c6 craig st w montreal st illlfclll there werethe parties ami the frolics vent the lowing of any surface water j simmer while the onions are cook eagle gzz mow anduiesfeigftfides ami i the girls ii into the cistern from the platform running in all the time and the boys all- these things can be regulated if ing mrs c w d when making noodles add a pinch different everythin she expected gre- had not found some things different i supposed being married meant work- that evidently was what marriage 1ke slave all day and being was different but talking about it cooped up all the evening with a man contributed recipes carrot soup 1 pint milk 1 cup whose nose was buried in a book and cooked carrot pressed through col- who scarcely spoke to you lander 2 tablespoons butter 1 table- and there was the money burke spoon onion juice 1 tablespoon mine- acted for all the world as if he cfl pars ca or ce it heat thought she ate money and ate t thc combine the other ingre whether she was hungry or not just a to spite him as if she didnt squeeze ad1 anrt allow the vege- anl it m fnr hi this homo- every penny till it fairly shrieked twe to become thoroughly blended and it was for this this being b with the milk the addition of a utso mucli his t eve- ixs 4tkplll amount of flour will make the thip she didnt appreciate it dd to be sure at first she had been soup the consistency of thin cream helen didnt she did not rightly silly and extravagant running up bills j raisin and nut loaf cup halv- cstimate what he was being made to bo r ed raisins 4 cup coarsely chopped all the time did not help any couldnt she read but then if she did read it would be only the newspaper account of thc latest mur- acr and then she svould want to talk jbout that she never read anything worth while j did and of course she was a little that there was any especial mean- unreasonable and childish about keep- ik ing in all this that he himself should j ln at account book but that was take cou walnuts cup sugar 2 eggs 2 cups rectly on the wood mrs n t to bake let them stand in boiling water a few minutes before putting them into the oven m f for busy mothers make your lit tic ones cveryday dresses open all the way to the bottom like an apron and you will find this saves much time when ironing them and they are much easier to put on mrs j j oc to start a fire i keep corncobs soaking in kerosene oil in a covered t pail one cob when lighted will kindle a fire quickly and with less danger than if the oil is poured di- wriao fioodoy ffov our big free catalogue bhowiir our full lines of bicycles for meq and women boys nnd girls motor cvcle5 motor attach iy1ents tires coaster brakes wheels inner tubes iunps bells cyclometers saddles equip xnent and parts of bicycles you can bay your supplies from us at wholesale prices t w boyd son 7 notro oamo street west monvwl wclark jisisisisbssmbmsmm 4 cups flour 4 teaspoons bakl moth preventive balls of cotton vtoveavtthnrtherewas any ony at the first when she was ignor- 1 powder 1 teaspoon salt mix dipped in oil of cedar and placed in re oien to hm but righteous dis- and inexperienced it was very together the dry ingredients and sift boxes and drawers are a good moth content and rebellion never oieurred different now she kept a cash ae- times add the nuts and raisins preventive and unlike the detestable to burke his training of frosted count and most of the time it came mixing them well with the flour moth balls the cedar oil imparts a cakes and toy shotguns had taught ht how she wished she oiad an beat the eggs combine with the milk delightfully clean and fresh odor him nothing of the traditional two j allowance though but burke utterly and pour the liquid into the flour m a p kn- vor fvji tv refused to rrive her that said shed i p j a welloiled bears bear and fortiear the refused to give her that said shed mixture marriage ceremony had not meant to he extravagant and spend it all the wad tin let stand twenty minutes him to be patient tender and sym- first day as if she had not learned ff minu in a moderat pathetic it had meant thc i will better than that by bitter experience bliwc utes m a moderate of selfassertion not the i will of and as if anything could be worse selfdiscipline that helen ought to than the way they vere trying to get vegetable chowder pound change many of her traits and habits along now with her teasing for money dried lima beans 2 cups diced car- he was convinced that there might all the time and him insisting on seoj rots 1 sliced onion 2 tablespoons fat be some in himself that needed changing the bills and then asking howj2 teaspoons salt cup milk 1 table- ing or that the mere fact of his they could manage to eat so many j spoon lour soak the lima beans having married helen might have eggs and saying he should think she overnight then cook in that water entailed upon himself certain obliga- used butter to oil the floors with he tions as to making thc best of what didnt see how it could go so fast he had deliberately chosen did not any otherway once occur to him to be continued as for helen helen was facing her own disillusions she was not what to do with daddy trying now to be the daintily gowned j until tender melt the fat brown the when buying stair carpets it is a good plan to buy an extra yard and fold it under at each end when taken up to be cleaned it can be put down again so that the wear will come in a different place on thc carpet which will last about twice as long e i l when washing white enameled woodwork or any light painted wood use half milk and half water adding beautifies and preserves woodwork that is subject to exposure for sale by ail dealers wife welcoming her husband to a well kept home she had long since decid ed that that was impossible on six ty dollars a month she was tired of being a martyr wife evop the laurel wreath of praise had lost its allure ment she would not get it probably even if she earned it and anyway he would be dead from trying to get h and for her part she would ra ther have somr fun while she was living but she wasnt bavinjr any fun things were so different everything was different she had not supposed brvng married was like this one long grind of housework from morning till night and for a man who did not j care now once thc first thing he j wanted when he came into the house i nits ia kis3 nd a word from her now rule daddy was confined to the house with spanish influenza and mother was busy sterilizing the dishes which had come from thc sickroom why did you do that asked four- yearold donald because dear poor daddy has germs and the germs get on the dish es so then i boil them and that kills the horrid germs donald turned this over in his little mind for several minutes then mother why dont you boll daddy orly ina fide canadian firms will c jermilttd to compete en foreign criers fltaj- uacr-casadnrirote- cnion in this and add it and thc car- s to tho beans cook slowly aboit half an hour or until all the vege tables uc very tender blend the flour with the milk and add ten min utes before the chowder is to bo served peanut butter pudding 2 cups milk 4 tablespoons sugar 3 table spoons peanut butter 4 tablespoons cornstarch h teaspoon salt scald milk add sugar cornstarch peanut butter and salt mixed together sty- all until smooth cover and cook for twenty minutes in a double boiler turn into individual molds or cups which have been wet with cold water when cold turn out and serve with cream or fruit juice mtjhroom firms hw bsen led out by tho cnnajin irie ii ii ckivtt and he was so commission it a the tactful wolriah is she who doesnt know what you want to ex plain to her any man will testify to this she never lets on that sho se u parkers know all the fine points about cleaning and dyeing wo can clean or dye anything from a filmy georgette blouso to heavy draperies or rugs every article is given careful and export attention nnd satisfaction is guaranteed send your faded or spotted clothing or household goods to 5 we will make them like new again our charges aro reasonable and wo pay x- press or postal charges ono way a post card will bring our booklet of household suggestions that save monoy write for it parkers dye works limited j cleaners and dyers 791 yonge st toronto tfcssftd m