Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), August 3, 1916, p. 2

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1 g vfes v fl h key to important passes captured by the italians nearly entire austrian garrison surrendered it having iisen demoralized by the suddenness of the attack will be no rest for the germans spirit of men at front is per fect says undersecretary of war uves of tens of thousands are being swallowed daily a despatch from milan italy says sistauco nearly the entire garrison sinco july 20 operations have been conducted by the italians in the upper san pellegrino valley with consider able success one detachment captur ed the strong position of cavallazze a key to the two passes of kollo and col bricon tho austrians though they held well defended positions wore completely demoralized by tho budden attack and after a short surrendered four hundred prisoners keal significance of the battle of the somme as viewed by ger man correspondents a despatch from berlin sayst the vossische zeitung prints the follow- a despatch from london says lord derby undersecretary of war two guns several machine guns and who recently visited the british front ing despatch from its correspondent considerable material were captured j on wednesday gave tho international max osborne from cambrai france the italians have since pushed their news service his impression of the j the fearful battle which has now advantage still further and have oc- j work being done there by the british cupied oima stradone thus forming army a serious menaco to the austrian posi- 1 i never saw such absolute confl- tion on tho dolomites rond tho points i dence not only among the officers of advantage gained by the italians hut all the grades from the generals give them command of the san pelle- down tho spirit is absolutely mag- re- grino and travignolo valleys markets of the breadstuff toronto aufr 1 manitoba wheat no 1 northern s128s no 3 312gi no 8 1223 on tracl hay ports i manitoba oata no a cw dlio no 8 cw 51c i extra no 1 feed 60io j 8 cw 61c i extra no 1 fee 001c track bay ports american corn no 3 yellow 92ic on track toronto pntarlo oats no 2 wlilte 47 to 48e tsforcommerelai in leading article in the vos- j101 to 103 no 2 do osc to jioo siscne zeitung we have further in- no 3 do 92 to 9lc feed wheat 89 to formation regarding tho remarkable teas no 2 nominal 175 to 155 1 project for increasing tho power and according to sample 123 to 150 ac- influenco of germany throughout the nificent men who fifteen months ago were in counting houses are to day the finest soldiers imaginable common 5 to 525 butohor bulls after all you cannot beat a volun- wyo njr hero such spirit and con- rheep 7c lambs lie calves milk fidonce exists for remember i should tiw otftoss say least 93 per cent of the army mixed lots 1050 to 1160 sows are volunteers whilo the remainder 75 to 1020 new germanwar horror proposd that prisoners be taught hun language cordlnk to freights outside barley malting barley nominal e to c6c feed barley nominal 60 to 62o according to freights outside buckwheat nominal 70 to 71c ac- world by teaching the german lan guage to tho hundreds of thousands of war prisoners scattered through out the german empire the pro moters of the scheme see in it a unique opportunity of spreading what they understand by corulnff to freights outside rye no 1 commercial 96 to 97c ac cording to freights outside manitoba hour first patents in jute bags 050 second patents in jute bags 6 strong bakers in jute bags j aoroau 5so toronto dcutschtum and think that war ontario lour winter according to i sample 415 to 425 in bags trade prisoners inducted into the mysteries toronto prompt shipment 425 bulk seaboard prompt shipment millfeed car lots delivered montreal freights bags included bran per ton 20 to 21 l shorts per ton 22 to 24 i middlings per ton 21 to 25 feed flour per bag 165 to 170 country produce butter fresh dairy choice 26 to 27e inferior 24 to 25c creamery prints 29 to 31c inferior 2s to 29c eggs new laid 29 to 30c do in cartons 31 to 33c beans 450 to 5 the latter for hand picked cheese new large 17c twins itic triplets 173c maple syrup pilees are steadv at s140 to 150 per imperial gallon dressed poultry chickens 25 to 27c fowl 23 to 25c potatoes new brunswicks quoted at 2 per bag western si 85 provisions bacon long clear is to lsjc per lb si 24 t0 25c do heavy 20j to 21c rolls 19 to 19jc breakfast bacon 2o to 27c backs plain 26 to 27c boneless hacks 29 to 30c iard pure lard tierces 163 to 17c and pails 17i to 17jc compound 14 to 14sc pivrui jerw nor moutical vv 1 oats canadian 2 53i to 5c no 3 5zi to 53c extra no 1 