Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), March 21, 1895, p. 4

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bothj3u1lty hendershott and welter ou friday last 12 good men and true unanimoualy decided that v 1 welter and john a heuderauow were guilty of the murder of w h heoderchou and were sentenced by chief juacice meredith to be handed on tuesday june i8th next crown prosecutor osier made a terrible arraignment of the prisoners he pointed out that the man who con templates a crime always does it skilfully to make sure of his gain so always look for an appearance of innocence the eri dence is always circumstantial in a danger ous crime that is a crime of deliberation the dangerous criminal is the schemiup one who never if possible lets his hand be seen circumstantial evidence be said is the only thing that brings the crime home to him when brought home it is a safer class of testimony than that of the direct witness who may ibe mistaken or fore sworn it is said by some never con- vict upon circumstantial evidence if that were acted up on the scheming murderer the designing murderer would always es cape thn he disproved the accident theory he showed that the efforts of the defence to prove that tbe wounds on the head ot the dead man were caused by a falling tree were fntile because of its inability to corroborate its theorv in the minor de tails adverting to the presence of blood mr oaler said that br ellis has proven that the blood resembled that of a human being and that it was not that of a horse yet the only suggestion is that the blood is that of a dead horse the blood was fresh and of the same age where did it como from whose blood was it it tells its own tale pool by pool drop by drop is it tho blood of the dead man rising up as witness whence came the bloody finger murks on the sapling and on tho crotch all of the same age all fresh if the theory of the defence is right baid mr osier there should not be one drop of blood where fit was found but it should be found leading from the spot where the branch struck him tio where be died there is no blood on tho knoll no hloou at the place where it is suggested the branch struck him and swept him in it was not for the crown to say just how tho killing occurred no eye saw it it nny be that the man was hit tarst at the furthest point and ran to tie second where he was again struck and then to the third and finally to the largest pool where he was left until welter went foreward to see where he could best put him under the tree he takes care to a- void blood marks for but little blood is shed and it all comes from the head ho knows that he has got to take care he does so and the telltale blood is only found on his face and on the leaves in the woods mr osier laid great stress on the pros- en e of hendershotts ax hidden away out of sight in the woods so completely thatwhen curious people searched high aud low for 3ome nine days tlwy never came aeross it then it was found con cealed with marks on it which when analyzed bore all the characteristics of human blood that ax was an awful witness the fact that welter was wearing the dead mans watch was a damning piece of evidence the crowns theory was that welter took it from the clothes of his vic tim when he laj on the ground mr osier then showed welter to te very much of a liar as was evidenced by his seven contra dictory stories next he referred to the fact that welye intelligent doctors had sworn that an axe and not a branch caused the wounds on the other side six admit that an axo could he regretted that he did not bring the head of the victim into court and the axe at the same time coining to the insurance branch of the case the motive of the crime mr osier snowed that john hendershott had taken the initiative on allocccasions he accom panied the young man to the doctors and to the insurance agents who persuaded the dead man to take out the insurance the sum 1 1000 was pretty heavy for a man in his position to carry hendershott had told two women unwilling witnesses that he was gohu to insure some one and then get him out of the way to show that a conspiracy existed be tween welter and john hendershott he cited the fact that both told tho story of the deceased running after his watch al though tho men weie eight miles distant in a brilliant peroration mr osier told the jurors to do their duty courageously fear ing neither tho criticism of men nor the tears of women it took nearly two hours for chief just ice meredith to deliver his charge ho summed up the evidence carefully bringing out all the strong points for the defence as well as for tho crown he instructed the jurors to start un with the presumption of the innocence of the prisoners and then to return a verdict according to the evidence the jury went out at 530 