Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), October 29, 1906, p. 8

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the stoupfviixe tfijitjne 7eup5imy octobee 29 1903 i ilini j ii iy wheiv a queen was made by cukran r greenley cupjrliht 1hjo bf t c mcciuro night in venice the day was done but toe merriment only waxed the louder with the coming of the stars there was glitter of golden banners along the grand canal and the silent j imrrylng of many gondolas for venice was en fote the treaty with cyprus had been formally ratifled and that dsy the republic had formally adopted the slim patrician raaltl daughter of vonlce that she might become the mother of kings to he a great destiny for the shy child of scarce fourleen years but as caterlna leaned from her casement the golden hair falling down the wall in a nimbus light her thoughts were not of king james do iuslgnan nor that storied kingdom of cyprus oversea not of them for maiden thoughts are white winged birds that go where they list but of ono slender youth whose eyes sought hers across the darkness where he slood in the shadow of the closed portals of the morosinl palflzzo across j trappings cast aside andrea moro- tho canal so near that he could note peafts aa rubles were rwinea in tne zcioa evis and the fair round arms were baaated with glowing gems of the orient across the childish breast abore the folds of cloth of gold a baldric ef emeralds rose and feu with orery frightened breath and the wild rose color was gone from cheek and quivering lip straight and uk la her young majes ty but over the blare of the trumpet tho flash of the jewels deeper than the voico of venice in loud acclaim came the low note of a lute that was stilled forever there was a strangeness in her throat a blackness before her eyes awed at her silence the flock of maidens fell a little away from where she stood and then there came an old woman bowed and weary through the telvet portals when tho attendants would have barred the way caterlna held out her hand as the old woman bowed be fore her she opened tho palms of her brown hands an instant eo quickly that none saw but caterlna who drew a quick breath and turned to the wait ing throng with a new authority leave us i would have speech with the dame alone wondering they left her and as the door clanged to the old woman slipped the iron bar into place and then stood up the gray wig thrown off the wom- anlmala ey act imxepeadeaflr the eyes of an animal cru only work together when fy lie biqeght bear upon i sj that s a rule ih i- 1 work more or less independently tils is sometimes also the case when the eyes can cooperate as any one who watches a plaice or other flat tish lti an aquarium will soon discover this is true too of the curious bulg ing optics of a chameleon which roll round swivehvlsc in a somewhat aim less manner when they do converge it is bail for te insect upon which they fix themsolres many animals possess more than three eyes which do not all act togeth er a leech for example has ten eyes on the top of its head which do not work iu coueert and a kind of marine worm has two eyes on the head and a row down each side of the body some lizards have an extra eye on the top of the head which does not act with the other two a bee or wasp has two large compound eyes which possibly help each other and are used for near vi sion and also three little simple eyes on the top of tho head which are em ployed for seeing things a long way off thp da wtov m j if t i the gleam of the scarlet light on the golden head so far that tho sword of a nations destiny flashed between them a kings bride what chance had he andrea morosinl cavalier and poet and a morosinl the ancient enomy of her house there had been days when old cor- naros daughter had watehed concealed behind her easement draperies to see him go forth witli the young knights thero had been soft starlit nights when lie had watehed that selfsame easement and poured fortli his soul to the silken sweet tones of his lute one night when her nurse nodded drowsily the small white hand had dropped a great languorous white rose into the prow of his gondola and after that there had been a moment in the great cathedral when he had pressed close and held the little hand for a moment in his that was all and thero could be no more for cornaros child the daughter of venice but the lad had dreamed his dreams and gone merrily forth to battio with the genoese it had been a month a long month when he returned and all the bells were ring ing in honor of caterlna tho twilight died but the blaze of festal beacons flashed from tower to tower over there in the cornaro pa lazzo there was a parfect