jr jdbt- yoong folks a birthday town one day about three years ago dick and dorothy paused at the rail way crossing while on their way home from downstrect old uncle hiram the gateman whom everyone in bel- ton knew and loved was sitting at the door of his little house as they came along good medicine for the spring do not use harsh purgatives a tonic is all you need not exactly sick but not feeling quire well that is the way most peo ple feel in the spring easily tired appetite fickle sometimes headaches and a feeling of depression pimples or eruptions may appear on the skin fliy said uncle hiram what big or t may oe twinges of rheuma- parcels for little folks to be carrying well you see dick explained twe i verdon firemen are real heroes remained in town to save it from flames they worked daily under fire and hid in cellar during bombardment this is the story of the heroes of t or neuralgia any of these in- verdun it will not abound in detail i dieatfc that the blood is out of order tittle is known as yet but france iw shoplink for thc thday that the indoor life of winter has left knows that some old men lived there used to cities collapsing over them 1i71 t v 17 i and a crash came ard a cloud of mor- 7 u ouf ood tar dust arose they plodded out cost you could easily methodically to look at the damage or fmn hn1iar fnr a mral these old ones as one says in the ten- sp j q a lor me der french way and cautioned hum- an bot get as much real bert to keep under cover until they bodybuilding nutriment as returned byandbye they came baci and threw off the shrapnel helmets that they wear in gohg about where the air may at a moment fill with cutting slivers of whitehot metal and told humbert what had happen ed and settled down to wait for the next shell they need not have served these men some of them i am told have been killed one expects courage of a soldier and of young men these men were old thoughts for the day we live merely on the crust or rind of things froude- fellows who have no tongues are often all eyes and ears haliburton all philosophy lies in two words-i- sustain and abstain epictetus many delight more in giving of pre- j seats than in paying off debts sir philip sydney moderation is the silken string run ning through the pearl chain of all virtues- fuller birds and gi ss j sometimes fly through windows of i country houses you get in two shredded wheat biscuits the food that contains all the muscle- making material in the whole wheat grain prepared in a digestible form two j people do not talk for the sake of shredded wheat biscuits cx opinions but to maintain iw ttn opinion for the sake of talking with milk or cream will make j liaziit good intentions do not pave the i road to hell they are the stepping- stones that lift men every now and then out of the mire of common life and there is hope for everyone save j he who climbs on them no more j j k buckroe there re few of us that are not royal yeast cakes a complete perfect meal at a cost of not over five cents a food for young sters and grownups eat it for breakfast with milk or cream eat it for luncheon from england news bt mail about john bull and his people occurrences in the land that rcignj supreme in the commer cial world sunlight which comes to us like a brightwinged angel beckoning us to quit the old path of vanity that stretches its dreary length behind us george eliot partv wu i i i i s maik u ani may easily and died as bravely as any men in tjn it ii- brtna party asked develop into more serious trouble all the history of france down til sv hc l00kc up 3nd do dose wi p senator humbert told the story the b7hv7 n n 1 s0 many pe0pe d th when he returned to paris from ver- n t spoke up dorothy hope that you can put your blood dun tlle othcr iav because he is a i our little billy you know hes right purgatives gallop through the gnator h been enawed to visit c0unry hom with fresh berries or other ther ashamed ofoursinsandiolles three to-morrow- and were going to system and weaken instead of giving j the bdeagered city what he told has i it has been frequently noticed that fruits a der meal for thc b m fl e birthday ptyjskyength any doctor will tell you jis meal f0r y -in- i u i this is true what you need in spring j have hear littie news has perties of glass and great numbers j uic ping aays tov rtj 1 a tonic that will make new blood through the mim avy i i the many ranging in size from a pheasant to a m r a frosiedvi if t b ard b the dr avll of the battle in the intense titmouse are killed by flying against made in canada thin i candles hams pink pills is the only medicine inttl fo bv a the m event the windows of country houses hil t c lj ca d0 this spdily safely and j thc ow men vvlio mereiv iiv0 on if