mfi sflotfrwille itiatitotifc raossdai july 13 tens m w 4 warriner takes the lead 4- new goods low prices bought before the raise will enable lam to sell at leading prices ttimt k rived boys md mens suits felt hats and caps big assortment of straw hats common and uncommon muslins prints ginghams crepes organdys a well assort ed stock suitable for the spring trade headquarters for oilcloths linoleums rugs lace curtains bunglo net and art muslins great bargains in our boot and shoe dept special bargains in all lines of groceries full stock ofiadies and gents furnishings buy now warriner will save you ihe advanced price in most all lines of goods has he secured a big stock before the raise highest cash price paid for good butter and fresh eggs styish wfarfuu smos mmm the leader for bargains in good goods coalcheapcqoking our oil stoves will do this for 5j 3 4 turner tfew perfection 2 3 burner quick amu ovens to match we also have small two wick oil stoves for 1 why not cook in comfort and save money too you our fence stock is t ill complete field garden poultry lawn gates to match you oapnot beat our prices lehman says youve got to stt p around in a good live circle to really appreciate the joy of living and what leiiji1n siya is so you cant sprint after an elusive hap pintss in a pair of worn out kioka youve got to fit youreef with cleverly etesfgned comfortable shoes and then tet a more on because everythings in a hurry nowdays a g lehman the peopled shoe store main street stouffville ont from the tribune of 1889 mrs millard of orillia is visit ing in town 000 miss nettie piphcr of toronto is visiting friends in town this week miss fannie silvester starts to day via detroit chicago st paul and winnipeg for a visit in brandon man miss laura stouffer arrived home on tuesday night from byng inlet where she has a situa tion in the public school the northern cool breezes seem to ag ree with her one thousand dollars was tak en in at the lawn social held on mr d reesors lawn cedar gro ve ooo three houses were struck by lightning on thursday afternoon during the storm at uxbridge stouffville our store is brim full of season able lines hammocks croquet sets kodak goods 3creen doors bicycles parts and repairs auto tires and accessories roofing boys tfagons lawn mowers garden tools paints stains varnishes planing mil all kinds of dressed and matched lumber one of our specialties is the cypress trim see it before plaoingyour orders else where it wim please you caffbe finished in natural finish without painting win phone 312 t bo nton 150 for sale acres west half of lot 8 our our goods prices are are right right iluegter reg the universal car eightyfive thousand satisfied owners against unproved claims and rosy promises eightyfive thousand and more canadian built fords have njade rood in actual service since 1904 this sturdy economical car has stood the test not only in canada but throughout the british possessions every passing year has seen canadian ford sales mount by thousands of cars because under almost every coneeivable condition theear has proved itself a splen did allround utility it has sold on its record for dependable and economical per formanoe- not on the rosy promises of its makers the man who selecls 8 ford is backed in his judgment by more than eighty five thousand satisfied motorists the empire has this a significance or you ford motor co of canada e js button ixogal gent in fold iiunfaout 8480 ford touting 930 ford ooupelet 780 ford sedan 800 ford town oar 780 lo b ford ont all cars completely equipped including electric headlielits kuipmcntloinit include speedometer subscribe for this paper now and the east half of the wcstlhslf of lot 9 in the 8th concssston of the township of whitchurch good grain and stock farm in a good state of cultivation must be sold for particulars apply to lemon baker executor stoiiffvilie for sale or to let the house kitchen woodshed attached barn with underground stables cement hog pen and hen pen also blacksmith shop and tools a quantity of good fruits on the premises come and see the property before buting else where apply to a h raymer phone 8805 lemonville our clubbing rates the tribune and each of the following for one year daily globe 375 daily mail and empire 3375 daily star 300 daily world 8350 daily news 300 farmers magazine 175 farmers advocate 240 macleans magazine 200 yam herald and wkly str185 roadways ikitg ntobe stouffville castoria for infante and children in use for over 30 years always bears jrf signature of zswiavk notice of sale to adam n darling f the city of toronto in the county of york merchant georgina e darling of the same placi and to all other parties interes ted in the equity of redemption in the lands hereinafter describ ed i adam betz of the village 6f stouffville inthe county of york gentleman hereby give yoli not ice that i demand payment of the principal moneys and interc- est due to me the said adam betz upon a certain indenture of mortgage made by william c i a- fraugh of the village of stouff ville in the county of york pro duce buyer arid harriet latragh his wife to me the said adam betz and dated the 31st day of october loancl which mort gage was registered in the regis- tery pfficejof the county of york on the 1st day of novem ber 1910 for securing the pay ment of one thousand dollars and interest thereon as therein mentioned on the following prop erty namely all that certain parcel of land situate lying and being in the township of mark- ham in the county of york con taining one and one quarter ac res of land and being composed of the northwest corner of lot number twenty 25 in the tenth ooncession of the said township of markham said par cel having a frontage on the road allowance in front of the said tenth concession of three chains and fiftyfour links and a uniform depth of three chains and fifty- four links and take notice that unless payment of the said mortgage money interest and costs be made within one month from the time of your being served here with i the said adam betz will proceed with or without any consent or concurrence on your part and without any further notice to you to enter into poss ession of the said premises and to receive and take rents and profits thereof and whether in or out of possession of the same to make a lease or leases of the same and i the said adam betz shall see fit and to sell and ab solutely dispose of the said lands and premises either by auction or private sale or partly by auc tion and partly by private sale as i the said adam betz may deem proper either for cash or