and a short while after ten announced that they were prepared to bring in a verdict an expec tant hush fell over tho courtroom as his lordship took his scat on the bench and th jury filed into the room immediately tho clerk arose and asked the formal ques tion gentlemen of the iury have you agreed upon a ycrdit are tho prisoners at the bar guilty or not guilty every ear was strained to catch the ans wer guilty i replied the foreman in a trem ulous voice and then women shrieked and cried and sobbed bitterly the older prisoner let his head drop on his breast and did not ralso it until sentence was imposed upon him cltcr sat as stolid as a rock he never showed the least sign of fear in seutencing the prisoners the chief justice dispensed with the black cap he asked the prisoners if they had anything to say nothing answered both he then sentenced them to death on tuesday juno i8th tho prisoners wore immediately removed to tho jail and tho death watch put on them the jurors were un uiimous on the first ballot after discussing the evidence thoroughly a ballot was taken and every man voted guilty it if thiy siucefly and determinaudy place their will on the total abstinence side of the question for there must be no com- promisethey will soon find the strong chains that bind them fall away leaving them free from the useless filthy lniunous habit i know whereof i affirm for 1 was for years such a slave to the habit that 1 would rather go without dinner thad be de prived of the weed 1 kept the mill grind ing pretty constantly during the day and to show that i had no illfeeling against tobacco i smoked a pipe or two before re tiring for the night i have now no appe tite for tbe narcotic many pale nervous dyspeptic people who expend their money for doctors pills and powders would hud a speedy cure in total abstinence from the narcotic poison of tobacco i know many good men use tobacco but they would be much better men if tbey never used it but i will stop right here in the hope that some sensible smoker may be led to fling his pipe and cigars to the moles and to the bats that some chewer of the weed may wash out his mouth and throw his nasty black plug to the dogs it will not harm the dogs because they wont degrade them selves by chewinp it uncle sam vs spain ballantrak miss annie stewart of tho 10th line is visiting her sister mrs john gray miss latham of toronto is yisiting her aster mrs g h gray although still confined to his bed w h clark is steadily recovering and we hope ho shall soon bo able to be about a- gain 1 fully endorse the conclusion arrived at by mr jenkins of cashel who in his able and logical arraignment of tobacco in last weeks tribome smote the giant hip and thigh judged by the bible standard he proved that tobacco is an element of evil and evil continually all true christians believo the bible to be the supreme law to which all human laws aro subordinate hence they must accept what ho has cleat ly proved that tobacco is mans enemy physic ally mentally and morally and that christ ians are under obligation to abstain from its use tobacco not only impairs the functions of each and every bodily orean bot also affects every power of the mind it dnlls the intellect deadens the sensibil ity or feelings and weakens the will ilany tobacco users say they cannot aban don the habiu they should be honest and say truthfully they bv do will to abandon the american mail steamship alliance while proceeding from colon to new york on tno morning of the 8th inst sighted a barkentine rigged steamer off cape may the eastern edge of cuba which head ed directly towards her at 5 oclock when about two and a half miles distant she hoisjedtbe spanish flag which was saluted by hoistiug the america ensign and dipping it which act of courtesy was answered by tho spaniard at 715 she fired a blank cartridge to leeward which was soon fol lowed by another the american ensign was again hoisted and dipped but the course and speel of the ship was not chang ed as no hostile demonstration was an ticipated the alliance being more than six miles off the land at the time the span ish manofwar was not satisfied however with even the double salute to her flap but proceeded to chose the american at full speed judging from the smoke that eame from her funnel and seeing that the allian ce was drawing away she yawed to bring her guns to bear and fired a solid shot which struck the water less than an eighth ot a mile away from the ship and directly in line this was followed by two more solid shots x fortunately did not reach their mark though they struck the water in plain sight of the ship at each shot however the spaniard yawed to to get the range of the american ship before firing on her plainly showing the intention to hit her if she could captain grossman of the alliance