carnival of music and laughter andreas face grow whiter in the reflected glare he could see as tho breeze blew aside the cur tains many figures passing to and fro in that upper room they were robing for her sacrifice in that maiden cham ber that had been his hearts shrine for two long years no longer a venetian maiden the ceremony that would presently tako place before the high altar of st sfarks would make her a crowned queen wei he would go to the wars again there was always the genoese to battle with he might even win the holy sepulcher slnl one step toward caterlna and he held out his arms with a low glad cry she nestled into them and for one long moment of heaven bis lips lay on hers while below tho grand canal pnj- sated with tho music and triumph of a queens bridal the seconds ticked away there was no past no future then bt marks called to tho outermost mole and the sound of feet came along the stone corridor pausing at the barred door caterlna started and paled her father the cornaro the steps died away then a noise behind them startled them not ten paces gnldo cornaro leaned on bis great sword and their frightened eyes were met with a look so stern that for a time fftey were speechless he had entered through a door of which caterlna had no knowl edge built by some jealous cornaro of long ago who had caused this place of espial to bo made that he might the better prove his fears indeed they might all have been carvon stone there was no motion in the room but the waving of the arras in the evening breeze that blew through the casement the slender youth in his cavalier garb of dark velvet the stern mailed old patrician and between them like some tropic flower blown athwart strange gray glooms caterlna in her bridal robes of cloth of gold the coronal of ru bies blazing above her brow andrea bowed low before the ancient foe of the house and with one last lin gering look at caterlna awaited the j cornaros pleasure he had dared tho strictest law of the republic he knew the penalty cornaro hesitated there were wrath love and mighty sorrow in his stormy eyes as they went from one young face to the other a morosinl the child oi his deadliest fool but he saw through the mist of long lonely years a little rosy face pressed against a childish breast a little head that lay within has there no way he would have i j j the curve of a round white arm so turf as fuel harold harfagr in tho year 833 granted the islands of orkney to earl eyner brother to duke rollo of nor mandy when earl eyner came to live in his new possessions he found them quite bare of any trees and producing only a tery few stunted bushes tho orkneys are bitterly cold and wind swept so when the inhabitants had used up all the wood they could procure they came to their new earl for advice he recommended them to cut out pieces of turf dry them and use them for fuel this they did with such great success that the custom spread to scotland and thence to ire land and to many parts of england earl eyner was always known after ward as turf eyner peat rights were defined by march stones with three whelks laid under each and were jealously guarded by the townships or individuals to whom they belonged throughout scotland up to tie thirteenth century peat and bogwood were universally used for winter arcs and broom and whin dur ing summer some etymologists regard the nam of peat as almost synonymous with fuel deriving it from the early english bated to replenish a are tlio kind you have always boritif rnil which jis ijci in wso for ovar 30 ycas has bono the signature ex and lias been made under hia pe ctj soiial supervision sine its iicu 6cat4 ailowno one to deceive yen iu all counterfeits imitations and jiistasjrliio b5 experiments that trillo with and endanger ill lienltli of infants and children experience njfainsfc experiment what is castoria castoria is a harmless substitute for castor oil pare goric drops and soothing syrups it is pleasant it contains neither opium morphine nor other xareotic substance its ago is its guarantee it destroys worms and allays pcverishncss it cures diarrhoea and wind colic it relieves teething troubles cures constipation and flatulency it assimilates tho pood regulates tho stomach and bowels giving healthy and natural sleep the childrens panacea the mothers priend wr- im ibc j cemume m 6 always l- i bears tlie signature of 0 given his soul for one word with her i face to face andrea flung the lute far out where it sunk into the dark wa ters he woud never need it again overhead all the bells of venice called to one another and the lap lap of the tide sobbed beneath as the under note of human pain that beats a minor tone to all tho