give the kiddies all they want of sthsesbhib corn it is one of the dellclcus good things that has a real food value a slice of your good homemade bread spread with crown brand perfectly balanced food that is practically all nourishment so let them have it on biscuits andpancakes and on their porridge if they want it youll like it too oncrddis cakes on blanc mange and baked apples and youll find it the most economical sweetener you can u for cakes cookies gingerbread and pies have your husband get a tin the next time he is in town a 5 10 or 20 pound tin or a 3 pound glass jar the canada starch co limited montreal cardinal brantford fort william 220 maxtri tlvr irai corn srjilkton cum sfuxa and htlter c zataux- starch our new recipe bookdesserts and candies will show you how to make a lot of r y delicious dishes with crcwn brand write for a copy to our montreal office through the dark shadows or the sunlight of love he did not reply and she read in his silence tha confirmation of her fears adrien is it possible you love her and she eveline he said for the sake of our past friendship she started atj imova of the entrails which is acj complished by cutting down the front from between hind legs to the throat s5hat3s5i5isk5hse3st lister farmer should be his own butcher not many years ago the farmer was spoken of with derision as a person who lived on pork and potatoes all winter but the tremendous increase in the price of these products of the farm has brought about a condition that deprives the farmer of any claim to such distinction and in fact the use of homegrown pork on the farm has become too much of a rarity of late years while in the present season care being exercised to avoid making punctures after removal of the in- j side parts and thorough washing of j kt the inside of the carcass with cold yilie name thaf stands fear water the carcass must be left to cool thoroughly before being cut up though jiesnust not be allowed to freeze as pork once frozen never cures well after thawing out live stock and soil fertility farmers are being repeatedly urged to keep more live stock on their farms many reasons why they should do so are given chiefly that stock farm ing is profitable and that it will in crease the fertility of the soil cer- there are manv farmers in ontario j tain p are often insufficiently who are driven to buying some part of emphasized in the discussion of this their winter supply of potatoes at i question if stock farming is to be j this time of vcar it is too late to do profitable the stock must be of good anvthing to better the potato condition quality and must be given proper and except bv making preparation for a intelligent care scrub stock never better crop next year through securing id and never w veid the profitable good healthy seed while the price is returns which are to be derived from anything like reasonable but the want p bred or hs srrade stock those of pork for the farm house table can who ar in th stock business or who be overcome by the simple means of i contemplate going into it cannot af- butchering at home and as other vege- 1 10rd to overlook this consideration canada has too much poor stock tables are abetter accompaniment for pork than are potatoes the lack of the irish tubers need not interfere with the business of eating pork the farmer with the proper sense of chapter xv contd it was lord standon who spoke first by jove he exclaimed adrien going in for history who would have thought it my dear fellow why not give a lecture on the vanity of human hopes and the folly of friendship inquired ad- is clever enough to deceive such great experts surely it has achieved its object it certainly looks old enough to satisfy the most exacting secondhand furniture shops he turned to lady merivale before i forget he said let me discharge the object of my visit rien so coldly as to startle both the mclba sings tomorrow at the duke of company and lord standon himself southvilles party who not being in lady constances j her ladyships face lighted up with confidence was naturally at a loss fori real gratitude music was her one the reason of this sudden anger on the sincere passion and as she had been part of leroy he drew back in sur- j unable to hear that divine songstress prise but any further reference to the during the season owing to various en- matter was stopped by the entry of gagements this hews was welcome jasper vermont as a matter of j thank you she said warmly fact he had arrived just in time to how good of you to find out for me overhear adriens last words i it was kept such a secret how did whats that he cried after he you discover it had greeted lady merivale was ah said mr vermont raising his that leroy declaiming against the eyebrows if i tell you that it world its for those in his position would be bad policy i may have dis- covered it so easily that my services as a solver of mysteries would sink to insignificance or again i may have the words do not say any more economy will at this season have at j you know we have only played with i two 0l tnree p approaching the divine passion it has beguilded j 200 pounds in weight nearly ready for many a pleasant hour but i do not slaughter for home use and if others think it has been anything more than j j to de rea f market at the a pastime time that the home killing takes place not to you she said almost sullen- j there will be a saving in killing them ly but how dare you doubt my j nl at the f if the ioea demand is sufficient to account for the lot when to withhold food no doubt a reasonably cold day is the best suited for the work of butch ering at the farm