a largetock furniture coaiuour oo bxl t biibbjkoijme b s w ro no naauttnrlntmi a tttatr redacej star bedsprisr tfonkilr midooe by mrjhemo- call ao4 enr elecaat uo of baby carriages niake notxce that joel baker h o hd a urj qaitttr of dry p hoopoe also a large qoantity ofsmngles y i and no a any quaxtity0f xjvtii bills of lumber furnished lod ilavwx saltbyth barrel 4 ltc salt by the hundred 300 cedar posts forsalk ctdar faruiihetl to order mwei or roand now fok large photos w t i15itte3ss photographer bu jult revived a ure cmora mod will bo ablo in tbo future to mk 6r0ups or single pictures up to 14x17 at rcasouablc prices give me a call large stook of millinery flowers and feathers at reasonable prices berlin woolj arrjsene filokllm rlbbom- perforated cardboard facer goods felts for table drapes and rope silk dry goodsguoceiues and a large assortment el toys and fancy articles come and inspect our stock before purchasing elsewhere mrs stock main st- opposite baptiit church the tribune stouffville apkil 10 1891- opportune sextluents winters snowy mantle has now about disappeared and the accumulation of considerable rubbish is now apparent in almost every yard from a sanitary point of view therefore it behoves every person to attend to the cleaning up of his premises at the earliest opportunity the frost is now out of the ground and the spring rains will dissolve and carry into our shallow wells especially on small lots much offensive and unwholesome matter uuless the cleaning process be resorted to and when the surface water has disappeared all wells should bo emptied of their contents in the older and more thickly populated portions of our towns and cities dug wells have been altogether abandoned owing to the impossibility of keeping the water free from contamination by filtration of sur faco water could our town fathers sec their way clear to constructing n good system of waterworks stouffville would at a moderate cost be supplied with water second to none in the province in point of purity and thus debilitating and dangerous diseases which are now becoming provaleut and which are large ly attributable to impure water would soon almost disappear ungainly spots exist in every town and siouffville is no exception but with a little labor many of these can be made to assume a civilized appearance the removal of some unsihtly old buildings and fences and the application of the painters brush to others would add materially to the trimness of the town in the matter of drainage there is room for considerable improvement that of the business portion is such that our public thoroughfare has been blessed with a duck pond several times this spring what is really required for main st is a trunk sewer and a substantial block pavement in the business portions shade trees are not only refreshing on a hot summer day but they give the town a progressive aspect and we notice that there is ample room for an extensive planting this season as those which are planted on the streets become the property of the corporation would it not bo a judicious movement on the part of the council at its next meeting to take teps to provide with suitable shade trees all parties desirous of planting them along their prcmiser as summer advances the hateful and pcisistcnt burdock crops up and lines the sidewalk in many placet owners of adjoining property should assist the authorities in exterminating this pest ns it is only by determined perseverance that it can be eradicated fertilizers in accordance with the amendments made to the fertilizers act last session every manufacturer or importer of agri- cultural fertilizers- obliged to declare to tho inland rovcnuo department and describe on the packages tho nature of the materials from which the fertilizer is manufactured and a sample must bo submitted to tho department for analy sis fiftyfive different brands of com mercial fertilizers offered for sale in the dominion were recently analyzed by irof mckarlanc chief analyst and the result indicated that they were approxi mately worth the regular manufacturers price per ton nitrogen the most expen sive fertilizing clement the farmer is per fectly capable of saving in his own stables or producing upon his farm it lias ion bcon known that barn yard manure loses considerable of its fertility elements but more especially nitrogen if left to itself it ii safe toiksumcliat generally 50 per cent of the nitrogen contained in the barnyard manure of this country returns unutilized to the atmos phere assuming that an average quan tity of 3go0o lb is produced annually by each animal and that it contains 01 per cent of nitrogen it follows that a loss of 72 lbs nitrogen worth 1008 takes place for each head of cattle this loss can bo prevented by strewing amongst the manure in the stables about 700 lbs ground plaster for each head at a cost of about 250 per annum by doing this the faimcr would be relieved from the necessity of purchasing the nit rogen of agricultural fertilizers send me another naif dozen bottles of kvercsts cough syrup i cannot keep bouse without iu john hlepbeoaodsftdi lie co mich a great dry goods palace when you come to toronto bear in mind that 190 to zoo yonge street is a meeting and resting and waiting place as well as the biggest store in canada there are reading and sitting rooms for you telephone telegraph and mail facilities vour parcels will be cared for without charge we try to make you welcome whether you buy or not vou know that there is no worthy thin for wear or home use but we have it if you cant come to the store write for whatever you want sam ple or goods shopping by mail has come to bv simple and certain a few scratches of a pen and all the facilities of the store are yours in short we shop for you as we would for ourselves and such service costs you nothing extra t eaton co 1m tt 8 ims st twiit v notb asdj03tmbsts it is stated that sbortjy itjrter tho opening