joy of life caterlna stood up straight and tall in tho midst of her maidens the jew eled robe fell closo to the round young 1111111 imuvv with its weight oi scrls the farmer fails in health just as docs the cityman and he fails commonly from the same cause stomach trouble the farm is a wholesome place to live the fanners life is a healthy life but no external ad vantages can overcome tie effects of a diseased stomach when the stomach and its allied organs of diges tion and nutri tion are dis eased the food eaten is imper fectly digested and assimilated and the conse quent loss of nurtition results in physical de bility dr pierces golden medical discovery cures diseases of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition and enables the per fect digestion and assimilation of food it builds up the i body with sound flesh and solid muscle i used tea bottles of dr pierces golden medical ducorenr and severn rial of his pleasant pelleua year ago this spring- and have bad pojroubie with indication since writes mr vr t of townaend ords fall to tell broadwater ofc montana how thankful lam for the relief os i had suf fered so much and it seemed that the doctor could do me no good i got jotv fa weight to one hundred and twentyfire pound and was not able to wort at an now i welsh nearly one hundred and sixty snd can do a days work on the farm i have recommended your medi cine to several and shall always have a good word to say for dr pierce and his medicines the sole motive for substitution is to permit the dealer to make the little more profit paid by the sale of less meritori ous medicines he gains yon lose therefore accept no snbsutotefox golden medical discovery like so like and guilia who had died 1 spoke across the night of her unlived i motherhood to the heart of her bus- band tho wrath died ho was pow- i erlcss he could not brook the might i of the republic that claimed his child upon the altar ef its ambition but be could save her needless pain already the surge of feet was com ing up the long passage the fanfaro of trumpets and tho voice of venice that was many voices clamored for their princess below tho glided barge of tho doge awaited her nevermore his child but always the daughter of venice thero was an instant when the gold en head lay against tho slcel corselet another wbon guldo cornaro saw his child glvo her lips to tho morosinl and then he flung wide the door to the se cret passage and motioned to andrea and so without a word he passed from her sight and her life while her father led her down the rose garlanded stairway to the bitterness of tho glided mockery that awaited thero was a battio next day a mere skirmish botween a venetian war gal ley and ono of genoa at its close they found mm lying where tho thick of tho light had passed a smile on his lips a crushed white rose above bis heart in venlco the peoplo laughed and sang and there was joy day and night for tho week long bridal of cate rlna cornaro tho daughter of venlco and king james do iuslgnan ifivllllr support magistrate whats the chargeagalnst tills man ofllcer ofllcer no visible means of support magistrate its up to you prisoner what have you to say in answer to the eharge prisoner i guess its correct your honor my wife isnt visible at the present writing cincinnati enquirer court room repartee in a suit relating to brewery proper ty reported in case and comment an eminent and very dignified counselor was one day reading to the court some manuscript affidavits which were not overleglble and by mistake read tho word mash as wash counsel on the other side who was small of stat ure and polite in manner but keen in intellect and frequently sarcastic was immediately on his feet and with a somewhat irritating deference of man ner begging his opponents pardon etc asked liberty to suggest that the word which the eminent counselor read wash was really mash somewhat nettled the counselor thus corrected thanked him for tho information and added that he was not himself very fa miliar with terms used in the brewery business as he had never spent much of his time in a place of that kind are we to understand then said bis opponent in the suavest manner that the eminent counselor wishes us to in fer that his early days were spent in a laundry no wludfnll for hint when i read of folks finding bank notes slutted in old sofa pillows and pincushions said a west side dealer in secondhand household furniture to a new york times man it just makes me ready to cry half the stories print ed about such finds i dont believe ive been in this business thirtyone years right hero in little old new york ive made it a point of gathering in all sorts of odds and ends from