Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), April 4, 1918, p. 1

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vol xax no 5 stouffville ontario thllllsoay april 4 1918 whole number 1488 fkt the tribune la published thursday afterxoox at the office stouffville oxt w j terms j125 a year in advance p o madill editor and prop business cards legal mccullough button barristers sqlicitors conveyancers c hjlnliksth kliock stouffville money to loan l the standard bank canada condensed statement 31st january 1918 liabilities notes in circulation 54813s300 deposits 5s0s0 70390 due to banks 216189373 dividend payable 1st february 1918 11209417 acceptances under letters of credit 7003680 capital reserve fund and p l account 808179582 7399090742 assets cash on hand 1162311480 gold reserves and govt deposits for circulation 267500000 due by banks 413874942 dominion govt british govt and other bonds etc 1204938540 call loans and current discounts 4200227058 bank premises 132429344 letters of credit per contra 7003680 olh ir assets 10s051 739990742 canada food board school report r a- penalty for wilful waste school report for march 1018 canadians have for perhaps a form i generation been a young nation of e reta grubin mabel cook gor- wasters the natural resources of don bartholomew dental u u dr d c smith l 1 s d d s dentist honor graduate of toronto and chicago universities office over huntleys store residence main street near office at home every day except tuesday dr e s barker l d s 1 d s d fi lsttibt stouffville stouffville council honor graduate of royal college of dental ouigeons and of the university of toronto office hours 9 to 12 a in 2 to 5 p m office in grubins block over jew- elery store residence main street east end office phone 8201 lies 3806 markham every tuesday office over m whites store m j mather funeral director and t embalmer stouffville i kesldenco church street two doors north of store fhouo nos 0801 or 0812 day and night calls promptly attended to the regular monthly meeting of of stouffville council was hold on monday evening april 1 the stouffville school board pre sented a request asking the council to arrange for an overdraft with tho bank of nova scotia for an amount not to exceed 5000 to complete the new public school the reeve and treasurer were instructed to arrange for the required overdraft mr d forsyth presented a peti tion to the council asking for suffi cient coal cinders to cover part of market street it was referred to the roads committee to look after moved by i reaman and seconded by a g lehman that the following accounts be paid jos mcmuilen cleaning ditches 200 j nemlick cleang ditches 1560 chas burgess cleaning dits 300 j nendick cleaning sidewalk 200 w nighswander 3 mos ringing boll 750 todd cook coal 545 rev geo washington cards 150 electric light account nor elec co supplies g30 t jennings work on line c 3025 hamilton engine packing co 2343 a bylaw was passed to arrange for an overdraft at the standard bank to meet current expenses insurance w h clark fire plate glass accident and life c p r western lands for sale great west permanent loan co debentures money to loan on improved farms phone 22022214 stouffville ont r grandsuccess be beebe h0rsesh0er and genera blacksmith repairs nnd painting buggies or vehicles any ind a stock of tho very best tinioci on hand white oak wagon tongues tho cry fiest three x buggy shafts best qual lty spokes t rims nnd tho work is being done by tho best procurable wood worker during war time quick service and n guar antee of quality is our motto brighten up with a new bed room suite house cleaning usually sng- gests changes or additions to the furnishings of tho home and it is wonderful what a dif ference a new pleco or a now suite of furniture will make to any home no matter how well furnished it may be buying furniture from mathers is an investment just now while manufacturers are con tinually advising us of advan ces in pricos wo are glad to say that our present stock was purchased at a much lower price lian would bo possible now wo give you this advan tage in prico and would adviso an early visit to our show rooms phono 9801 0812 iw j mather otmimilut the khaki follies very agreeably entertained a large audience which assembled in the liberal club hall on thursday evening under the aus pices of the stouffville womens in stitute the programme given by thereturned men was varied through out and was given without a hitch the returned men have remarkably fine voices which blended well in the part songs as the name sug gests a large part of the numbers were humorous their entertain- was clean and wholesome through out and should draw a large aud ience in any town during the evening an autogra phic quilt was auctioned by mr f w silversides oi- popular auctio neer who secured ninteen dollars for it from mr a w scott mr jas ratcliff spoke briefly on behalf of the womens institute thanking the citizens for their loyal support and outlined some of the patriotic aims of the society the proceeds of the evening am ounted to over one hundred dollars the best varieties of vegetables owing to the scarcity of many varieties of vegetables this year it will not always be possible to get those which are desired hence tho importance of ordering early in