Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), February 8, 1891, p. 7

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8the tribune i i stouffville mar 7 18w otixirchl notices presbyterian church main ststouffrili rr u a reid b- a pat tor residence dw rd st- wen end ttitiaofeivicecrery sjidiy t iooa m sod 7 p in smnuy teh 3t p m seneral pmjcr mretinc on wjecj evening at 8 oclock- junior cbrut n kndfavor monday evening at and scnioi at all welcome baptist church main ststonn kerideace albert st ftontb divine service err7 sunday at jthsoa- inland 7 p m- buudy school at 30 p m prayer meetint on wi- neiday evening at 8 oclock- youov leoiloa union every monday evening at 8 oclock all ar weleoaae coiitaliods 1- the editor street car accident mr thomas sabio y my eleven year old boy had bis foot badly injured by being run over by a car on the street railway we at once commenced bathing the foot with dr thomas eitric oil when l discolora tion and swelling was remoyedand in nine days he could use his foot wo al ways keep a bottle in the house ready for any emergency march is indeed showing tho fangs of the lion and it is to be hoped that -jiba- iambi may come soon we ha veil t yet heard of anyone making- the woods echo with the sound of the souse but everything points to an early advance to tho sugar camp a neighboring exchange notices the ad- tent of tho robin but wo fear some one has jpat up a job on nim the ubiquitous crow and early iay are al- ready making the woods resonant with their melodious notes but march manyweather has yet several weeks to run and our prognosticator hints at considerable variety lor some little time yet 5t daniel ritz proprietor and publisher of the hamburp ont independent says i was suflcrinsr from dyspepsia andliver trouble i took a few bottles of shilohs vitalizcr and it enred me 1 can heartily recommend it sold by g collard druggist as crood and safe investments are becoming scarce those who have money to loan prefer to deposit in sound banking institutions the re suit is that these latter are becoming oyer stocked with funds and havo been obliged to reduce the rate of interest allowedon deposits ac can ada becomes moro densely populated larger amounts of money will be had for loaning purposes and as in the older countries tho rate of interest will rule lower farmers find to day that at current rates of interest it is not safe for them to borrow any large sum as tho profits of their in dustry will afford them jittle more than what is necessary for the sup port of their families after pay in a alithe expenses incident to running their farms there is very great unrest in all lines of business at present but we hope that the coming season will so recuperate tho ciffers of the farmers thatthe wheels of every industry wili boon feel the altered condition of t hints and pros pritypercjl 3rofiffe larihoft he maple leaf snilons cure is sold on a guarantee it cures incipient consumption it is the beat cough cure only one cent a dose 25 cts 50 cts and 100 per bottle sold by g collard drutreist ontario has been noted for many years for wheat growing as well as for tho production of other kinds of grain for export but at present prices this in tho case of cereals cannot be done so as to yiold a profit ontario apples havo yet to be excelled on the english market and this fruit can bo cultiyated at a good remuneration a short time ago we heard of urge apple orchards in tho vicinity of grim by being cut down and the trees- sawed into lumber because some other fruits pay better tho difficulty seems to be that tho orchard is looked upon as something liko grain when once planted it should be able to take care or itself tho cultivation of this necessary fruit requires not only much labor but also careful study and if we are to judge by tho results oftho past it will pav well tho orchard must hayo good cultivation and sufficient fertilization if it is go ing to produce tho shekels how many apple growers study how to prune and spray for insect pests many orchards have trecsiwbich grow worthless apples from year to year when first claai fruit could readily to grafted thereon again two trees are frequently seen on the space where there should bo but ono tho result be ing inferior fruit and less of it it is oyident that tho multitude are not going to mako a success of tho apple and those who bestow attention to it will eventually reap tho reward of their labors but they must exer cise patience and great perseverance excepting fj2 y slflfiuwe 1 armlah irulr should not be cultivated the most marketable varieties and only a few of them should bo pi nted too many kinds aro a dotrlmont as will be found at packing time from recent liverpool quotations wo note that canadian apples bring from 3 to 4 shillings a barrel more than tho same kind of american and the market far good winter fruit is scarc ely over overstocked tha fail mall gazette says another