Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), September 18, 1902, p. 2

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ssywtasnnecw y- notes and comments hot dst so a prominent publish er expressed ait opinion which many people were glad to hear from wm the historical novel he said was beginning to lose its popularity pretty soon one may hope there will be occasion tor a similar opinion with regard to a kind oi book which has become similarly offensive for three ycarswe have had slang serv ed up to us as sauce for every pos- siblo variety of literary edible- we have sometimes had reason to fear without slang literature would cease o be palatable the beginnings of the thing were harmless enough philosophy in saloon slang was charming fables in office slang wcr charming too but letters in slang sonnets in slang triolets- in slang historical- essays in slang epics in svaugjtoua begins to ex perience a tedium thefactis tnax people havoj lor- gotten that while a tour tie force in elnng is entertaining still it is only a tour de force and is by no means to be regarded as an abiding form of literature like the ballad the novel or tho tragedy slang has its own place a proper use of it is diverting- a daring and picturesque foray into that borderlandln which now words range na outlaws until with years and maturity they pass over the lino into settled jhabitations will always have a charm and a fas- cination nothing is more interest ing than a new word how did it originate does it stand for janew itleaf 7 or docs it cover adjacent partsof old ideas and so provide one with a compact single word- whero previously one had toy use njitawkj ward straddling phrase is it a passing fancy or does it give prom ise of making itself indispensable these are questions whichrio man who knows how the language lias been built up will regard asjimpcr- tinent the literateur willno more reject a new word than the epicure will rejectanew cvh both new word and now dish will finally be discredited hut they will hare- a trial it is only the hopelessly imt aginative person who closes hie door on a word simply because it has not yet been admitted into websters un abridged there are interesting and instructive people outside of society and there are interesting and in structive words outside of the dic- lloriafyt lecmt one tscorn j a slang somedayitmay r5seinthe wofldahd make its former persocut or fecljuijconiforble sv words of warning just as pertinent now as were 3000 years ago they ttourij moojdlw to met ejt 11 yftshs tofil 10 the ta 00 rknaia ua dwumml of j4zicotei obwj a despatch from chicago says rev frank de witt talmngo preach ed from tho following text isaiah xxxviij 1 sot thine house in order for thou shalt die i am going to stay aboard this planet as long as i can when tho ime comes for mo to die i believe sufficient grace will be given to mo with which to die but i have nev er felt less like dying than at r tho present i time my homo was 1 iicvjer so happy my friends never more kind my work never more absorb- iiie present earthly lifo is inex pressibly sweet to mo- i feel in reference to it a great deal as did christopher north the physical and literary athlete who with- his friends and children used to race over the heather of old scotland his yellow curls aflying in the winds singing and shouting as he ran be cause he was bubbling over with joy and animal spirits 1 am in love with the world because i like the people who are in it but though earthly life may be priceless boon to some people well as to myself yet there must come to all a time iwhcn we shall have to die perhaps like heze- kiah of who besought god by prayer- to incrcaso his earthly- day we may be able to prolong our existence ten fifteen or even twenty years by rigidly obeving the well- tcsud physical laws of health dio lewis the great lecturer upon hy giene onco declared thai every nor mal healthy child born into the world ought to live to be at least 100 years- old- -he- asserted that nevly all the members of the human race do not live out half their earth ly life because they do- not cat the right kind- of food wear the proper clothing and take the proper amount of exercise tnnnticipating his earthly demise a common- sense man should in i the first place sethis temporal house in order- that means ho should necessary get his life insured should make out his last will testament he should appoint executors of his cstntc and the turc guardian of his children should explain the details of businessandjjinvest his moneys in such manner as that his executors can easily carry out his plans he should train up his ch or his lieutenants so that they may carry- on his work after he is dead ho should- desirable