Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), October 29, 1906, p. 3

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v feassjfes hi afeioas biaiohd fields when altd how the first jewel was discovered onquaiterof the genis never cou3etltttbossession of the companies tho recent important discoveries of diamonds in south africa draw at tention to an industry more full of romance oven than that of gold mining for the story of south african diamond discoveries crowded with happenings more start ling and dramatic than most fiction the story of the finding of the first diamond has often been told how a man of the name of plteilly trav- efflngi south from the orange river squisht nights rest at the faroy hojisepf one jiekerk in the hope- town district tho farmer pro duced for his guests inspection a handful of prettypebbles picked up by his children and how oreilly discovered among the pebbles a dia mond which he sold at grahams- town for 2500 this is old history but much that is equally romantic in the story of south africap i diamonds is remem bered now by few it was only fcwbjj years later in 1sg9 that isnt it worth while asking for ceylon natural green tea when it costs no more than the commonplace japan and is in finitely superior being absolutely pure and as delicious as the famous salada black tea sold only in staled land pickets 450 and 40c pr lb b all crooxrs xambeth paiace historic file is crumbling after eight centuries lambeth palace the london resi dence of the archbishop of canter bury is now undergoing extensive repairs tho older portions of the palace having become decayed al ready some progress has been made with the renovating of norman tow- troke of rare luck came farmer nipjc which before the close of the twelfth century was selected as tho princely town residence of tho pri mates it contains specimens of almost every style of architecture that prevailed during the intervening years norman and early english with its spacious arches and tho most conspicuous external features of tho high irregular structure two immenso norman towers face due south in the centre there is a mag nificent stone archway and postern tho arch is pointed beautifully groined above is an apartment call ed tlio record tower where until recently the archives of tho see of canterbury were deposited the towers are of red brick with the ombattloments coptd with stone recent examination showed that tho external structures wero much fretted nhd the tall hexagonal chim neys above the roof in danger of falling the decay is generally at tributed to tho atmosphere which is impregnated with chemical fumes belched from factories in south lam beth the work of reparation was not trfken in hand a day too soon the primate it may not be generally fcnwn pays a small sum to the bishop of rochester as recognition that tho palaco is really in his epis copal territory for tho bishops of rochester made their homo at lam beth at a much earlier dato than the bishops of canterbury i a cube fob kheumatism i kcrks way when a native chanced eitoshbw him a largo pebble looking like a lump of alum which profiting by his former experience herecog- jinizeu as a diamond of considerable j value lie purchased it for 52000 i worth of r his farm stock and a day f omvc hftcr had drttwisgoooo for t it from a jitbpetown firm this stono known tlio whole world over as the star of south africa veightythrce caratsis -now- valued 5125000 anil is the most trcas- gj ured of ajl jewls of the countess of dudley vicereine of ireland the only tivo it is a striking illustration of the irony of juck that these were the only two diamonds of any value that were found near hoptown al- though a little later ten thousand miners when ransacking the banks of tie vaul river sacrificing their lives by hundreds through disease v and hardships- in the futile quest for more stars ftdlhsbuth africa- i i- in 1871 wealth far beyond the sr dreams- of avarice was tapped on rf de beers farm neardptoitspan aha diamonds were being picked out of the walls of a farmhousq near the since famous buufontein mine dg beers farm even when it was known that it held a treasure of precious stones was sold for 30000 and plater exchanged banjos for 55000000 how excellent a bargain it was even at the larger price can be told from the fact that it has since yielded nearly 250pxoo0 worth of dia monds in a single year and that its original value has been estimated at more than 5500000000 or nearly seventeen thousand times the price originally paid for it the homestead beneath which was the trcasurchousoof the kimberloy mine actually changed hands at one time for eight sovereigns while with in fifteen years the mine hau produc ed diamonds of tho value of 100- j 000000 surely never in tho his tory of the world was better value given for a sovereign even when these diamond mines got into the hands of companies vast fortunes were made by many of the lucky shareholders seeing