i s v v v v r i i i m by agronomist tma department la for tho uo el our farm readers who want the advte f an expert on cf lulfieient tamped and tddrrsjed envelops ntver will to mailed to you address agronomist care of wilson publishing o- ltd 73 adelaide st w toronto tment la for tho use of our farm readers who want tno aovitw any question regarding soil seed crops etc if your question general interest it will be answered through this column ii ddrrsed envelope is enclosed with your leiter a ecmplst crm wanted w are in the market for cream a throykh the year we pay the highest nmrfeet price in business jinee 1906 prop ua a line for particulars mutual dairy creamery co 743745 king st west toronto ttw curing a cow by wire crops for dairy tarnis the milk producer must not forget ta onefifth timothy that he is a farmer as well as a the breeder who has good pasture dairyman and plan to bring evcrv h is fortunate although it is pos- acro of his farm under a reminerl slbe t0 establish pasture by seeding ou wil ar 2l ettrs pertainin to health if your f nv 7 im nt w a through these columns if not it will be answered pcrconally if stamped addressed envelop- is en- doctor taylor the vetehrkj a u was cranking h s car to go to the st west toronto iuwawng co 73 adelaide fe ver it it con- country when his wife appeared at i the door and called telephone i e lnrat tenacious maybe bloodstained mu- ive got a sick cow saii frank beslj tho throat pharynx thecus is expelled jensen when the veterinaria ans- p tonsils and vocal chords people prone to the diseases and wcred the call shes most too weak are b included in any inflam- constitutional conditions mentioned feathers wanted highest price pzs for best grade new koos duck chicken aud turkey feathers geo h hees son co ltd 276 davenport road toronto australia is going to erect lafhten- orial to each australian division that fought in france at pozieres the junction of bray and corbie ridges in the hindchburg line near lcverg- guicr at butte da warlencourt and at polygon wood the war area in france is not going to lack austral ian monuments when this is acute the should especially guard against the largely into the profits of the busi ness in the first place a proper crop rotation must be selected and such a choice of crops and methods of growing them made as shall tend to place every acre of the farm in a productive crop and give suitable variety for feeding in planning crop rotations it is safer to avoid growing crops of doubtful value that do not fit well into a fixed rotation a cv stan dard crops properly handled will prove more satisfactory than too wide a variety clover alfalfa corn and a small grain crop make an efficient and simple rotation some dairy farmers grow catch crops for soiling purposes but the better way is to carry over silage for cummer feeding and depend upon such fieid crops as oats peas green corn and alfalfa for soiling if we can get the soil favorable for the growth of clover alfalfa corn and small grain crops it is about all we can do to ward producing a balanced ration for dairy cattle and building up the soil without resorting to outside sources of supply by growing corn wheat clover or clover and timothy mixed a four- year rotation and seeding a part of the farm with alfalfa wo have a nearly ideal system of crop growing for a dairy farm some dairy farm ers omit timothy and practice a threeyear rotation which is all right if they have a field of alfalfa to de pend on in case the clover fails but as a general proposition it pays to aliow the land to remain in grass two years clover is a more active soil builder but the timothy thick ens the sod and furnishes more hum us and after all one is on the safe side when he has f a few acres of mixed meadow to depend upon in case the clover fails in harvesting and feeding these crops a large part of the corn crop should go into the silo and be fed out along with the clover or alfalfa hay such a roughage ration sup plemented with reasonable quantities of purchased concentrates will pro duce milk at a minimum cost and maintain the breeding stock and young cattle in condition to breed regularly and command good prices whether one should grow the wheat phate thoroughly disked into the ji docs the min soil will encourage some of the de- yellowish blue in color and strin- sirable grasses to make a good gy- it curdles soon after it is drawn stand it is usually cheaper and bet- s i k m out of the tor to seed the grasses several times left s that sile of ler ui j than to apply all of the seed at one rei am sw time alfalfa helps out wonderfully in balancing up the rations it will succeed almost anywhere that red clover will lime drainage and humus will overcome most of the troubles and put the land in good shape for alfalfa with a few acres the from the symptoms you cow has garget said arian you can treat but whered she get it inter rupted frank none of the other cows has it thats hard to say was the re ply it might have come from sation of jry body were stuck in the thrjat tep derness hoarseness and oftentimes where nasal catarrh exists no cure impaiircent of the senses of tastsjean be hoped for until that organ is smell and hearing the pharynx is attended to and many a case of reddened beyond the natural and chronic pharyngitis gets well of it- angry looking and the back of the self as soon as the nasal catarrh has mouth is swollen such a sufferer been cured rj on the udder or maybe you the vcterini mouti1 s swouen oucu i ouimia it yourself trentetl as for acute ron- chitis rest in bed a hot mustard foot bath a purge an ice bag to the questions and answers throat small pieces of ice dissolved i have what i think is called ham- on the tongue local applications mertoe that is the tip of my within the throat and such medicines great toe is spread out too much in as aconite quinine and sodium salt- proportion to the other parts