buy his family plot and make all arrangements for the last resting place- of himself and ft 0i8 4 j jfhilvcd ones vehaveconteniut allrtliis docs nttmeari7iiovicr rirs tlicmmiwiio flfcut so little- intcr- fthat slsng is to bo given precedence fsj ff wsemm ni h wife and children that he will not iover the substantial established a i ipart of the language ono isa-lit- tlc bit tired for instance of the divine masters will some of us have seen the noted if he and the fu- he his now my friend as you havo to take an eternal jour ney as perhaps in the very near fu ture you will havo to leavo this oiu planet and go into tho endless we beyond what spiritual preparation havo you inado for tho momentous embarkation have you made the proper spiritual preparation for tnc journev which shall take you into a country where you would like t igg through endless eternity where you would like to livo until time itself shall be no longer havo you in cadincss for this eternal journey a letter of credit made out at the bank of divine grace havo you an eternal passport written in rca inkwritten in tho blood which flowed out of the wounded side oi a dving and an atoning christ 11 you have not such a letter of credit you arc lost indeed even though in this world you had all the wealth of a rothschild a vanderbllt a rocke feller or an astor even tb onco on earth lived in as magnificent a mansion as did dives of old at whoso gate the dogs were uckmg tiie sores of a dying beggar shrouds have no pockets and a skeletons bony fingers can hold no gold no all vour worldly riches will then be but dross which you cannot carry with you on that last journey but if vou have the letter of credit of divino grace and the passportstamp- ed with tho crimson seal of calvary then tho long journey will be ac complished safely and i the gates of the new jerusalem will be opened unto you no matter how fnanda ly poor you may have been on cai th because vou are pleading there foi admittance in christs name to further carry out the idea of v text the true christian should look after the spiritual interests of his children and loved ones as well as prepare for his own celestial translation the homestead is not a hermitage not a place built where a man or woman or child can live in solitarv grandeur but the house of the text implies the father and the mother and the children the broth ers and the sisters the kith and kin the many loved ones all can live together in peace and happiness within the same four walls and as all the members dt a family dwelling within the same house ought to have a common interest so you cannot separate yourown individual spiritual interests from the spiritual interests- of your wife and children and loved ones the simile of death as a long journev away from the fumily re side is very striking when a man long earthly journey he i for m blome juianu and testament to decide how his estate is to be di vided we despise the selfishly thoughtless man who will leave his business affairs in one grand big inescplicablcl muddle altliough i am speaking a young man had a great rjoke which consists in clothing ele- vatcd sentiment in ar degrading q ow phraseology the noble arid tho pa- although i am comparatively thetic put into comic opera sling speaking a young man yet 1 have swill make the judicious grieve one fe j j 6 s frfs reminded to use georgo eliots j brother 1 want to wain yon as jfamqus3 s comparison of a monkey a friend uat in all probability when daubing pint over beau tif tues andirjthlnking itself witty of vcourse the fashion twill change jt loused to be fashionable to go slum- rpilng ttls not so now a similar jrevulsiqa lljtako splace- in the use of slang not many pooplc will be worry enough ls enough and just pfrture wmen bears the uue christ or diana 1 the central figure 13 a sauuf girl with one of the sweet- ss nobleft faces er painted by an artisfo brush with true dramatic power the master h birrounded sat voung girl with til the horrors oh scronifn percuieo- tbero in tho background of the picture s the amphitheatre in bku wild beasts aro tearing the martyrs to pieces and crunching tho bones of the slain thero are the torches made out of the living bodies of men and women covered with pitch who are dying for their belief in the lowly isazar- cno there are the grim faced rom an soldiers there is the plcadms lover as well as the pleading moth er and father bogging the young girl to renounce her belief hi her saviour and there the young maiden stands between the altar of a heathen god and tho solemn upright cross upon which is hanging the hruisea body of a dead christ that picturo may be dramatic una powerful but f- gladding bits of butter to each layer fa a truer scene b huc