aroom possesses a large mirror m 1 f n it makes surely every dose of this medicine tl their duty were forgot- 1 reflecting the view seen through an me wish i could have a birthday makes new blood which clears thc ten open window birds are particularly m il u o l strengthens the appetite and thc heroes the real heroes of liable to be deceived and especially if nnw sv i asked j makes tired depressed men women ve are tho town firemen two frightened into thinking that they dorothy everyone in town would and children bright active and strong civi have fi previous can fly through it love to come i know l r whitman harmony mills ns j s u is not positively known sparrow hawks will sometimes one wl f n f i u cveiy say a a stre h how this pair managed to remain be- chase their intended victims into nt iv leskier dr williams pink pills hini when olhei ma alk w0 strange places some years ago a m my wi system was m and child was forced bv the sol- 1 member of this species pursued a w y t i i- i ba ru a although i faith- diers t0 flee from the rain of g small bird through the open window w t h fully took a tonic given me by my man shells 0 of them has some of a railway carriage in motion in f tnen mor often doctor i could note no improvement uldciftned occupation which has been its blinded determination to secure thc than you young fo ks too but some- then i began dr williams pink pills rccognized bv soldiers the ot panting fugitive it entangled its how we get out of the habit of having and was soon restored to my old time once owned a home in v when claws in the meshes of the hat rack health i can most heartily endorse visitors comc t0 city now ho this medicine j waits sm as though in propitia- visible and strong goodness exclaimed a gentle man coming into a restaurant and even then holding on to his hat from habit because of the gale blowing out side i never saw such a wind in my life never saw such a wind said an- nothing to equal babys own tablets a stupid remark who mrs lawrence m brown walton ns writes i have used babys own tablets for the past ten years and believe there is nothing to equal them for little ones they instantly j banish constipation and teething trou bles and unlike any other medicine i have used they are pleasant to take i and do not gripe the baby ever saw a wind pray what is it like like replied the first speaker like to have blown my hat off auk for mlnardo and tafco no othor parties thats too bad said dorothy what fun you miss now if you will just tell us when your next births day comes well plan a real party for you uncle hiram did not laugh this time but looked down hard at the bright eyes raised to his i can think of something bettev than that he said at last do you know aunt lizzie wheeler who lives almost out to the north road school- house with only a housekeeper for company well she will be eighty years old next monday sold by all medicine dealers or by i tion until he can gain their attention nl ck un w with me he bogs mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for s250 from tho dr williams medi cine co brockville ont london prices soaring necessities show rise during war of 15 to 50 per cent while a very great deal has been j heard of the enormous rise in the price of food and other necessaries that has taken place in germany and she has been other enemy countries little attention too lame for years to get out of the i has been paid to the very great in- house if you want to make an old grease in the cost of living in lon- person happy with a birthday party just take her up some flowers or a cake or any little thing to show her so the visitors go with him by- andbye they come to the shattered wall which is all that remains of what was once a handsome house the man who once owned it stands on the pile of stone which mark what was once a doorway and beckons to the visitors come in he sa s i bid you welcome this is m home but the civiliar homehow have not the appeal to ne that the old firemen have w in the war began the younger men of the fire depart- and was ignominiously slain by an as tonished passenger with an umbrella she did not heed the danger signals but dodds kidney pills cur ed her diabetes don england the following list of prices has been ment were mobilized some were specially compiled in a locality where not lieededjhen but as months pass- i the population is thick and the comjed bv they found their wav into the j that some one remembers and cares petition especially keen even a cur- arm v manifestly the town could we 11 do it cried dorothy and sory glance at them shows that every- not left without protection from i know that bessie fuller and her day necessities like bread onions fire- j fil so mcn who had serve in for