Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), January 27, 1916, p. 3

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a55 tcmffvhc tmc i vol xxvil nq 46 stouffville ontario thujisdait january 13 1916 whole numbeb 1447 i j w liie tribune is published kveut iirsday afternoon at the office smiths block stouffville oat termssi in advanoa 125 if not paid in advance jlii woii promplly atteafteft to f c mad1ll ba editor und proprietor 0samsss bjass liuiaali m3clough button barristers solicitors conveyancers 4c j ik 1 vers kliocii st 0 u ffvhlb fa oitev to jjoari jjiujsjjalj or smith ld s dds dentist n graduate of toronto and chicago tjnivsrslty llhie over huntleys store sueue ilain st near office at ona evey day excapt tuosdiy fi s barker lds dds stcutfvuejj- oitt v honor gcaasute of royal colleec of dioul stirgeuaixaud of the university toronto v offisa hours 9 to 12 a m 2 lo 5p m office in firabina block over jewelry residence main at east end telephone no 3808 markhim every tuesday office over m whites store aa teaman issuer of hrriasip licenses i l f b t x kle on i w i father undertaker 8 ttcf ir muxse kerflance main street two doors east presbyterian church phone nos 9801 or 9812 oaz ana ni0ht calls promptly attended to money o loan honnderaignod is prepared to loan any amount of prl- yate funds at ei eh cent per annum on farm or vlll age property no commis sion insurance effected as j s uiugheity stoutlville i insurance j hclark kbi ffatb bhu3 acoiduh aud oiuja ed firm property and pastor land fort sale or rent nclibk 8touffvill wmm w secured tuix amrf ak for ojr inven 3ri aivis 5swhlchvu aont ire limoh ft mjuuoji p t4tmr u itontrisa developing the boy and girl of the activities encouraged and promoted by funds provided undr the agricultural instruction act of the dominion none is more wji- tby than the improved uian whi ch have been made possible for the development of the juvenile niiitd micro is ttt one way that the beys and nd girls can be rivottal to the soil and that is by 4trcngthcuiug their attachment lor itthis can only be accomplished by the incul cation o knowledge presented rot altogether in utility fashion but iu a manner that will emphasize the brightness the wonder and tb r-tt- ractivoness of the worts ot naluc this the boys and girls clubs arc doing this the school fairs arc do- iugthis the nature study crashes in the public schools are doing ihis he tchoo gardens are doing the tn courage association and sociability in the first instance a desire for em ulation in the second a favorable disposition for the outdoor lite in- the third and an appreciation hot only o the marvels but also of the beau ties of creation hr the fourth all four divisions of the wirk rec- eive substantial support in every pro since trom the grants derivelf und cr the agricultural instruction act iu prince edward island the to in prince edward island the sum devoted to these purposes in 1913- 11 the first year the act was in opcrotionwas 5529 in the third year or- in 19150 it is 1u05j la noya scotia the sum thus employed under the act in it 1314 wasg00 vtrtr9s2jh3 rftqfoocjn xjiuil bee the first year if was 3000 in the third it is 8vj0o in ontario it was 10000 it is now 20000 in manitoba it was 2000 it is now 5200 in saskatchewan it is sc100 yn british coiumbui 1000 was so used m 111314 but this year for boys and girls ccompetiiions fair ftc aud instruction in public schools 17000 is to be spent from the gran ts it must be understood that while in some of theprovinces the money is directly employed for the purposes set forth in others it is ucd in other ways and the sums required lor school fairs school garden and so on arc received from provincial so or are received from provincial nd municipal sources ths figures however are in themselves abundant indication of the farreaching bene fits conferred by the act i i revt h mitchell resigns after ten years as pastor of ntw st j anion picsbytcrian obuhrc dan- don rev 9t h mitchell has risictiied ffhe dondon advertiser says wr mitchell has rounded out a dull decade service in- the city as dastor of what hos become the second largest presbyterian congrecca tion in the city he has been activ in many branches of public service though he has not been given to j- rcrtising it was he who started the mens federation in the city an or ganization that has already a orcdit- ahle history and a promising future it is one of mr- mitchells hopes thel rhis organization will become more anor more powerlur vor ten years he has labored in such a mat jincr as to tax serioiioly his trcr- gth a period of rest has been imn nscd on bim and he leaves his con- grcgation at a time when truest iaiininy prevails cn bis address to his congregation tm sunday he sayss in taking this step i am defighted to be uolu to assure you i hive vo grievance to jnxprcss indeed i never axpert to be i more cappity settled elsewhere than a successful business career successful business men reaognize as the foundation of their career the early formation of the thrift habit the ac cumulation of a competence should be commenced during boyhood there is little diffi culty in sustaining the effort after a beginning has been made lasting success in life is not attained however until a sound depository is found for ones money 35 the bank of nova scotia paidop capital t 8600000 reserve fund 11000000 total resources over 90000080 stouffville branch w r adorns manager i am in your midst at this hum i simply wish lo carry