that the original 50 shares of the loudon and south african explorations company which owrnjd ahxi btiltfontoin and lu- toilspan hunefi were later saleable at 3000 representing thv gratifying return of 300 for every sovereign originally invested 1olen vol lou si harvest wi manyalejst i fn spite of the mafveiiwu jus c s jyleldcdmthesoi south african ria eumalism because they cured mo mond companies it is stated thnti of a aita tjiat or 1 even the host stubborn cases of this painful malady can be cured rheumatism is caused by acid in tlio blooid that is an undisputed medical truth liniments outward applications can never cure what is rooted in the blood a blood dis ease like rheumatism must be cured through the blood that is why rheumatism always yields like magic to dr wu hams pink pills they actually make new rich red blood tills new blood conquers the painful poison swoops out the aching acid soothes the nerves loosens the mus cles and banishes rheumatism from the system prsof of this is found in tho case of mr charles lcathor- dale a popular young druggists as sistant of tilbury ont ho says i know from personal experienco that dr williams pink pills cure and surely is of unpractical turn- given to undervaluing things that the majority of people count as of most consequence she is fastidious and aesthetic destined never to make much show in tho world tho sort of girl to make a good helpmeet for a man is she whose organ of taste is as alert as her other faculties who eats in a notic ing discriminating way that im plies her recognition of the impor tance of matters usually considered humdrum she does not hesitate to interrupt the most interesting talk by asking for another helping or for some condiment she lacks and shows plainly her belief that the embroid ery of life should bo subordinate to the main material 1 babys first tooth every mother knows how much baby suffers while cutting teeth swollen tcniler gums cause a fever ish fretful condition somtimes seri ously affecting babys health this can bo overcome and the teething process made 5asy by tho uso of babys own tablets proof of this is given by mrs j pcckovor new liskeard ont- who says i am the mother of six children and i can truthfully say that babys own tablets is better than any other medicine i have over used for the ills of little ones i can especially re commend them for teething children and would advise all mothers to uso them tlio tablets cure all the minor ills from which infants and young child ren suffer and are guaranteed to contain no opiate or harmful drug sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box by writing direct to the dr williams medicine co brockvillc ont a little sunlight soap will clean iut glass and other articles untfl they shine and sparkle sunlight soap will wash other things thar clothes 4b t- night there aro few people who or not gifted with the artistic tal- ent and the vein is humored when it is put to a pleasing yet simple test like that butter busts for the tables of the very wealthy are made by not more than three known buttermodel ar tists theirs aro real butter fin gers for they turn out their models by hand tho newly made busts aro put into a refrigerator where they get lcod to prevent them from melting before use at one of the sports clubs recently tho pats of butter were made to fur nish several itoms in connection with sports of all kinds the favourite sports pat is a dogs head these heads and busts of humans too are made without tho assistance of casts with the exception of those of the king and queen prince and princess of wales lord roberts lord kitchener and a few other celebrities whose presentment in but ter can only bo achieved by the but ter fingers of an artist who has but a picture to go by butter busts are to be the butter pats of the future f t a call for the police photographsii butter recently become the fash ion in england unique ideas at luncheons and dinners to british cele brities novelties for the dinnertable are becoming as numerous as fashions in ladies bonnets says london an swers at a literary mans dinner a short time ago for instance there graced tho centre of the table a number of characters taken from tho same authors novelswax dolls properly dressed in accordance with the de scription accorded to each in the various novels the idea was uni que and chcortul and it brightened the table and tho dinner too this was followod shortly after wards by a literary luncheon given by another wellknown novelist who scored a triumph in the sweets that wero served up these being companies it is stated thnti t kkkk jv iss inadc to resemble pens ink and fully a fourthof tho stones found ca m m sleepless nights and paper but while these and other never come into the companies pot- dainful gays imtncda num- recent attempts at striking sessionjatj1 but in spite of tho oi ihwit s theraostexhftustivo searching of tho natives ore stolen this leakage does not appear to