brother joe and madge bowman i wood coal cheese milk soda soap t and ted rust and a lot of others will 2 m all show an increase of from lo to 50 per cent mrs mcdonald might have saved herself months of pain sleepless ness and anxiety by using dodds kidney pills earlier simple those twin boys of yours are so the tab- much alike that i dont see how you lets are sold by medicine dealers or j can tell them apart a film version of tom browns at 25 cents box from the enough when theyre schooldays has been prepared andjf j medicine co brock- j on their good behavior they answer to their own names and when theyve been in mischief each one answers to schooldays has been prepared andi will shortly be presented in london w unt potato bread is to be introduced n the local workhouse by the croy- guardians as a war don board of economy a motion in favor of disallowing sunday cinematograph entertain ments has been defeated by the lon don county council work on londons new reservoir near staines has been stopped by the ministry of munitions which wants the plant and labor at the parkhurst convict prison isle of wight convalescent convicts in the infirmary are knitting woolen scarves for soldiers the northumberland coal owners have renewed their offer to one or the other pat yis sorr work is scarce but oi got a job last sunday that brought me five dollars mr smith what you broke the sabbath pat apologetically w sorr twas wan av us had t be broke mlnards mniinent umlonuans friend miners an advance in wages in lieu idle tears no my usband aint killed mrs marks no sooner did i put all the give kd mournin even to biby in the article firewood 6 bundles onions 4 pounds ale quart 08 whiskey bottle 84 00 go with us then she and dick hurried home so full of tho idea of a birthday surprise for aunt lizzie wheeler that they almost forgot the morrows party for little billy that was how it began dick and v dorolfiy and a dozen of their young jfriends promptly formed a sort of birthday club and their parents have gladly helped them in their plans uncle hiram seems to know or to have ways if finding out every time meat flank pound any old person or sick person in the cheese pound village is going to have a birthday j p and no one can measure the happi- 1 1 j file department i and had been superannuated volun- pre- pre- teered their services little by little war sent old men joined until at last there price price i were enough for a full company 00 09 then the germans attacked verdun flour 2 pounds bread loaf coal cwt gas 1000 cubic feet gas mantles each bacon pound 05 05 28 00 04 1g 11 10 20 old firemen remained 14 1201 the civilians man woman and 0 child were ordered out the old fire- 09 1 men would not go they were in the 44 service of the state just as much as any man who festers in a trench or runs forward cheering white flashes of the against the mitrailleuse ncss no one can measure the happi- luait of the bright days that the birth- ijzltu ti y sugar einoist pound day club has brought into the lives of jam 2 pounds such persons in the past three years currants pound that is how belton came to be known prunes pound as a birthday town 4 new burglar alarm how you may scare a holdup man out of his wits hands up bang ding dong dongongong bang this is the principle of a new bur glar alarm devised by an inventor to minerals bottle cotton reel soda washing soap pound matches dozen boxes per pound 1 pounds 01 20 08 08 02 05 04 00 03 experiments teach things of value where one has never made the ex periment of leaving off tea or coffee and drinking postum it is still easy 081 28 17 4 most of them had sons at the front gsome had lost sons in the war life au was as sweet to these old men as it 50 1 is to any man in the security of paris 09 j but they stayed their duty lay plain 20 1 before them it was to guard the j town sj there are gendarmes there it is qj true they sec to it that no one of touches property in verdun that be- 09 longs to another every window is 07 closed and shuttered and every door is locked now and then a 380 shell comes hurtling through the air with that gurgling scream it favors sounds somehow like a locomotive being strangled to death ina tunnel and falls upon a house then that grand narrows victoria co ns j may 1st special that dodds kidney pills will cure kidney disease in its worst form is evidenced by the case of mrs roderick mcdonald an estimable resident of this place mrs mcdonald suffered from diabetes for two years and found her first relief in dodds kidney pills i am sure i would be in my grave today but for dodds kidney pills mrs mcdonald states the doctor attended mo for five months for dia betes but i was worse when i stopped taking his medicine than when i start ed i