Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), December 28, 1916, p. 7

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if all were shirkers the perfect day is the day when you work in har- cemeteries would replace barracks man power will win the war better a country of barracks than mony with law health comes from harmony get in harmony with natures what the shirkers would make it laws by eating shredded country of cemeteries says the eng- j t i sh review wheat a simple natural lt we asp to tcsu the bai- elemental food which supplies ance of european power in a sense the greatest nutriment with i favorable to ourselves which in brutal n ha ijoct i truth means our continued existence the least tax upon the digest- as a worm empirej it is a3 a natio ion try it for breakfast with arms w must pursue the fight to hot milk or cream delicious a finish today it is men not money with sliced bananas or other fruit made incanada between the trenches french ceasing firing to allow ger- mans to rescue comrades sapping deeper the french engine ers had countermined their foes and very early in the morning with thunderous explosion they blew up the german position many germans were killed but some escaped and ran for their nearest trench the french leaped their embankment and dashed forward to occupy the crater that the explosion had made but the enemys fire drove them back so now french and germans faced one an other not thirty yards apart with the demolished trench between them neither army able to occupy it none dare show his head abovo the trench for sharpshooters watched with keen eyes and ready rifles from the opposite positions a great silence reigned broken only by the agonizing cries of the wounded who were unable to crawl back to their lines gradually the cries of these un fortunates ceased all except one whose piteous wails filled the air hilfe hilfe um gottes willen he repeated over and over again but none dare go to him the hot sun shone down mercilessly upon thchalfburied suffering man he was severely wounded and pinion ed beneath the fallen timbers of the trench it appeared he must die a slow and agonizing death with help so near yet so far with power so close to him yet so impotent help help for gods sake help me he kept groaning his voice became weaker and weak er water water oh give me water he moaned but none dared to help him suddenly with utter disregard of ie danger a tall slim young french captain leaped to the top of his trench a shot sang past him instantly but he fearlessly held aloft his hand to command attention then he shout ed to the imprisoned german tell your comrades to come and fetch you we will not fire we give our word he jumped down inside again the wounded man heard sum moning his last remaining strength ho raised his voice and cried thcmcssage aloud to his comrades there was a short conference inside the german trench then four tall soldiers in the uniform of the prus sian guard climbed over their parapet and advanced boldly into the open carrying a stretcher they faced a hundred rifle barrels but there was no shot the word of honor had been passed and men were acting as human beings saving instead of de stroying quickly tfee germans reached their comrade a heavy beam of the demolished trench had fallen upon him and crushed both legs work ing with a will they soon had him re leased and placing him on the stretcher they bore him away to the safety of their trench a moment later some sixty prussian helmets were hoisted enthusiastically on rifles abovo the trench and in a mighty chorus there came the shout thank you comrades thank you the french captain climbed upon the trench bowed courteously and re sponded it was our pleasure com rades now to our duty again and pitiless war reigned once more between the lines or armaments that our nearest ally lacks and it is man power that we must contribute if a premature and inconclusive peace is not to be forced upon our valiant friends under condi tions which they would regard as de testable for unless britain can main tain for another two years or there abouts an uninterrupted flow of man power to the western and southern fronts our valiant neighbor across the silver streak will find it humanly im possible to maintain the struggle which has in the last two terrible years involved the depletion of the flower of her manhood this was whispered many months j past now it is being openly discussed wherever thinking men get together whether in dugout facing the unspeak able hun or snatching a few hours leave in the bosom of their families men more men england must send more soldiers are the common expressions of opinion in the fair land where already so many of our khaki- clad heroes sleep trad 21ar petroleum jelly the reliable home remedy for cuts burns insect bites and many other troubles sold in glass bottles and handy tin tubes at chemists and general stores every where refuse substi tutes illustrated