otlhe dooimiou parllmeut a member of the government wffll move to refer to theeommittee of privileges ami elcctious tho whole matter ofj the mcgrce-vyscaudal- i v the canadian system of balloting at elections has been adopted mora or lcss completely by twentyone stales of the adjoining uuion in all casus it has given entire satisfaction and it is expected t rat before long ail tho re maining states will adopt this reform spuing house show the first annual spring fair of the whitchurch agricultural society will be held on the agricultural grounds stouffville on wednesdayapril 22ud when the following premiums will be awarded imported dhaucht stallions a4ko 1st prizebv fdmiller mansion house s10 00 2id prizn 4uo 3rd prize 2 00 imrosted ditaluiit stallions 3 yks and uxdiul 1st prizebv fdmihermausion house 810 00 2nd prizebvjgmarttuqueent hotel 4 00 3rd prize 2 00 canadian dkalgur stallions 1st prize 2nd 3rd c 00 4 00 2 00 sc 00 4 00 2 00 investigations into the records ot ie eleven victims of the jw6rleaiis in the massacre has brought to light tho die that all but four of them were register ed voters and citizens either by- birth or naturalization of the four one was a sicilian robber and found to have been a voter isnt he parish of st charles orio was a fugitive murderer from palermo and a former member of a band of highwaymen another fled from palermo charged with mur deringa female and of the fourth no one seems to know an v thing v the dominion government jtras de cided to allow the provincial act abol ishing separate schools and also an act abolishing french in the legisla ture and journals and juduciabproeeed- iugs to go into operation in his re- dort sir john thompson says it is doubtful whether the legislature had the power to pass these acjtk the constitutionality of them hdwever can be easily tested in the courts y anyone who is interested in the use of the french language in legal proceed ings or in the journals of the assembly and therefore the prerogative of disal lowance has no been exercised t sir charles tupper on thursday april 2nd held an interview with sec- blaine when it was arranged that a conference should be held atvashing- ton on monday last with regard to the trade rotations between canada and the united state sir charles tup per sir john thompson and mr geo k foster accompanied bysr julian pauncefotearrived at thp time ap pointed huu wero inforrriojijo secre tary blaine that president jharrlson desired to be present at thcttscussions and as ha was about to coon a south ern tour the conference would requite to be posponed until his return r t general booths illness will be regretted throughout the- world and its course will be followed with anxi ety as to its result by all who have the best interests of tho world at heart tho success of the salvation army which is the creation of this great org anizer is acknowledged bv all magis trates and charitable workers who come into close contact with the lowest classes and it would seem probable that the fair trial of the scheme for leading the lapsed masucs out of dark est england depends upon general booths personal supervision a man docs not die until his work is doneand it is to bo hoped that his task is not yet accomplished though ho has done much the bill to consider and revise tho public schools act now before tho ontario legislature inakg sonic changes in the dates on which the usual vacations begin and end in townships the first term of tho teaching year is to begin on the third monday in august and end on the twentysec ond day of december while the second term is to begin on the third day of january and end on the thirtieth day of june in cities towns and incorporated villages the first term is to begin on the last mo day of august and end on the twentv second day of december and the second term is to begin on the third day of january and end on the thirtieth day ofjtmc with holidays during the week following pastor sundays i the medicine for liver and kidney com plains mr victor aukcrotftwawruw 1 take great plcasur in n commending to the general public pnrmcleciillsas a cure for liver and kidney complaint i have doctored for the last three years with leading physicians and have taken many medicines- which rfcro tcbmnnnrtefl to mc without relief but after taking eight of iarmclccs tllls i was quite relieved and now i feci as free from tho disease- us before i was troubled a ckedit to canadian journal ism those persons who have not seen the dominion illustrated since it has been so much enlarged and im proved should secure a sample copy at once both from the literary and ar tistic point of view the illustrated in a credit to canadian journalism tho prize competition which has been in augurated with the double purpose of conferring benefit on readers and pub lishers consists in finding in current numbers of the journal tlic answars to thirtyslx questions six of which are published every mouth the prizes aggregate over ftjooo in value there are 100 in all this lowest being valued at 5 tho first is 8750 in gold on receipt of 12 cents in stamps the publishers tho sablston litho pub co montreal will send to any address a samplo copy with full particu lars a ghkat iiicflcohrsi hsvo taken three bottles of burdock blood biltcrs and fiod it a rood medietas for constipation and poor appetite i will continue ukfajr it a it la a great blessing and i feel a jrrcal change in mr hitb since taking if mrs 4 v greco 5 sydenham st toronto out coxmratjox claims many ykuma ward oft this drrarl dicc by the use of small sugar coated burdock nils when i needed j koadstku stallions- 1st prize 2td 3rd saddle ob cakkiauh stallions 1st prize 6 00 2ml 4 00 3rd 2 00 kllks and keoulations 1 mumbers of the society are en titled to enter stock free of charge membership ticket to bo produced ou making entries 2 no person wilt be allowed to interfere with the judges while in dimhrttgo of their duties under