could not get a wink of sleep as soon as i started taking dodds kidney pills i fell in a solid sleep for one horn- and soon i got so that i could sleep fine dodds kidney pills have done so much for me that i feel like recom mending them to everybody mrs mcdonald states that her ear lier symptoms were shortness of breath dizziness backache and a bit ter taste in her mouth in the morn ing all these are symptoms of kid ney trouble danger signals that no one can afford to neglect had she heeded them and taken dodds kidney pills she would have saved herself months of pain and anxiety permanent ban on rum house ceases to be the gendarmes ssrssr fiiiga psbh ask z sr in he holding a small fire gong and five 38- experiences ot others if thc street approach is sufficiently j missan uuma caliber cartridges drinking postum is a pleasant way free of massses of stone and brick i a bill has been introduced into the mr robber comes into the store or of tea or coffee troubles a man j they solemnly write out their re- j russian duma to put into effecfthe bank hands go up all around but writes j port that in some future time the governments promise that the war somebody leans against a desk or mv wife was a victim of nervous- city archives shall bear witness to prohibition of alcoholic drinks shall steps on a loose board and the noise ness weak stomach and loss of appe- the fact that on a day of february p m orcc a the war the bombardment let loose the cart- tite for years and although we re 1910 alphonse picots home was devrimva tovkle y n ridges are fired at intervals of ten i i ii i n ii i x siw p seconds years sorted to numerous methods for re- stroyed by a german shall i any number of small wires lead lief one of which was a change from i it is forbidden to produce alcohol always they find the old firemen for the purposes of manufacture of from the bandit alarm with push but- cofice to tea it was all to no pur- j there the gendarmes are not press- j vodka equally prohibited is the ton terminals the buttons are conp both tea and coffee are ined for time you comprehend if they import of alcohol from foreign coun- cealcd beneath a rug under a window jurious to many persons because they do not make their report today then i tries and from the grand duchy of for the house thief or behind a panel contain the subtle poisonous drug it may well be made tomorrow but finland the production of alcohol or back of a drawer in a desk in a caffeine j the old firemen must hurrv fire is b pn institutions and persons tore or office i nwr i n- i i i cither for sale or for their own con- thebbw steps on the rug or the tf i7 f tr v tl w sum or for household purposes merchant leans against the false troubic bul coull not 1ml anything whether it has its origin in a stuffed jg a prohibited drawer noise is infinitely morcan- akejts place until we tried pas- f flue or is carried over fifteen kilo- the production of alcohol for tcch- of free houses and coal the british board of agriculture has announced that 12000 to 14000 women have gone to work on the land since the outbreak of the war the ladies committee of the nor folk war agriculture committee have secured promise from over 3000 wo men to work on the land when called on the war office has asked the metropolitan asylum board to pro vide another hospital with 800 or more beds for wounded soldiers the death has taken place at new ton abbot devon of lady baker widow of sir samuel white baker the central african explorer who died in 1893 during february the supplies of fish at billingsgate market amounted to 951g tons in the corresponding month last year 12473 tons were re ceived official intimation has been receiv ed that warwick prison will shortly be closed owing to the large decrease of prisoners and the pressing need of economy mrs pleasant lowman who has died at eversley hants aged 82 de livered letters daily in the scattered districts of bramshill and eversley for 42 years hundreds of shopkeepers in man chester and suburbs owing lo the lighting restrictions ae to close be fore it rs necessary to lighf up except ing on fridays and saturdays erected at a cost of nearly 250000 delay is being experienced in starting a new spinning mill and a new weav ing mill at walkden near manches ter owing to the scarcity of labor the death has occurred of the rev t rustin 50 years congregational i minister of long buckly rugby who had been congratulated by the king on having six soldier sons one of whom was recently awarded a com mission mr william e cain chairman of the mersey brewery liverpool has offered to the government his resi dence wilton grange west kirby cheshire as a home for totally and permanently disabled soldiers- it was built only a few years ago at a