feed 52 to 521c jo 2 local white 52ic no 8 do 6uc no 4 do bojc flour mani toba spring wheat patents firsts 660 do seconds 640 strong bakers s590 inter patents choice 6 to 6 25 straight rollers 510 to 530 do in bags 1s0 to 5 rolled oats barrels 50 to 543 bag of 90 lbs 240 to 260 millfeed bran 21 shorts 24 middlings 26 to 27 mouiliie 30 to 3- hn no 2 per ton car lots sli50 to 1s butter choicest cream ery 30 to 305c seconds 29j to 29jc kggs fresh 35c selected 33c no 1 stock 30c no 2 do 26 to 27c winnipeg grata winnipeg aug 1 cash prices wheat ttiv- northern- j12h no 2 do 1u no 3 do 1 14j no 4 si 105 oats no 2 cw 4 lie no 3 do 441c extra no i feed 43c nc 2 feed 421c barley no 3 73c no i 6sjc re jected ooe feed 60e flax no 1 x c 1715 no 2 cw 1711 of the language will be one and all apostles in the great cause it does not occur to them that to treat these good prisoners with humanity to feed 1 them properly to shelter them from the loathsome mockery and insults to which they are daily exposed might bo a surer way of securing their es teem and advocacy for the future the vossische writer does not believe that the millic i or so of prisoners will unanimously take to studying german as a relief to the monotony of their captivity but there are thousands for whom dominoes and football afford no intellectual stimulus and these men would only be too glad to master the key which open to them the treasure house of goethe and schiller lessing and hauptmann it is pointed out more over that language is a far more serious dividing line between nation really only wanted their minds mado up for them lord derby was asked whether tho ground gained in the recent british advance was worth the losses of men lord derby said there is no question about it he paid tribute to the prussians who he said were fighting like tigers but their confident spirit was incomparable with the british regarding the length of the war lord derby said that any one who named a specific time could only be described as a fool but that the next two weeks ought to see great things achieved what will you do with the kaiser if you get him lord derby was asked i cannot say but i promise he wont be able to do any more harm replied the undersecretary adding but weve got to get him first when you get to bapaume will you rest there before beginning a new offensive he was asked we wont rest until we get to ber lin came the reply lord derby made an earnest plea for americas help in ending what he termed german kultur we want america in with us he added not necessarily in the war itself but after it is over to help to put an end to this thing called ger man kultur i realize and always have done so that the united states is overwhelmingly proally i can also understand that there must be a certain amount of friction between the two countries during a war such as i this but our aims are the same raged three weeks signifies more than the fact that it is the greatest at tempt yet undertaken by the western enemies with unprecedented force to push back the german army from the occupied provinces of northern france in a historical sense it embodies tho measuring by the army leaders of tho countries of all their forces in a decisive land battle for the first time at the end of two years of the war appears the real significance of the great world strug gle namely england and germany engaged in a tremendous duel every thing that has taken place hitherto between the two peoples appear now a mere prologue the duel has begun and day by day it swallows the lives of tens of thousands i saw hero a number of english prisoners and these men understand what it means for our regiments to hold out against a storm of attacks by such they are strong tough wildly courageous and stern fellows certainly able to stand up to their op ponents and nation than geographical boun ldaries ordiff erjng customs and lawaj lod derby votlven ameri eak thesl jsfeir russians the language of their cap tors and you remove the main ob stacle to the growth of cordiality and sympathy for germans and their cause even should only 10000 to 20000 prisoners be won over to take part in the proposed course of instruction we obtain thereby this number of apostles who will afterwards be spread over the countries now hostile to us and will certainly act as the apostles of the german spirit united states markets a aug i wheat julv 5 september s12sj to 1231 itil v 2 northern 1201 to i3j corn no 3 yellow si to 2c oats no 3 white 3sj to 39c flour unchanged shipments 79994 bbls bran 1730 to 1s00 i a heat no 1 hard k sol northern 1244 to 1254 jvit northern siisj to 1211 july 51 4 nominal september 1234 iecomber 1 