be due io any want of generosity in treating hho natives for a bonus of 74 per cent of tho value of tho 5 stones discovered is offend to the finders some of tho very finest diamonds the mines have ever produced l been recovered froin boys who have stolen them fifteen years ago a native working in the de beers mine discovered a magnificent ditty mond which proved too much for his honesty for he forthwith an nexed it it was recovered how- overafcw hours later by a detec tive and was found to bo an abso lutely flawless stone of raro beauty weighing- more than 3 oz- and nicas- uring in its greatest length nearly 2 in a stone of more than twice this weightwas discovered d tow years a by a- native who promptly handed it over to tho authorities and was rewarded for his honesty by a present of a tiuh- dredsovcrelgns and a horse and cart thlsniperb stone one of tho larg- cstmnitho world wcighedmn tho ro oz and measured almost exactly u in across its major axis the most dramatic feature of this discovery was that the stone was founf jon the very day on which tho controct tlio syndicate whose pro- nerty it became expired 7- diseases and seasons physicians say- that ccrjfain dis eases follow tho changing seasons with almost clockwork regularity thus acuto rheumatism prevails from fcbruaryj till april inflammation of tho longs from march till my stom ach and intestinal complaints in aug ust from august to oc tober on this basis some hyglcnists classify- i disease into summer au- tulinfi wlntcrand springdisensos the classification is supported by many facts which show that weather changesf really exert powerful influ ences upon health nnd disease to r copo with these chnnges nnd their harmful influences dally exercise in the open nir iniall kinds of weather and at nil seasons of the year- ik the best preparation this tovglicntho system end is at once f4w erdtaon ind ur failed i had tried a num- recent attempts at striking some- other medicines but they thing now in the novelty lino achiev- thcn i decided to givo the ed distinction and applause for their pills a trial before i had finished the second box tho pains began to leave me and by the lime i had taken two more boxes the pains were all gone and i felt like a new man that is jnoro thai six months ago and i have not had a twinge of rheu matism since it is my belief that a fair course of dr williams pink pills will drive the most stubborn case of rheumatism out of the sys tem and as a result of my own ex perience i cheerfully recommend them for this trouble the pills euro all blood and nerve troubles such as rheumatism sciati ca partial paralysis st vitus danco anaemia neuralgia indiges tion headaches- backaches kidney troubles and tho ailments that make tho lives of so many women a source of almost constant misery imitations and substitutes arosomo- times offered and the buyer should seo that tho fall name dr williams pink pills for pale people is printed on tho wrapper around every box if in doubt send direct to the dr williams medicine co brock villc ont and the pills will ho mailed at 50 cents a box or six boxes for 250 inventors there was something character in motjthfuls the girl who will mako a good wife tlio nervouso girl can be told by tho manner in which she breaks her bread and sips her soup she cats in a quick vomcious manner oven though eating little and with ovi- dontly very limited interest in the food for its own sake such a girl will never havo the force or courage to pursue her ambitions tho girl who eats steadily ns though it were a business to bo got through not sparing mucl interest to tho tnlk going on round or to tho rcllshablc qualities of the viand is the systematic practical girl who will make a good wife and orderly housekeeper the girl of heoalms view la told by hie spoon left upright in the half- drained cupthe knife and fork left at cross angles and tho chair push ed hack just as she arose from it tlio girl who oats very slowly oven while not consuming much ovtfichfijr her mouthful deliberately in the idea whicb while it pleased tho eye and artistic taste yet did not furnish anything practical a prac tical novelty was wanted and it has just been found in pats of butter ot to bo outdone by his lit- orary friends a young english scul ptor furnished a pretty decoration for the dinnertable at which sat re cently soma of the first artists of the day this consisted of nothing less than a bust done in butter of each of the six guests whose company lie had tho pleasure of enjoying the idea has caught on and now it is becoming the fashion at weddingparties and dlnnerjpartles and so forth to mould the principal guest or bridal pair in buttor- re plicas of which arc placed in proper position near to the covers laid for tho guests iteproducing the bust of some par ticular friend or other in this way is done ot small social gatherings hut at the more ambitious meets tho custom of reproducing britains greatest celebrities obtains