forfeit ure of premium if awarded 3 u horses entered must be the bona fide property- of the exhibitor entering tho same 4 no animal entered tor competi tion shall entitle tho owner to a prem ium unless doomed worthy by the judges 5 all horses entered for exhibition must be on the grounds by 1230pm otherwise not allowed to compete judging to commence at 1 pm sharp g prizes payable on and alter the first day of july next entries will be taken at tho mansion house millers stouffville on the morning of the fair entrance to the grounds 10 cents all communications to be addressed to tho secretary box 61 stouffville lkmonv1llk rcixxt of lemoo ville 1ublic school for the month of maichlv j lemoo h burk- bolder and scvntjuz cook equal s piphcr sr iii ella baker 0man baker lttella uoilhouci jr liinvlie mahoo aiiorn- er loroe beebe ii iv cook cephas kaymertiltielrwio pi ii john walker fannie cook i killa baker harry cook willie keith almiica mis bowman spent sunday in toronto mr john mustard of betlesja has moved don the fifth mr ii brown of victoria square was in town on jliurmiay on account of the extremely bad roads there tt very hitlc news this week owing to the bad weather there was a smalt attendance at the y p a i ntertainment on tuesday evening an excellent programme was rendered and it was a pity so few outside the society were present to appreciate it mr jas dillon had a wood hee on friday mr fred eckhardt of ml albert i visit ing friends here mr fred silversides and wife hare roored into the bouse lately occupied by air edward pollard the following b the school report for march names in order of merit 4th class m klumcrfelt it flumerfelt a dike s chap maa m booth n dike ii foot sr 3rd w chapman f akock o ikke jfluracr felt m mcneil cmartin jmartin jr3rd g fori sfootedikeb flumerfelt- and a dike a chapman j dcnnb s footpl 2 howard dike b dike john milton e milton m ellston 1st c- badgerow bektiia baeclav teacher ceualt ukovk agkicultukau stuawbbrrv citopthe strawberry in its season is one of the most whole some of fruits when taken in modera tion but for some reason tho supply in this section is not at all equal to the demand the plant thrives best on a loamy triable moist not wet soil and would therefore find a congenial place ot growth in this vicinity spring planting is most profitable and it can be done as soon us the ground is in suitable condition for canning wilsons albany is one of the best if allowed to ripen fully and for market the crescent seedling withy wilsons albanv in cverv fifth row the land should be tilled as for a good crop of corn only more heavily fertilized and the planting lor field culture should be in rows about 3 ft apart and plants about 15 inches apart in the rows cultivate with a horse soon after plant ing so as to prevent weeds getting a foot hold about three hoeiugs around the plants will exterminate all weeds and the balance of the work is done with cultivator and horse it is absol utely necessary to cover the plants in winter with clean straw or some other mulch as the altermate freezing and thawing in spring will bo certain to heave the plants and break the work ing roots thus causing them to pro duce a sickly growth in spring and eventually die in autumn if properly cultivated on favorable soil they should on an average yield from 4000 to 70w boxea per acre which at from 6c tofic per box gives a good remuneration tor the labor and expense bestowed in the management of this crop ii the price could be reduced tycc per box about twice the quantity would be consumed thus enlarging the market anu afford ing fair remuneration to the cultiva tor the taking of several successive crops from the same area as is done in this section is a serious mistake as in point of expense in cultivation a well as in largeness of crop it is much more profitable to plant a new patch every season mr geo urquhart of stouffville finished this week the papering of the barroom of mr andrew brown of altona both sides and ceiling receiv ed tho figured covering mongolia mr s b hoover got one of his limbs badly crushed at the sawmill this week white chaining logs to the carriage way with his team he happened to come between the log which was being drawn ind another and the former rolled townrdi him thus crushing his lei between the two loija m 1iallantkak the gospel temperance society will hold a public meeting in tho methodist church ballantrao on friday evening april 17th mr it j daley reeve of stouffville will give an address sub ject how to secure prohibition a good programme of readings rccita tions and music will bo provided every one invited to attend admis sion free collection ciiukcii hill mrs peak of toronto is visiting friends hero at present mr enoch degcor is renewing old acquaintances i town this week mr ell valentine left on monday for haliburton where he intends to re main for the summer mrdulrlings sale last wcok was a decided success 40 and g0 respect ively being realized for two milch cows af a sawing bee at mr albert pals- jeys on tuesday there was a sawing contest for the championship and mr t j paisley and w paisley beat the record by 16 scoiids mr frank williams unfortunately nlipped and tell while sawing wood the other day and the result was a bad cut ou the hand we hope frank will soon have tho use of his hand again wo regret to have to report that mr ii tindal of palestine who has been ill for the past few weeks is not yet much improved in health holley has tho sympathy of the neighborhood in his affliction miflartts udinent tares disteaptr tiif most aokkkaiilk restorative tonic and mild stimulant is milburns beef iron and wine tins is to certify that my wife having been troubled over eight yars with a sore throat and symptoms of bronchltk and having tried many remedies without obtaining a cure i was induced to try everest cnuitfi syrup and after taking five or u uotle a circ was effected- wm hester arkooa po luroittant