232 bid linseed on track ll it w to arrive s19sj july 51 xs asked september s19sj asked october 198 asked noicmli december 1955 bid bid r 197 live stock markets toronto allk i choice heavv steers f c 1 good heavy steers ss10 to x35 butchers cattle good 7so to 580 do medium 725 to 750 do common 625 to 660 butchers bulls l0 kooa bul1 56 to no do rough bulls 450 to joou butchers cows choice 710 to 5o do good 675 to 700 do- 600 to 625 stockers 700 1 to 675 choice feed- i 725 oanuers j w 150 milkers choice each 7000 to ooo do com i nrd mcd each 4000 to 6000 springers 5000 to 9000 light ew3 to 50 sheep heavy 450 to spring lambs per 11 13jc to calves good to choice 930 to i do medium 725 to s5u tl o 1210 6 1235 king plans visit to canada expects to make trip with queen as soon as war permits the appointment of the duke of de vonshire as governorgeneral of can ada may be regarded as a forerunner of the kings determination to make a tour of canada with the queen as soon after the war as possible accord ing to the london correspondent of the manchester guardian reference is made to plans by the king to visit canada during the duke of connaughts tenure of office the assertion being made that they were i cut short by the outbreak of the war j the duchess of devonshire is not only mistress of the robes of the queen but is one of her closest friends she was before her marriage lady evelyn mary fitzmaurice daughter of lord lansdowne she is a great social favorite aand one of london3 all events after the war in order to prevent a repetition of wars like the present britain is making her own munitions factories to make one class of ex plosives in vast quantities a despatch from london says during a discursive debate on the questions of the war in the house of commons on wednesday night dr christopher addison parliamentary secretary of munitions in replying to r question said that the department of munitions was endeavoring to re duce the contracts for munitions in tho united states by increasing the output here in one particular class of explosives he said the department had undertaken the construction and equipment of factories to provide these explosives on an unheard of scale general allenby cavalry hader he saw service in the south african war he may shortly have chance on big scale to again show his capacity does the use of cavalry by the british in the big offensive in picardy this week foreshadow the near ap proach of tho day when our horse sol diers will be extensively used in driv ing the germans back out of belgium 1 we are all hoping so at any rate so far this war has been a titanic struggle between infantry and artil lery the cavalry playing but a small part but what work there has been to do has been done with that splen did efficiency which led lord french in his early despatches from the front to bestow the highest praise upon general sir edmund allenby who is commander of our horsemen at the front king george has the highest admir ation for this great cavalry leader who visited his majesty recently to post him on matters at the front cavalry men in general and the innis- killings in particular swear by allen by for it is largely due to his methods introduced on salisbury plains that our cavalry are today recognized as the best in the worlds ktmjy procession into the town but al though it had taken the honors jn the field being first in every attacfy allenby demurred when it came to a parade of victory ha excused himself with my mori and horses are fatigued and came quietly in the day after rtis thought for his men and officers is one of general allenbys marked character istics british steamers sail from the baltic leave russian ports and aro navi gated around sweden a despatch from stockholm gays almost every day british steamers ly ing at russian ports manage to get out of the baltic and escape the ger man cruisers the ships generally cross the gulf of bothnia and are piloted around sweden inside the ter ritorial limit this traffic during the last few weeks has been considerably developed the ships as a rule take on board an entire swedish crew and swedish officers the progerman pa pers here are urging that this traffic be stopped contending that it is not in accord with absolute neutrality but the government has taken no ac tion so far against it german workmen i urged not to strike storage batteries magnetos starters generators repairs made promptly canadian storage battery co limited wlllurd agent 117119 81mcoe st toronto j anaaaamagib8bbhmbaaabwi k- from erins green isle news by mail from lands shores ute- vegetable dyes a despatch from berlin says the socialist executive committee and