booklet free on request jjvasdine chesebrough mfg co consolidated isso choiot at montreal germans were paralyzed at ypres st vitus dance can be easily cured a tonic for the blood and nerves with rest all that is needed many a child has been called awk ward has been punished in school world is as follows for not keeping still or for dropping i talked with the senior officer things when the trouble was really i whose rank entitles him to rule the st vitus dance this trouble may camp under the british commandant appear at any age but is most often met between the ages of six and fourteen the most frequent cause of the dhcase is poor blood aggra vated by indoor confinement or men tal strain at school under these conditions the blood fails to carry frightened by optical illusion of huge reserves behind british captain norman thwaites of the fourth dragoon guards in the british army now in the united states on leave describes a recent visit to a prisoners of war camp in england his story published in the new york b to believe that the further advance of their troops was fraught with danger and the trenches held that day by the british arc still in their possession our conversation was interrupted by a messenger a party of newly- 1 taken prisoners from the somme front j was about to arrive a flutter of ex citement ran through the camp now we shaii have some reliable news said the prisoners they got it early arrivals in this camp had fumed and fussed at the ill luck that made them prisoners of war when their fellows were driving along to certain victory this spirit of confi- dence has received harsh blows in the course of two years as new batches of prisoners arrived with dis- eouraging tales of checked progress and steps of retrogression they were to hear sad tidings from the somme a nerveracked disheartened group of captives dusty and torn of raiment was ushered into the grounds slowly and with much shaking of the head with gestures of despair outspreading of expressive hands and tears of humiliation the talo was told it was a tale of overwhelming soul and bodyshattering shell fire of trenches and shelters laboriously constructed during months of pa tient perseverance blown to frag ments in an hour of wave upon wave of sunburnt laughing british tommies and battalion after battalion of resolute bearded poilus that came over the shottors landscape to over whelm the soldiers of the father land dazed and distracted by the most terrible artillery preparation the world has ever seen far into the night the captives talked the cheeriest of them grew solemn during the recital the elder men wept there appeared no gleam of hope of victory an illbalanced compromise was the best to be hoped for the place in the sun was more remote than ever tw mtom haibam and rcelre b iti cmah price w c4 mowt tb m0t tha fur twelve chrroeomrril3i tpujejlcbcrcea we bar pij out million cf jcui to ttov- j mid of trappers id cavl who tend thtr junto c twctuim thej know ilwy juvr dej ticilrecvivo oortt com forbtr fcra you vtulfeua vcbnrmom fr rox trapper f3rcihlfciutothr ce anobctiiik iltjlm trp0u k n it h l kallam por ton caulofco i ivjjlj kallajeua raw yar quotations llauams pur sir lock ofc pat pant fro on roaat aurnu as follow john hallam limited 120 hallam building toronto cio fotatoes seed rotatoks irish cob- blern delaware carman order at once tatlons supply limited write for que ll v dawnon ilrnmpton kev zaid iog3 n t ev laid kgcs roultby peas small or lrjce iuantits j t ault 637 st urbaln montreal trzvrstatkkx roi batjs iuofitmakinu xssws and job offices for nale in good ontario lotvris the most useful and interesting of all businesses- full information on application to wilson publishing com pany 3 west adelaide street toronto mlsckziareotfs cancer tumors lumps etc internal and external cured with out pain by our homo treatment write us before too late dr u llnian medical co limited couinjewood ont the soul of a piano is the action insist on the otto higeu piano action paper from flax straw j the canadian pacific railways research department is working upon i a method whereby a commrcially sat- j americas flower do heciadlis book ox dog diseases and how to feed mailed free to say sddrosi by the author h clay glover co inc 118 west 31st street new york isfactory paper pulp can be made from flax straw hitherto the straw had to be burnt for want of proper methods of treatment j visards laiment cures distemper canals of mesopotamia great irrigation schemes and their destruction great irrigation schemes enabled mesopotamia armenia and other countries in the near and middle east nourishment to the nerves and the divisions was made agamsvv child begins to show listlessness and inattention then it becomes rest less and twitching- of the muscles and jerking of the limbs and body follow a remedy that cures st vitus dance and cures it so thoroughly that trace of the disease remains is he had been taken near