at a dinner given to lord roberts a few weeks ago at a small but ex clusive club the butter on tho table was moulded in the imago and like ness of the gallant nnd noble guest an example which was followed by mr i 7t deakin an architect of westminster who- at a private din ner which he gavo last month pro duced the bust of the king in butter- pats butler as a dairy product is a commodity man cannotdo without but since it can bo turned into beau tiful models as neatly dono as mas terpieces carved in marble its value is doubled if riot trebled miniatura busts of noted authors composers artists statesmen and royalties dotted about on a table already laden with flowers and tempting edibles and finlesieclc de licacies of every description enhanco the epicurean surroundings just as the dreaming iolanthe a mntuotto made of butter by lady caroline brooks raised tho tone of the gath ering assembled on festival bent at a hnll in whltccliopcl last may t1jr toorlyoff guests made it a study anil no doubt all sequel to the cruelties in the congo free state if murder will out in tho indi vidual sense so too it will in tho national sense for years rumors of hideous cruelties perpetrated on tho natives of tho congo free state have filtorcd through to the outsido world the tales came first from mission aries and attracted little attontion but other travellers confirmed them and added to them finally a young english army of ficer who knows the country and the conditions by actual experience wrote a book which shocked all eng land by its revelations other men besides missionaries aro roused when they hear of eighty human hands drying over a singlo fire native hands severed as penalty for not bringing in enough rubber now tho british government has moved in tho matter his majestys minister to belgium has handed to the belgian foreign minister a copy of a note addressed by great britain to the signatory powers of tho ber lin act tho note calls attention to practices in the free state which are contrary to the spirit of the act such practices as compulsory labor and military service and tho abuses which go with the system of mono poly known as domainc privc it is of course impossible to tell what tho outcome will be but somo alle viation of the condition of the na tives is probably the incident is interesting from a political as well as from a humano point of view tho congo free state is really the creation of the powers before 1884 the only gov ernment was a commercial associa- tion founded by king leopold of belgium to exploit the congo basin his project however was threaten- od by the energy of portuguese french and other explorers and in order to confirm his power he was instrumental in calling together what has since been known as the berlin congress international recognition of tho frco stnto as a sovereign govern ment was thus secured but only in consideration of promises which mado for civilization and tho safoty and happiness of tho natives the break ing of these promises gives to tho signatories a power of interference such as not often exists in interna tional affairs 4 statistical year book interesting figures concerning tho british isles th imperial revenue of great britain and ireland for the year 10023 toted up to a pleasant total of more than oho hundred and fifty- one and a half millions sterling tho corresponding total for 18s89 was under eightyeight and a half mil- hons the expenditure for 19023 was over jc184is30go eleven mil lions less than tho previous year bo tho deficiency was moro than 33932000 tho year 18ss9 al ready mentioned with an oxpendi- turo of somo 87638000 had a sur- plus of nearly 789000 the amount of income on which in- come tax was received for tho year 19012 was over six hundred and even and onelialf millions moro than thirteen millions of on increaso on the previous vear j the value of imports for 1902 was moro than 528310000 that of tho exports oyer 349238000 some 283423000 representing british produce tho tonnage of british and foroign vessels that entered with cargoes and in ballast at tho principal ports in these isles was over fortynino and half millions the tonnage of british and foreign vessels that cleared with cargoes and in ballast was over fifty and a quarter mil lions the cultivated area in great bri tain was nearly 323s8000 acres tho area has been decreasing- since 1891 the cultivated area in ire land increased in the year over fortyfivo and a half mil- lions were deposited in the savings banks in great britain and ireland and over fortyono millions paid out tho regular army shows a decrease of some 35000 men there is only one way to inake a- good cup of tea add fresh boiling water to and allow to steep seven minutes the tea that one british colony grows for another black mixed ceylon green ask for red label forty centsshould be rsfty j it horses educated j upon- the of a stable adjoin ing a wayside j inn in essex engf land be seen printed in large