the general commission of labor unions in germany have united in a joint appeal to the working classes not to participate in strikes ad demonstra- rttfolfswnlctrtsfi liebknechb group of socialists are endeavoring to organize the peo ple are warned against giving ear to what is termed the shady propaganda of the apostles of protest and the general strike it being declared that such efforts are roomed in advance to failure and can only injure the partici pants and discourage their brothers fighting at the front large quantities are obtainable from fndia in england there has been much talk of introducing natural eastern dyes which heretoforo have not re ceived much attention because of the cheapness and reliability of mineral dyes largo quantities of tho lac dye which is the basis for a fast scarlet may be obtained from india wliere it is now only a waste product of the shellao industry certain roots are found in quantities in india which might be used as substitutes for mad der cutch is an extract from the bark of tho mangrove which is used extensively in tanning there are sev eral varieties gambier bombay ben gal and mangrove cujwh and all were considered valuable by dyers until re placed by tho cheaper aniline dyes tho two main varieties of mangrove found in the east indies are bakau and tungah the cutch made from tho tungah variety js superior for dyeing aiid commands a far higher price there is a factory in british north sorneo which now turns out about 160 tons of tungah cutch a month and will shortly haye an out- put ot 250 tons or more the groves vacant by tho death of in its immediate neighborhood show- no indication of exhaustion chinese manufacturers of vegetable ryes have also been induced to re vive the manufacture of vegetable dyes which had heen almost wholly suspended the higher prices being paid for these dyes at present is said to have made possible the organiza tion of the business on sounder eco nomic principles large quantities of the dyes have already been shipped to the united kingdom where they are said to be giving satisfaction there is practically no limit to the supply provided the price paid is commensurate with the cost of pro duction in japan before the intro duction of miner dyes there were probably more different vegetable dyes used than in any other part of the world few of the dyes however were strictly fast and the only thor oughly dependable black was the one made in the kyota district and usoi iwgdu4jljl jacketlike garment wornfcjr japanese men and women alike the vegetable dyes were long ago supplanted by mineral ones but existing circum stances are said by american indus tries to be forcing a return to the happenings in the emerald isle ot interest o irish es a result of the irish insurrection 125 persons are in penal servitude spotted fever has been noticed in newry co down for the first timo in nineteen years the salmon fishing season on tho lower shannon now drawing to a closo has been the worst experienced within living memory the dublin recorder stated that 779 claims for compensation for pro perty destroyed in tho rebellion amounting to more than 12500000 aro waiting to be heard as a result of the prohibition q male adult emigration from ireland largo numbers of little boys and llttl girls under h years ore passing out wards to tho united states the death has occurred jn th meath hospital dublin from injuries received in a motor accident of mr james connors a large employer ot labor in the carlow district tho manifest unrest existing amongst workers at tho port of dub lin was further evidenced recently by many fprmal meetings of various sec- tions of water side workers disloyal scenes occurred at a meet ing held in the city hall cork ttf protest against the dismemberment ojf ireland sinn seiners turned up in force and waved republican flags the medical offership at dow patrick union workhouse rendered dr e fv nelson lias been filled by the tenw porary appointment of dr jv j mur- ray downpatrlck the death has occurred at his rest- donee aghadarvey of lieutenant col patrick j dempsey retired- army medical corps he was in hu 69th year and for the past ten year had been in illhealth the coal porters iri cork left work without notice holding up the entire trade out of eleven colliers await ing to discharge two left to unload elsewhere and if an early settlement is not arrived at a serious shortage of coat will be caused copt cecil hamilton clibborn in dian army youngest son of lieut- col j clibborn oif of ballycum ber older dyes two eggs a week er kings county has died of wounds received in action his only brother- capt cuthbert j h clibborn rha- was