thbtlilin rnarn- vv ritmic stouffville oistaklu thukttluy ocroijer 29 lf whole nutoijek m8 il too a j- afisiw linmam tp cott 0 435 818 35 18 10 18 10 6 12 8 5 j fobus d oi i j aoox avjtivening jsjli i- til tkbm8 jaar f paid i oareoe- 00 ill bullu ll pai4 ib smaooe 60 uioacks if paid lfc airauce 26 uas year it net paid la an lines 125 io wmrr wlu be diets lined until all arrearages are paid except at be option ef toe publisher ainkktlslnu kates aaaea lyaar 12 year 14 year at cuiusaa 4ii uoiuian i ter column ibta ouibmb liauiaut advurtlseniaata legal auulupai ac 5 ceuta per una iat laarltoa and cents par haewhoh aeaaituaat inuertiua i iuiuioual cards one inch and uuar o par year 3 for a meatus iciuaiug copy o paper iaaaieui advertisement must be ut uot later tnaa thursday at ekica notice of change of ataud- ia adveitiswmeut must be givea aot alst tbaa monday at 10 oclock and wpy must be in not later than b a a oa tuesday auve- el farms or dale one inch nil uaderl aaoatb 1 sacs eubsepu- al muattt 76 cents adts efwlrav aalmals 91 for 3 in- artleus adtsitissmsnts without spacklb areetlobs will be inserted erery issue atll loruldtisa and charged accord iigiy job department fo have also a lirsvslase jobbing pailnaat iu connection and are repared to do busings- in that line price tbat cauuot be seateu- ckkms cash wm m alloy b a jujokau- km mcculiough l1x jh rioter tfolioltor jhito ii6 standard bank juoj floor west of postotflsa jvilli 8nt ioxiev to ljoau fitd lb l lb barrister solicitor otary public conveyancer ac- jffi0e daleys block stouffville ce n n ox lennox button arrter solicitors conveyancefs ac ouvillo office spollords block uron onvo over ontario bank iirihia onco opposite franklinhous herbert lennox john f lennox t cjrna sutton counoiimet at upton ville on tue day oct latb wltulall the uieuioers prestnt alter tbonunutca tvero read and ui- opted the clerk read these commune cations rvcia w l smith secretary oc the tu mtri association ro taxation- frcni a g brown clark jr moulf i vuio ro repairs to 6tong crusher fitni frank a rcespr relative ip iraige brokon ou con 11 ro aaumil beisbr uumugoa to traction eugjue i jti aucis- jogver that the at- couoi for jvork auu repairs to polite efct bo paid tf0074 a tnotiou councillor axjrrifaou woj oppuntec to repair culvert ou oa uouuetiou lot 0 fiucpift i that meadra iior riwuii and hoovor ba a comumteo io iuiiew mr samuel keetur rmiiui- uuls tuttaiutu by breaiui ihryugu o0jjc cu lltn cuucesdiou uui reojifc ac litit jucetlu juooicr harper that the toligaie hjebo ou ione areec at lot iio lo wvi io oost auvaniaoauu that ai rvutcis no conjuimuiouor to stli ihs tiiuu niijug wiiu comuiitttioiiur u- pobieil by vauuau if aba- lowusup utitei tc sell uofcr vfraucbi that llr mdii 1tksu bo coutmieigiouar tp rupuir tuj yruo at lot 0con a and biiutjot t lot y con y and culver i u ytveen couff j uud doutui toivniiuc uew culvert o lltb cou opposite ot ao uiuouul ai o on his order wiiea wutk la ooaipioted itaiper morrispn that tue rsoia ii ouaiuiissioner to repair bridge m- ttu loto 1u and 11 con a a ujojio oppouito iotlu in tjij ith y aiiuui puyabio ou h ordur vuu4 voik irt completed liaiper abjrrieon that ilr i liai bill amounting t ito uo bo paid iciruiuaj francis that tno lo- uiwnif bccouutb be paid j a i thomas building pov eui- vorti letireoa jsoua loaudlxisiloo jas tbuiuas reualrinit uiiivort on curt hide towullne opp lot a zli ht ulcitf hoover that the lolih- n tccuuute bo paid t j ituuier roxi uridgo j b itecsor repalrsito bridge ouulli totrpiiuo xjsou fthju xmutin intvfi brumwell iiuuliu plaiik and repculvort eon ft iv u aliicuelt uauituyipo ol ncrin towuliuo a uround nupuu ppo v a llaro material and repairs ips bilogo o 11 hooper 7 ibg bridge spikes lizu v cbutterly repairing api pi etch to bridge toiao eon j u fneby bros repafrs grader uo fmsby bros nov culvert 0t jus thomas drawing plank lrou iuuitmillo to box grovo- 00 utito iadget drawing plank audt rep culvert pp lot 10 cona 100 hoover franols that the follow jog nol accounts bapajo ja ifuetard 19 yards 51040 f h licosor 154 yarda j5ij0 ti i oj rrcoid in favor of tbo principles f tho 1cttypicco bill we believe tbat such legislation will moot with the uppiova of tho ratepayers of his municipality 1rutcia hoover tbat tho revive pj cppolntod a delegate to act wlut ueiogaios from other municipalities in itferenco to tho fettyplece bill hajper francis that mr uor riktn bu coinnilsaipuer to cut dovu trce at railway crossing eon 0 uaipcr frauois that frisby brw oo puid for roadwork 5slao ccudcii adjourned