cost of 125000 pham when i gets a telegram a say- in es alive and well yes an this expense for nothin wot a erool shame all the name of the other seed potatoes seed bio der at on quotation potatoes irish cob- delenare carman or- e supply limited wrlta for h w dawson brnmoton pob saxe aches nick 1iojik brick house 2 iwriim all cultivated just outside city dover township john hneheldor chatham out 50 sewing machine supplies 1 superior needles 25c shuttles 7gc iobhins 5c polls 20c for nnv malilne superior supplies co hamilton ont heip wa17ted 17 i li s t c l a s s coatm a k ell steady job to rood man walter and uodell pembroke out minards liniment co limited dear sirs your minards lini ment is our remedy for sore throat colds and iiil ordinary ailments it never fails to relieve and cure promptly chas whooten port mulgrave box rippers wanted lmme- diately good wages for jrood men flrstbrook bros penetansr out racliinists fitters xjjl makers handy men also tooi- operators experienced on shells phone wire or write b bell son company ltd st george out otswbp fob sam -prkopif-sf-airoj- 0m tor bood ontario towns the most usoful and interesting of nil businesses full information on application to wilson publishiiik com pany 73 west adelaide street toronto miscellaneout ladies wanted to do plain an so silly of them as a train was getting up steam to leave a certain station it sudden ly parted in the middle of course the communication cord broke and one end of it struck an old lady who was standing on the platform in the face goodness me she gasped in astonishment what was that the train has broken in two ma dam mid a gentfeman who stood near by and i should just think so saidili the old lady indignantly as she eyed the broken cord did they really think that a piece of string like that could hold a train together lid ilrht sewing at home whole or spare lime good pay work sent anv dis tance charges paid send stamp for particulars national manufacturing company montreal cancer tumors lumps etc internal and external cured with out pain by our homo treatment wrlta us before too late dr bellman medical co limited colllnirwood ont americas pitneir doe remedies book on dog diseases and how to feed mailed free to any address by the author h clay clover v s 118 west 31st sired new york seli see granulated eyelids eyes inflamed by expo- ture to sun dusimd wind 3 big knee like this but your horse may have a bunch or bruise on hi ankle stifle knee or throat putting him wise traveller hows your train ice here small town native wal they ad- 1 fel n rfk rf quickly relieved by murine hjyjq eye remedy nosmarting r just eye comfort at your druggiits 50c per bottle murine eje saiveintube25c forbook ol iheeyefreeask druggists ormurlneeyeremedyco chicago wis wb km what angered thc barber a man entered a barber shop for the purpose of being shaved as he was somewhat hollowcheeked the barber as is tho custom in some country districts put his thumb in the customers mouth in order to press out the cheek suddenly uic razor slipped mak will clean it off without laying up the horse no blister no hati gone concentrated only a few drops required at an application 2 per bottle drlivefcd dcicritte your case for i reels initructlotll and book 8 m free absorbink jit tbe nur aeptic liniment fur mankind reduce painful swellinr enlarged glandf weni hruijel varlcoje veini atlarf pain and inflammation price 1 and 53 a bottle at dtuettiau or delivered made in the v 5 a by j iv f voung p d f ols tymans bldg montreal can absormn and absorblne jr ire niajc in canada turn within two weeks after she metres by a german gun the prop- nical or medical purposes is to lie vertise one train a day but you and j ing a great gash in the mans face lioyihg to him than bullets so hc may well wish himself in a verdun trench luit coffee anil began using postum crty of their townsmen must be carried on by the government directly me know them advertisements exag- almost all of her troubles had disap- saved they light the flames wher- 01 through contractors the govern- gerate when the alarm is released the principle of the alarm is psy- pcared as if by magic it was truly ever they spring up and save what m thc sole k to so spirits etiological it is a wellknown scion- wonderful her nervousness was gone i property they can and in their turn 0 1k stomach trouble relieved appetite im- make their report then they tific fact that a robber keyed up to a high nerve tension is thrown off his mentalbalance by any unusual hap pening this is true of the house hold robber and doubly true of the holdup man who conducts his cam paigns of crime face to face with his victim hmey0u3 gd sorlh in your home the discharge of five inr her part 0 this good shofs