and trub no better evidence of the fact that burdock blood bitters is a certain remedy for all blood disorder can be adced than that of mr geo v thomas druggist of hull po whose wife was cured of cancer by blml the family doctor i certain that ibe dis ease was a cancer and that it it now cured the boys met and organized their ball club for the cotnrgscason officers appointed were pres af dimma capt walt farvis sec trcas teacher jones may they prosper our new merchant mr thos kennedy is doing a rushing business lie has a firstclass stock and marked at toronto prices and is giving toronto prices for eggs and huuersq ii will not pay our people to go elsewhere to deal not even all the way to toronto our sabbath schools her presbyterian c union have sent away over seventy pounds of papers and sabbath literature to poor schools in various parts of the dominion during the past three weeks and still there is more to follow as the scholars take this means of helping the cause instead of destroying their reading matter if ss teachers and pupils knew hov eagerly such were sought aftermore would follow their example goodwood too late for lait week mr surly has arrived in town and we are glad to welcome an old friend back again a farm has been rented by mr john niggins who intends to push business tins summer on monday the baptists held a concert which was quite a success and realized them for their sabbath school library fund 18 lagnpne is raying in the neighborhood confining to house and bed not a few and among the number our mtlkmtm hope that his cherry face will soon be sed and bis meny bell be heard again ns ho runs hid accustomed roundsand all now ailliet- ed speedily released from the bold of the grip per and with more than usual vigor treading our streets jsastek da v the services were of a high order throughout in the morning itev d idle preached a very affecting sermon on the crucifixion of christ in the afternoon in the sabbath school dr gimby dealt with the subject for the day the temperance lesson and treated it ably from a scientific stand point in the evening mr idle discoursed with great power on the resurrection of christ at both services the choir rendered great as sistance by timely anthems on good friday the methodists held their annuul supper in the town hall when ham and eggs and otrher edibles were in great abundance it was well patronized and many doten egs were disposed of a good programme was then given iu the church the pastor d id presiding gliort pithy hpecchcs were given bvjjesarji corgo field otkr jamtfl wrifson and bobert wagg all officers of the church j fotowed by a very instruc tive address from key shem blanchard of stouffyille the choir of which the church mar well be proud render d choice selections adding materially to the to the enjoyment of the occasion a social was held to eat up what was left of said supper it was su prising to see so many present considering the state of the weather yet such was the quantity of provisions they had some to sell at the clos the whole netted the nice sum of 40 great credit is due the ladies of the cnuich and congregation who were the beginning and end ot tbo fcstlvstas thev arc of nil good things jiloominoton miss maggie paisley ot cedar grovo and miss ella terry of hart man called on ida last week mr dobson of colling wood called on his friends messrs sage lemon and smith on sunday last mr thos fairies found in his flock the other day a young lamb which weighed 13 pounds before it was a day old who can beat that wo were sorry to hear of the sudden death of mrs pollard a former resident of this neighborhood funeral thurs day buried at blooiuingtoii mr james lazcnby hatt this week moved into hy kennedys new house on the corner where ho has opened up a general stotc tne public will do well to give him a call about two weeks ago a largo num- her of young people gathered at mrt walkers and were very hospitably entertained the ovonlng was spent with games music and taffy to the general satisfaction ol all the executive committee of tho whitchurch ss convention have a meeting in the methodist church bal lantrao on saturday april 18th at 230 pm for the purpose of arranging a programme for a convention to be held in ballantrao early in juno tho ypceahcld a very success- lul meeting use monday evening tho leading feature of tho programme was a debate on the subject resolved that daniel is a nobler character than moses both sides of tho subject were well debated and tho decision was given in favor of the iterative mr glbnuya markham young man came into our town tho other day and carried off one of our fair sex in tho person ol miss mary e soaton the nuptial knot was tied at tho brides rathcrs on tuesday tho 7th iiist by elder percy we wish tho young couple nil the compliments of tbo season the following is the standing of some of the pupils of bloomlngton public school for the mouth of march iv claw c wagg may clarkson and ira itaymer equal it kao sriii j sago w williams omckueu jr ill clara jones ii fockler willie patterson auditburnett cqtialii hill sr ii w clarkson clara lazenby ii kennedy and annlo topporcqual jr if u burnett h topper and a baker equal hi ho clarkson sr pt ii ma lemon willie kennedy e kennedy aqual gkennedy and gerty patterson equal jr pt if minnie williams sam mckucn and mspaiig equal i u piphor a lemon milton piphcr there arr jemcs of consumption so ur advanced that dickies antlconmimptlve rtyrup will not cure but none so hail that it will not give relief for coughs colds and all affections of tho throat lungs and chest it is a specific which has never been known to fail it promotes a free and easy expectoration thereby removing the phlegm and gives ibe diseased parts a chance to heal axkoua a little son of c- v patterson of this town was rather badly tiaeuon monday by ady the little fe low was playing oo the sidewalk when the animal attacked him biting his arm in