1ffbol hi uzy- gggsm ix yfe- the stoctffvrlle tribune tecursday may 11 191 bboaawasswagiawabibai l tfe if ctf 1 local items dont fail to be in town mrs kcnzie of toronto visited empire day friends in town over sunday glasgow miss fda latcharn is teaching in mount joy public school we are sorry to learn that mrs no davis is ill with bronchitis hie funeral of the late miss 000 ooo kj nighswander has enlisted mr leaney is in toronto on vvitli the 220th york kangers jurv this week t ooo miss bushnettcher of mon- jj w b sanders was atjacm look lace 0 i sons point iccentlj putting nis k remams were in golia school spent sunday with summer honk shape v a silvesters j ooo detroit e are sorry to learn that mr amos lehman is confined to his bed through illness ooo mrs reynolds and mrs hard ooo mr a e madill of mich paid a hying isit to rela tives in town on sunday last ooo mr and mrs jacob focklcr spent a few days at kcwmarket j oxbridge were at f y last week foo collard at stoufiville on sunday may 7th to mr and mrs geo cpllard a daughter ooo miss ella boynton who has been employed at s m warrin- ers has secured a position in the bank of nova scotia ooo mr and mrs j s huntley were called to aurora on monday evening on account of the illness of her father mr traviss we are glad to report that he is better ooo dr dales has this week recei ved word from his son bdr r l dales his company will remain in england for some time and un dergo further training before go ing to the front ooo mr r i coulson has received a card from his son bert some where in france bert has been transferred from the 17th vancouvers to the 16th scottish and is now wearing the kilties on active service s 000 hoover at markham on tuesday may oth jacob g hoover the funeral haves his house on thursday at 1io and will pro ceed to the mennonite cemetery 8th concession of markham for interment ooo the young people of the pres byterian church will hold a pat riotic meeting on wednesday eve ning may 17th mr a d bruce w i 1 1 give a datriotic e- sides which there will be several musical numbers all welcome ooo tom marks show was well att ended and appreciated the kil tie band which paraded during the afternoon called upon mr hugh mcdonald and treated jiim to the sound so familiar to his native scotland the old gent leman was very much affected ooo after visiting for the past ten days with her sons ross and harold her daughter mabel and other relatives at aurora mrs w j irwin returned home on thursday evening accompanied by her son harold who has enlisted with the 220th battalion ooo the annual meeting of the womens institute will be held in the liberal club hall on wednes day may 17t at 230 p m elec tion of officers for the ensuing year all members are urgently requested to it tend this meeting good programme ooo on sunday may 14th moth ers day special services will be held in the methodist church in the morning a program consist ing of choruses solos duets and recitations suitable to the occ asion as well as patriotic will be given by the members of the sunday school and in the even ing the choir will be composed of married women and wijl render suitable music everybody wel come ooo we wonder- who will invent a nondetach able electric light for the liberal club hall if the townships of markham and whitchurch will repair the road on the townline just east of the village this summer in this connection we wish to correct an error which appeared last week the bad place referred to is on townline between markham alid whitchurch near the lxbridgc townline not on it when this rain will cease veslers on wednesday ooo carting promptly and satis factorily done w c hopkins 000 mr reesor of berlin out is visiting his sister mrs j b wurts 000 a quantity of i choice farmers cured bacon shoulders and hams for immediate sale a bargain ratcliff co joo as we go to press we learn the sad news of the death of mrs j s huntleys father air traviss of aurora ooo will the person who borrowed the step ladder from the front of mr 1 b hoovers stoic kindly rcturnthe same to the owner h avery ooo the stouffville men of the 220 battalion are spending a consid erable part of each day in physi cal exercises and drill it is str enuous work but the boys arc en joying it immensly lieutenant wait is very popular with his men and a pleasant summers training is anticipated ooo terred in the north cemetery here the family have our sincere sym pathy on sunday next the 1 o o i stoufiville lodge will hole their jj the funeral of the late mrs john gourlie of toronto at one time one of our residents took place to the altona cemerery on wednesday we extend to the be reaved family our sincere sympa thy notwithstanding the wet wea ther some of our farmers have considerable seeding done we are pleased to see an incre ased attendance at our sunday school mav it continue rincwood mrs robert irwin is at pre sent confined to the house thro ugh illness mr geo ayres was a city vis itor on tuesday messrs floyd fisher of the 208 harold irwin of the 220th and gordon pipher of the 92nd batt alions spent the week end at the ir respective homes here gordon expects to leave for the old cou ntry very soon the boys are looking fine and fit mr victor stover of mount joy spent a few days at mr j widemans mr and mrs sam fockler of ballantrae visited av mrs fishers on tuesday our teacher miss harvey spent the easter vacation with friends at peterboro the death of mr jacob hoover at his home in mount joy came as a shock to his many friends in this neighborhood where he was widely known and very highly es teemed the funeral which was largely attended by his many re- t at aniwal church and decoratj gwg incta j the wideman cemetery on hut srrrttcs mfe presbyterian day afternoon urch ooo m a rk y t butter 25 to 26 eggs 20 to 21 chickens 16 to 17 fowl c 15 to kj potatoes 18 to hogs 1135 ooo conservation a factory for extracting