killed in action a few months pre- viousiy in view of published statements dublin 1 111 vew uj uoiaicw awn thatgnx2 was a sotoolniasters reoeliio turkish suez story a pure fabrication a despatch from london says claims of a turkish victory east of the suez canal over the british egyp tian forces were denied in the follow ing official statement given out by on thursday it gen sir edmund allenby- the war office was stated in a german wireless mes sage that our cavalry was driven back from romani el ruman and katia el katie on sinai peninsula out most popular hostesses both she and cavalry has completed tho occupation jdlum to sso lb c er dehorned 040 cutters 373 t the duke have visited more than once so 533 lie 1210 boss fed and watered i do welkhel oft cars 12 5 do fob ill 23 to 11 30 montreal aur butcher steers food 2 to ss50 medium 750 t jsjo common to fnlr 7 to s fair to ood 630 to 7 llutchcr cows rood to 7 fair 550 to s-7- does a good job they say that lightning never strikes twice in the same place well it doesnt neesi to previous to 1s85 ales and beers were sold on the canadian national exhibi tion grou at an annu of katia and nowhere has been driven back complete superiority over the enemy has been established germans execute belgians on a barbarous pretext a despatch from london says six civilians have been executed bv the ic v anauian national rxnidl- n l nds the sale was abo ished i r r w uial loss in booth rentals of t t fc f v sterdam despatch quoting the tcle- graf the despatch also says that the germans have removed 7000 men 2000 women and 150 pupils of the turgot institute from roubaix pre sumably for agricultural work in germanv 2000 quite a sum in the early days of the big fair to pay for a principle is entry admitted both in berlin and vienna deepest anxiety prevails in german capital according to des patches from that city a despatch from rotterdam says papers threaten roumania germany both berlin and vienna seem to have i will support her allies by probable made tip their minds that a new enemy military measures against roumania roumania is about to enter the which already aro in hand field according to information from dr iedorer of the berliner tage- bcilir the deepest anxiety prevails watt writing from bucharest says jthcre whilo the roumanian journals are speaking of bulgaria and austria 3 probable enemies german news- you cannot trust tho roumanian policy the only thing we can trust is our arms rabbits in germany are worth g each an kxchange telegram despatch to london from the hague says the price of horses in germany has doub led farmers are making fortunes selling rabbits at 25 marks each the bad weather is spoiling the crops c noted german airman- slain by british pilot a despatch from the hague says lieut parshall the famous german aviator was killod fighting a british biplane it was with the inniskillings that general allenby made his mark as a youngster he entered the famous dragoons and first saw active service in the bechuanaland expedition of 84 and afterwards in the zulu war of 88 hard service is general allenbys motto like lord kitchener heholds the view that social and society life should play no part in a soldiers career general allenby married twenty years ago and his dislike of publicity is emphasized by an incident which occurred during the south african war when he won his cb at the entry into barberton after desperate ly hard fighting under lord french tho general of the brigade wished al lenbys division to lead the triumphal government to sink artesian wells a despatch from ottawa says the government is going into the artesianwell business in southern i papers commenting on alberta the ordinary water sup- 1 precautionary measure ply there in many localities is poor but the geological survey in boring for oil deposits discovererl abundance of splendid water at low depths an orderincouncil has been passed mak ing an appropriation for an extensive artesianwell system in these districts it will supply the ordinary deficiency dutch fishing boats seized by british ship owners of holland enter pro test against english action a despatch from berlin says the dutch christian seamens union says the overseas news agency has endorsed the protest of the dutch ship owners and sailors union against the action of the british authorities in seizing dutch fishing boats virtual ly all of which have been taken pos session of according to news agency buttermaking competitions were in troduced at the canadian national ex hibition in 1899 for the first tim in america they are similar to those given at tho dairy shows in great britain british advances continue in german