he was more than two leagues from land on the high seas did not consider it his duty to detain his ship to find out the reason lor such an outrage even for so summary a demand and so ord ered full steam and gradually drew out of range the chase was kept up for more than 25 miles however before it was a- bandoned if the spaniard had had more speed or her gunners been better marksmen no doubt the iucident would not have end ed so fortunately for the american this outrage has been reported to the secretary of state by captain grossman and it is ex pected that a prompt demand will be made on the spanish government for an explana tion for the ipsult and a reason required for the attempt to stop an american mail steamer ou the high seas in time of peace ottawa experimental farm editor tribune during the past eight years samples of those varieties of grain which havo succeeded best on the experimental farms have been distributed on pplioaiion in 3lb bags to farmers in aupirls of the dominion free through winal tho object in view in this cjbtritjtttiton has been to improve the quality aud character of these impoitaut agricultural products throughout the country this work has met with much appreciation and a considerable degree of success last year i was instructed by the honourable minister of agriculture to forward as far as practicable two samples to each applicant but the applications received were so numerous that on this basis of distribution all the available stock had been promised by the middle of february and all later applicints could not be suppli ed this year my instructions are to send oris sample only to each applicant with the hope jhat with this limitation every farmer in the dominion who so desires may share in the benofits of this use ful branch of the work of the experim ental farms the distribution now in progress consists of somo of the most promising sorts of oats barley phng wheat pease jfield corn and potatoes al ready more than 7000 applications have been filled all farmers desiring to participate in this disti ibution should send in their applications and state which of the above named samples they would prefer and their wishes will be mot as far as practicable until the available stock is exhausted the grain can bo sent esriy but the potatoes will not be distributed until the danger of bejng injured in transit by frost is over letters addressed to the central experimental farm may be sent free of postage wm- saundebs director experimental farms hocs booming again a pair weighing 2s06 lbs live weight dressed the handsome weight of 2610 lbs in twenty and onehalf months there were sold during the past year 1673 of the famous o i c hoes to the progressive farmers of tbe various states and territories as well as to foreign countres for brceditg purposes a challenge has been given to breeders of other thorough bred hogs to show a record of onethird this number sold during 1894 for breeding purposes another testimonial i will call your atten tion to is that of o c kepuer one of alabamas enterprising business men he having three bogs to weigh 2000 lbs at 20 months old these testimonials are similar to what are received from every qaarter my pair of hogs speak for them selves being only 9 months old and weigh ing 700 lbs these have a tendency to attract wide spread attention it is an undisputed fact that nothing will bring quicker or larger returns to the farmer than a superior breed of hogs parties wishing to sec this famous breed are cordially invited to do so by calling at any time we live in an age of progress and in no line of advancement is there greater improvement than in swine and live slock and as the spring season is near i have decided to change the terms to suit the times which 1 have no doubt will satisfy av many patrons who lcel interested in tine hogs sec advt i i another column for terms of service c joseph bark- ey castoria is dr samuel pitchers prescription for infants and children it contains neither opium morphine nor other karcotlo substance it is a harmless substitute for paregoric drops soothing syrups and castor oil it is pleasant its guarantee is thirty years uso by mill io ns of mothers castoria is tho childrens panacea the mothers friend f sale 1 was ccrkd of acute bronchitis by minards liniment bay of islands j m campbell i was conedof facial neuralgia by min ards lin ie nt springhill n y- wm daniels i was cured of chronic rheumatism by minards liniment albert co n b georoktixolev we are informed that unscrupulous dealers are in the bablt of aelllnr plugs and parts or plots of inferior tobacco reprttenunu tbem to be the genuine tlw tbeuennlooploi is vamped with the letters tab in broue purchasers will confer a faroc by look laf foe the iraoe mark wbea pnrehaaina a reward of on jtutulred jdoifor