yprcs dur ing the terrible five days when the contemptible little army depleted to become the seats of mighty empires by onethird faced the flower of the m spite of their arid climates to- german army urged on to calais by day says dr arthur selwynbrown in the war lord himself the culmin- the scientific american they have few ating attack by two whole german j cities of any importance bagdad which has a population of about one nuauiw ssiijuli thousand had two million ten centuries ago 7 dif- alry brigade which lost 40 per cent of its total in five days i was greatly interested when this prussian officer informed me that he had been separated from his com- no j rades and had run into a trench full dr i of british cavalrymen i was eager the blood thus feeding and strength ening the starved nerves this is how was it i asked that the germans did not get through that the only way to cure the trouble and j day the british were retiring parents should lose no time in giv- 1 slowly and stubbornly and a vigorous ing this treatment if their child i pursuit would have made a sauve qui seems nervous or irritable mrs wm petit of it we thought we were no trouble at all friend i suppose if people would do just what you tell them you would have a great deal less trouble doctor yes indeed i would tell some of them to settle their accounts raw furs it will pay you to hlp all yonr for to a reliable uoubo where yon can got full market valao ask for our price list and hipping- inctructlono edward pollak co- 280 st pattz st west montbeai que when your eyes need care tjaellurtneejemcdlclne nosroartlng feels fine acts quickly try it for red weak bore eyes and granulated eyelids murine is compounded by our oculists not p vpatent medicine but used in successful physicians practice for many years now dedicated to the public and sold by druggists at soc per bottle murine eye salve in aseptic tubes 15c and 60c write for book of the eye free murine- eye remody company chicago adv on the border watch yourself man be more careful with that rifle the range of ficer exclaimed angrily you just missed me that shot did i sir the badly rattled re cruit responded im awfully sorry sir ill try to do better next time imm johnson limited 410 st paul street montreal established over 39 years as raw fur deatess write us for price list send us your furs and get the highest market price tsssbtassess monsieur ferencn hetwppn mpsnnntpmia then and por 16 d in nc month of january t lerence petween iuesopoumii men uiu was sis w pa f rheumatism today is the result of the destruction in the foot id all kinds of reme- of tho ranale dies but nothing did mvv rood one oi vne canais person told me about mlfrticlps iini- in theheight of its prosperity bag- ment as soon as i tried it the satur- dadhad the most remarkable system nidlwr a squires cannington ont says my only daughter now fourteen years of age was troubled for several years with st vitus dance she was so bad that at times she would lose control of her limbs and her face and eyes would be contorted we had medical advice and medicine but it did not help her in fact we thought the trouble growing worse and final ly we had to take her from school about a year ago we began giving her dr williams pink pills and by the time she had taken five boxes she was comjetely cured and is now a fine healthy girl i firmly believe we scuppered sure illusion of reserves well ill tell you he said when the british- occupied the prepared trenches outside the town we ad vanced in force but the dragoon guards held us up a long time they had a good field of fire and we could not make headway they spoiled our game then whon we did manage to m north get some of the french trenches on the right of the cavalrymen we saw your enormous reserves and had to wait for our supports to come up i was amazed reserves i ex claimed why wo had no reserves of irrigation that has ever been con- structed the canals about the city measured over three thousand miles in length they were well built sup plied with storage basins locks and weirs bridges and loading docks for barges and were carefully kept in good order there wereothers both north and south of the city that joined the euph rates with the tigris and there were good remedy is very good was you this i could grive you a fbod certificate any time that you would ike to have one if at any time i come to hear about any person sick of rheu matism i could tell them about this remedy yours truly ernest uivelile 216 rue ontario east montreal feb 14 1908 a home billiard table will provide you and your family with tho finest form of indoor recreation during the long winter oven- lnfeg our famous mafsonetto taba is mado specially for home at a reasonable old jim keens observation real friends says old jim keen are the ones who guess youre in need several that ran parallel with the heip before youve evcn begun to rivers the largest was known as the chos- roes canal it