oil from herring waste and making dried fish scrap from the residue has commenced operations at lubuc maine it expects to produce 750 barrels of oil and 30 produce 750 barrels of oil and 300 tons of fish scrap this year the supply of raw material will be secured chiefly from the st stephen distfice of new bruns wick the utilization of this was te will still further increase the value of the smoked herring in dustry of that port ooo a paper mill at applcton wis is installing a plant for the man ufacture of wood alcohol from di gest liquor a waste product in the manufacture of chemical wood pulp from a liquor was te of 250000 gallons daily it is expected to secure 3000 gallons of wood alcohol i f the process should prove the success claimed by its inventor the present cost of producing wood alcohol by the distilling process is approximat ely 27 cents per gallon but by the new process it is claimed that the cost will not exceed 11 cents miss addie pipher and miss gertie fisher have returned home after spending some months at guelph mrs ostressor of toronto is visiting with her parents mr and mrs t m bruels miss lila mitchell is visiting friends at sutton some from here attended the concert in stoufiville on tuesday evening mr jacob grove and mr tru man grove visited at mr klias hoovers stoufiville on sunday mrs r rae of stoufiville and mrs f palmer of boharm sask spent sunday at mr harry spangs many of the farmers in this lo cality have commenced seeding mr sam miller and son wal ter spent a few days in toronto last week mrs bingham of newmarket visited with her sister mrs f ayres mr israel schcl visited with friends at white rose on sunday mr wm pipher has received word from his son percy who is now in the firing line and his many friends will be glad to lea rn that he is feeling fine and gett ing along well in the thick of it bethesda mr and mrs j c stecklcy of newmarket visited friends here on sunday we arc very sorry to say he had a break down on the way home with his auto owing to the bad roads mr and mrs j diury visited his brother at richmond hill on sunday last mr and mrs d snider visited at mr louis brillingerson sun- men to work on shell boxes at our oxbridge factory also three boys to learn upholstering at day our toronto factory apply to mrs lcrk staley is spending a gold medal furniture fcv d with hc son mr gco mfg co loronto i staley jqjj satilj w an1 jr d- scott pure bred indian runner ducks j monday in toronto five ducks and one drake we expect good roads now j v lowry obrien ave i when brillingcr bros are through stoufiville sodding it 3 1 1 lijljlvjl ulliliuuj nfipy everything new and upiodate a few bargains left from dollar table we are selling at a new line of fancy goods f wflso s m phghl stoufevslli goodwood herbert and george connor are visiting in this vicinity miss edith pugh is suffering from an attack of quinsy miss jean dowswell is also afflicted with it mrs john smith of mount al bert visited at dr darlings last sunday i mr f c madia of the sum- ffvillc tribune was in the village this week on business mr legate is still continuing to improve his residence by putt ing in a cement walk etc remember the patriotic con cert to be given by the 182nd battalion in the town hall l on friday evening messrs george and herbert connor are visiting in the neigh borhood death has removed one from our midst in the person of miss tcssic pearson daughter of mr william pearson interment was made at glasgow cemetery on tuesday of this week we extend our sympathy to the bereaved family and relatives from the goodwood news of 1889 mr thos carey has started business in mr chapmans stand we extend our best wishes for his success in the undertaking mr joseph henderson is runn ing the planing factory this year rivsrrtijiaaji3iirv g 8 i i i 1 1 y o i 1 plie pliithit and chopping mills and lumbei yards will be closed on saj- 1j1ss4t a jbiisi issis un til farther notice 03 ont stouffville mew new new plalura photos arc the newest brightsland niosir life like photos ever produced we make nothing else vs r saxhrrs siujmo abraham brown highest frioo paid for unas iron mubil isubber bones etc etc rubber 4c a lb hags lc a lb stouffville ont phono sg05 continuation school report art ll 10 lemon go g xighrswander 03 m tarr 03 m lehman 01 e 59 l holden 5 h sanders 59 annie ljcnnian 08 j mccreight 55 b reesor 55 h monkhouse 54 f darkey 52 d stouffer 50 r macpherson 49 e hoover 44 a lehman 42 g hynes 41 k frecl 40 v nighswander 30 property for sale one acre of land with seven roomed frame house summer kit chen and woodshed attached showroom workshop shed hen- pen apple trees and smalt fruit trees belonging to the estate of the late philip davis undertaker east end stouffville v possession given at once apply to noah stouffer or dan iel burnett executors or mccullough and button solicitors for the executors stouffville ont iw m t1 mh h1 sitting room and bedroom suites 000 wo sell fhectrie light fix tures see us before order ing our goods will suit you nitil our lriceh are phone 980 w j mather stiiiiflvlm spring shipment e f ladies house dresses and f sitrwear also ciimreos dresses has arrived ii ly are good values and should ap peal to you do not leave your buy ing of these lines too late as all cotton goods ate soaring buy now when you have a full ranpe to choose from do not forget our other departments in which honest values are offered ceuerul hkerckaut fstouieviilo 1 lim m sill i s qua ranteed waterproof phone 95 1 3 stouflvill e store closes monday wednesday and friday at 680 wa aaaa vwv aaa aaaa mave you tried llisi f4ajb for stained- or greasy hands try st and you will use no other 5c a cake banasias oranges etc just in r i sick at nvlltm jdqe jji4ijh home with you 4m baker sons -4- our chocolates vvaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa they are always fresh ff bakers grocers confectioners 4