two places on th and near the elbow the wounds were at once cauterized by a medical man and is is hoped no evil eftects will follow the dog we believe was owned by a kan named 1 ale it is gratifying to cote b the schedule of cootkooos for ibis county for the quarter end ing march loth tsoi which has just bcn published that there i not a sing- conviction tor any onense from aurora newmarket had six convictions for assault etc how far this difference in the moo tone of the two placs is accounted tot by the unusually targe namber of liquor licenses granted in our sister town in nroporuwo to the populauva we leave others to deekir but the matter certainly furnishes food lr reflection as to whether such wholesale licensing pays in the cod oo friday march ijth mrs mary leek widow of the late daniel leek died at her resrlenoe to markham at the advanced age of 4 years months and 2 days mrs leek is the last leprcseotative of the ptoocers of that sctioo of country her maiden name was wilbur and shortly after ber marriage with mr daniel leek they moved from york state to this county in 1s26 and si it led on tot 16 in the 3rd coicof markham where she re- sided unilhcrdemle she was a consistent member of the methodist church for over fifty years she leaves four soos and four daugh ters o mourn her loss one of whom is misg iv morrisoet of ibis town skwimkkct the easter egg failed to strike a high price lbi jearr futcen cents was the nliag price paid on saturday with choice lots here and there hat brought seventeen cents r mr mark graham left for seattle washing ton teiritoryby the c p k last week lie will go direct 10 vancouver and thence by steamer down he inlet to seattle i the iapisi been running quite freely during the pastweiki and boding has been carried on day and night io some localities tkc present season promises to be a good one for sugar two wild geese were shot on the flats this week and the ducks are getting nottliward at a rapid rate everything points to an early spring robins and blackbirds are around in any quantity and it is likelv we have seen the last of the winter weather the maple sugar prowler is on his rounds just now rumors of clandestine boilings at night have been passed a round and the history of some of these exploits if told as the hero of the occasion relates them would pretty nearly fill a book as a general thing however thescare inst fanciful recitals and exist more in iheimagmation than anywhere else tlw sugar crop h a goodone however and lliere will be plerly and to spare this year the two row lands of king were sent down for trial attlrc next assizes on the charge of stealing several bags of meal and otlitr articles from mr fred hill ot whitchurch forsyth who was upon ihe same chargewas acquitted there hot bong sufficient evidence against him the arrest aud conviction of these parties may put a stop lo these midnight expeditions in future atail events farmers will fecj safer for a while- to know tliat some of the suspected gang are out of the way the flowing well has been keeping on its gooj behaviour during the past week and is still flowinga gcod large stream of pure water ihe volume is so great that engineer warren turns it off into ibe pond during mare than half the day and all the night the supply is now fully thiee times as much as the town and rail way can use and there will be no danger of a water famine for some time to come unless something extraordinary happens steve is now getting the surroundings put in shape for the summer reformer kverv sprlnjc says one of the best housewives in new eugluud we feel the necessity of taking a good medicine to durify the bleod and we tta take hoods sasaparifjn it keeps the children free troruhuinorsmy husbmd says it givis him a good appetite hik for myself i h in mire i could never do nil my work if it was not for this splendid medi cine it makes mo feel strong and cheer ful and lam never troubled with head ache or that tired feeiog as 1 used to he rickkkixg the bujslnk committee of tha st- andrews church am uut tuesday evomnc3ut ait and olhrcaalwbnderj jiwsltcd ftir tho con numroalultii stephen gordon of tbll vit- jasevea awarded the contract- his tender was 83575 in compliance with the plan nnd tpeeifici- tiona furnhfcjcd but w are told that eoino extra will be added ucba a slate roof for tho tower and soma other which will brina up tho coat of th church to aooutwcw thil week wc are olled upon to note the re moral by death of one of tho earliest settler of this township in the person of rachel ltettsnlio had been pirmitted to reach tho rlp4 r of st and was gathered boino ns a shock of corn fully ripe on the evening of tbe 29th ult sho was born in the year 1807 la tbe county of lecdsonl- ario and removed with her parents to pickering when en herl2th year in tbe year 1s25 sho mnr ried robert bett and for upward of go years resided iu the home whero she died from early life she has been devoted christian always kind to the poor and oppressed never with holding her band whan help was needed in any way she leaves 4 daughters and one son to mourn her f also ii grandchildren and 10 uru trrand- cblmrcn the funeral took place on wednesday and tho interment was raid at tho friends burying ground large numbers of old friends arid aequalouneei attended the funeral a very peculiar tory comes to us from the neighborhood of palmers mill on the second cor had not ouinfonnant bepn a reliable perronwe should have had oroe doubt and even yet we view the intlter with some degree of uncertainty re that as it may we will give our readers the particulars and they can act as jurors ever slnoo the floods ofawoek agoadog may bo seen perched upod some driftwood which is lodged in the river jmt below tbo above mentioned mill constantly rrine into the stream no amount of coaxing will eauio the canine to desist in his strange conduct a few days since somo men got a rope fastened around his nock and