summary of peace terms presented to german delegates a despatch from ottawa says j to extradite the former emperor and the following summary of the peace germany being responsible for deliver- treaty draft has been received lug the latter the league of nations p may 7 tho treaty of peace 1 is accepted by the allied and assocl- between the twentyseven allied and i ated potvers us operative and by oer- assoclated powers on tho one hand j many in principle but without mein- and germany on the oilier has been i bcrship similarly an international handed to the gorman plcnipoten- j labor body is brought into being with tiaries at versailles it is the longest a permanent ofiice and annual conveu- treaty ever drawn it totals about tion 80000 words divided into fifteen main sections and represents the combined product of over a thousand experts working continually through a serie3 of commissions for the three and a half months since january is the treaty is printed in parallel pages of a great number of international bodie3 of different kinds and for dif ferent purposes are created some un der the league of nations and some to execute the peace treaty among the former is tho commission to gov ern the saar basin till a plebiscite is englsh and french which are reeog- held fifteen yeurs hence the high com- nized as having equal validity it does not deal with questions affecting aus tria bulgaria and turkey except in mission to danzig which is created into a free city under the league and various commissions for plebiscites in so far as binding germany to accept malmondy schleswig and east prus any agreement reached with those former allies german by the terms of the treaty restores alsacelorraine to france accepts the internationalization of the saar basin temporarily and of danzig permanently agrees to territorial changes towards lielgiiini and den mark in east prussia cedes most of upper silesia to poland and re nounces all territorial end political right3 outside europe rs to her own or her allies territories and especial ly to morocco bjgypt siani liberia and shantung she also recognizes the total independence of german- aus tria czechoslovakia and poland her army is reduced to one hundred thousand men including officers con scription within her territories is abolished all forts fifty kilometres east of the rhino rarcd and all im portations asportations and nearly all production of war materials stopped allied occupation of parts of germany sia among those to carry out tho peace treaty are the repatriations military naval air financial and economic commissions the interna tional high court and military tribun als to fix responsibilities and a series of bodies for the control of interna tional rivers certain problems are left for solution between the allied and associated powers notably de tails of the disposition of the german fleet and cables tho former german colonies and the values paid in sepa ration certain otlier problems such as the laws of the air and the opium arms and liquor traffic are either agreed to in detail or set for early in ternational action germany accepts full responsibility for all damages caused to allied and associated governments and nation als agrees specifically to reimburse all civilian damages beginning with au initial payment of 20000000000 marks subsequent payments to be se- afghans seize p iftr ftox v- v vvyy v5ri w if imhuayvb lit 1- will continue till reparation is made j cured by bonds to be issued at- the but will be reduced at the end of each of threeyear periods if germany is fulfilling her obligations any viola tion by germany of he conditions as to the zone fifty kilometres east of the rhine will be regarded as of war discretion of the reparation commis sion germany is to pay shipping damage en a tonforton basis by ces sion of a large part of her merchant coasting and river fleets and the new an act construction and to devote her econo- i mic resources to the rebuilding of the pill ill ii dp2 the german navy is reduced to six devastated regions battleships six light cruisers and 12 i germany cedes to france alsace- torpedo boats without submarines lorraine 5 goo square miles and to t and a personal of not over fifteen j belgium two small districts between thousand all oilier vessels must be j luxemburg and holland totalling 9s9 surrendered or destroyed germany square miles she also cedes to po- is forbidden to build forts controlling j land the southeastern tip of silesia je baltic must demolish heligoland j beyond and including oppein most of open tho kiel canal to all nations and posen and west prussia 276s6 square i surrender her fourteen submarine miles east prussia being isolated cables from the main body by a part of po- she may have no military or naval i laud she loses sovereignty over the air forces except 100 unarmed sea- j northeastermost tip of east prussia the right way the secret of success in shopping lies in being able to look at the garment before you pay for it you not only look at it you try it on you have the chance to try on several if ono does not suit another will if alterations are needed tho fitting can be done on tiie spot there may be other ways to shop but this is the only right way this is the tradeathome way and it brings not only success to you but adds prosperity to your town as well every purchase you make in this way creates a permanent value in your community apart from the