old cranks thnt i thought would be likely to hide mon ey ive never left anything like a pil low or a thing whore money could be hidden in any lot 1 bought outright al though ive had to brave many a piti ful appeal for fathers tobacco box and mothers sewing basket i never let any piece of furniture go out of here again until i have been through it my self wife and i have pulled half sniff ing out of things and put it back again when we could have saved ourselves trouble and money by letting the stun go out for sale without it find any thing not a cent once i found an old book hidden in a mattress that was bought from a woman who died i look it to a bookseller who said it was not worth my car fare no sir ihe only way to get money in this business like any other is to work for it and not expect to find it the kind yon mn in use for over reading long loiters write and let me know in the fewest possible words what merchants say now that they have rain ijy return mail the famous merchant received a letter which told him in a few words tho reception accorded tho agent in tho newly drenched territory dry up old man dry up eefflae9saev iways bought 30 years jsot friends jsvt gnaliera in a big department store a dainty pretty little woman in tho act of buy ing some lace caught sight of another pretty little woman who was buying some ribbon as their eyes met both shoppers dropped tho articles at which they had been looking and rushed into each others arms old and dear friends reunited after many years thought the clerk behind tho counter at last the time for parting came now do come and see me real soon said tho first woman oh i never pay calls you know re plied the other ton como and see me well i dont know your address it is the last house on street next to riverside drive but i do not know your namo since your last marriage it was then that the clerk woke up to the real situation jip ilr of thers he said to himself i- new york press a cr- in the heaven on oct as a i 312 conslantine the great is said to have heaul n great and mighty noise above and to hie east of him and upon turning his eyes in that direction was astonished be yond measure nt what ho hero beheld clearly outlined upon tho blue sky was a cross of pure while and in the halo which surrounded the top was the latin phrase in hoe slgiio by this sign in letters of deep scarlet mnck- cy the great historian says that there was a second inscription in greek tho letters of which iu english would he en to nlkn 50 years experience mlgi a d otlici ott canned goods of every description always fiesh fruits of all kinds in season wee keep everything to be found in a well appointed rocjeity and at reasonable prices ratcliff co flour shorts bran a mixed oar of oguvlea hnngarfeu ploar bran and shorts r sofe at lowest price 6 b iibhotaw j30n almira trade marks designs copvniohts c invention 1 probnmy pitcntamo fvniiniiinlca- tlonsslrletlconllilontial hriiookon patent sent freo oldest tnrencr for st jrjnp patents iatonls taken throucli mumi v co receipt tptclal notice without c in tlio leimitic emmcm a hnndsomelr hlnstrated wcoktv jrfmtot clr dilation of nny hcjcntluf journal term 13 ft year lmir montlm 1 sola byall newsdealers fviunn co new york branch ottico c2s v st washhijcion i c keirairs spa the om reliable runrdy for spavlni itjllbbohcs splint fvraa etc and all inn ot iatnnca 1 1 works tlwuijndi i cream wanted awbiw o ouk7 zart urn make toar batters lis 1st lowmt prum r pld lost var dsjlv or t tits boarsst station it is wort yoar wkll to ev u a trial ton aire aot t to atijrtrptnn wa fursits sjans nd sv asll stxturess hrgsa 3nro tsw work and mak mora toon oy wo satufy 90 per mat of tfcoss vk wad ntitjrthros millions of lbs trmbrr imttor sxportsd last yoar to tks arsamarlss soaks it bwkkt t jtxku sfceial ladsoanwnts tot utoisiusp las a nambsr of fw aa kartell iaaj wtw farnlsk us vital mat areas dsll tared at use asareat etatloa m trial sollalted aad satufasttsm guar aatoed- in writing for wrtieaure state bsmbar of son kept vrhatfce separator sr aot hsfjieba mtahted the toronto cbkam and hot tr oompant 11 jarvla at vorsato verm general eepairs promptly attended prices moderate complete cure for bone spavin r uiwll manitoba jan oo 1905 dr ft j kendall co gentlemen f i had to treat a younr rnrizzqhhlctih bono spwn and 1 1 i 1 11 wmc ffjf tuiy swollen to bad olien t fjied kendall inter and only ill imi iu ioi tin warm wjtertu siuin cure i had tjtaoiii ixrer ihe ic the krrt tin cine lilfidiar j cue in if nliilf lottcilu cure lilt let with ery jim treatment nl 11 did con fiely hut you wiita ncer know that be bid jiii j he neer in nelime llnce veryirulyyour ceo 5 harris t- nntrt