brought him ashorejnnd then droro away in a brief space of theclpckho was back again and there remains tjfcere can be only two wiys of account ing for this animal peculiar actions either ho fs suffering from insanity or ho has lost a friend whom bo thinks the stream ean restcro- the dog is a htrge one and is potsessed of a kind and gentle disposition ivfir whnn iubj wa sick we cavo her castoria when fthqwfu child alio cril for crutorla when she broauw ml aho dung to castoria whenahejhaichiuroovabogavo them castoria having purchased the business late ly carried on by a thoman is prepared to do general blacksmithing in all its branches new work such as buggies wagons cutters sleighs etc got up on shortest notice in first- class style best of workmanship guaranteed ii oirs i rsiiomna a specialty special attention given to lame and interfering horses seveiui prizes taken on horseihdes during the last few years a trial is respectfully solicited shop nearly opposite the market main hu stouftviue touovro tjur- 1 1 moriudg tbcf ws fvul itiuz immccfullj io the 4iir meter i tbe uffie tuili iuof i uvit tivt wcl by war wick jt co a biee of j dai fish vuit tbe iz of a il aij tvviuxtn r vi twe jniiuit it has beu ruuover by a he ivy wax- it wu badjy dvituaifomd oi oatied am fjur lik tht of tb wtcr at tbe yooze trt lip all tbe water which bta uch euiputucj hy tbe4ciiauls of the buimii iu the j xt tarw weeks has ael over tbu futrid mux truly the uuu wlo hriiik leer uuy be fjfiru tbe aunuil cutntvr of wz ptckaxe were handed out latttburflay at tbe ave of unclaim ed packaxe io be ciudiin kir- cotopadya eare cm jin was lively and cl nature t-ie- vailed tlruugbot aiuou tbe lrlia a roll of ol j ioter which w uuxbt br an elderly geoilruien fvr a dollar oce ian secured a small box of rotted waluuu for a luaru auolher a eoupla of cottr of tbo minute of the township couueilof tiajtlwilliuibury for a dollar and hall a scrubbing bruh waseapluredbyasiaall boy for fire etnr ad the same cdterfrbtim youth cot a pakage of je id feres for forty eeuta uliltcliukirif townmiif to the editor of the slwujyille tribttue la ansaer to yoir tili owrrepoudcnt addreto tho whitchurch council i may iy that we a re ana re that tlv lh couliue lot 1 no fit for public travel arid that sailor misbt have used much stronger la guasc without ex- arxt ration tbe council in i si made au approiriation to take the w4tcr friu tbe road ml ibe money wi expend for private interest and not for i-ubli- benefit- there has been some ttoicasantike in tho matter and it has uot been very clear to the council since that date what ought to be done your humble servant went lait fall o erect guards to tbe road but thero was ij much water that posts cout i not be ml there will be something done to tho road com plained of iu tbe near future i thauk sailor for hu kind expressions and would biu if h seta off tbe road bed to pull ft the shore sailor pullfor thetsbore i sfuuhuuy bloomington aprito 1891 it jones ministers and the franchise to the tribune mr editor since it i the duty of the aeor agreable to a law recently pureed hy tbe 1roi cial government to see lint all ministers owning or occupying proirty aro rtgulsrly placed upon the iseuscnt roll it might not bo out of place to call attention to ionic tbiuics in connection with the work of the mini- try that ought to bo taken into eoosidcrnlioii with l bo view of rem edying- tho id a entertained by tho luatioi of thofo indentificd with religious orjuniu lions is thut preacher aro a highly favored class not being required to contribute their proportion toward- keeping up tho supply needful for tho running expense of the 1ruvincial michincry moreover they were comparatively speaking dead- bead bein allowed to rido at half faro on cars and steamboats with 10 per cent off on all purchifen and other exonotions nnd privileges to numerous to mention for tlicso considera- tion and other even muro unreasonable among which is that of minuter dnbming in politics they have been ruled out and not allowed toexer- ciso tho right of tho franchise tho nsitation bv those outsido of the ohurch having no regard or sympathy for iniuiaters and their work soon found its way into the churches producing a fueling of diitif iction there the more worldly pari of tbe member hip joining isuo wib tho non church going clement which finally culminated in doinj away with ah exemptions ministers a a class have never been opposed to tlxrftion only o fir as lessenins the burdens of those who tiro contributing of their means for tho support of rcligousinstitutions- they are not tho monto pleid forcxemtiou from their shore of bear ing the responsibilities of life- all they ask is that they shall have guaranteed to them tho saiuo rights aifd privilege as other on tho garao c udi- tioris since they are now placed on a level with their fellow let it not bo thought out of place for them to ue their influence in every legitimate way for th election of proper persons to oflice charged with tho responsibility of making our laws nay more let tbo right be conceded to them to fill such positions themselves without tho bel ittling imputation that ministers are out of their plnoo when they arc dabbling in politic there is certainly room for improvement in the char acter nnd spirit of our politic nor will such itn provement be secured until tho best men of tbo nation make their power md influence felt on tho political platform nnd at tho poll at this point tho rabid partyist may seek to uso his old political gg by- alluding to tho fact that nil churches areiodo up of both political parties incnt part in politics without destrvylnk htstn- fluence ever a portion of bis conrreution there by cutting himself off from a competent support this state of things should bo remedied it is evidently tho result of wrong training and will doubtless continue until tho minister themsclvc educate the isoople differently another abuso