or der to make sure of getting at least some of the best sorts in the fol lowing list based on tests made at the experimental farms and sta tions in canada several varieties of almost equal merit of some kinds of vegetables are suggested to that if it is impossible to get one it may be possible to get the other beans round pod wax round pod kidney wax pencil rod and brittle wax flat pod wax war- dwell kidney wax early and hod- son wax late green pod string- less green pod and karly red val entine early and refugee orloio to 1 late lima and pole beans are not very satisfactory except where tho season is long and warm the bush varieties of limas are the most satisfactory scarlet runner is tho most successful polo bean but kentucky wonder is one of the best in quality beets crosby egyptian detroit dark red and early model borecole or kale dwarf green curled scotch btussels sprouts improved dwarf thc dwarf varieties havo been found more satisfactory than the tall ones cabbage early jersey wakefield copenhagen market early succes sion medium and danish bailhead and drumhead savoy late and red dutch red cauliflower early snowball and early dwarf erfurt carrot chantenay danvers half long early scarlet horn for extra early celery golden self blanching paris golden yellow early win ter queen evans triumph and per fection heartwell late white plume forcoolest parts corn extra early early malcolm malakofl and peep oday early golden bantam medium early evergreen or black mexican late country gentleman and stowells evergreen squaw for coolest parts cucumber davis perfect white spine aifd chicago pickling egg plant new york improved long purple and black beauty lettuce grand rapids and black seeded simpson early loose curled iceberg giant crystal head im proved hanson salamander all heart and crisp as ice head or cabbage melons musk nutmeg type long island beauty hackensack and montreal market yellow fleshed emerald gem hoodoo and paul rose melons water cole early ice cream and rhlnney- eaiy onions yellow globe danvers and early red wethersfield prizetaker especially for transplanting early flat red and australian brown are good where the season is short dutch sets ensure a crop in a short season when if grown from seed the onions may not mature parsley double curled parsnip hollowcrown of a good strain is best intermediate is also good pepper early neapolitan ot large varieties and cayenne chili and car dinal of the small ones peas extra early gregory sur prise early thos laxton gradus nott excelsior american wonder and sutton early giant second early sutton excelsior and pre mium gem medium to late mc lean advancer heroine and strata gem tall late sorts telephone champion of england and quite content radish scarlet white tipped tur nip rosy gem and white icicle salsify long white sandwich is lands spinach victoria thickleavcd and viroflay squash long white bush summer crooknock late delicious hubbard tomatoes extra early alacrity sparks earliana early and main crop bonny best chalks early jewel later good sorts are match less and trophy scarlet and liv ingstone globe and plentiful pur plish pink ignotum for canning swede turnips champion purple top potatoes early irish cobbler or eureka extra early main crop green mountain gold coin wee macgregor carman no 1 early ohio is a good extra early pink sort but is not very productive this country have been so bountiful that our people have been inclined toconsider them inexhaustible in the matter of food particularly millions of dollars are wasted over year wheat for example is wasted on the farm wastedou the road to the mill in some cases wasted at the elevator wasted throughout the course of transportation wasted at thotllonr mill by reason of the over- refinement of flour to which we have become accustomed wasted in the homes of foodstuffs in general it is calculated that 50000000 per annum is a conservative estimate of waste that has gone on in canada in recent years canada is now involved in the greatest war of all time she is fight ings a nation who has organized her resources men and materials on a most thorough modern systematic basis the wastefulness which goes on in germany in times of peace is small in comparison to that which characterizes this continent inclu ding canada in time of war ger many- still more strictly conserves anil organizes otherwise she could not withstand practically all the rest of the civilized world in this strug gle in the four years of war the lessons of organization and avoiding waste- have been brought home to thbritish people and to the domin ions overseas waste in war time is a crime- said the canadian food controller and his words have been paralleled by the food controllers of great britain and the united slates incanada this statement has now become literally true by reason of an orderincouncil now in effect as jsp j ot canada the governor general in council on the recom mendation of the minister of agri culture and pursuant of the advice d gladys doherty isobel mclean edna stouffer c margaret lintner jas vanzant b lorna baker phyllis baker donald lewis a leonard byer hillyard pugh horold huntley e whiteman teacher form ii jr ii g lawson l tail e grubin sr i m johnson g cockerill r hare c wideman teacher form hi sr ii m baker r sievenpiper w allan