attempt is being made to uoite the petroleum producers in kuia uuder ih auspices of nobis and the freucb rothschilds and thus create a mono poly the project is favored v the russian ministry of finance com binations of capitalists are becoming moro frequent tho world ovar with tho results that as hi tho case of departuental stores such as exist in toronto individual business men are crowdel out by an unfair and deceptive competition in the case of other combinations tho consumer is inadejto pav much mora than tho state of trade demands thus enabling tho monopolists to rob him of a portion of bis hard earnings tho day is not far distant when tho voice of the representatives of the people shall bo heard in our legislative halls opposing that class of legislat ion which enables a few to control the handling of anv commodity to tho detriment of tho public money has a might v power in tho government of tho state but it must bo remembered that tho suffrages of an injured electorate are moro potent than 4 green backs and it would be good policy on the part of our government for the future to logislato mere in the direction of giving tho consumer everything at a price consistent with the cost of production lemonvillb mr emersons visited friends at malvern this week jas phillips has moved from beth- csdato j keiths houso miss synthia cook is visiting friends in town this week mrs john burkholder is recovering from a severe attack of lagrippe tho funeral of the late ann lemon took place last saturday to dixons hill cemetery john smith visited his brother in king last week while on his way homo one of his horses fell down and died wm youngs house caught fire last week from the chimney and before it was put out had burnt quite a argo aperture in the roof alfred focklor had a similar experience with his houso one day this week the r t of t met on tuesday evening six new members were initi ated into the royal degree alter which a good program was rendered consisting of readings singing and instrumental music all members arc expected next night of meeting good program will bo furnished feb report of lcmonville schools sr 4 melville sisler klla baker llewella burkholder jr 4 ethel sisler edgar raghon sr 3 aurilla baker willie irwin frank keith jr 3- willie keith sr 2 bever ley hastings elgin hastings cephas ravmerjr 2 clifford piphor rupsell jordon tom cookpt 2 otto baker gordon and libbio lemon equal gilmour steele pt 1 willie lemon frank ravmer church hill jiss ktbc piyne of siloatn visited some of her friends here tlii week taffy pulls are once more coming into voue in this locality every body is becoming very sweet farmers are getting their tapping apparatus ii shape eo as to be ready for making mape syrup as soon as the weather gets milder mr tturch of uncle sams domains who has been absent jfroin here for a long lime is calling on friends and acquaintances a sleigh load from hetc attended the convention at goodwood on tuesday evening and report having a good time especially on the homo journey the driver was duplicately maided and when the scigh tongue came out there was much excitement during the fol lowing upset however things were soon righted and all arrived home none the worse j for the little adven ture q3 bakkr hill- minarda liniment for rheastisii when baby iras ick wo gavo her cantoris when abo was a child aae cried for castorla stouffyile school board stouffville march 5 1895 minutes of last regular meeting road and adopt ed members present rao william spnjbycrleaney- quito a number of correspondence and accounts were read by secretary moved by thomas williamson seconed bv jonas bver that the following bills as read by secretary bo paid viz mechanics lnstkonttil jany 1st 1895 12 john urquhart adv for teacher 90c george bros repairs 375 phillip w macklem repair 75 carried moved by jonas bver seconded by thos williamson that tho school board borrow from tho standard bank of canada at stouffville at a rate not to exceed 6 per cent per annum what monevs are rcouired for tho use of tho board by way of overdrawn ac count in tho mean time said moneys to bo borrowed only as required and interest to bo paid only on tho sums as received and that tho manager of said bank is hereby authorized to pav said moneys upon tho cheques signed by tho chairman and secretary of tho board and that the seal of said board bo attached to this resolution car ried miss whisons communication was left to bo dealt with by tho chairman tho secretary was instructed to ask for tenders for tho cutting and piling of 71 cords of hardwood tenders to bo opened on monday march 11th at 6 oclock p m moved by jonas byor second by t williamson that miss willson bo al lowed her full stipend for tho month of february carried quito a discussion ensued as to tho high rent being charged hy mechan ics instituto and it was agreed that tbevranaglng committee should wait upon tho instituto directors and lav their complaints