that need correction is tho tin ieoablcdcmands of noiichurchcocrs asa class minis tori receive infinitely los proportion ate to tbo work performed th m by many if not al 1 rho professional men in otliercajling in life what little support thoy do get comes not from nonchurchzoor but from the minority of tho community- and that minority many of them least in straitened circumstances themselves while many ofthc wealthy nonchurchsocrs fail to contribute a sitnglc com towards their support speaking disparaging of their work nnd uning their influence ngalnstthcru and yet when sickness and death cnlcrs their horn s the mi tcris faulted il ho neglects them ho is not only expected to bo in nttendnnco during the ilncss of their friend but to attend to tho funeral ob- icquiesandsay thank you kindly for tho privi lege- now white not ono minuter in a thousand ever thinks of winking- n charge for time thus spent nd services re ale red why should ho not remunerated proportionate to tho lawyer or phyaieuri in attendance at least for tho per formance of tho last sad rites at the grave of de ceased it is seldom that they receivo any com pensation from non churchgoer forsuchservico although having spont many weary hours in pio parntion for tho occasion there aro other things to which nttcntion might bfl called but it is not necessary to alludo to them now- tint lircil fiehtifli8 nilinoy overeome bv ili siirsaparilln which itives n feel- iny of hiioynncy am strength to the whole ay stun f0usalk at lot 34- con 7 makk- a sl dissoliilion of partnership notice is hereby given lluit lh firm of intk ilcu siili nml door mntmfncturer lia diolved partncritbip anl sirjotui lrtrk ii retired from tho bumefl ieoiise for sale imiax comvoitranuj wnitii bniok 1 dwollinirlioiiiooiillio north rido or mitinst wclffllioriitwaytrfiw now occupied by mr j it wtiolor can bo bad at ft bantam anil on cay term of payment apply tt fmk stouffville ten reasons for tho wonderful success of hoods sarsaparllla the most popular and most extensively sold medicine in america hoods sarsapaxilu possesses great medicinal merit which it positively demonstrates when fairly tried aw it is most economical being the only medicine of which too doses one dollar can truly be said h it is prepared by a combination proportion and process peculiar to itself unknown to other preparations and by which all the medicinal value of the various ingredients is secured a it effects remarkable cures where t other medicines have utterly failed to do any good whatever gr h is a modern medicine originated by experienced pharmacists and still carefully prepared under their per sonal supervision 6 it is clean clear and beautiful in appearance pleasant to take and always of equal strength ay it has proven itself to be positively the best remedy for scrofula and alj blood disorders and the best tonic for that tired feeling loss of appetite and general debility iffl 8 it is unequalled tor curing jysre jajaj sick headache biliousness catarrh rheumatism and all diseases of the kid neys and liver i 9 it has a good name at home there being more of hoods sarsaparilla sold in lowell mass where it is made than of all other sarsaparillas and blood purifiers combined its advertising is unique original p v honest and thoroughly backed up by the medicine itself a point for you if you want a blood purifier or strengthening medicine you should get the best ask for hoods sarsaparilla and insist upon having it do not let any argument or persuasion influence you to buy what you do not want be sure to get the ideal medicine s rijia quha is thk plack- to buy the cheapest and best goods i si ix for ireparewauly apotliecarlwai tjitwell xi ioo doses one dollar sold by allurugrli brcllloooa c louonto blukktwahket from tbursdavs giohn- wheat fa 1 hush 1 10 to fl 12 wheat sprinc iiush 1 00 to 1 02 wheat red winter 1 10 to 1 12 wheat goose 01 to 02 oats hush 08 to 00 bnrlev hush 55 to 50 peasnush 80to 82 lay new ton straw ton 8 k to 13 50 8 00 to 9 00 dressed hogs 5 50 to 5 75 ueef forequartera 4 50 id n oo beef hindquarters c 50 to 7 50 million 0 00 to 7 oo veal carouss 800 to 10 00 stouffville maukkts fall wheat 05 to 1 02 spring wheat 0 93 1 00 barley 045 0 50 peas black eye 05 95 peas j jfj70 0 70 ilran per ton 0 00 20 oc shorts per ion 30 uu oat- 0 50 0 58 chop stuff per cwt 1 25 1 25 iiv 7 00 8 00 potatoes per bnfi 0 80 r 80 otiiuns img 1 20 1 50 ivais imsli 75 75 alipifs per bush oo 1 00 bgrs c 12 0 13 butter t 22 0 23 lnrrt 0 10 11 pork 5 25 5 25 cheese peril 0 07 0 07 suusalcs per lb 0 10 0 10 chickens per pair 0 co 0 70 ducks pcrpjiir 00 go turkeys per lb 012 12 the cradle wilkinson at sutton on march 25th the wife of j w wilkinson of a son hotkiss in pickering on march 27th tbo wife of v ii hopkins of a son vernon in whitchurch on the 30th ult the wife of frank vernon of a son maltnsrv at helbavcn on 20th ull tho wife of mrtbos ma boney of daughter booth at siloam on stunlay march 20th tha wife of mr thomas booth of a son ciiikitwkit at ijelhnvon on sunday 22nd ult the wife of mr- 0- v culverwell ofa son the altar cocxtitir east at tho uianse pembroke stto ronto on april 1st by iter w patterson a coulter to ifclla kast- faitauflox iiwasat tho manse pickering- on march 25th by rev l periin mr john ter- guson to mia jano dawes both of whitby nklmon youko at tbo manse danbarton on march 2lth by iter j chtsholm- mr john nelson to miss itatena young both of bcar- boro buzzaitii hoaw at tho methodist parsonage jueensvillo on april 1st by he- r irtrgo mralbert luixxanl to miss luclnoa uoakall of knst i willi mbury iurkkh lift on tbe 27th march at the residence of tbo bpdes mother by rev p addison mr james ltnrker to miss letltia llradfield both aurora mcksio poktkr on march 31st by ror r hasinlnt the resilience of the brides fath er mr- angus mckafg of tbe city of toronto to miss sarah k porter of mount albert connkll winch by rev it largeassuted by