Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), September 18, 1902, p. 3

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the stoufvi 1 j i september 18 1903 kipling says s99990 for comfort we say so too particularly to une many we carried over last year we are now sending out our ace and want them settled promptly p s a few nice maps to give away sivester dougherty the tribune local notices- all adrinc notices id the local column of tho jt at ol nstingi or enter uibmciita at which i j jtjmiuioa fee if eturged or from whioh a jejaury mfit idnved matt be paid lor at t m rt of aeren cents peraao eaca taavrttoo no urfulh tnau tweaur11o oeau wiieu bill r uiiatea at this etfice or adrertueoioqti of on- rtaituatdmare iojarted a brief local mil jbe i fix ire jocxajl itjecms- mr holpsi wollnian spent sunday with lrjlends ip altonai miss mabel huotor m visiting friends in ualtjuus jwqoic mr and mrs jtjoauey and imiaa jes- biouavtjrataraoiliroinctbqiottny i mrs byrne neq miss laura ur quiiart started onj tuesday for her w homo inpjlttsbure en mrs kobt stiver ofl unionvhe ftvv b duncan dfltouffvilleau rioting frlenelg at ennyr ituia week mr a c burkholdor has rented mr geo flint j blink residence oil main treiat and mr filut mil remove short ly te toronto mr moorhead has resigned- his joei- 1km as teacher ofc tho dixons hill pub uo school anoywlll takaa course iuitj rou tot university f courtship may indioato dlouiouds buemarriagowcuoatemar hard atrug- gio tc get a wlntors supply of the plain black carbpn mrs bicaords of singbamptoii author of mrs john bartholoinecr eliod j catorday morning and tho lat- lor has gono toj attond uxor lunora 5r steel company from ho united states is about to locate in collhigwood canada it bouiuta leoomna eroat manufacturing coun try money u the prime necessity to niukb business hum the bov thoe nixon oh smiths falls came up lasti wetli ondi look back wltli him his two eonsiianevllt- tie daughter who have been spend- ug tnolr holidays with tbelr grand mother mrs wm mitchell of king- wood i lii ii mr dan cook whel has beca in the jenployol dr s i freer fori the plot foui teen years has been appointed baggageman at tho g x k station here the company wero very fortu nate lu securing the services or such a trnslnvprtby cnrployi bov dr carman was again elected qeceral superintendent by tha moth cdlst geooial conference at winni peg and bov ucorgo j bond of hal ifax was oleoted editor of tho chris tlao gnardlau in succession tot rev 35e court 100 it is announced that tho speed trials on tha borllnjsosson railways will bo fcsaiaifi aov yearandi inctbei mcan- xlmswork iras beatx bogunjonanojjier train oepcofally constructed for the purposothls tralriwllkuavdajiujua- bor of remarkable innovations in the first plaon it wlllebo covered en href with a etaosof metal placa rreem bllng bomqwhat thj scalps of a fish and these it u thought will reduoo tha matter of wind rosfctanccv tar a mlnjmam thuf wastound to bo a moro serious factor than had boon an- jtktfpated and id supposed wllu prove tho key noto of jsaocess another i ft novation to bo tcjod will bo aoonenlt run nine along the top of tho train to carry tha sraoko to tha rearj mrandmrs john wellsjbt ifoblo tonapont a romdayffat wiialloys last week n r mrs maltoy started wednesdayj o n a two weeks visit with jplatievn at porest mies sarah tt or mount albort wosthouost oirlou iiarjf wellman for three or fonrday this weok m9 w powell or vandorf and mrs atkinson of betheeday spent sun day arj tho homo of mr j atkinsoii- fob saie 1 drilvng horse must bo sold or wilt tradoffor a beamier one apply to elias wubt3 stouffvlllo d brownberger has been appointed agent for messrs frost wood in stead of a pugh wlio has given up v busines thosovoroign bank hero will be op en lor business every thursday jnorii lng at 0 oclock for the accommoda tion of uiopubuoron marketday stones stoulfvillo council rsvju- csts that all farmers intouding to supply stono to thdoorporatlou draw themat onco while the crusher is in opeimtion u on sunday laet thorcc was- a largo attendance at the methodist church to hear itev mr loo of uniouvjjle who preached forciblo and well re ceived discourses wo are pleased tovsajj that misu an- niob brownwho wan identified with our town for itho past twenty years or more has secured a good situation in an office in toronto tho bov a e mitchelli b a of ottawa spent last wools ot his old homo in blngwoodl ouibis return homo ho was accompanied by hla mo thor mrs mitoholl who intoiidsspend iuitln wiutor in the east i ayoungman fronx belleville oimon day attempted to board tti fpawcn gor train hero when in motlou and was thrown to tha ground and drag ged for q distance tho practice of getting on moving trains is p danger oubcne as tho engines 0 today ire very powerful and dovelop speed much moro rapidly than the older types t ll according to lha monthly cropirrc- port issued by tho washington 3uv- brqmeit last week tho harvest of all grains this jear with thooxoep tionof sprlngand wntortvhefit will bo larger than last season the wheat harvest totals 880 million basbcts bolng 137840818 less than last ypar bat thlu is