was built incarly his torical times to connect bagdad with the city of dur about one hundred this canal was extend- dyspeptics should avoid drugs and medicines try a little musrncsln instead some peoplo instinctively shut their eyes to danger and it may be that instinct or custom or habit causes dys- pephes to tnke drugs patent foods and medicines artificial dfgestehts etc hut closing the eyes does not banish the danger and it ik certain that neither drugs nor medicines possess the power to destroy the harmful excessle acid in the stomach which is the underlying cause of most forms of indigestion and they may give temporary retout ever increasing quantities mut be taken and all tho time the acid remains in the stomach as dangerous as ever physicians know this nnd that is why their advice so often to sufferers from digestive and stomach trouble is just get about an ounce of pure bisurated magnesia from your druggist nnd take a teaspoonful in a little water linmej stely after every meal this wlll in stantly neutralize all the harmful a id in the stomach and stop all food fer mentation thus enabling o to enjoy aearty meal tvithotu experiencing the lets pain or urpleaantnss afterward owe this to dr williamv pink pills j we had not even any supports that amounted to anything several days passed before any considerable num ber of troop3 were able to assist us puzzling halt now this statement of the prison commander was of rather weird in terest after the pretty but wholly fictitious story of the angels of mons which originated in a poetic concep tion of arthur machen there went and are very grateful for her restora tion to perfect health you can get these pills from any dealer in medicine or by mail at 60 cents a box or six boxes for 250 from the dr williams medicine co brockvillc ont holler the cash or on terrfts burrouches watts ltf makers to h m tho king 34 church st toronto 1 punojy jog h mention twelve animals of tho polar regions said the professor and the rcspairing student wrote six seals and six polar bears ulnards iviniment cores garget in cows- no disappointment here a man who was convinced of steal ing was brought before a certain judge well known for his tenderheart edness to be sentenced have you ever been sentenced to imprisonment asked the judge not overhauling the liners the cpr is going to overhaul its transpacific liners at the beginning j from mouth to mouth the story of the of the new year the boats will be heroes of agincourt who had arisen laid up at drydock at hong kong for from the ancient battlefields where renovation and repair the empress their bones had lain those 500 years of asia will be the first to be laid up and in their thousands had faced the she will be out of commission fori invaders of france and flanders the unwholesome reedy swamps tho about a month the empress of rusj wise and unpoetic sneered at the fan- haunts of water buffaloes cranes and sia and empress of japan will be laid tastic conception but some sort of other animals and birds ed by the caliph almansur to the city of madharaya the modern kut el amara later caliphs carried it one hundred and fifty miles beyond dur whenever this canal passed through loose soil it was over two hundred feet unkindly in width and six feet deep where the never exclaimed the prisoner ground became rocky it was reduced suddenly bursting into tears to a width of forty or fifty feet thisj well well dont cry my man said trunk canal carried a large boat traffic his honor consolingly youre going and supplied water to hundreds of to bo now miles of lateral canals and irrigation ditches it served many thousands of miles of most splendid farming country south of the city of kerbela on the eurphartes three were great irriga tion works on what is probably the richest agricultural land in asia the euphrates has sinceshifted its bed about thirty miles to the eastward and the rich canal tnds are nothing but rare indeed he has- a very rare disease that so what is it something brought on by over work consistent teacher willie your face is but half washed willie yesm but today is only a half holiday the fellow who does hisown think ing is never afraid of what the other fellows think i doctor tells how to strengthen eyesight so per cent in one weeks time in many instances between dur and bassora there were over fifty trunk canals between the tigris and the euphrates and they up in turn the former having a explanation for the german halt in month and the latter 26 days at hong the midst of their victorious stride kong the big liners are kept in the during thoseearly days of november best of trim being all thoroughly 1914 has still to be offered my friend j irrigated thirtyseven thousand square overhauled once a year the empress the prisoner of war was merely con- 1 miles of rich farming lands these of asia and empress of russia have firming the evidence given by numer- 1 lands called tho meadows of gold not been completely