rev wn ohantlcr on march 2mb at the residence of tho bride father mr hiram conncll to mies kllta winch both of north iwillimbury mcdonald iioawuman at tho resldehco of the brides mother on wednesday 25th march by kov mr- addison mr wm mcdonald of wcit toronto junction to miss hllcn ltoardman of aurora iibnky satonat the residence of jtbobrides aronts itloomlngton on april tilt inst by ltev w percy mr heart oiomr ot tho tcwnhhofmarkhriinlomlssmfyketon second daughter of mr- alex sexton of the townsbipol whitchurch thetolfob- ill steel bros have just opened several large cases of sporting loods sncli as itase lialls hats iacrossc sticks walking sticks fishing tackle ami bamboo iolcs flags both large ami small kvcrybody should buy one of the vacuum tipped arrow iislols one of the best amusements on the market price fio cents stationery a full line of stationery and school books always on hand tlootl stock lo select from writing tablets blank hooks and the celebrated paina series of pens a specialty confectionery and froils fresh stock of confectionery always on hand oranges icmons bananas dates figs and cocoanttts in season aok1vth 3jt klnlsofmasieallritrumentsaa1 mi orjan will hare oar prompt attention steel bros wkim near aurora or tuesday april 7tln joseph wet is aged s2 ytar mccabk atllallantrae on monday april 6th rebecca mccabe aged 7uyears rl iioiijx in rrook on sunday marsh 29th chrut- un rohan aged 72 years lxckatlfcadrord on friday maieh mary leek agedmyears2 months 2 days copt at itogarttown on march 30th lucy cody relict of tbe late aaron codrin her 91st year tstiiain richmond hill n tuesday march 31st matilda taylor aged 31 years 3 months isdays iiktw at the residsneo af her sonlnuw mr stephen cronk on the 29th of march rachel llctts agsdsl yaars i swaliuat ingersollon th 22nd ult klttabeth widow of tbe late jamcsswales aged s4 years formerly of stouftviue sullivan at ringwood on april srj nellla may eldest daughter of samuel sullivan aged 8 years and 3 montbs iukrov in richmond hill on thursday march 26th kthel maud infant daughter of hoses and minnie ransom aged 10 weeks poliaxdori th con whitchurch tuesday april 7th susannah e beloved wife of robt pollard aged so years i months and isdays v in tows note a few of 1113 p1uces creuiu searsutkors 4c per yard oxford shirlinj wast colors lc tickluk 8c to 2c shaker flannel 8c to 12jc cottouadcs loc to 25c jjress cioods loe vingliauih 8c four button kid gloves 25c jlacc curtains from 50c per pair up also full lines in hosiery gloves prints corsets table linen shirtings wool shawls muslins and the finest range of dress ktnbroideries grocery stock complete latest patterns in wall papers j urquhart a g is showing the largest sridmost am active stock of fancy f gsateens and prints2 5 in town see my 1 cottonades and shirtings i have just opened a case of fine allwool hejntrettas in all the newest shades a fill line of tweeds anifwlstids in stoct wall papers a specialty prices to suit the times o g a complete stock of guooekies always on hpnd v- j j rae the pioneer i mm butter milk pails strainers and creamers all our own msike churns butter bonis iiadles butter scales sec our new gas ii monarch churn soav aicv y 1 rriyhkorr3 puke floor paints ready for the brush dr in 12 liouis paint kalsomine stove shoe and scrub for 5 cents paris white alabastine and kalsomine at the stouffville hardware store siivestjer dougherty warriner the cheap man is making a clean sweep for the next 40 days the prices quoted will tihow- lie means business and groceries crockery glassware 18 ins light sugar for 1 1c lbs whlto sufrnr lor si 13 lbs granulated sugar for si 5 lbs rood tea for 81 i scrub brushes for 25c 3 cans salmon for 26c 2 cans best salmon for 25c m bars soap for 25c 2 brooms for 25e i bars white castile soap for 25c baking soda 5c per lb 12 lbs washing soda for 25c 1 1kx ann toilet soap for 10c wo blond and grind tho finest grade of coffee intho world glass sets for 30e aucrockery and glasswaro slaughter ed jit ridiculous prices clothing clothing clothing less than cost s16 overcoat now lor 810 s12 ovorcoat now for 3 s3 overcoat now for 6 so overcoat now for 4 s5 overcoat now for 3 50 mens suits same reductions as over coats boys suits from jo to 25 per cent lou than marked 35c diess goods for 25c per yard 25c dress goods for 20c per yard 20c dress goods for 17c per yard 15c dress goods for 121c per yard 12lc dress goods for 10c per yard while shirts worth 81 for 40c colored shirts worth 76c for 35c to 50c caps worth 1 for 35j a lot of hats for 5c each all wool tweed pants from sj10 up cottonadc overalls at 85c per pair 2 pairs heavy all wool sox for 25o see the goods see the prices and bo convinced that warrlnor is worthy of the name of the wonderful cheap man s m warriner the cheap man stouffville for sale at lot 28 con 9 picker- inr lownihlp about 20 cooj c it old it danieljiarkey bulb for service one thorcxhred ier- wtj ball ni on roanc liarhtn ball for rict intl rcrofcon9 whilenartb km 1 4m a stuurrer notice i hereby warn all per- torn mnlnrt toretainc ny roorb chatula or rtrk from mr hmim john plpbr j 16 ubqo uiod io bm 41 dorothy piruer the palace furnishing house is now complete in cvciy line that is iequisite for a gentle mans outfit for fall and winter wear as we are confininff our whole attention to 31 ens cxoods exclusively we arc now better prcpaied to supply tho wants of the public than heretofore you will find the follow ing lines with us in great variety and at right prices consistent with good goods cloths and tweeds for ordered work of which vc carry the largest stock in town and guarantee satisfaction readymade suits for men youths and boys beadymade overcoats in fur rubber cloth and tweed for men youths and noys we arc the only house in town that carry a full line of hats and furs also shirts collars cufls and tics john bray the palacb furnishing house south side main st stouffville