east africa enemy driven from stronglyorganized positions astride rail road german governor killed a despatch from london says the following official statement on the progress of the british campaign in german east africa was given out on thursday night the direction of irangi abandoning a 41inch howitzer and two machine guns among a number of german euro peans captured previously was dr briggcn northey reports that j styr lato goverrfor f tho neu lan- on july 21 he drove the main german gchburg district dr styr has died southern detachment of the enemy of woiindfl a majority of the sur- from strongly organized positions vivlrig membefs of th0 cwft of the astride the neu langenburgirangi german crulaf kbenigsvutg form road at malangali after counter- j part of the german forces in this attacks the enemy retired hurriedly in i district ration is cut pretty small in the german capital after bread meat butter and pota toes eggs can now be had only on the ration basis of two per person per week in greater berlin the latest this newest to regulate the food supply make a somewhat amusing attempt to belittle the im portance of eggs after all the vossische zeitungs lightning food calculator says eggs comprise only 1 per cent of germanys nourishment necessities compared with 13 per cent represented by meat 122 per cent by potatoes and 422 per cent by bread everybody knows he adds that it takes 12 or 14 eggs to equal the nu tritive strength of 1 lb of beef in december 1912 germany had 73400000 hens which laid on an av erage 75 eggs each a year a total of j country around one is not struck with 5505000000 germans imported in any superabundance of soldiers it u the two years before the war 106000 i true that uniforms are more frequent tons of eggs per annum and it has than in peace but they are not so been reckoned that consumption of very frequent as to warrant one in homelaid and foreign eggs totalled 8- saying that dusseldorf swarms with 800000000 aunt vosss egg sta- 1 military but it swarms with wound- tistician says onlv about 7800000000 j ed you see them wherever you go of these were used for or as food or j in the streets and squares and public 150000000 a week or 22 per capita gardens a remarkable number of in families even in peace times he wounded have their heads bound up asserts there were never more than this is accounted for by the fact that two eggs per person used a week on in dusseldorf there is a huge hospital the average so that the war ration j for wounds in the jaw involves no hardships as a sctooimasierg reoeiiioir strongly worded resolution was adopted at the annual meeting of the irish protestant teachers union in belfast declaring their loyalty to king and empire the last of a fleet of twentytwo motor ambulances contributed by the people of ulster was formally hand ed over by sir crawford mccullough lord mayor of belfast to mrs sin clair strabane who received it on behalf of the ulster volunteer force hospital in france foreigners in germany belgians will return after war but poles will- stay an interesting series of articles on german cities in wartime is ap pearing in the berliner tageblatt speaking of dusseldorf on the rhine the writer notes the precau tions taken by the military authori ties when trains are crossing tho rhine bridges windows must be closed and sentries are about at all prominent points to see that no bombi are thrown out or that nothing sus picious happens in dusseldorf itself and in the heed not a blusterer but beware of a silent man for every sport and recreation worn liy every member ol the family m soid dy all gofld shoe dealers these wound ed warriors are met with in large numbers in the cafes and restaurant their heads are all muffled up in thick bandages but they are supplied with metal pipes by which they suck in their coffee and beer through slits in their wrappings manufacturers in the city and suburbs are very busy with war or ders and a surprising number of new factories of a temporary charac ter have been erected day and night theso places palpitate with roaring furnaces and hammers and tens of thousands of hands are here from the occupied areas of belgium and po land and responsible people are be ginning to ask what will happen to them when the nativo dusseldorfer returns from the war the belgians will go back to their own country but poles will never go back and when fighting is over they will re main in the beautiful rhineland and westphalia and strengthen the po lish communities already- too numr- ous in the west for comfort v m p a man without a who lives in town country is orcj twtf

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