until nov loth qeneral news sallinjct stuj 0o 1100 stouirviile council a tpepial meeting was held oiv mol- day tvening members all present lbs keovc in thexhalr the mutter relating to jlr arnolds cuiioreu was considered and eteps ita kcu to endeavor to havo them wenl wnoro ihey will bo properly cared for mr j h ltatcllff appeared in beual ul the ktouffvillo brass stechvoiks uykinis for tho submlssioa of a byam wilii the view of the corporation givi ing a ioau of sliioou to tho compau j for tuo extension oud improvement ot their busineis after tho matter had been diepussed for a time mrt c itusseli tfitoh koiicitor ipr tne coi- pcration pointed out tbat according to statute the council could loan oujy a sum tho annual interest on which uigcihei with the annual amount to iiuiitd for the sinkiugfund would am punt to tcn per cent of tho general taxation tbo amount of taxes lev ied for the current year la about syi jliuu tleroforo 500 would bo about tire laigest sum that could legally be jraiiori in any one year to meet the payments on a bonus or loan should tuo loan be 12000 asj asked or the auiuai interest wwuid be about 5oo thus leading only 60 to bo applied to k tho sinking fund ft waa utrcid et tbat no action bc7 taken on the pro ikution iu its proseut shape- a number oi oyiaws which had been rp ised and amended were brought up for consideration and af tei receiving seveinl readings wero finally paeeeib jlpu 000 gjliiaotest thing in maps ubltival smite ldsdds jsloullville ont member and graduate of royal coltetjo deaul iurgeona honor graduate toronto jivcrairyj uraduaiq ot haskell poatjrad iau chicago college will viiit claremont juta 3rd tuesday ot each month office hours 9 to i i to 6 office over iyobrd a oos store an s barker lis dds stouffville ont itaduate of boyal collsga of dental a oas honor grndnato pf univer- of toroato foarav to 12 am 22 to p w rfi0e la orubirffl block next 0b east of trwune office olatonta may b mad for sr- aiags auukiuaf every monday and to y- office aver il wkltaa store mum mm shop and cigar store w k sp no- amateurs of apprentice all lot slats woramta a sail will cootibcs yaa tbat our barker shop is upto dt sa4 aatlaesptla cjoar ctgar stor it headquarters for iaabaat brands el cnuu sad tosiocos and ptra first alas laundry uubluhad try as vita year aait parol j w shankel trot fanolfl hoovor that tho couth ell of tho township of markham ia ot tho opinion that tho railways and other great corporations aro uot bear- ins their fair share of taxation iu this provlnco and that conooquontly the people whom wo representin our capacity o a council aro compelled to boar an unjust sbaro of tho burden of taxation thoroforo wo logo whilo the wljofe country has been calling for a ngw nptodato map of cuuada and an too province show in p ejected transcontinental kail wajs with alaskan boundary and the lines claimed by both countries it lias been left to the publishers of tnat great national newspaper the fam ily herald and weekly star of sfoo tre- ul to give the world what it has been looking for those maps it will sur priso the country to hoar aro print sd on fine paper beautifully engravi ed every boundary aotualfy traced being at once the finest map of can ada jet produced it in tmoly and of ineslimablo vnluo we understand no oopios will bo sold undor s25q cuich but ecch yearly eubscrlbor if tho fan hy hei aid and weekly star 71111 re- piivo tho great map together with lha autumn premium piotureo jfew subiciibero and renewals will get tho nnp ao aoon as thoy aro out of tho cogiavcro hands but every ono wilf bo fpi vetl oxaotly fn tho ordpr in which they subscribe or ronow the gcvenmont t canada will havo the jibo cf a set of theap family herald mps ji- sis hon- edward blaku is seriously hi at ficreucp italy he in suffering from ntrvpus breakdown tho standard oil company of the uiiittd states has this weak raised m pvice ot coal oil another cent per guliou this b expected to affect can jada also hoso distemper is epidemic in the vciuity of thoruhill and several an imals uio under treatment by the lo cal veterinary the disease is liaid l j bac been brought there iromklug biktoperating a shaperlast weeic at tho lount brush handle iuotory muikbuiu ono of tho employes mac uv ucwlund had tbeteud oh bis tbumo taken off this is tbq second accident at that factory insidaof a week a couple of gentlemen were in brad foid lust week to examine and secure aicc incus of peat from the marsh a cotpii ot wugonloads were obtained anci taken to boaverton to be dried ui ihe new drying