o- j day as i speak tno words of m text your own eternal redemptioi as well as that of all your love ones is riending with you they ai pleading with you to stop worshii ping at the altar of caesar whk is the altar of sin they aro pleac ing with you because if you do no cease to bow before sins altar yo shall surely die but if you will i tho few years that are left on cart bow before the cross and accci christ as vour saviour you she eternally lhe and if you here now consecrate your life aright tl the divino masters service yoii loved ones by hearing the gospj message from your pips may cteri allv live also may the holy spirf lead every one of us to mako thj right preparations for the immihen journey through tho dark valley the shadow of death redoes- for teekitchen 7 iliyjleno and other notes e for the housekeeper f i r ii tested tiecipes nut loaf grease a baking tii thoroughly spread entire- wheat rye bread crumbs over tho bottom then a layer of walnut meats chop ped- fino with a meat choppy sprinklo with a little sage thymd summer savory and salt and pepperi pour cream over this ltepeat witf alternate layors of crumbs and nuti until the tin is full having crumb on top bake an- oven delicati brown turn on to a platter and servo hot or cold for thosq who wish to uso less meat this will prove a pleasant substitute jlilkf may be used instead oi cream ffle s s lessor intebkatr okai usssoh sepiv21- fext of tho lesson deut atjexiv ii2 golden text ex xixiii ili f 13 and the lord shewed him 1 the land j qj jfftf head with prayer and reliance up- n the hoty- spirit tho parajlpl pas- uges in numj xxvii ja-17- dout 1 229 xxkll a52oncl notice scs groat desire to go over itto land his prayer to god that he ight be permitted todo so goda ifusal to allow him closes meek jbmisaion and hiroiut ihat meone be appointed in his tci o that israel might not bo as sheep ihich havo no shiihcrd obsopq hat it- was moses sinwlicnho bcynd god at kadesh in stril m la jj v i the rock instead of speaking to this is one of the little things that and thus lailed t coy iieems to fill a pretty bfg place in thc bf israci that kept hls he home after it onco comes mako cot tho promised land ftfi 1 box any size desired but be caro- that time sec num xs 718 tf i l th connebtion with the above passage ihin although it is well to have 1 1- rirr of light weight about thixequar- i cau t j iers of an inch thick is right for tho w prwgg s but thou shalt no ody of tho box a convenient 80 oyer thither hape is similar to a knife box only ith straight sides say- about four iches deep and louger than it is ide havo a partition running hrough the centre lengthwise- the liddle of this partition havo taller nan the sides and ends of tho box 0 a handle can be cut through it feo halfinch wood for the little par- itions put in as many as fanciod lave them run crosswise from tho ong partition to the sides thus mmm lorming little compartments these aaron n davfdand elfjahrin jtht paces can- bovaricdln size so thatj apos and nvniirei he si- when moses ipleadcd to be pciinitfr4 ted to gobvertho word fromufe lord was let it suffice tbvey speak no more unto ale of this matj ter deut iii 26 and that was enough it was israels sin in musy- murlngand rebcihng that led mosev to sin i but that didnotoxcuij f moses how holy is our gocj aftou what holiness he ih aiid who is tojt jfailurefili seen in adam isaac adam in noah in- abrojiinc j and- jacob in- mioses andrl why noses point easi very few peoples noses utr sot properly upon their facesvj you aro walking dowftticsyeot look at thb iople 5k llicy 4o by a ijf you will discocr thdjf the noses of ninetynine out ofjavery hundred turn- to the right tllienonco you have begun to notlj this fact very apt togather his family about uses his handljcrclibpn-osponding- him and say if i should take thistly so- from infaivrb old age th loilrnovfnsll vfiobablltyi wlhtu turn home at such and such a time i kerchief is persists twv or if the father is going into a new country to establish another home ho savsto his children after 1 am settled there and find everything al vou can sell the goods and come to inc i will bo o it santly- until will constantly attjet your attcnvi e tho cauliflower sprinkle 1 cup lion some folk jtrc are indeed b crumbs lover the top dot with who seem built in a bias inxli- 1 its of buttor and sprinkle lightly viduals whose cy slant at an i t5 iepper and sago bake 15 min- angle or oven at jjneront angles i v vv a iuick oven- 7i whose mouths iii tljcrery expansion irownod sweet potatoes bo u sweet potatoes selecting them a nearly uniformsize as possible whe ttader paroandplacq in apuddinl dish pour molted butter over tlleii 1 dust lightly with granulatec impler