but there is some to bewail its vanities while poor dev- i beg your pardon lady merivale poor men like myself can only cry for them adrien smiled quite right jasper im wrong as usual mr vermont said lord merivale you remind me of the clown in the beloved pantomime of my youth an innocent memory that at least my lord returned i never stayed his tongue in the matter of a repartee for lord or commoner may i ask why you always enter the room with a joke or epigram was the answer mr vermont smiled all the worlds a stage and alf the men and women merely players he quoted lightly as he turned his at tention to the unfortunate portrait of a gentleman ah what have we here another picture an old mas ter 1 presume jfihc artists looked pleased it would seem as if even the great connoisseur himself was liable to make mistakes it is ugly enough in all con science he continued bluntly for my part i am an utter philistine and like my art to be the same as my furniture new pretty to look at and comfortable and for the life of me i cant fall in love with a snubnosed catherine de medici or a muscular apostle what is this he bent down to read the title ah por trait of a gentleman of the sixteenth century very valuable i daresay lady merivale lady merivale who looked upon mr vermont as one of her ancestors would have regarded the court jester smiled indifferently it all depends on the point of view she said i have paid three hundred pounds for it mr vermont looked up with an air of innocent surprise but a keen ob server might have been tempted to re gard it as one of satirical enjoyment three hundred pounds i daresay these gentlemen good judges all have declared it a bargain he motioned to the little group on the other side of lord merivale not nt all returned his hostess on the contrary mr leroy declares it an imposture vermont raised his eyebrows had to commit a crime in either case it is best to draw a veil of silence shall we say sufficient be it that melba sings and lady merivale deigns to listen flatterer she said lightly as he rose hat in hand he glanced across at adrien who was talking to lord n amrftpr imsski he said lowering his voice i fancy my friend must be thinking of his honeymoon lady merivale started violently what do you mean she asked striving to maintain her usual cool in different tones he looked down at her in innocent surprise i am commissioned to buy a resid ence in the swiss lakes district for leroy and as i happen to know lady constance tremaine is devoted to mountaineering most exhausting work i consider well there is only one construction to be laid but of course this is in strictest confidence you will not betray me i know of course not said her ladyship feelings how dare you insult me i did not mean to hurt you he said gently and her voice softened at his tone ah adrien she cried beseeching ly you do hurt me when you treat me like this try and forget her sense in passing up a day when the un broke off abruptly un- j temperature is away below zero as less you are really going to marry her the extreme cold adds to the trouble is that so i told you h4 answered wearily i shall never marry constance shei is engaged to another thank heaven was her ladyships mental ejaculation but she said no thing alound leroy roused himself i must go he said so soon she asaed tremulously where are you going to the theatre she frowned and seeing it he stop ped to explain it is no longer mine- he said with a faint smile not yours she cried in surprise no it belongs to miss lester her quick intellect grasped s meaning at once of keeping waterhot for scalding and as most of the work has to be done with bare hands great discomfort must be experienced by the butcher and his helpers in very cold weather the idea prevails that the hog in tended for slaughter should not be fed for 24 hours previous to the time for what we need is more good stock if the fertility of the soil on the j stock farm is to be increased or even maintained wise management in con- nection with the rotation of crops the care and use of the manure and the tillage operations must accompany the j keeping of the stock meat and the various dairy products cannot be made from nothing any more than can grain i and hay and if these are sold from the farm the fertility taken from the i soil in their production must be re stored a test conducted on two iowa farms one a grain farm and the other- a stock farm where purebred stock was kept showed that the soil on the grain farm was more fertile than on the stock farm this was largely due to the rotation followed and judici ous management by the grain farmer the live stock farmer however made 799 over the five per cent interest on his investment while the grain farm er lacked380 of even making inter est on his investment it must be remembered also that the stock farm- er had a larger investment upon which to allow interest these men were killing but many persons consider this both good farmers and it was not poor cruelty and maintain that to withhold feed on the morning before killing is sufficient for good results in dressing the carcass each farmer who makes a practice of butchering at home even if only once a year should have an outfit of knives for this special purpose as well as scrapers tackle vat and other equipment so that when the right day comes he can go to work without wast- henceforth you mean to retire jingtime in running to neighbors to li man can be with a iaintsneer adding quickly as found in every farming district who his face darkened ah forgive me if is ah expert at the actual work of i am bitter i hate to see you un- sticking and