vahre and pleasure you get out of it and you become a community builder then why shop any other way keep this picture in mind and you will not fail in your duty to yourself and your i town planes until october to detect mines and manufacture avujjiou material for a sixmonth period she a tbreturn to the 1911 most favored natioufariffs without discrimination of any soort to allow allied and associated nationals free dom of transit through her territories 40 square miles north of the river memel and the internationalized areas about danzig 729 square miles and the basin of the saar 73s square miles between tiie western border of the rhenish palatinate of bavaria and the southeast corner of luxem markets of the world burg breadstuffs manitoba wheat no 1 northern 224 no 2 northern 221 no 3 northern 217 no 4 wheat 211 in store fort william manitoba oats no 2 cw 73c no 3 cw 70c extra no 1 feed 70vic no 1 feed 68c no 2 feed the danzig area consists of i 65c in store fort william between the nogat and vis- manitoba barley no 3 cw and to accept highly detailed provi- the v sions as to prewar debts unfair com- tula rivers made by the adddition of a i lj 4 cw s rejected petition intemationalizatioi of roads similar v on the west including tho fviin in store fort and rivers and other economic and city or danzig the southeastern financial clauses third of east prussia and the area be she also agrees to tho trial of the tween east prussia and the vistula exkaiser by an international high i north of latitude s3 degrees 3 minutes court for a supreme offence against j is to have its nationality determined international morality and of other i by popular vote 57s5 square miles nationals for violation of the laws and as is to be the case in parts of schles- customs of war holland to obe asked wig 2787 square miles where women won i how the weaker sex succeeded in war tasks thrust upon them i expect my work will soon be over said a girl conductor on armis tice day but there are still plenty of conductresses about it will take moro than an armistice to send all our girlworkers home again says an eng lish newspaper though they have proved their worth in many fields it is a mistake to assume that girls have been suc cessful in every case among the branches of labor which the authori ties havo come to consider unsuitable trades for women are sawmilling ture managing and supervising a recent official report states that in light semiskilled work the value of women is frequently equal to that of men and where the operations call for fineness of touch or deftness of handling as distinct from the skill due to long training and experience wo men are preferred to men live poultry roosters 25c fowl 28 to 33c ducklings lb 35c turkeys 35c chickens 27 to 30c wholesalers are selling to the re tail trade at the following prices cheese new large 28 to 28c car lots 2 to 225 dressed hogs- abattoir killed 3050 to 31 lard- pure wood pails 20 lbs net 34c oats extra no 1 feed 83c flour regiment spring wheat 11 to 1110 rol- led oats bag 90 lbs 390 to 4 j british i northwestern frontier violated by troops of new amir a despatch from london says afghan tribesmen have crossed the afghan border with the assistance of afghan regular troops and havo occupied certain positions on the in dian s of the border according to a despatch from the indian foreign office military precautions have been taken by the british who have addressed a vigorous note to ths amir it has been reported for some time that the new amir had adopted an unfriendly attitude toward the brit ish and contemplated a violation of the northwest frontier and khyber pass the principal northern pass into that country from india no large number of tribesmen rr concerned but they have occupied some heights of importance com- jrnnrvng two roads leading acrosi the frontier milk for the guards the largest mascots possessed b any british regiment dining their recent march through loudon the 2nd scots guards were ac companied by two cows and many wondered why they were in the pro cession they were originally acquired by the regiment in 1915 when the were in belgium and remained with tho battalion throughout the whole war they were the means of supplying fresh milk to tho officers and ser geants and aspecial man was told off to act as cowkeepcr it is related that one day their keeper being behind the battalion and somewhat merry disposed of the animals to a farmer in exchange for a trilling sum when their loss was discovered there was a great uproar and the keeper was punished by being sent back some twenty miles to repurchase the cows and bring them back to the battalion again it was found that the cows became very lame when they were oiutho march and one member of the bat talion a blacksmith determined to shoe them he succeeded in doing this but it was a lengthy operation occupying nearly ten hours when he had finished the animals were well shod with iron plates cover ing the whole foot these cows were perhaps the larg est mascots possessed by any british hay no 2 per ton car lots 34 live stock markets toronto may 13 good heavy william american corn no 3 yel 187 no 4 yellow 181 nominal track toronto prompt shipment ontario oats no 3 white 75 to 77c according to freights outside ontario wheat no 1 winter per car lot 214 to 220 no 2 do 211 to 219 no 3 do 207 to 215 fo b shipping points accord to freights ontario wheat no 1 snring 209 to 217 