explan- sugar pierce tho topof cachwitll iishould neareftsharp forkand inserta spfol urn to the parsley in tiic hootservis rttl cleft v there cream sauce made of 1 tablespoo jvay to aojeoch butter and flour 2 cups ho ft is jthat al- ilk blended together and i cu jhanded and i chopped parsleyrrtho parsley ina of smile tvvist grjdward to sneerpersons warpefrom birth or by habit to pervcrsj willi siich it is tho business of bj criminologist to deal but for tniqst majority of plain people- somf ation- musfexist apostles and everywhere thero ia smallest nails won t bo given as none good but on0 r is go aoiroom as the biggest ones and jesus was god manlfestln th head of cauliflower break into sec- flesh it is only as hcis- manifesfe tioiis tie in n clean cloth and boil forl1ttle folks comfort fss i- hi f mr 30 minutes in salted water drain w be what he desires and place in a baiing dish put 1 warm underskrts and night gowns 6 moges was an ihundred teaspoon butter in a saucepan add may be for twenty years old when he dleb tablespoon flour mix and stir f cheap gray blankets which ey0 dim nor his hatur i pt rich sweet milk 1 heaping h ji lic b l to ablted tcaspdoh salt i teaspoon poderad p v- f n iu rnrr1oi i- make two skirts for a girl 10 years old fit with darts at the 7front and sides having- all gathers atthe back tupi up a hem and have tho gray stripe come just aboveit with the addition of cord an d tassels- oxr eelient jbatli robes for ovcryday uso may be evolved for grown peoplo sago and -a- little pepper stir con- it boils then pour when aaron moses and elpor j zar were with him oiitno onowajbij right pack up and aplace at such kerchief is persists twert- car the right hcnccss the iiifan passes through chigcxl arid latej youth when tho k sal organ malleable and inpess of forrilj tion so to speakfefc obliged grtl i dually but surelltssumc an 6 beautiful syrxr s any tlrne to fix up your estate mate an intelligent wil and testa ment- in all- probability you will be in such physical and mental weliknes that yoti will not have en ough strength to do anything else but he in your bed and murmur a lew words of- farewcir until you are gone therefore my brother what you want to do in jcfurcacc to set ting your temporal house in order through the influence of your lagt will jjiul testitment you had hettcr do right awuy when death comes ybnr- hialh may bo too feeble to jplan and your fingers too tkkmbling to hold a trn furthermore v friend that state ment of yours about f sitporfcti- n s r- ftious in reference to mnkinglaf kvill pleto absunenco wouldnt do usis very foolisli it is a fppyh ha thdsuperstition some p6cecthave a little morwthaiii chough lis by great deal toomucht with all re spect for slang and with a sneak ing surreptitious liking for ltit is notbvead andmcat it is only a j conicction allqueur it has to be nibbled or sipped not devoured in large quantities we have had a uurfcit fa period of almost clination towards ft ight when klsslnd such- and such and such a time t i my brother as you must take this long journey through the valley of the shadow of death with the divine passport in your hands- jiow can you ever expect to rejoin your loved ones unless you make previous arrange ments with them where to meet hayinga letter of creuit at the ilank of grace you say you expect to journey to tho celestial city have you over told your lovpd ones about that city have you over told thorn how to get to that centre of the universe have you ever j connccticil told them there s only one way coljnv undcr th reach your destination and that is f i for them to obtain forgiveness ofj coula am f their f by the blood of the uimb t in thc x t6 so that their heavenly- advent- shall i thdr wivog in pumi ding hollowedout pot cheese iusovlio yolks of hardboiled eggs clioosing small eggs serde with salad dress- witlkftlpsos when he died ho hejfc often been alone with god on two difterbnt occasions for forty daysi and nights r ja tims bjt prevlou tbtitlirwcasionhe had always coma back to continue j j with the j j now in health and vlggr pt boijy and in the use of all ida facultiesjha went up into the mountain alone land returned- to ysraalnomore outr from the earlhly iniwhlcw had sojourned for 120 years moses- the servant of thc lord went live with god forever no snek- less no sundering as far as wo now but he just closed his eyes to arth and entered into tho presonco f god and of the rodeemed and pt- ho holy angclsj tho ody present with -the- lord which a very jfar better for him phil j- m 1 231 he ip still there alive and a hlttlk care and oilj 7tell il ufte more than 1400 do not go on trying to sew with f fr tjo tin of machine which needs a thorough h departure peter and thj r leaning