dressing hogs and if his happy try and forgive my ill-hum- 1 help can be secured either in exchange our for labor or for cash the securing you are as ever my queen he j of a good stick ensuring perfect re- said and can therefore do no j movsl of blood from the carcass will wrong lifting her hand to hisl ips he turn ed and strode hastily from the room to be continued true consideration x ameer of afghanistans regard for lord kitchener pay the owner of the hogs far better than any few cent he might save by making a poor job on his own account to secure the best results in bleeding management that led to the difference in profits the man who made the greater profits could afford to invest a part of same in purchasing and apply ing to his soil what is required to maintain fertility and still be ahead or he could arrange his rotation in such a way that his soil would not be come improverished goodmanagement must go with the keeping of good- stock if profits are to be made ands fertility main- tameo fun in conservation qufffiti jnfarmmachiiieiy lister engines are british built i i 35769 hp on skids or truck j hjrtk teioi megixcto irtixltior st automatic laibricivxon 8 lister silos ensilage cutters threshers sprayers milkers electric ligkt plaitsmelotte cream separators the lister grinder wn te for price of our famous grinder outfrt comprising 5hklistey engine ftnd 5i4r lister grinder wrlttfor qitalogut tolltpt ralister colimited toronto marketing potatoes experimental farms note on the im portance of sorting from the consumers side the ques tion of marketing potatoes is of the greatest importance especially so in partment of agriculture will bring by years when the prices for this com- j return mail all the required informa- modity are advancing daily the tion relating to the growingof crops moment farmers know from their own experience that storage rots cause great losses in their own cellars it seems however the general practice to dispose of an infected crop immedi ately and shift the losses from rot from the fanner to the consumer the latter however has to pay the price of good potatoes in some instances no doubt the con sumer is to blame by storing potatoes or other winter vegetables in too warm cellars potatoes and similar vegetables must be stored in a cool place they cannot stand frost which causes a sweetish taste in potatoes but the temperature should never rise above 40 deg f where such condi tions are nonexistent it is better not to lay in a winters supply as losses are sure to result farmers are cautioned that the at titude of consumers will eventually re- b just like apples and the farmer who does not control diseases in the field will have all rotten or diseased pota toes thrown on his hands diseased potatoes when boiled still make good stock food it should be remembered a letter or postal card addressed to the publications branch of the de- officers of the experimental farms the hogs a means of suspending them j recentlv had an opportunity of inspect- head down before sticking should be ing quantitics of potatoes in the con- provided unless one is satisfied to have sumers own cellars the potatoes of potatoes free from disease a good horseman may tie thrown mechanically her mind was working from his horse under some circum- rapidly so that she hardly heard the i stances with little or no reflection rest of jaspers purring speech and that gentleman highly pleased at the pain he had so evidently inflicted made a parting epigram and left his poison to do its work in lady meri vale mind one by one the others followed and lord merivale with an apology to leroy returned to his study and the agricultural gazette leaving his wife and adrien alone with flushed face and outstretched hands she turned to him reproach fully i thought you had forgotten me impossible he murmured as he upon his skull the accident may have been excusable even inevitable when all the details are known but as casually related the excuses frequently them stuck while on their backs to be had been purchascd in the ord allowed afterwards to walk around un til thev fall dead scraping the hog a proper temperature of the water for scalding the carcass so as to al low of a thorough removal of scurf and hair is a most important matter but can be attended to by a person without previous experience provided a thermometer is used for large disappear and the fall with its igno- hogs 170 degrees is the temperature minious suggestion of incompetency best suited while for smaller ones 160 alone remains lady st helier in degrees of heat is sufficient too telling of the deep admiration and re- 1 mucn heat is more to be avoided than gard entertained by the ameer of too ij as the former sets the hair afghanistan for lord kitchener gives j a that it cannot be properly removed a little- anecdote of the orientals in- while an underscald allows of a sec- stant perception and avoidance of the on trial to facilitate the work of possibility of any humiliating implica- waping the hog a table or bench tion for his friend 1 about 18 inches high sould be pro- lord kitchener had suffered a sevj v and this must be amply big and ere accident that resulted in a leg so strong for the purpose so that several raised her hand to his lips i have badly broken as to necessitate several j people can assist in this work in ord- weeks complete rest at the time and er to get it done rapidly later two months furlough in engi as soon as all hair and scurf has land and a resetting of the bone one been removed the carcass should bo of kitcheners staff gave the news of hung on a gamberl by hind feet and his misfortune to