machine there the object oi these gentlemen o to ccsc thi9 peat up seo if it is suitable lor thj munufuoturo of cardboard if so 11 is taid that a jarge laotoryjwill ba vrected at bradford in the near future tho bible socioty is the great ally o alib ruuobes of the church in for bign mission work no application for a gnt ol scriptures has over been dp nied cv cry request to print the wprd in a new tougup has been granted tbo bible socioty has issued- lucre ilium 180 million copies in whole or in part in 370 different languages und ditmccts and at a cost pf 08 milliou doliais two bundrod and sixtythrpfl laugungci and dialects were added to the tcictysllst during tho reign of wu victoria the noblest achiovi- inent ox that glorious reign the bible society knows no deuom- inutlcns as such tho society is lbs willing servant of all its unaltprajbla p bey from tho beginning has boon to give uie word without note or com wont in the lunguago of the people tll uiositlousof tho world a i tho latest thing in wnlpb the farm ers wives are being imposed upon la a dilutltti cream separator thoy como frtm tbo unitod states and are sold at from s2s0 to si81 tho uamo thing can 00 hod from any local hardware t at si they are not recognized by lha government aaa oreatn sepals flvo inches of snow felt in new uu aj a county of kent former whosa chat tela were about to be distrained ov tho bailiff for rent not yet due resiiel the seizure b looking up the paiiif f in his barn fox whio act be was w defenaaut in on aption at law jaiiu the case weutagaiust him but be ciiiiui iltu the court of appeal ana ibw occisioa was that the resistave was jut tiiuiule as tho seizure was i icgai ano au appeal from this decisiou was net allowed half a million telephone have been installed on tbo larms in tne united sialo in the last five years in bos inees and social intercourse they aro found a great convenience it is now a common practice for tho country lector to glvb directions by wlephoga for cuilng for the patient both dug luesing una proscribing in illinois tbo sptphes of a repent political eou- ventiou wore listenes to by the fario ors on a rural system a they sat in jtboir ihoinos from sixteen to thirty six imic away being in speaking dl l oi his neighbor not only does tho lurmer feel a new sense of persoa al sccuilty but bokaoiws that his be- itngiugo are safer from mplestatiou thau they over were before the tele phono has been instrumental in caus ing iho arrest of meny horse cbiavos und outlaws and lu sonui districts ibp farmers have almost brpkon up chick en stealing and potty larpeny by tole jpbonibg tbo pollco and commission nioiphants of their losses and thus enab ltg prompt arrosts tof bo made cattlu puispning a methodof re venge eeidom iesorted to has uaos its cipeatanco iu jxiug tjawuahip ou tbuikiuy of last weex wiuiam ire land jurmer on iot fct ouiicossion ti tf said township turned out t bead cf cattiu to pasture and next day th9 uogfi rounued up ouiy z animals and xieiund searching for the missing an tual found them deadi a luontiiy of runs gieen scattered auout told tho tale nd iujw couuty consiabio buros is on tho trail 01 the man wliofdistribu ted the potato bug killer mr oscar wade liauldatorj of tiia paseubam porjc packing compauycf fitouilville jias issued a writ at ot- kodo halt against the company and tbo individuals composing it jus pok uuiiiii and tbo standard bank of can uca for an account tho amount in wived is 4077704 thoeircumstan cm othe action ard these thejuiau uger of the oompany examined re oeutiy sad has alleged than the result indicated tbat certain ugreemsnbl bad been entered into by members of uire limited company spans of whom bud lveu interested in lha old compa ny in consequence of tbeso alleged ugs eemen ts and now it is charged ihut uio jccjnpnny assumed liabilities of rein b0fu0 to stoooq wnich they ought not to bavp borne thespi agreu uients the plaintiff asserts were u tra vue and contrary to tbo stock ciders wishes and instructions from all iippearanceo there is room for a gcodsized lutwsttlt abou veil- state on monday while we bad but a trace last yar tb first amnt fell on nov 20uu it is probable ibut ovi02 to theooolnesoz tho past sum iner old aoroasj inaylet us off this winter with a zuoderatpt amount of snow and cold weather at the ontario byeplectious on ituendoy a mahaffy conservative was cltoted for musaoica by 178 iua- jprltyj and c n smith liberal for tie tto with 120 majority the stan hug of the parties 111 lha house is now luboialo oo conservatives 40 wit noith henfrew