and oiling a welltcared for saw sfr mclilne not onlv lists longer but i transfiguration with jwfi3uibt better satisfaction s witii4 w ir and more even stitch than ono ich is neglected pealtls of truth small turning the haves patience is necessary ingredient of several sue a beens aes at different tnnesb in tko jprc- head of iottu lsgss tlllrr a m as only one side oy a shorj tlnieifna 1 gg w yoii canv give what you y stop not with feelings charity into deeds do i what costs yousometliiuir fh thorn lord of his appr6a1ingdeccvisii luke ix 3032 tho i boay -of- m moses was burled but- ho man being present no man knows where for god has notseen fit ito tellto bufy bodies nhearth mscrlptbral to burn with ifire i hcathenfeh uiough it matters little- how trre is v disposed of- fop raise- it up john v 28 vi 32 40 454 8 and the- children of isxraol wept for moses injuio plains of moab thirty days although the great enemy dea thy can only bring gain tovthe boie3r- fy rootingoutourstjlfisji desires nis work on the body is jo be voll when tllov anuonr i iqq- no nnmt orwl t- t r preparing cliamberofthe soul where the di- ct by sin be made possible if it is import- ggg consutcrc1 anvfor to make jftfemly lehaviour much harm a the new british academy has re ceived its charter and the names of fortynine of the fifty academicians are known it is on the model of thc philosophicalhistorical sections of german acadbmics that- the hew niout sitting one of thirteen at taljlovqr looking at the new moon ovcrthc wrong shoulder or- carrying a jiewboni baby dowjistairs ijefore he is carried upstairs it is so fool- ish thatmain surprised t should be throne of j thcrirht spirit of tno cnurcn or v prayer 3od will let everyone of us in those t hve as long asjis necessary to do illegal in scotland j nnvwherc cnuitained amoutntcm- ucvcd thc of jcrusalein j anywnii m mn imw j tn thesick ilczckiah thus gent people- you will not dio cause you make your last will be- oiul institution is framed rather than on testament but- you ought to mako lt of the- academe francase a y- u lsrs fact thatji- made noticeable by tho volli death is inevitable set vabscnccof purely literary names fo tliinejlioiiso in order be sure wo find in it sir lccky mr j nut mr tnlinoee says some what is the good of making and said to ihoslck iie7ckinh saitli the lord set thine house in it is an ordor fon thou shalt die tlio king turned his face toward the wall and citable fact tnaiboi- betfahto weep itezeklali was ntt u ago when most leoplo die weeping becauso he had to die he ro a sort of natural rrocessj the i paratioris for the jonnieyof dentil lnolnis th by be ng washed i n saviours nctuollv pi blood ia it not just as important li for your j loved ones to be cleansed by thk same hlopp 1 hut there is one overwhelming thought about my text upon which i jove to dwell if wo go to the mfrf the church- or e lieing pt it wu do itlogal in scotland j take a the work lie wants us to do in his of over two miles jisundnj name 1ieri the prophet isaiah en- less the destination pas the sucij k but in tho sovcnlcenukd cis centuries it was a hi pffeng a inanto kiss his- jri cliiltlrcn on sundayj iid alty for sudi an ojuce was thing from a fine doins luojuvkcjatli womkn cxtraoriiary hut icpu1 en when they appear to- touch no deplored and our lrf himself wept icbut ourselves o are proparihg ot j the gravo of lazarus- death chamber of the soul where the di- jcamo by 9inbutin due time both mo presciice may dwell ellen wat- d and sin shall be found no q irii more on earth buthallhe do- ivo man can learn wliathe has not stroyed hob xlli if i rirxiv 26 reparation for lenrnln our eyes iiov xi 3 4 hatstare usin 9 a joshuatlie w of nun vai mi- s 1 fa f h of ue s o for rrogres without i when fosos asked that nc ono f the bfdlvfd -e- law might to take his ho e 1 ulan ece h god m joshiiaas his nlssj p lo bt i-o- jsteccssor num xxvii 18- and oh lat h- 1 v ftisstm 1 some now the people hearken to 1 a aa on in a higher degree this is tlio they had done to mows- ills stor will coinoboforq jj injthenext quar- ters lessons meanwhilolctair bo looking up the pasi inerition of liim and thusgitting better acfpialntcd with him i lij to lask which cod has iiiiroscd on nun this is the continuation of od s own work- the completion of reation dcmogeot thinlv of yourself therefore nobly nd you will llvenohy will mlizc on irtlvhnttvmofcliaraci i and alpro x t and faith which wxmi nikhdu sh t i jlko eal alike of philosopher arid hero ul lr1 i was not afraid lo die hut he wept ju venation hair ihd teeth- 1 iwcnuse ho could not accomplish for again tno wrikles cllsapl ear iro uihw what is the good oi iiinkingaod and his people that which seem- the sldniand sight and