the ameer during ai hoisted until the nose is clear of the been so bothered with various busi ness matters and have had so many engagements but yet had the time to go to the theatre with that awful creature she retorted then you have been j ffreat tiger hunt at gwnlior j spending a dav or two at barminsteri told nlm the officer wrote lady she bit her lip savagclv in her jealous st helier that the chief had had a pain and wounded vanity adrien j last fall at poona his horse tumbl- she entreated tell me it isnt true in an embanknient he imme- to what do you refer he asked d asked for a piece of paper and steadily i wrote a telegram of sympathy in per- he knew that the strggle had coml h handed it to sirhenry mc ground then thoroughly rinsed first with lukewarm and last with cold water dressing consists of the re- way from small dealers the condi tion of the potatoes was most unsatis factory in three cases the amount of rot came up to 75 of the total quantity in storage this rot was the common late blight rot and was certainly present when the potatoes were dug and before shipping the consumer is helpless in- such cases and rarely is there a way open to him for compensation nor is the small dealer to blame the blame rests entirely with the shipper and the grower in order that such losses may be avoided and the consumer bo in a position to secure for his good money good potatoes that will keep over winter it is necessary for the growers on their part to exercise more care in digging sorting and handling potatoes late blight is a preventable disease every farmer should know this fact since the ex perimental farms system has made every effort to xdemonstrate on many farms in the country the effect of spraying with results showing the production of sound crops and an increase in yield amounting to some 90 to 100 bushels per acre the sale of inferior potatoes is dis honest if not illegal nt the present had his plans been adopted the british metropolis would have been a beautiful city now that there is so much discus sion about the beautifying of london by abolishing charing cross railway bridge it is interesting to recall that had sir christopher wrens plans been adopted after the great fire of london in 1666 the metropolis of the empire would be one of the most art istic cities in the world today says london answers his plans still exist and prove how much ahead of his times ho was he proposed that all the main thorough fares should be ninety feet wide he also wished to isolate all the churches like the two strand churches today or st martinsinthefields at char ing cross he also wanted to build spacious piazzas and group the splendid halls of the city companies in one magni ficent square facing and matching the guildhall finally tjie great architect fore stalled the modern idea of the thames embankment by proposing a fine quay from blackf liars to the tower then practically the whole river front of the town indeed ho said how did he that the strggle had coml detect the fraud menced and he was determined to mnhon and asked him to send it off im- by the one weak point said col- bring this mock phantasy of love to an mediately sir henry wrote it down man that dagger rubens never end if ho could not marry the one ln english but when he came to the lived to see such a dagger as that so woman who had shown him what love words to hear of your fall from your horse the ameer instantly corrected him saying no no not from your horse with your horse in afghanistan big difference ch a dagger as that so woman who had shown hin bly have painted it really meant he would at could not possi mr vermont smiled an approving smile that seemed to mock the picture 11s if it were a living thing capital he said the rogue who palmed this forgery on you was least have done with this foolish dalliance your engagement to that pink-aiid- whotc cousin lady be silent he commanded more sternly than he had ever spoken to evidently not a student of the antique any woman or child in his life poor fellow how was he to guess who his face hail paled his eyes were like was to be his judge you will of steel the very thought of hearing course institute proceedings against her name reviled by the jealous wo hm or end the picture back man before him filled him impossible said lord merivale i she stood silent but with flashing with a ntefiil smile i wrote tbte eyes her breast heaving with excite- cheque hist night by this time it will ment have been cashed and so the swindle it is true then she panted is complete 1 you arc going to marry her tell mc dear dear ejacuricd mr ver- the truth mont in tones of the deepest commis- j i did not say so he returned oration though he smiled as he added lowly and painfully theres only one thing to bej then you dont love her ah i aid my lord if ths picture knew it she cried triumphantly irish parmer- prosperous indicative of prosperity among the smaller farmer recent rcturns for n with wrath i i 6now ireland has 20733000 head with flashing j poultry an increase of 283000 over a year go great britain has no figures aprpoaching those the brit ish board of agriculture estimates the potato crop of england and wales for the current year with a decreased acreage of 35000 acres as 350000 tons less than in 1915 it is however only 180000 tons less than the ten years average i f i s 2 and 5 lb carton 10 20 50 and 100 lb bags was a favorite name among the longforgotten food products of half a century ago just asjt is among the live ones of today only exceptional quality can explain such permanent popularity let redpath sweeten it 2 made in one grade only the highest i