no 2 do 206 to 214 no 3 do 202 to 210 fob shipping points according to freights peas no 2 205 nominal ac cording to freights outsxle barley malting 106 to 111 nominal buckwheat no 2 120 nominal rye no 2 168 nominal twins 28 to 29c triplets 29 to bran 43 to 44 shorts 45 to 46 29c stilton 29 to 30c old large 31 to 32c twin 32 to 32c butter fresh dairy choice 48 to 50c creamery solids 53 to 54c prints 54 to 55c margarine 34 to 37c eggs new laid 49 to 50c new laid in cartons 51 to 52c dressed poultry chickens 40 to bulls choice1175 to gunhoats shell bolshevists a despatch from archangel says steers 1450 to 1550 choice butjbrtish gunboats were active againsi cher steers 14 to 1425 butchers i the bolshevik for the first time oi cattle choice 1350to 14 do good thursday they cooperated with s 13 to 1350 do medium 12 to strong patrol which broke throng 1250 do common 1025 to 1075 i outpost north of tulgai kiic yv 5ii7 in 1250 do i and destroyed dugouts and an am- 45c spr chickens 75c to 80c meaium 1050 to 11 do rough 8 roosters 28 to 30e fowl 37 to 38c to 85c butchers cows choice 12 m ducklings lb 35 to 13 do good 1050 to 1150 a bolshevik attempt against the turkeys 45 to 50c to 38c squabs doz 7 geese 28 to do medium 925 to 10 do com 30c imon 8 to 8o0 stackers 875 to live poultry spring chickens 60 12 feeders 12 to 13n canners to 65c i and cutters 5 to 671 milkers good potatoes ontario fob track to choice 90 to 150 do com and toronto car lots s185 on track outnied 65 to 75 springers 90 to side 1g5 to 170 1g0 light ewes 13 to lj15 year- beans canadian hand- pick bus lings 12 to 14 choice lambs 11850 425 to 450 primes 3 to 325 to s20 spring lambs 12 to 15 imported handpicked burma or in british american and russian posi tions at malo bereznik was repulsed another loan will be floated in autumj dian 350 limas 12c honey extracted clover 5 lb tin 25 to 26c lb 10 lb tins 24 to 25c i 2125 60 lb tins 24 to 25c buckwheat co lb tin 19 to 20c cemb lgoz 4501 to s5 dozt0oz 350 to 4 doz maple products svrup per imper al gallon 245 to 250 per 5 im a despatch from ottawa says a domestic loan similar to the vie- calved good to choice 14 to 15jtory loan of a year ago but not sc hogs fed and watered 2225 do j large will be floated by the govern- weighed off cats 2250 do fiob ment probably in september sir foolishness a farmer went into a hardware store whore a clerk wanted to sell him a bicycle a bicycle wont eat its head off and you can ride round your farm on it i can let you have one for thirtyfive dollars id rather put the money into a manitoba flour government stannerinl gallons 235 to 240 sugar dard 1 1 toronto i lb 27c ontario flour- government stanj chrd 1050 in jute bags toronto and provisions wholesale montreal prompt shipment smok mcats mill feed car lots delivered hams medium 39 greetings of the nations arabs peace be with you turks if it be the will of allah egyptians how is your perspira tion chinese have you eaten your rice is your stomach in good order greeks what art thou doing neapolitians may you increase in flour and cornmilling sugarrefining j cow said the farmer malting fellmongcrlng heavy chemi cals heavy wire rope paper gas oil and seed crushing and some half- dozen other industries but the successes have outnumber ed the failures women have proved themselves particularly apt in addi tion to the more obvious examples in many of tho processes required in making scientific instruments in la boratory research cement nianufac- youd look mighty foolish riding round on a cow said the hardware man well no more foolish than i would milking a bicycle i reckon many people make themselves mis erable trying to run their homes ac cording to the income of some more fortunate neighbor i kiss thomas white announced in the house on thursday the loan is in connection wth the 350000000 war appropriation to be voted by parlia ment this session between sg0o- 000000 and 700000600 was raised by the victory loan britains dead now to al 507169 ronto straw car lots 1 1 per ton country produce wholesale butter dairy tubs and rolls 38 to 40c prints 40 to 42e creamery fresh made solids 47 to 48c prints 48 to 49e eggs new laid 44 to 45c dressed poultry chickens 30 to 34c roosters 25c fowl 30 to 33c lard pure tierces 33 to 33c tubs 33 to 34c pails 33 to 3411 prints 34 to 35c comnound tier ces 26 to 27c tubs 27 to 27c pails 27v1 to 27c prints 28 to 28c montreal markets danes scotch hows all with you russians be well english how do you do american hello hcllo ducklings 32c turkeys 40 to 45c est creamery 51 to 53c eggs squabs doz 6 i fresh 49 to 50c potatoes per ba what everybody thinks better consider my course in ef- montrealjviav 13cheesefinest ciency training i can show you how easterns 24 to 25c butter choic- 1 to earn more money than you are get ting ag i do that now a despatch from rome says it is announced officially that as a result of a comparison of figures of return ed prisoners with those hitherto cal culated as nvssing some thirtyfour thousand must he added to the num ber of dead the total number ol dead including the navy is now giv en at five hundred and seven thous and one hundred an sixtynine many womens organizations have promised heir support to the cana dian trade commissions campagr to buy canadianmade goods only if possible esssxixrcsacdkrgsr -crit- sejesaaiet i ever thce m artie choice 4ave t at dinner all the socletf have been kk at lavt i ot tiome rest-