y hodgins jr ill j collard e raymer d baker form iv sr ill- a bartholomew p pugh e hoover sr iv l stouffer a collard m pagan c m sharrard teacher mas age johnny get your hoe johnny get your hoe got your hoe get your hoe make your garden grow make it grow make it grow plant your seeds from sea to sea let them work for liberty hurry right away dont delay start today forward to the land with a right willing hand so well help defeat the hun now weve got him on tch run bo a ways dllug store stouffville ort1iegaiiada good board acting on tliepover coiiteffetlupbn tthem by tlfe war measures act has pen alized wilful waste of food due to carelessness or faulty storage it is now the duty of each municipality in canada to enforce this regula tion within its municipal limits where conviction is obtained in case of waste of food or food pro ducts resulting from carelessness or from the manner of storage or any other avoidable cause a fine not exceeding 1000 and not less than 100 or a period of imprisonment not exceeding three months or both fine and imprisonment will be im posed this fine shall accrue to the municipality or the province depend ing upon the authority of the officer conducting the persecution the canada food board is empowered to seize too dwhich is in danger of deterioration from improper storage or other causes and have it sold this new law should make it possible to prevent cases of food which has has been stored too long having to he thrown out or destroyed canned goods will be banned tho eating of canned vegetables will be prohibited by the food con trol board this year from a date yet to be announced until october 15th in order to conserve and increase the supply available for shipment overseas this action will necessi tate home vegetable gardens for citizens on an increased scale last year the order was made effective after the season was well advanced but this year according to available information the order will be issued early it is estimated that many thousands cases of vegetables will be conserved by the use of fresh ve getables in place of canned goods cleanliness ix handlers of food clean hands and clean clothes are an outward indication of clean hab its these and these only are the kind of butchers or other food hand lers of food that you should patro nize it is very probable that the people of clean appearance will cover foods while the premises are being swept and will also protect such from rats and mice tho days when cats were seen lying in the middle of a candy shop window or sitting on a basket of grapes are fast disappearing though this has been witnessed re cently by the writer citizens themselves can do more than health inspectors by calling the attention of proprietors to unsani tary conditions for after all the storekeeper is primarily after your patronage i asked my ma how old she was and this is what she said a lady doesnt tell her age im x plus y plus z pa slapped his knee jerked back his head and laughed till i was fraid hed split his voice box square in two the noise that he made next day i asked him what ma meant by that queer stuff she said he laughed again and then he tried to get it through my head now x plus y plus z is algebra big sister has the book you cant play out in all this rain so let us take a look yes here it is right on this page down on the bottom line- jcjolusyplus z all adde made nine hundred anu sixtyirie y- that night the preacher cameto tea and told about thuselah when he was through i said real loud hes just the age of ma pa peared to choke the preacher laughed but ma got red as red aiid just as soon as tea was done she marched me straightto bed selected notice rhe beat mens work boot in town all solid leather for 500 come in and get a pair while they last also taps soles for sale must be cash at this price i- this store will be open three nights as usual from now on a g lehman the peoples shoe stnre main street stouffville ont a soft velvety skin in order for the complexion to be clear ami fresh the skin must constantly renew itself this requires proper nutrition for the skin which is provided for in our witch hazel ckean in addition to its soothing healing nnd bleaching qualities it is a skin food lse it icn- larly at this season iluce 25 ckxts g collard j market drug sfore chemist druggist stouffville- flkug fctorsls stoufevjlle travel canadian pacific for full particulars tickets and reservations apply to fl- w- sanders local agout phune 8001 also c p it and allan lino ocean tickets aa reaman 1ssukk iffj marriage linceoses stouff 4lisit rade yts see baiver heise stouffville methodist church stouffv1iik rev w b booth bpli 1 harab davies fertilizers will increase your yields without extra acreage labor or seed carefully compounded to meet your particular soil and crop needs made in canada by ontario fertilizers ltd west toronto can for sale by w h brillinger son phone 7001 sunday services 1030 a m 7pm 230 p ni s s and bibe classes epwortli league monday 8 p m prayer meeting wednesday 730 p m seats free all welcome in cloth we suit the most critical we can suit you we carry every tiling in the line of tailoring vtow about a new spring suit or overcoat full line of tweeds worseds and serges the leading tailor

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