out a plan hat appeals to me more and more cf taking an extended period ot com parativc relaxation after a decade of heavy responsibilities as 1 expect to remain in the par ish and at my usual post until the middle of february i shall have other arid better opportunities to co nvey to jou my gratitude and that ot my sister for the very large measure of consideration ariti cc-op- ciation continuously accorded -is- in toe meantime permit ne to extend you individually and collectively the jbomjjg in allgdo ifrwf fraternally yours thpmas h mltcueti london dec 26th i313 mr- mitchell is a graduate of tc- ronto university and of knox col lege he took a postgraduate course at harvard and was cailed to barre vermont whore he remained for eight and a half years sudsciiueut- going to toronto for some time hj came lo new cf janic ten years ago ana at the present time the church has a membership of glo and a sabbath school with 10 j on the roll his relations with his congre gation ana citizens in general have always been ideal- he has been a force in lie presbytery holding the office of moderator some lour years go- he has also been keenly active in ppresbyterian missionary work in xondon giving very substantial as sistance to the west dandon cbcl- cca green knollwood par and ihkmulou hoad missions mr mitchell docs not retire from work altogether- he will for srine fimc lake the pastorale ot icv j rollins ot petorboro formerly ot king street london who has en listed- while mr rollins is at the front mr mitchell will look aafter his congregation- he intends to make his hoiiie on the old homestead iear ujironto which he avill adapt to suit his purposes he will conduct his work from there rfnu wifl continue directions- needless to say mr mitchells longregation wifl- lake leave or ihini with general regret- mr mitchell is a former resident ff ringwood and is well known in tbie neighborhood m patriotic concert tbhosc who wish to hear a musi cal treat and at the same time help ifong a worthy cause snould attend the patriotic concert to be given iu tb auditorium on friday 11 jphc program is to be given by mis dr- scanlan soprano mr- ruthvtn mcdonald max flciscbman bc toy violinist and misv goodwin surely an opportunity like this docs not ioftcn come to residents ot stouff- jtitle the jtoceeds arein aidjef le cffttriotio fuad i children placed jn shelter rev mr hall of oahaa on fiiday lan uary 7th appeared before jualieea duncan morgan and eliaa hoover in reference to the taking over by the province of three children of the late silvester graham the court waa held at lio hime of hir am aleop of jllona wlvncatea examined and on mrs hit am alabp rejinquiahing aj claims of guardianship tho children wcra formally made wards of the vicvince iva seed thirtee blanche aged eight go to the shelter while tha baby aged to re mains temporarily with lie grandmother the estd 1873 standard dank of canada head office toronto a general banking business conducted accounts of farmers merchants and manu facturers receive careful attention trust funds should be depoaited in our savings department hifheet current rates of intereit are paid half yearly 214 stouffville a a burkholder branch confidential chat with our country customers without any especial effort- our trade keeps extending beyoud tho boundaries of our ovvn locality people residing on rural routes have found rtattfe cinerve them more satis faorilkthandtstanf mail order business manager letter to editor t mv dear mr editor- ihore is in circulation a report that only a proportion ot the proceeds of the patriotic concert whlah ia to ba hsld here friday night lili ia to ho jtiven for patriotic purposes this miiuuderstandinr ii bsllevdua lo tho fact that mia goodwin bos promised to gi ve part of tho proceeds through our vriita ns patriotic league while reserving lo herself the right to give tba remainder thr oagli oiher agencies for similar purposes thus the whole of tha proceeds are to le given to war funds iho bot necessarily al throueh lbe womens leiua i feel suie that alt the citizens of sipuffville acknow ledge miss goodwins right to give the money thraufih w hattvtr aytnciea she may se fit and that we ail adiilire her skil aud pluck in undertaking such heavy rcspon sibilily in order to do hsrbil in forward lug our great commoj cause if i may be illowed another word let me add that i believe that this concert apait altogether from its worthy object will more than repay ourjauendance as it 1 every cnurcn in tnc viffage if avail able ana wnere possible one fiom feach political party as a committee to circulate the petitions and to totn- plete the work by jan- 23rdjjthe following were appointed methodist church- j a hcise and w h todd baptist church h brillinirer and j h- ratclif f rwcsbyterian j ill r christian e beesor dr pale mennonitc j grove j foadway oisciolc 5r w klinck j- xhman aviglican ired silvasfer- old mennonitc 1 reaman uev g washington is to conicne committee irncn tne petnicn forms airivc continuation school report ancient hitstory- u gray ci earl bycr 56 l wagg 50 b brownsbcrgcr 47 tl p bbadway 44 e iyemon 42 n paisley ss jg honty 81 itgramnijir i ltclhaiu hipkw alahka mr- jas mckcuzie and kenmeth visited iheir sistcr mrs k- agar- mr benson meyers of uepnyr vi jted his grandparents mr and mr samuel lehman mr a heeisj- of aurora scent the holidays with bis mother- miss gertie cook- of maflbinfc spent the holiday at liti smiths the mclvilleslctghload hau a oir ly time goipg