upon such terms of credit as i may think proper and to convey and assure the same when so sold unto the purchaser or pur chasers threrof as he or they shall direct or appoint the amount claimed for principal is 100000 the amount claimed for interest is 3500 the amount claimed for costs is 2000 dated at stouffville this 2nd day of june 1916 adam betz bv his solicitors meoullougl button police court the hot spell has made it nec essary to imbibe rather freely but it is just as well to confine refreshment to pale ale as was learned by some thirsty ones who appeared before magistrate brunton here today a yake was fined forty dollars and costs wm davis after a severe lecture has to pay twenty dollars and costs the case ag ainst wilmot forsyth was dis missed for lack of evidence chas nendick was fined one dodar and costs for assault ag ainst ormsby cchman law breakers at claremont a story comes from claremont that reminds one of a backwoods settlement a farmer who resi des s short distance from the village heard at a very late hour a disturbance some distan ce from his house on going to the spot he found a number of young men the cause of the com motion he asked them to re frain from making a disturbance whereupon some grew insolent and attacked him handling him very severely for several years our neighbor ing village has been the unfortun ate centre of this sort of thing it has become a regular matter to issue warnings through the press but nothing else has been done disturbing worshippers at church passing uncalled for remarks to- passersby flashing electric torches upon windows stealing fruit and destroying pub lic property are some of the mis demeanors carried on it would be well for the citizens to put a stop to such actions if theke xoota vmjljbe ltfv0vktcryula we fifteen u nws chjjms cofae 71nd 3eoiofjs betore v4e et4i ait0 goodwood the farmers of this vicinity are busy at their hay miss madeline craig is visiting friends in toronto mr and mrs h foote and family visited her mother mrs young on sunday miss elva mckay of victoria corners visited at c harpers last week mrs lunau of markham is vis iting at the parsonage the annual strawberry festival held on the methodist church lawn thursday last was a great success tho orange parade l o l 572 held last sunday was largely attended canon morley of tor onto gave a very eloquent add ress on wednesday last mr robert lavenders house fogether with most of the contents was com pletely destroyed by fire none of the loss is covered by insur ance mr price pugh and miss ethel pugh are visiting at arthur pughs sutton mr henry white is visiting in alberta with his father whq is very ill clerks notice of first posting of voters list i voters list 1916 municipality of stouffville of the county of york notice is hereby given that i have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in sec 9 of the ontario voters list act the copies required by said sec tions to be transmitted or deli vered of the list made pursuant to said act of all persons appear ing by the last revised assess ment roll of the said municipal ity at elections for members of the legislative assembly and at municipal elections and that the said list was first posted up at my office stouffville on the 12th day of july 1916 and remains there for inspection and i hereby call upon all voters to take imm ediate proceedings j to have any errors or omissions corrected according to law dated at stouffville july 15th 1916 i j urquhart clerk 1 village of stouffville almira hay making is in full swing in this neighborhood quite a number from around here attended the camp meting at gormley master howard wideman land master kenneth parker and bro ther ronald are holidaying at mr adam widemans miss burkholder from vineland visited miss annie gayman for a short time mr c brush of toronto spent a few days at mr robt agars mrs cooke of st catharines visited her sister mrs c wide- man mrs bert stover and milton visited her sister mrs adam wideman mrs horner is spending a few months with her sister mrs pet er hoover at lake erie mrs david neil is spending a couple of weeks at st catharin es mr and mrs stewart duncan rhoderick and bruce spent the first of july with their parents mr i wideman and mr l steckley took a spin to stouff ville one evening last week claremont mrs peter mcnab and her dau ghter mrs kenneth renfrew are visiting with mrsd p mcfar- lane of blackstock this week maitland anderson has entered on his duties as clerk in d a scotts store miss dora brodie is in stouff ville with her aunt mrs f c madill mrs mechin miss blanche and two nieces of brougham were visitors with mr and mrs j hj beal on sunday mrand mrs joseph readman motored to vaughan on friday to spend some days with their son mrs a j chandler returned to her home in toronto on sun day night ffl mr nelson wagg had a busi ness trip to montreal mroerrgfgiajasfld pk margaret left on friday morning- for a trip to edmonton mrs b s palmer and miss mary mcnab returned from a two weeks visit in stratford bloomington too late for last week mrs j stouffer and children of toronto are visiting at her fath ers mr m law mr and mrs e jones of tor onto spent a few days with rela tives miss mcquamis spending a time with relativies in keswick mr and mrs e kennedy of to ronto spent over sunday with his parents mr and mrs o h tranmer were toronto visitors last week miss mahon of markham spent a day with relatives mrs r jordan and miss r fairies spent friday in toronto the strawberry festival held at mr r n fairies was a decided success mauket butter 24 to 25 eggs 25 to 26 chickens 16 to 17 fowl 15 to hj potatoes 150 to 175 hogs 1050 bethesda mr e a banbury wife and daughter of wolscley sask and mr r s banbury and wife of regina sask brothers of mrs s p foote are visiting in this vic inity having motored from reg ina to see their sons before going overseas one with the university battery and the other with the aviation corps they report a very enjoyable trip having mot ored 1963 miles from regina to toronto by way of st paul and minneapolis chicago and detroit passing through seven states and 167 towns in thirteen days they report that prospects for a good crop in the west arc bright grand trunk railway system time tabe for excursion from stouffville to jacksons pt july ipth 1916 station leaving time faraa 1st sad 3rd ad cfa am am a m stouffville 800 850 10 4 8 m bilntrae8 2s 91c 1028 g5 it vivian 8 80 8 20 10 33 6 8 ltatiat jakton point 8 30 pm 94 m boadwits bii stork stouffville butter papers neatly printed at tie tribune ota best belgian paper