heaing john morleyrof jcbb sir other wim wst havo i d ncccssar for him to do then qllir0 their orner shnrn a leslie stephen but they aro tlicrc to leave except a few j in answer to llezoklnhs prayer ood s de morabcnu if orithelri scientific aclilovetnontrathl n my wardrobe and there snidito isainh tho prophet go and of lh rot d reniarknbj in ertkin literary fdrm in are not many of te j i jyi i i- j iiirk on a comparatively smnii sal- which it is presented the prcpon- elutt on c ij o deraneo of university professors is income and i cannot afford to marked this follows the gormanj j my life for the bonelll of my anaiogy andnot thefrcnch witlilnlchlldrcri iiilsaint charles woikho to him who has its limitations thollst is ic riioro i- m brother that is a very bravo than respectable one the roll call sfss l t t i ay itls useless for you to make a of british philologists is very cre-i- willahd icstamcntrbccnuso you dltablc and tho number of names have nothing to leave and cannot uf- snv to heekih thus solth tho lord wm she died at tl the god of david thy father i have eightysix but a few ycarl heard the prayer i have seen the her death sho became in wi- tears heboid i will add unto thy lit voung again the safe cuniyj davs fifteen years soloiliiy if like llezekiah we will pray in the right spirit god will let most of us unknown to tile outer wovw v t l nsured if vyou a great big strong man arc ler pcr than usual in such bodj s hard time lo make a les tlio noblemen nndpbluiclans j living what will your physically whoi arc- deluded with lord rosewcak wife do uhjs- bory aiid mr balfour jnho lead have all mado some effort in sclcn- tlnc ictters some day perhaps thc british poctsjj jclslylst novel ists and playwrights may havo their academy tets as infrarice tho lato duke of sutherland said to have left 03 wills little opes ktrnppcd about her back when you are dead if it is so hard for you to swim in thc current of ufa and keep your head above the whalers how will she a poor widow be ablo to do it when your strong arjn is gonc vj1i the world bo ndyiwher iinhmt istb you has the cruel world ever been any gentler or extended a moro helpful hand to a wifo and a mother who is icftapovortyrstrlckcn widow than it has for you live long enough to carry tho gospel message to all of our dear ones as well as to spiritually prepare for our own ctcrnal journey but as our earthly time is short in order to make this spiritual preparation our selves and to help mako the spiritual preparation of our loved ones by bringing themto tho saviour we must consecrate oursches to the lords service now by thc power j of thc holy spirit wo must conse crate our lives to csoda work a we have novcr consecrated them before wo must no oat and drink and breathe ond talk and pray that we shall mako christ the supreme ruler of our lives so that in all things wo may do nothing inconsistent with our allegiance to him aro you and i jlko hczcklah ready to surrender our lives entirely to tho again i nu f j happened nun of the iif- o quoritetvcrdur phm sixtytwo lost her wr xf ij her sight nnd 5 teeth when she die ten a a her appearance a young girl eral years almost thut shotoldrmo suhf study of palmtfltry veirihe offered to redya and i let her naturally t a9 go and thun she ls 8 love but would got over marry a poorgln j whnt did yo svohns rich ami what could i wrf her uial i intended to propose to very evening- uptoioscs face to face n many respects moses stamls alone none like -him- it is written f of him aiid the uordspako unto 92lerspeeqel moses to m a map speak- temi z 1 j u k xxxiiili- su fy but iu ijcb hi wo s6c how much iiznr h 0m kater christ is than mow and ji vnnr h fi much higher christ isnthan nngels attain enters into bothplato l moses or aaron or joshua or iny other our high jprlestovever ifter tlio order of molchisodec tho asttwovorsee ofbur lesson sot orlji the way iii moses wa9 rcatcr thananyotbo- prophct in ho matter the signs and wonders vhich- god wrought by mh ill con- lcctlori with isracrsdcllvcrahcc from gypt a greater deliverance for sraol is drawing nigh when with limilar but greater wonders sho hall be delivered from all nations ind placed in her own liirid fdrovcr 6 the glory bf god arid thcblcsiing if nil nations jcrl xvl j7 18 cjtill 7 8 mlc vllj320 death qay from earth a jiifeph or tj moses or a loshua but the lnrd livcui rind all the promises of god iro- yea and amen in christ jmmis- ind like isnlah when uzziah died vcraay ipokjup into heaven and see j priestxki never dfes who aid to tbluii timircthatllvcjh w jind was dead ami behold i nmnfsv or over more amen nnd have tho jieyn of helhand of death i cor 20 isfi vll iiov j 18

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