will be tirm to anyone for tnfonaarloo leading is the coo tieuooolanyperioo or peraona fnuty of tbe abora fraodoient practices or rarmafiaf on ous trade nurk in lay manner wbatsomr the geo e tuckett son co ltd hamilton our a jersey red boar 2 years old a pply to h l hoover lot 34 con 7 markham ringwood p o that desirable white brick residence on the corner of main and fair streets stouft- ville opposite ur s l freels the house is in good condition contains 8 rooms and bathroom there is also a good stable on the premises and plenty of hard and sott water terms to fsuit purchaser apply to h l vaszast stouffville castoria castorlmlsso well adapted tochndrcuthat i recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me n a acnxs if i ill so oxford st eroouya k y the uso of castoria u to universal and its merits so well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse it few aro the intelligent families who do not keep castoria within easy reach caexos hajctvm d r 7 irowyorvaty- castoria castoria cures colic constipation sour stomach diarrheas eructation hills worms gives sloop csd iromotes di gestion without injurious medication por several years i byo recommended your castoria and shall always continue to do so as it has invariably produced beneflcjt results edwix f tardes if d 12mristieetardnhaokewyorkcity h j ohmson i still to be found at the old stand with a full sk ck of first- olass family groceries canned goods fruits c at rockbottom prices tor cash also crockery glassware delfware c everything that is kept in a wideawake grocery aud at lowest priees for cash can be had at tun outjott crcnixt 71 mcnaat stsxet krw yoax crrt mortgage g of valuable property in the village of stouffville in the county of york there will he sold on wednesday the 3rd day of april 1895 atone oclock in the afternoon- at the mansion housr hotel in the vil lage of stouffville by virtue of ptwcrs of sale contained in a certainj mort gage which willbc produced at the sale the following property part of the east half of lot number one in the ninth concession of the township of whitchurch in said county and which may be butter known and described as village lot say the whole of number nineteen and the western part or one fourth of an ace of lot number eighteen containing toecther three fourths of an acre more or less accord ing to plan of part of said village of stouff- yillo known as the wright aud pringlejplan surveyed by george mephillips p l s 1857 and filed in the registry office for- the county of york on the 25tlijday of january 1858 as plan no 230 the following buildings are said to be erected on the premises two pair frame dwellings terms 20 per cent of the purchase money to be paid down on the day of mle for balance terms will be made known at the sale for lurther particulars apply to josra mackenzie leonard solicitors toronto street toronto or to r j daley stouffville money to loan on farm or village property at from 5to6percelmt agent for lending money for the independ ent order of foresters j a todd stouffville caution owing to the enormous ile of our famous something good cigar other manufacturers arc putting on the market inferior goods under this name a poor article is never imitated there fore tho fact that something good is being counterfeited is a guarantee to smok- erstwitis the bests cent cigar oh the market- in purchasing see that our trade mark the snowahoe and firm name are on each box no other is genuine our something good brand is registered and any fno sell ing other cigars under this name will be prosecuted em fin tobacco co mont not james t daley all kinds of boots and shoes made to order firstclass stock of leather to choose from tho new waterproof method is greatly benefiting those trrrablod with rheumatism give them a trial special attention given to orders for hand sowed work repair np done on short notico thfwest store iii iirket buildmg stotjbfvixijk money to loan g- h stephenson c russel fitch ll b- phib barristers solicitors conveyancers notaries public etc office over warriners store stouffville ont -the- provincial- building ann loan assn- registered for busintis tn british columbia february 5ta 1s94 authorized gap1tal 5000000 subscribed 1018500 and district local board esq esq president v a silvester hardware merchant vicepresident wm malloy prop tribune solicitor j mccullouoh esq scctreas local agt d stouffer esq valuator r j daley esq general agt s mwarr1keb r j george s esq manufacturer board meets for the consideration of loans at call of secretarytreasurer am payments on instalment stock are due and payable on or before the first monday in each month at stark williamsons bank scoufyvirjlu d stoiiffer special agent stoultville ontario from whom all information may be obtained w munims general agent eastern