ji tho abore are a cutrnt of merit rrtoqslimlx ror 58- an itnjnt for family tii ft hat no fis u j kendalli anwln coro iw alreaijaoonifao iionllnlockireoraddreu dr b j kendall co enosbuftg falls vt i hfcvejfor sale and to ubnt some bargains in f a jr jmc of various sires locations prices 2s qualities twelve homes in different parta of stohffville in price from to 3000 varying n kka k k k k the dansr of travel grouchy bachelor i heartily disap prove of tnklnjr children on railway journeys and to large hotels dotlnjr mother so do i on meets 10 ninny rude people and sees so much clllalineas at thone places thst ono is altviya glad the llllle darlings arent here to plrk up bad habits baltimore american rnln drooalit tto order- philip d armour one day recenvd a very lone letter from an agent in re gard to conditions of trade in tho coun try through which he was traveling page after page was devoted to tclllnj ills employer that tho weather and nn- ccrlaln crop conditions wero renong ble for the meager orders anil not n lack of energy or perncverniice on his own part itnln was needed in lint section with tho first downpour hope would enter into the despondent com munity and an order commensurnto with tho benefits granted to n parched earth could bo expected rtnin saturat ed tho earth lengthy letters continued to arrive but no orders how about orders wrolo tho mer chant who was weary of footing non- nroductlve exnccslro accoaats t21afsba genuine cotton feltmarresses good assortment iron beds large collection of parlor 6ni tes and bedroom suites daliv ered in your hemes at city prices fine line ot rockers and gentschairs suitable for xmas presents persona starting house keeping slioul call and get our prices boforo purchas ng elsewhoro sburkholder qgehts far fire insurance eight of tho beat companie the sun life assurance co ofcanada agents and appraisers for the canada j mtnet and western canada mortgager corporation money to loan call and see us grobifls bloc stoflffrijie stouffer coulson tlio majority of men hare yarleocelo la the flt second or third sta la tho early btagtt it may ciase many s inptomn which t lie- patient may not rccof nlzo as arising from this disease in fact we iiavo have found on examination varicocele present in hundreds of cases where the patlont did rt unovr he had it at all in time it will producosnch symptoms an the follow itvougqcss weakness in tho hack unsteady limbs tired and exhausted feelfnjf in the loins irritation of tho bladder and kidneys sediment and inssin urine c- yi nt ntefiit with lewd dreams sexual weakness and decline of manly power j symptoms gradually develop info nfirvotts debility and impotecv our new method treitment wili positivelt curb you and it is guaranteed to cure you without opettatio throairh its tltaiizlntf influence tho wormy veins return to their normal caliber the cir culation of blood improves so he onran are properly nourished and are restored to strength and vltorj the nerves become strong ambition and energy replace lassitude and dspondtncy all drains cease tho eych become bright he brain active and you feel as a man ought to feel in perfect sexual and mental conditioo we guarantee to cure or ho pay ah cases we accept for treatment are taken under a positive guarantee that they are curable or no pay wo refer yon to several banks as to our financial responsibility so you may iticw we are good for any contracts we make iyaai dave you lost hope areroucoatempatln7 mutzwmzir- juitrizce has your mvd been diseased naveyou any weak ness our new method treatment will cure you what it has done for others it will do for you consuiyration tree no matter who lias treated yon write for an honest opinion freo of charge charges reasonable books free tho golden monitor llotratcd on diseases of men everything confidential question list and cost of treatment free for berne treatment drskennedykergan i43 shelby st detroit midi fkkk kk kak kk kk shorthand bookkeeping penmanship d tauoiit at tiis toronto ont by kxriminctrj teiciiir tho only school in toronto tssohing the famous oltegg shorthand or which is ntfiiiftted nith tho institute of chartered accountants orer coo calls each yssr lor office help catalogue and all particulars freo j w wester7elt clmrteicil accountant principal i e smith agent for hifli carriage i and colters also agent fok the speihgt vvagonsand snjhs peeking hauvetek binders mowers rakes seed drills seeders and disk harrows tolton bros guelph oni pea harvesters puiiers the great harness compant toronto ont all kinds of rubber silver and brass mounted harness kept on hand warerooni n poa on tbe znaiket

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