aoh considered an abnor mal deprcaso becauso ihoi ylold uils year has only been exceeded twlco in formor jcars on tho other jiand tho corn crop is intdxccsafpf last harvest 074501100 bushols oats barley ryo and buokwheat havd all advanced in proportiok so that pn the waoiotliis has beeni a prosperous year for tho armors of tho unltcd states as for- olgn credits depend ton tho character of tho hancst the gonoral effect of this good showing is apparont and jtrade journals aro making tho most of it- although they bavq beenf claim lng nil along that the prosperity of tho country depends on the protcc jlvo tariff tho saroo reasoning ap plies to this pountry and tho fact that la ovory country ofenropa the hariost lias beca adversely affected by tjad weather means that tbo dc mand abroad will bo heavier than na na which will tend tomalntain prl oos so that foa norths amorlca at loast another prosperous year would pocfolo bomorcd service any particular person would be pleased with our box calf shoes they are stylish comfort able and ubstantial for protection from the roughest weather no 5 shoe for men ever gave as much satisfactionand the price of them is only z 250 225 and 200 cunliff k peters stouffville ont thanksgiving day has not been or rahgedfor yot but iulst probable it will bo observed this yearrfn october to benti or seili x farm con sibtingief 10q nores being parts of lots 15 and jlo concession 1 uxbridgo apply ad this office opto m raeloth jine jvultohurch bev thos argue of winnipeg mho many years agoas pastor of the methodist episcopal church tit king- horn ia kiug township- died yester- dayafr winnipeg in hid 67th year mr samuel shank of mahhaui an pmployeof mr jas bishop had tbe mtsfortunoto break his leg oil thurs- day last ho was working on p scaf fold at mr geo youngs now house and to avoid ai plank wficch slipped jurnped to the ground a distance of 10 feet id llghtjn hltf foot turned and aho bono snapped snaps as this is our slack season we will furnish printed busi ness stationery at the follow ing pikes for spot cash jbils dodgers and all other work at proportionately low rates those desiring anything in these lines should leave their orders at once as- we do not guarantee these prices to con tinue indefinitely statements envelopes noteheads tags letterheads billheads business cards get our races for advertising especially estate notices and otner legal matter we will give you the closest figures ii 150 125 125 at thct racos holdatf pctcrborcr this ueck o forsyths bob boy took 2nd plnco on monday and his horso hal forest also took 2nd red jatown cdy j cmartlaitrojith i mr asa browo ol indian hoadi renowlnghls subscription tor theitrl- uuno rdminda us that wo havoi- rp- prestftfatives in thcgreau andr pro sperous northwest of canada and wo wish 4im abundant success lm thepl land of big f iolda ond enormous wheat oropst- editor boyle of iho bocton world ivhb recently criticized somewhat so tcrely inf hw paper- councillor hunt and received therefor some muscular attention received 250 as satisfac tion for the lnconvonlcnco each par ty paying ltjs pwn costs thorp aro cheaper and moro amicable waysof r thocooforcnco of the cljurch union soolotyof canada which was to havo been hold in molvllloi church almlra on sept 20th has been postponed till mondayjoct lsttrvht 2 p m owing to tho fact that it wasfound lmpos- sibloto secaro tho attendance or the ministers of tho representative belles aw bad boon arranged for iti is cx- peotedthat roattoroof much interest will bo dlrousaed and overy person woo would llko tor sot iho society ful lyorgaaliealobpcciolly rcquestod to boprancnjq jiji miss ella wellman of unionvllle is homo for a bouplo bt weeks holidays miss nellie hagcsy o wotorloohas returned to mra jf wjiaonfe tho champion bangq has no super ior and trulls if place to et uiem j miss glbney of toronto spent sat v with her slsterlnwlaw mrs utbneyx mrs vnnder water andson of peter boro visited at mrs qlbneys on sat urday last mrs mcbetcb son anjdaughtcr of toronto junction epentfa tow days at mr- baroiapfa mrs j j tknlght and son of bala muskoka spent saturday last with her sisterinlaw mra glbney if yoq wantfa f urunoa for too ap proaching cold weather can attralis hois surq to suit ryoitin that une wearq pleased to note tho return of our ald frlcnik mr jacob- burkhol dor after spending the- snmmerot the point a archie hcklnnon hasjjgonej to toron to where ha has secured a situation in messrs benfrow ckte furrier es- tvabllsbimcntj iuau tbipthe tbkbunef will i gved to tiew inibasrlbers only for i ibffllnal mm of 15 oents from dopr ii iho end oftio current yoar rev dr barolay or montreal ins been auppointed principal of qaeens university kingston lsaocession to tho late dr grant tenders for thq sale of the housa and lot immediately south of tho res idenco of mr w a silvester church sti eet will be received up ta satur day sept 27th mrsm rae messrs graharrtbroe of olaromont as usual mada h fjrstolais raeord showing horses at tha toronto in dustrial capturing over thirtyfive prizes a coco of great interest to more than 2000 farmers in ontario was decided yesterday byjudge morgan in