black letters on a white background tho strange notice horses educat cd upon inquiring of tho pro prietor of the inn the meaning of this notice one may learn that a previous landlord was also a horse breaker and this was his way of advertising rest has spoiled many a man who was willing to work hows this i wo offer ono hundred dollars reward for any case of catarrh that cannot be cured by halls catrrli cure f j cheney co toledo o we the undorsfjjned bavs known b j cheney or the last is years and believe htm perfectly honorable in all bullous transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations mado by their firm west til ax wholesale iirurrlst toledo o wald1ng kinnaw a mahv1n wholesale druggists toledo o halls catarrh cure is- taken inter nally acting directly upon the blood and mucous gurtaces of the system testimonials sont free prleo 70c per bottle sold by all druggists halls family jfills aro the bast their engagement was rather ro mantic was it not yes rath er they went in bathing got be yond their depth and wero com pletely carried away with each other so yon aro engaged to dr b said ono of those old ladies who are always taking medicine to a young friend it must be very nice to bo engaged to a doctor every time ho calls yeni knowand of course that must be very often you feel as if you were getting for nothing what everybody- else has to pay for lettico thats the girl who broke my poor brothers heart blnson really 1 how did she do that lettico well ho was en gaged to her for three years arid the very day after ha broke- the en gagement off she hod 150000 left to hor do you think my latest photo does me justice asked the girl who was beginning to forget her birth day anniversaries justice is not tho proper word dear replied her girl friond vit is really and truly merciful toyou marrying for money is moro matter of dollars than of sense tars im cores esiesi m cm a womans train of thought is of ten on her dress smith oamee0h fcolictton of pfttent c3ada lit build it tomato writ for tw sjjdggj heres an opportunity to visit the east via great northern railway eftcctivo dally until november 30th inclusive colonist ono way sec ondclass tickets will bo issued as follows vizf vfrom toronto to anaconda butte chinook and helena mont 3725 from toronto to spokane wash nelson rossland trail grand forks and robson bc 3975 from toronto to seattle tacoma wash portland ore also victoria vancouver and new westminster bc 4225 proportionate rates from all points in ontario full particulars as to time of trains sleeping car rates etc on application to chns w graves district passenger agent 6 king st west room 12 toronto or f i whitney general passen ger agent st paul minn she they havent found a name for that baby in the flat upstairs yet he tho one that cries sov yes well thats strange the neighbors have called it everything they could think of levers yz wise head disinfect ant soap powder is a boon to any home it disinfects and cleans at the same time he that was miss mquecn who just passed she has such a regal way of walking dont you think she yes you could tell her a milo away by that silly wriggle of hers aafta poultry butter eggs wo buy f ob or eel 1 on commission we so licit your consignment and correspondence hutherfordsiarshall co toronto v 2 u in all couhtr5e8 s special fe attbntiok h to patbftt litigation 8fld for nandbool on patents o 3aybee 103 ray styrobohto wo aro paying very high prices for clean dry root ship at onco- prices will decline 8850 x 33c saav3elz30 c 0o 77 klnjr st katt toronto fur manufacturer send for catalog carpet dyeinq 7 od cleaning thi it ft tpcclshr with the british american dyeinq oo send pftrtlculin by post nd no re rare to v4jfj address box 155 montreal iii 1441 tril o do nomslhlnp like it with lit scanty remains of their own bul- r r v to smoking thorn tcr wjicn thoy returned homo uint 8ts tanned was incurable but is cubed joseph boone at w0bk again after seven years illness discharged from tbo hospital as incurable ho used dodds kid- ney fills with splendid results cottles cove new bay nfld oct 19 special after being for sovon years a fiopoloss invalid unable to work and lacked by aches anil pnins joseph iioonc of this place is back at his old work as a fisherman it sounds like a miraclo but it is not it was kidney disease was tho mat ter with hiin dodds kidnoy fills cured hini it is something worth relating what dodds kidney fills havo dono lor me says air uoono and i am glad to tell it i had doctored with several doctors and after soven months in tho hospital was sent homo ns incurable richard quirk who had been cur ed by doilds kidney pills advised me to try lliom and i did i took 21 boxes beforo i wns able to go to work hut i can hardly beliovo it is myself is in it nil after all those years of suffering dodds kidney pills never fall to euro all forms of kidney disease from knckacho to ilrights disease thousand of ctird will toll you so i