of my m farmer invest your money in an implement shed ask your lumber dealer for plans and prices by the j toe is there any way of correcting of alfalfa on his farm the farmer has made a long step forj s vavwngrvelmaklnl must bc inscribed ward will cause it it might have come 1 fam ono should strive to improve the f the cow lvinf wi her umer chrome sore throat chronic standard feed crops before he looks 0il a cow aior or from hl her ryngoal catarrh may follow about for new crops to take then u was distended orsected acute pharyngitis or be due contraction of certain smews blight places in the rations and the crop from exposure to wet cold weather i to continual and excessive strainin phnj ne- this answer hammer toe is the doub ling up of the toe by reason cases give little trouble but some- otations there is as much differ- j or jj sudden change from a bulky i of tho voice clergymens sore times the toe feels as though it were ence in the quality and value of j i ration to a more concentraj thl to ths influence of such con- being twisted painfully its full stitutional disease as i have mention- length no matter what shoe is worn t the tee however is not generally sore to the touch a good surgeon homegrownx foods as in the feeds of ted one keeping a cow too fat mavj commerce and it should be his aim cause t i ed or lo the constant inhalation oi to grow harvest and feed thesej what shall i do for her irritant vapors as in certain danj crops in the best condition the reduce the grain to onethird trades many such cases are j may be able to relieve the trouble crops should be grown on the farm j n amount give her about 1 p ant psreel of catarrh of the is the sugar treatment for tuber- to produce a class of feed to balance a pound of ensoni salts get some u a passages from the nostrils culosis beneficial to any appreciable up the ration are the very ones i nitrate of potassium and a small yclc needed to build soil fertility in graduated measure from your drug- short we must provide some kind of and give a naf ounce of ths succulent food reduce protein costs j n in the drinking water twice and increase the fertility of the soilj day if we are to build up the soil and improve the rations we must grow better clover alfalfa corn small grain and grasses this brings up another question our homegrown feeds are too bulky to produce the best results there shall i do anything to the ud der milk it carefully and bathe with hot water several times a day rub it with olive oil containing three per cent gum camphor several times daily do not use any strong lini- the possible causes of the trouble cold floors etc i almost forgot to ask about us ing the milk said frank dont use it milk the left hals of the udder into a separate pail and bury the milk the right side pro bably is not affected generally not more than half of the udder is af- is a limit to the capacity of an anij m on the udder and avoid any of mal to digest and assimilate bulky feeds if we choke the machine we cut down its capacity to reach the maximum digestive and assimilative capacity of the cows they must be furnished with proper quantities of fats carbohydrates and protein and in about the proper proportions the excessive amount of dry matter con tained in all the standard feed crops f disinfect the renders it impossible without the use barn with coa ii of protein concentrates like cotton- j the infec wont spread to the seed meal linseed oil meal and glu- 0 cows ten feeds to reach the digestive and a wee later franks cow was assimilative capacity of the cows jn oinff her share of work at tlle and enable them to produce a maxi- mjlk pail except for pl c mum flow of milk f observation which caught the on breeding farms where cows are trouble in time and for the veterin- fed for advanced registry records it ar help the trouble might have is desirable to grow root crops such developed into a case of chronic crop or oats and peas in the rotation as mangels carrots and sugar beets i garget is a debatable question it depends lo furnish succulence and variety to o upoi the conditions under which one the rations experienced feeders y- is working and how far one has to l prize these crops highly because theyi vvlien scivillqf haul the wheat to market the cut- j act as a stimulant to the cows di- w ting and harvesting of hay crops hasjgestive system and make it possible dccoit1cs 3 loss for her to consume more grain feed than is the case when her ration con- a few inches high and continued at frequent intervals during the grow ling season- this treatment is not always suc cessful in controlling paint rot especially when weather conditions are dry and unfavorable for matur ing the crop bordeaux applied after the development of thedisease would be of doubtful efficiency and would a gieat deal to do with the feeding value we may cut our clover al falfa or timothy too soon or too late to secure maximum feeding value tains too much dry matter a small plot of ground will suffice to produce many farmers throughout tho coun try are not erecting necessary build- one of the advantages of seeding i all the roots needed for feefling for because price of lumber and timothy with clover is that of pro- advanced registry records and save sllnglcs has a perly curing the mixed hay there trouble and expense of buying roots country in is less trouble in cutting curing andlto feed when needed iate i are left in the field where they vero last used this refers to plows har- the cockerel he is buying right now t r0wsj seeders binders mowers and many buyerssome cf them farmers otlle agricultural implements they too are demanding to know whats in the field exposed to wind rain back of the birds they contemplate an snow and remain exposed to these purchasing before laying down any j conditions until they aro again re- money the day of the scrub roosj quired for use the hardwood used ter in the fam flock