ont ead office jcokonto ont carriaqe wworks w i beg leave to inform the public that i have purchased the oldjerman property cast of the queens hotel where i intend to carry on the car riage business in all jts branches i manufacture farm waggons bug gies sleighs and cuttejes of all discriptions i keep none but firstclass men in all the different branches having selected my stock irom the best houses in the do minion and havinghad 25 years experience in the trade myself i ni con fident of giving entire satisfaction to all who may favor me with their pat- rpnage i havcjust received a consignment of vamish direct from wzfarlandsonsof england come and get your buggy painted by a b sinby one cf tho best carriaec painters in this pro vince call and see my stock be fore pnrchasing elsewhere all work warranted repairing done on the shortest notice- no so called patd gears or factory work remember the stand cast of queens hotel wht0dd for sjliif a quantity of texas rdst proof oats this positively new variety of oats- are areddish dun color enormous yielders have averaged 75 bus per acre for these last 4 years in ontario medium straw- stand well ex cellent stooler and abont ten days earlier than other vari- f eties 100 per bus 5f bus 9oc per bus lo busv and over 75c f o b stouff ville gr t r bags free samp les on application also a number of improved yorkshire white boars and sows fit for service at prices to suit the times apply to j c brodie jr betiiksda ont 10 ji3iiii yiiii o foreign and domestic fruit store stocktaking is over and we are getting ready for the spring clean up now for kalsomining and painting we have paris white jell stone alabastine and kalsom- ine in paints we have six shades for floors and 15 tor woodwork kalsomine brushes from 15c to 480 paint bru shes from 5c to silvester dougherty jstark agent for queen norwich union andr gore fire insurance companies get my rates before insuring elsewhere office of stark williamson bankers stouffville ml williamson the lams journal is a bemjtifull illustrvted and handsomely printej monthly magazine orxmrty-mxnt-k- t- -il- i latest fashion news carefully and finely illustrated household hints fancy work home and school page mothers page elocutionary short and serial stories of all sorts almost all the matter contained in the ladies jouiwai is oripinal with that publication and cannot bo found else where all the women of your household will be delighted with the journal so all subscrib ers to tho tribune we wlil furnish tbe ladies journal for one year for tho small sum of 25c the editor of this journal miss jane wetherald is one of the ablestjn canada and the periodical is sure to give satisfaction a perfect tea the specialist puts new steel on seed drill spouts new steel on seeder points new steel on axes new steel shofs on horses all of ho best quality ami finest workman- ship in fact i- will stekl any tiling you wiab and will charge you n very moderate price call and enquire re- member the place the old stand opposite the market where you will see tho onlysign in town composed of twoj letters b e beebe daleys bloci money to loan ongood security sale and ifaem notes cashed and taken for collection drafts issued on the imperial bank and its branches and on all points in canada and the united states savings department interest allowed on deposits soles collected at lowest rates office hours 10 a in to 3 m saturdays 10 am to 1 pm thos wiuuisoh corsu tine manager w j stm krtsincw manager new business xjnte of gormley has opened up in beebes block stouffville opposite the market where he is prepared to do all kinds of carriage building and all kinds of carriage repairs all work entrusted to him will be done promptly and at reasonable rates a share of the public patron age is hereby solicited r b duncan tmc v- rlth kwon co i rom the tea plant to the rea cxip in its native purity monsoon teaisput up by the indian tea jxowersnsa sample rf the best qualities of indian reas therefore they use the grcitcst cire in ibe election of the tea md its blend that is why tiiey put it up themselves and sell it only in tho original packages thereby securing its purity and excellence put up in lb i lb and 5 lb packages and never sold in bulk all good grocers keep it if your grocer does not keep it tell him to write to steel hayter co 11 and 13 front gtrcst east toronto the old reliable c h kemp dpano-iry- 33xtclier keeps onhand all kinds of fresh and salt meats sausages head cheese and fish in tseason in fact everything that is kept in a wellordered shop beef sold by the quarter and potk by tlie carcase at reasonable rotes note casli fpaid for hides skin and tallow xmrr saws axes call and see the only nickel steel xcut saw made cheap for cash t e trull

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