tho county court in 188ono j- j- daley commenced tha publication in toronto of what war known as the canadian farm advertiser hislplan wasto sell farmafniontarto to brlt- itjti immigrants hojeonti agones all ov or tho province and succeeded in in ducing niany farmers to advertise jtheir farms la thu journal by signing accntract under seal providing that tho farm should be advortlsedby da lyor his asslgnsr foi ihroerjrearsnn- lcss sooner oldin casartjfoi farm was sold before tho expiration of jtho con tract whether through thev agency of thrj ferny advojtlsor or ilot the contract provided that daly was to rccolvo tiro and onckalf per cent up on tho proo for wbjioh jtho- farm uas sold and in case the farm fremajned mldaf thelexplratlon of tho contract jtho formort agreofl to pay dsly two i porcettt upon the price wmcb h jtad advertised bis farm for said af terse ouring toevral of those agreements daly obtained loans on them from promlnonl men in ontario dalys com missions ran from c0tr400 w 3 russell engineer of tho temjeoam- lng bail way advanced tnonoy on tho pecurityof thesa contracts n4 sued hoary a cohoeof norwlohto recor- orthci amount judge morgan decided that tho farmers concerned arc all bound by their contracts and most pay op whenevercalled jpon farm ors would brisaxen to employ o sollisl- torbofora signing soohf contracts- 1 i jfea pall millinery everything bright and attractive at mrs wilsons ah the new shapes lovely ready to wear hats the very latest nice lot of wools just in ber lins zephyr shetland flan nel gloves hosiery every thing in the fancy goods line butter sold today on the market at from 15a to 16c and eggsvat15c north ontario teachers associa tion will meet in convention ipn toes day and wednesday october 14th and bud istbf atj cannlngton bov mr kemp pastor of ihmeth odlbt chuicb sandford will occupy tho motodlst pulpits on this circuit on sunday next wo rcgrelt veryf mnshe the pppear- anoo or am article in ar last issue to tho effect that mr ben wldeman of t eaton ttfcnprugdepartmept mr wldeman has no intention what ever of giving up his presentlppsitlon tho oshawa vlndtoator buggests to ifhoctjzena orthatl town thah in view or tho scarcity of coal they burn- up all tho unsightly wooden tonce as be lng of no utility but tocjceepi out dogs and thus get rid obotl fences 03d dogs we wouletno 1 ilka tobofjreman tbcro will be ntf services inj thcbap tlst church bora on sunday hexti as the repairs to tbe building are hot yet completed but on jihe sunday tol lowing bervices will be conducted as usual blooninoton mr rfl x g willoughby of mark- aam is expected tec preach fnt tbe chilstlan cliuroh next sunday morn- ins- mr r folrlossi 1st ercbtlngt on ad dition to the back of- bbxhouse t ajd to convoniltta mr snider of vandorf twos in town on vsnndaytt tuoc e societies or the christian church intend holding a convention in tbe christian church here on sept potb find oct li ai profitable time is expected mr b vanmntf ofl colllngwoodj vis itedrelatlves horofa few days mrs peers or toronto is psondlng atlmq with hen sister- mrsid ken nedy mr and mrs b jones of markbam visited in town onj sunday bev kemp of bandford will occupy the pulpit in the methodist next sun mr and mrs wxroeq and daughter visited relatives at hartman mrs and mrs bf burnett spent a few day in toronto i quito a number fro rnherer attended tho quarterly mooting ao blngwood dctan at stouffvlllo on sunday sept 14u to mr- ane mro b dotan of nin i raefontno 1st donccsslon 0iij1 trrldgel sept lotir tt mr and mrs newton bao a dasghter reesortoafb cjth concession or pickorsng monday sept- 15th to mr anevmrnparkis boesor oj son oo oo is the time to have yonr views made and dont for get the peach whert you an get them made at reasonable prices first class work guaran teed wm sander photobafheb mertenx blofit stoime wiminer to the front with a big stack of new spring goods we are bound to lead with uptodate gods at lowest prices warriner buys for spot cash and its a recognized fact that he cannot be undersold its the right place to buy good goods at lowest prices we are anxious to please our customers and are alwavs on the lookout for anything which can be profitable to our customers and our selves we hara just secured an extraflne quality of choice groceries these groceries come from the pantry and are equal in quality to any on the market and our prices aie as low as anyone in the trade and fresh and uptodate try our mountain goat brand salmon special line one week only at 12jc worth 15c ratcliff co tailoring we have a fine line rf tweeds cheviots serges worsteds beavers and whipcords for suitings and overcoats satisfaction guaranteed dry goods underwear flannels yarns mits caps c c groceries wehava i fresh stock of flaked eice ieans wheat oat meal- wheatine swiss food granulated wheat acm manitoba and lily white flour canned goods extracts jelly powder fresh cofiee and cheese blue ribbon and monsoon tea crockery and glassware jj rae the pioneer paints paj nts white and red lead mixed paints oils varnishes and i11iwiii of all kinds at t ill frull stouffville

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