muggins they say cigarettes will tum tho skin yellow ilugglns i should say thats right every tlmo ho i liniment cures colds etc you say bliggins has gone in for writing verse rycs scared to death hos gettli bald and has heard that poets all have long hair mlfianfo liniment cores distemper bargain hunters in paris timehonored customs in tlio city of fashions c c richards co pear sirs i have great faith in winards liniment as last year i cured a horse of ringbone with five bottles it blistered tho horso but in a month there was no ringbone any no lameness daniel murchison four falls nb 73 it is a rule- with many retail hous es in paris to rent several square metres of pavement in front of their premises for the hotter display of stock in trade and as additional selling space and at solo times tho public pavement in front of somo of the largo drapery establishments is transformed iiptjoniy into a shop but into a tryingon department customers of both sexes think no thing of taking off their own hats to try on others and gutting into jack ets ticketed at five francs or four- frnnc peignoirs before tlio eyes of tho world the scene is typically french nnd passersby sec nothing unusual in it ns indeed thero is not on the other side of tho chan nel passersby in fact take to tho gutter when the rush for bargains is great enough to entirely block tho way it is not only however the buyers nnd sellers of apparel who block tho way others who reserve plenty of space for their own uses aro the children in the champs elyscos and thoy are often pretty enough to bo forgiven though they do dig up with impunity many square feot of earth nnd gravel dally for their mud pics who with thoirnursos and tho latest english innovation tho perambula tor are masters of the situation enough that these with tho excep tion of tho perambulator aro time- honored customs they nro not however such excellent institutions ns tho domestic servant who can cater ns well ns she can cook or her husband who enn do housework ns well n shj can or the hnppy method of keeping the gutters full of running water so fresh thnttha horses may drink it or again the nod old practice to 1ms seen any day at tho bakers of freo gifts of bread to tho stsfts for tho poor or sick the man with too many ideas is no better than tho man with too few por over sixty year fftt wislow sootiiixo qyitvr hit been cued nillloo of mollifi for thtir children ihi mining hioothes tho child tottt n the gum j pain urei hod oolio rrsulalqi th itomch and bowols ind it lh kit ramtaf tor dlirrliai ttrentyfirs ccuu bctiti fold y tlm jciti throuihont the world be rare and ujt for mm wikslowb soothiha strur 257 he there is only half an hour be foro the train goes and your trunk isnt half packed shj dont worry dear i havo my bonnet on mlnanfs liniment cures dlphlhsrl wo will kito absolutely b free a high grade guaranteed for ono year if yoa ttih do a few hours wori for us hdj day after soaoo boy must enclose rofer- onces from parent or guardlanr writs tday wphuk3tj3 room flui no- 150 fifth ave new york us a tho beat at tho lowest prlco wrlto for terma re id bros mfg coy tie klne at w dominion line steamships montreal to tlvorpool boston to llvorpool kiftrt nd fait stoouh ps superior aeeommodauea brallcluaetof pwnrer saloons and stcteroocmi fre kmidthlpe speoui attention fau bem clen to uk itcocd saloca and th1rdcu accommodation fol atrhof passage nod all particulars apply to anj aicaf tf the company or to pueder asent ml dominion line offices t buuobi bottom- it st 8ennant st hontsul poultry honey ail kinds of friht8 and farm pro- dues generally consign it to us an j wc will get you good prices the use for newspapers a wellknown viennese- architect has built himself a neat and very fastsailing boat out of old news papers tho framework is of wood but all tho planking is of paper each plank requiring 2000 leaves this boat is to bo seen on tho beautiful worthersco nnd has proved an un qualified success fishsufioeujoooisoaooaqaaaoijaoo dawson commission co tobonto umitd ob ggi wintom automobile touring 1 car now springs all round machin ery not worn in tho slightest tlrca new this spring spring cushions duplicato parts fcr sale at grcad sacrifice coat s9g00 box 7 truth oflj toronto the best way to new york iavrx the lackawanna railroad invest in the ue8t vi rim dill from enffalo orer tbo poeono ri cle to 11 w wlutonedpfox dpa buffalo ny it mike no eiffefene whether it is chronfe- cute or hrfluanutcrj artx tad twes promptly jpxic 25cotia 6qfe ooofiooodooooooaoooo for sale cheap for cash 1 buffalo pressure blower no 4- 0 in outlet 3 globe halves 1 in flanged 1 globe valvo g in flanged 1 earl steam blower 10 in- inlet 4 ton branch cast iron headers tor x in pipe 2 iron pulleys 30x12 2 iron pulleys 32xj2 1 iron pulloy 22x8 2 iron pulleys 18x0 also an assortmit of iron eon pulleys s ihank wixs0n 73 west adolaide st toronto 4303 v

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