and the ringing of an alarm i i i t r hell would send the robber heller- 1 w v t drinking postum in skelter for cover he would llee igno- piace of 0 name given by minioysly any place lo gel away thc sale of light wines is only al- s t r lm i towns in provinces andj proved and above all a nights rest back to the cellar that serves them districts which grow grapes the sale was complete and refreshing j for headquarters and wait for the of wine not on draught is allowed if fio rm f this sounds like an exaggeration next alarm the limit of alcohol for different ntbv fir the most wldehused few kirc in verdun i w to be fixe by the f igflgl oddly enough there have been very the sale of beer is allowed onlv in k0 pp because it heals sores few ires in verdun a fwnch town llffitrclmte c vm 1v 1 is solidly built for one thing the for beer the limit of alcohol town caimcd f wll not let it heal your sore as it all happened so quickly each day there was improvement for the j postum wasundoubtedly strengthen- fronilthe dreaded noise slsfed d fie hold up a bank however canadian postum co windsor ont postum comes in two forms postum cereal the original form- roofs are tile and the wails arc stone councils have the right to issue regu- land the doors are hardwood that j lotions limiting or prohibiting alto- j would hardly burn until it had been ke the sle o heer or ht split with an axe also a descend- j wl and iirhhemidst of his robbery hear must be well boiled lsc and 25c morturilt anv tnchnent flamriiav ffi wahusuthfed by mrpark the shots and the hell it is extremely nkir moitu tnit any incipient name may minister of finance m his budget likelv that he would be paralyzed with i i 1 1e quenched in the stifling dust but speech among the factors which fear and stand rooted to the spot for f t f thc o lirt theil ft hey ho helpel to keep our budget bal- a moment at least that would oc dissolves quickly in a cup or hot vu- kc jt sometimes they trundle an old ance it is impossible to overestimate time enough for the bank officials i u aml with cream and sugar hand apparatus through the choked the new factor in the economic life of who habitually are armed to draw a delicious beverage instantly streets more often bucket and a country the total abstinence their own weapons and make the rob- and noc tins j wt doth will verve the moments from alcoholic drinks thesucccss of yell and he sprang to his feet with of pain and anger shut up man said the barber holding up his hand ive cut my thumb keep minards mnlmcnt in the liouae her surrender fnck must be feminine because it is so uncertain this measure which cannot be com- plctely realized is such that i mil hcmembcr that zambuk is alto gether different to the ordinary oint ments most of these consist of animal fats zambulc contains no traco of any animal fat or any mineral matter it is absolutely herbal bemember that zambuk is at the same tlmo healing soothing and antiseptic kills poison instantly and nil harmful germs it is suitable alike for recent injuries and diseases and for chronic sores ulcers etc test how different and superior zambuk really is all druggists and stores at both forms are equally delieisus and need cost about the same per cup j humbert found the old men crouch- to stiltc mos emphatically ihatsoe box uso also zambuk soap llurcsa llcatroii for ostnm mg in their cellar perfectly composed the prohibition is not to be abolished kcllevcs sunburn and prevents frecklss sold by grocers d they were as though they were after thc war best for babys bath 25c tablet his verdicl how did you come out with your lawsuit i won it get damages sure i got almost enough to pay my lawyer how changed before we were married he bought mo a box of candy every time hc call ed and now ho gives me a call every time i buy a box of candy specially made farm footwear delivered jaintkyda xlnlmnt cd fay fhyaicinno money is a mans best friend yet it is always trying to get away from him hero in a light weight durable anil comfortable working shne spvclitlly niiltublc for farmer woodsmen mill- men trackmen laborers all who re quire extra strong easy footwear for work i ug in we make tliem of ih klonjiro11lainel skowhegan water proofed leather that has mud palmers moose head brand famous for almost forty yours no need to suffer with tired sore ach ing burning feet fiet a pair of these and rind ease and comfort- if your denier doesnt carry them send us his name enclosing 325 and we will ship you a pair all charges paid to any address in canada or i 8 hemlt fstating iy postal or express ne same stvlo s shown v lets high 37r write for otir catalog fuiiy iiusirailng our summer ami winvr footwear john palmee co xlniucd xtederlcton n b canada 1 v 3k vax issue li 16