to stouffville and also tne litihliuc mr ben wideman and son how ard spent the holidays at hi parents miss annie wideman of mongolia is spending a time with her uncle mr chris wideman mr- adaiii wideman and v had the pleasure of breaking in a colt one day last week mr- bhoderick duncan ard bruce have gone to toronto and are spend ing a time with their brother stuart singing school is in full swing everybody sing jvc wish our blacksmith ur- wm mustmustaid a grand succes what we would like to know i s what draws teds attention lhstj mr- alex crossley has gone to toronto ior the winter mr- lome cook lias returned home lovitii his parents afterbing ab- fjeiit a great many years who changed narket day someone has ohanged marketday from- thursday to wednesday the reason given for making this ohange is that the buyers are given an ex tra day to market their produce ap parently the market is carried on for the benefit of the buyers not for the benefit of the farmers of the neiggh- borhood- a market should benefit both the produce dealer and the far- mcr- it is obvious then that the lat- iei should be consulted before any aange is made furthermore the produce dealers arc not unanimously in favor of the change- isnt it tbcut time a committee repit3cntiug all those intcrestc dshould be invested with some tcsponnbiljty in the matter i i a dry ontario the local option committee met ion monday afternoon in the school- roorn of the methodist church at the eaif of the chair mr- t w klinck in the chair- five ministers and a goodly number of the laity were pre isent- rev 1 d- mcgregor led in yrayerjminutes were read and ap proved rev mr sevenpiper anlirev mr- haincr were elected members of the d co committee also mr- john park and mr john storry pcv- j g mutch read a paper showing the obiect and methods of the jon-ptitl- san campaign inaugurated by the citizens committee of one hun- drcd to secure a dry oontarii by ijuly- 1st loijjetitions to be ligncd by voters arc to be circulated jn every municipality and are to be presented to parliament early in the pcssiori asking parliament to close all the bars and shops in cntario pxovinciar prohibition or in rase the coycrnmcnt is not prepared to take such action without consulting the electorate to submit a proba tory law to the people jl wa crc- olvca to appoint two members from c aademan t smith 74 b paisley 74 b phillips 74 g honey 72 s martin 71 a satgstor 00 m sanders 08 11 faulkner 06j s honey 54 w timbers 52 m hoover 01 forjri i composition m curtis 00 jj bruce 65 m maimers 5 b paisley 57 u smith 36 d sanders 51 yv burkholdcr 50 h warriner 49 p wideman 40 b phillips 48 h honey 40 r faulkner 46 i n jones 45 in dales 44 m hoover 44 h- mcdonald 48 w- timbers 42 form 1 1 arithmetic m- tarr 07 a dchman 60 e fairies 52 r mcpheraon 521 m lehman 51 ij holden 42 e hoover 42 g hynes 42 f barkey 41 1 mccrcight 30 b stoulfer 30 g nighswandcr 37 e nighswandcr 20 ji sanders 20 d ward 26 e barker 21 b reesor 2i h monkhouse 21 a lehman 10 k frecl 13 i g barkcyabsr e- cadieux abs e- smith abs sawing as my pond is- now in good shape and having engaged mr eckardt i am prepared tc do log cutting clark johnson bloomingfori ringwood altoan rev john crosby emerson minister bloomixgtos sundav school 10 am preachintt aervico 11a m c e prayer meeting wednesdays 8 pm risowoon sunday school 10 a m preaching each sunday hours alt 230 and 7 pm c e prayer moetiug mondays 8 pm altoxa union sunday school 1080 am preaching every other sunday 7 p m sunday jan 16th theme tha pattern special music with 5 minutes talk to child rcn each sundav everybody welcome presbyterian church in canada swofjwsritybur drug trade durinluls our stock is an unusual one and when want fresh- newgbods youll find ifrto your advantage to trade withus v order by mairdrtelophoneatid you receive the goodsproinptly by parcel post satisfaction is guatsnteed in every ease both as to the quality of goods andt right prices marketdrug store chemist druggist i stouffville blue k black jellb tde leading tailor sf james liuircli stouffville rev john mutch ma b d sunday jan lgh 1030 a m the second lieuutilude 7 p m isaiah a call y30s s and bible clasa wed jan 10 yps musical and liter ary evening 8 pm seals froo everybody welcome churoh of england in canada christ church stouffville rev canon morley l th in charge morning prayer 1 1 a m evoniiig prayer 7 p m baptism and holy communion on the firal sunday in month at morning service all seats free everybody welcome teeth 8 dr patterson dentist markham visits stouffville thursdays photos new new new plaura photos are the newest brighest and mosi life like- photos ever produced we make nothing else w r sanders stv10 i pruh packages 50000 bow beady 11 qt bssket 3jc each 6 qt basket 3o each covers lc eaci 1 ot berry boxes 40o por 100 24 27 qt crates loeach every package guaranteed tltoso bask ets ean he procured at sllvestebv bros stouffville and at green eiver w g i5arnes green riyer chopping and oat rolling every day tickets anywhere via canadian pacific riilway 4 connecting lines koldeiielol berths reserved ocean tickets can pac steamships c n r steamships allan line steamships to and from great britain and europe dom v inion express money orders issued and paid call on- 7 phone800j h w sanders 1 wat laundy wash days all goods must he in by 10 a m on monday wed nesday or friday laundry ready on tuesday thursday anj saturday evenings terms oasijn

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