has just about i the manufacture of wooden parts passed j soon shows the result of this mls- 1 treatment as also the iron parts in a lesser degree and in a few years thoso implements are eligible candidates gradually poultry breeding is be coming more like live stock breeding it will not bo many years until every buyer of a cockerel to be used in the breeding yard will insist on knowing the sue and dam of the cockerel before he buys the bird the buyer will also want to know how many eggs the dam of the cockerel produced and how many eggs were produced by the dam of the sire of pebtiiilzeb fl alt dens iawns flo weiss j cmpleto fertilizer wrltd georct fwv jvierhnrousrh ont roofing marathon bsakt heady hooilne vsphalt slate shind ies wall board ijuildinsr tapers roof paints etc write for prices and samples save money by buying direct mcdermm br0s down lo the bronchial tubes and j extent would any harmful results when the latter are reached we speak follow its use of bronchitis there is hoarseness answer although the treatment the voice is easily fatigued and mayj would do no harm i am myself be entirely lost there is hacking cough with pain or swallowing here again there is a sensation of a for eign body in the throat and thick skeptical as to its efficacy i am mailing you further information re garding the treatment of tuber culosis sprays for tomatoes prove objectionable on account of the experienced tomato growers re- j sediment left on the ripe fruit commend the use of bordeaux mix- ture in about the same manner as i used for the potato crop that is the first application when the plants are j fishermans luck a minister with two lovely girls stood entranced by the beauties of a flowing stream a fisherman happen ing by and mistaking the ministers occupation said ketchin many pard i am a fisher of men answered the preacher with dignity well replied the fisherman with an admiring glance at the girls you sure have the right bait are genuine dominion tires made the famous minion jru system facto by the same experts who perfected domi nionautomobi the most popular tires in canada it is their superior quality which shows in the easy riding the sturdy wear th extra mileage of dominion tires unquesiionablf the best tires sold b ihe leading dealers 8 varicose veins wear thin iron- sajsrsavce elastic xacod stocking they may b warihevl or boileo f djustabije liuei like a uva lesslns always nts gfsa jmroatanie waiio io fii measure likht and ilar- ij adjus coarobtaiai hums able cool contains no rtubi er 1500000 sold eccuoutcai cost 3s eaclu or two or thf eame limb sgco rtsljald wrlto for catatonic and selfmeasurement nianr corllu link sucialy co cm itew elrlco biw montreal vq fixing up earth roadp it can be truthfully said that drain- f j ii age is the chief essential in putting comes a tinio those implements earth roads into proper condition an must i replaced and the price of one old scotchman an expert road build- nev binder would cover the cost of a er aptly said that the three require- building large enough to protect and i ments of good earth roads are drain- prolong the life of all necessary work1 age moro drainage and still more j equipment for the farm doing drainage the road must not only without that shed looks like saving have good surface drainage but must money but it certainly does not save also have good underdrainage sur- implements implements cost good face drainage is secured by proper money implements and tools des- grading adequate side ditches and troyed through lack of care is equiva- by keeping the crown of the road lent to destroying money conimenco properly dragged stretches of road to save or save more build a shed that- do not dry out quickly must be for the implements do not make it underdrained by tile necessary to have the junk man call the drag must be used after each on you too frequently it does not pay rain if the best remits are to be secured dont go on the road while too muddy let it dry out slightly it t go0l advice i should be wet chough however so an irishman presented himself be i it will rot crucible but smear when fore a magistrate to seek advice properly ued the drag brings a thin sor he said i kapes hens in j layer of earih toward the centre of my cellar but th wither pipes is the road which is roiicd nnd packed i bust an mo hens is all drowned i between the wet periods if too much sorry i cant do anything for j crown is secured by dragging the you said the magistrate had angle cf the drag should be reversed better apply to the water company getting the earth roads graded a few days later pat again ap- ditches open welldrained and prop- pcared crly crowned by dragging is about well what now what did the ii that can be done until the people water company tell you queried arc ready to surface the road with i gravel broken stone or some other yc rial i sur a tho magistrate they told me yer honor the reply to keep ducks was v fj gas 1 100pare paint the paint for wear and weather senours floor paint the old reliable it wears and wears and every surface within and without your home needs the protection which paint and varnish alone can give v wear decay rust start from the surface protect the surface and you protect all rasa sons ssfc paints m 4imiitlis are the most effective material protectors you can use for every surface wood iron steel stucco cement when you choose a martinsenour product you are sure of getting the paint or varnish best suited to your purpose because of its high quality and superior durability it will prove the most economical for you to use nentone the sanitary washable flat oil paint for interior decorations woodlac stains improves the new renews the old marbcite the one perfect floor finish will not rncror scratch white under hardest wear varaoletan beautifies and pre serves oil cloth and linoleum ae m iiufi limited greenshields avenue it- mggssjnv22m iwarswfiffll