overhauled since ous prisoners of those strenuous days were worked to the fullest extent they were released from the admiral- who persistently talked of vast re- j under the abbasside caliphs and even ty service toward the latter part of serves descried behind our thin and until 1258 when the mongols sacked last year the montcagle which is tortuous lines j bagdad and brought the rule of the now on her way across the pacific still hold trenches caliphs to an end after the mongo- 1 whatever the explanation the fact han invasion bagdad was no longer the j remains that by some optical illusion capital of the mohammedans and thej the prussian commanders were led holy city of islam was recently kortg overhauled at hong j a free prescription you can have filled and use at home london do yon wear glasses are you a victim of eyo strain or other eyo weaknesses if so you will be glad to know that according to jdr lewis there is real hope for you many whoso cyeswero failing soy they havo had their eyes restored through the principle of this won derful freo prescription ono man eays after trying it i was almost blind could not see to read at all now i can read every tiling witfiaatftny glasses nnd my eves do not water any more at nisht they would pain dreadfully now they feel fine- all the time it was like a miracle to me a indy who used it rays the atmosphere seemed hazy with or without glasses but after using this prescription for fifteen days everything sweats clear i can even read fine print without glasses it is believed that thousands who wear glasses can now discord them in a reasonable timo ond multitudes more will be able to strengthen their eyes so as to be spared tho trouble and expense of ever gctng glaws kyo troubles of mony descriptions rhay bo wonderfully benefited by following tho eimplc rules here is the prescrip tion go to any octiie drug store and get a bottle of bonopto tablets drop one bononto tablet in a fourth oi a glass of water and oilow to dissolve with thia liouid bathe tho eyes two to four times doily you phouli notice your eyes clear up perceptibly right from the etart and inflammation will quickly disapikor if your tes are bothering you even a little take steps to fcave them now before- it is too jnte many hopelessly blind micht havo been saved if they had cored for their eyes in time note aootber prominent ilnlcln o whom the otiove arllrte was submitted sold ronopto u a very remnrkstle remedy its constituent fngteujents ore well known to imlnent eye spcrlants nnd wlddy prescribed ly them the roanufacturero tuorooue it to slreokirirr eycsiltot i per cent in out wcrfcs tzmo in msny loioocrs or refcml trie money it eon be obtained from any pool drubblst nod is ono or tho very few preparations j fc i should he kepi en hand for recular ue ln aln oat cwry faxotlyv the volniar drue co store 4 toronto win nil iour orders u your diirsst cannot krupps works in danger the amsterdam correspondent of the london times says that since french airmen attacked essen a large number 0 antiaircraft guns which had previously been removed have been remounted workmen have bcenj busily engaged in constructing bomb proof underground shelters which it is believed are intended for storing the most dangerous explosives re- garding the reports of disturbances at essen a strike was threatened but j the workmens conditions which it is believed concerned the food arrange ments were granted zinard0 idniment cares diphtheria gratitude is so cmap that there is no excuse for giving it grudgingly for every ailment there are a dozen cures that dont the vital point a beautiful young lady interviewed a fortuneteller on the usual subjects lady said the clairvoyant you will visit foreign lands and the courts of kings and queens you will con quer all rivals and marry the man of your choice he will be tall and dark nnd aristocraticlooking i and youngs interrupted tho i lady yes and very rich the beautiful lady grasped the for tunetellers hands and pressed them hard thank you she said now tell me one thing more how shall i get rid of my present husband ed i issue 32 16 liinards xilatment cturss cold fcc winter days and summer bays mi and christmas days are the best thermos days of all guaranteed to keep bollls llqujdb hot 34 hro or lee cold xdqnid cold 3 days here is the ideal strt handsonio and practical jrlvlnp ycara of ysrfoot acr a or away from home tor tho motorist for tho invalid for tho xtmter for the naxsery or tho bnalnossman for ifeo work man for the bedroom and many other ages bottle 1178 up kllsj j300 up p oicfiikfi carafe water bottle 1500 up motor sets 1060 up thermos is sold at all eood drur hardware sporting goods and dopt stores ana some leather goods and jewslry 8tores if you cannot see what you need sand fof fully illustrated catalog- now we send ffooda prepaid on receipt of price thermos bottle co 1214 sheprard st toronto

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