vacant leaving the government with amajorlty of four tbo question of regulatlntg ihe wa tors of lake siiucoa and couchiebiug for uio relief of the owners of flood ed lends in mara and otier lakefront jupvufhipe which has been ijuatuij tbo pubbp mind for several years was btotrght to a climax recently when a grout of 2500 was placed in tbq supplementary estimates by the bout imtu government the vessel owners lui o always opposed the project be iiovipg u would interfere with iiaviga jitiu the engineer who was recent scut up to makeia report aud upon wnoso plans tho work will bo done em plutiicully states that the water will not be lowered below the proper iiivel but gules will bejmt in far carrying off uie spring freshet preventing the backwash which does so nwicb iam agj to mara lands land tbat is uuuer wen ir in the dry seaspo oh the year it is not proposed to reclaim after tbq spicg faeshe tls gone stop logs wlii tm put in anoytjhe water kept at a high ec level than it is in the dryiweather of august ij mhtpffirl of oar fall stock of rubber goods is here and they are the kind of eoods that everybody wants tho kind you always pay for whether yon net them or not these are high grade poods made exclusively by makers who hava a reputation for turning out reliable products a iittls difference in quality mak es a very great difference in durab ility so get the best cost you no more than the poorer sort j3ulb fountain and com bination springes hot water botliesnursing supplies etc harke drift store thesovereign bank of canada authorized capital jpai up capijri reserved fund 3000000 1300000 325000 head office toronto executive office montreal d m stewart general manager stvirgs iunk department tenesr illoaeoon deposits i traveilebs letters of credit ml able in ill parts of the world i general banking wsiness sums of 1 received interest allowed from date of deposit no tioubie red tape or delay stouffville branch w jt niahk maua main st la pramisas lomttlr oscupiej bv surk abarne on now that tho unitod states has suc ceeded in excluding mr from xukon by way of tho ocean excepting by pass lug through inlets and over territory which we must now acknowledge as belonging to the united states accord log to tbo award we presume that a ruilway to yukon from british coluai bia will be prpjeoted almost immedi ately necessarily wo muste fjavo sucli a lallway bopauso aajlt is tho united slater may harrass oar commorcof at any time wlti all sorts of customs vexations this has boon tbo oxperl- ouce of our merchants and shfppors ol ready and tbero is no reason to px pkpt that matters will lmpravooow that tho united states bas a olear il tlo to tho porta or bow muph import once this lo to fulton and how much moro important yukon is than alaska aro rhown by tho fapt that the ox po ts or gold from alaska to the uni ted statou last year amounted toon ly 3792g5 whllo tbo canadian gcid exported to tbo- unitod statqn hem alaskan ports amounted to 10 g3r8g undor those circumstances beckkw boildlng a railway is there any thing to provont the canadian gov prnmtnl offering to purohaso from the united slates an ocean right of wax into our yukon territory tho uul ted stateo purpttaapd louisiana and auvduva woll and is there nny broad rern why sbo should not sell us lost a tiny little ploco of tbo lattorj now that sbo has won nch a signal vie to ry over us it would com tc be- ihe ida al tliao to make a bkl war know that vyeor uncle samuel has lot boon as ed to obliging friend and rofatloos 5but it is novor too lato to mend and anlos wo elo bin an opportunity ho v utojxz aita isss r to tatw ot mi sain lapp of markham met with a peculiar experience on saur duy nifcht of last week wbiob cams ncany ending bis existencer there und tben he was walking towards muiu ireet along joseph streotiaud bear nig a sputtering noise inside the lence bt ck oi t b kolvos store fookod ov or to set- vfhat it wag hq saw what ho iloi to be a lighted fuse und thiolc lug thai someone haosot a ahargq tp plow up the store be pun bis hands on ihoienco to spring over aud stamp it uut no sooner hudbe jilaood ills bands on vho fence hanhp was thrown back ivards with terrlfio foco nis lipad jinking a pose renderfng hfm semi coueeiouo for a nipiuto or so he was not sure whether some hidden deeper udo hud struck him or not but struck u match and investigated and found tbat what ho supposed was a luso was u live electric ugblj wire and uiat iu ultomptfng to get ovor tho fence one hand had como lo contact with if uod bo tuicn bold of it with both bands bo would uimosi surely have been kid ed a careless carpenter working at michaels now livery barn had cut tus who that iftpraoon and said nothing pbout it imz li v ibl o woman i just as nalurols sold by tbn cphopllooks to abhor a vac uum so tho buyers of button and eggs dirlko a deficit for somo weeks one or another of tho toronto buyers has uncovered that bo has not bad as ma ny rgga when be camo to poolc then a hod been paid for asprloes have pf boon too good to make buying simply a luxury bo buyoraon rklay devised a simple plan by which tho offender was located wben they bought any produoo on too zuarsot tno number of poidds or dozens was placed oa tap tekots with an indelible pencil in the afiernoon one of thu buyers loundhim seir vhtcoo dpzonof eggs short on jooklng over his oashier tlckots be fskda thai tbo number of oggsorodit ed to a bearux woman vlth on ortlin nry black loodpenoll when conlront ed with this evldenop the wpman oc jtnowfcdgod nor guilt and wanted to vry hock tho money abo hod stolon amounting to between throe and foci kllasat sho may think beraoir very pi innate if proceedings are not taken against her thu sorb of crime is do tec led oaes ovary twp on throe t ear and takes toe form of putting pota wiiliom fxlsoy ot union villo ono of tho bestknown threshers in york jouuty and who has been f absent ia manitoba fpr the post six- months ret turned home on tuesday evening mr frisby during iho greater part of the time was employed on a large farm faim jit forrest near brandon but has elnco the close of the harvest been engaged in managing a threshing uut fltifpr a wealthy new zealand farm r- mr frisby is very favorably 1m pressed with the possibilities of the gloat west wheat around brandon is averaging from 20 to 25 bushels au able and while slightly frosted in the stcok is perfectly free from injury as regards its milling qualities one of the farmers for whom mr frisby was engaged in threshing realized 11joo bushels of no 1 wheat wiuurlosjme instances as high as 35 bushels per acre has been secured in some darts of manitoba tile weather during the pact fortnight has boon delightful greatly facilitating tho work of thresh lug and shipping mr frisby acconipa nied hi nephew herbert ltoblnson priio in 111 onj his trip bomo and enb fluently placed him in uio general hccpitol toronto mr frloby will fake charge ot one of his threshing outfits tho remainder of tno aeason- and will roturn to manitoba in tha spring g cojiapd scientific optician and drugs stbuffvlllaj fall stock now in hero in oyerythin and everything l aotor it lb tlmn tor tr jj him i 1 vbtioe journal biblej the annual exchange of pulpits la jhalf of the stonf fvlllol braneh of tha blblo sooloty will takoplaoo d von sunday nov 8th 1908 as follows- christian ohurch 1080 a m 1 it alkcanead at 7 p mt the pastor presbyterian church 1080 a m abd 7 p m pulpiisupply baptist 1080 ont beviev j scott 7 p m the pastor molhodist 1080 a m eovct h hal ner 7 p mytho pastor menonlte 8 p m uia pastor blcomlngton christian 1030 a m itov geo washington bloomlngton mothodlst 280 p m hev b a gwhioughby kitlpllftlfl baptist 1080 a tpt bov mr wallace ob lino baptist 8 p xa tbetpastor baker hill 7 p m tho postot vaoax hill usual time the pastori otollsntrao 11 a m ber wuksughby lumcovlllo 8 p m tno pastor and kov j c wulmott boiesda 7 p m tho pastotfjond rov j c wulmott u blrgwpod 280 p m eov j7r alkoa bead t meltihe aib p m pulpit supply gltfigow 280 p m too pastor ailcoa 7 p m onion mooting both palters 1 oa the following tuesday ovonlng nov 10th at f oclock the annual coa ual mooting wlu but held inr tho cbri tls1 churoh btouffvlllo ab whlclr thd kov bernard bryan angleon will give 1be addross of tho ovenlng and which everybody should boar the resident ministers will be pros oat and in view of tie approaching centenary of uw boeloty this ought to bo the moat interesting meeting or or laid in bohalf of the society let a allow onr interest in tho bit jm by sopportlng this moat offoouva ajretoy for iu ruabqmlnatlan these good are exceedingly swell so leave your order early in the season and get your pick of the stuff m fashmable tailob todds blotk our goods fljtcae high grade it pays you to pay us to make your clothesbecause they are made ritjht look the way they made feel the way they look and last the way they feel we have a great choice of new material and are ready for you to make a selection c0x m leading tailor n- e- smith uoxkibd auovhuiku for tne oosatua at lark aaa onusfo au salsa ef taras ataaa tumumo f is akerlaal asuavats sa mttom