before them moved by thos williamson second by jonas byer that wo do now ad journ carried mrs l jordan is visiting her sister in union ville mr and mrs l baker visted friends on the sixth line on wednesday s piphor paid a visit over the j or- dan on saturday eveniogj h brillinger tho noted gardener of stouffville visited friends here this week a focklcr is talking of building a beautiful house on maple leaf avenue frod lemon and s piphcr attended the convention at goodwood on tues day they report it a grand succss who is the softest boy in baker hill anyone wishing o know can find out by asking tho baker hill travelling newspaper a baker deeply regrets selling his tamarack swamp for rumor states that one of our enterprising young men is thinking seriously of starting the pump making ttade wo arc pleased to hear that miss adaleinon is slowly rtcovcring from a severe attack of chickenpox qucrry who is tho noted pugulist who climbs the board fence who gets the odd photo j or s i obituary her very many relatives and friends in stouffville were shookci when it ws announced that sirs andrew 5touser of newmarket eldest daughter of mr ind mrs j obrion of this town was no more having quietly passed a- way early on tuesday morning the remains arrived in stouffville yesterday evening the funeral cortage kit the old homo todiy for the icthodist church for service thence to the stouff ville cmctcry for interment tho bereaved husband and youog family have the deepest sympathy of the entire community alm1ka wool market reported by s b lehman uo washed wool k 8 e cottcd wool or reject 14 combine wool 1gj clothing wool 17 soulhjtwn 1 ns toronto stkkht market from thurkjy8 globe wheat white bushel s 0 c3 to s 0 00 wheat spriug bushel 0 a3 to wheat ivu winter bushel 01 to wheat goose bushel 00 to oats bushel h to barley bushel 47 to peas bushel 01 to hay ton 10 00 to straw ton c 00 to dressed lfots 5 13 o beef forequarters 5 00 to beef hindquarters 0 00 to mutton c 50 to lamb sprint 500 to stuufpville markka butter 12c to mc eggs 20c to 22c onions 75c bush chickens 25c to 40c a pair cabbage 3 for 20c calves 4 to 5 pork 5 00 lo s3 25 lard 12c lb beef 55 00 iambi 2 wool 14c to 17c potatoes 50c bag ducks 60c 70c turkevs 7c to 8c lb geese gc lb fall wheat 5 0 55 to s 0 57 spring wheat 55 to 55 goose wheat 49 to 5x1 black eytrfyase 55to 55 small pease 48 to 55 barley 30 to 40 oats 28 to 29 flour per bbl 3 00 to 3 20 hay- per ton 7 00 to 9 oc alsiko 4 00 to 5 00 redclover 5 00 to g 25 por sale a new variety of oats the white baltic these oatsaro free from rust have stiff straw yield from 50 to 60 bush per acre and weigh from 43 to 44 lbs per bushel under good cultivation price 00c per bushel apply to s l hoover con 7 lot 34 markham sarplo can be seen at this office 4t f or sale a jersey red boar 2 years old apply to b l hoover lot 34 con 7 markham ringwood p o e or sams that desirable white brick residence on the corner of main and fair streets stouff ville oposite dr s l freds the house is in good condition contains 8 rooms and bathroom there is also a good stable on the premises and plenty of hard and eor water terms to fjsuit purchaser apply to h l yaszakt stouffville mnut nothing succeeds like success and our 10 p3r cent discount sale of boots and shoes has been a booner and we have decid ed to continue it for a shor time in order to give all close buyers and people who would save monay an opportunity ro buy m at startling bargains a few pair ladies solid leather boots for 75c boys long boots 50c overshoes s s we wish to clear our entire stock of ileas womeus and childrens overshoes so come at once and secare your size at a bargain mortgage g of valuable property in the village of stouffville church notes foreign missions will bo spoken for next sunday morning from tho con gregational pulpit it is hoped that liberal offerings will bo mado to tho support of this worthy and necess ary object in tho evening tho rov mr pickett of w will preach it is hoped that there will bo a largo congregation to wolcomo this olo- quont visiting methodist divino sales to be held monday march 18th at 1 p m at lota 54 and 5h 1st con markham yonge st tho farm stock and implements of w wright n k smith auctioneer wednesday march 13th at 1 p m at lots 55 and 50 1st con markham vontu st in the- county of york there will be gold on wednesday ibe 3rd day of april 1s95 at one oclock in the afternoon at ths mansion house hotel in the vil lage of stouffville by virtue of powers of rale contained in a certain mort gage which willjbe producedfat the bale the follow property part of tha east half of lot number one in the ninth concession of the township of whitchurch in said county and which may he better known and described as village lot say tho whole of number nineteen and tho western part or ono fourth of an ace of lot number eighteen containing together three fourths of an acre moro or less accord ing to plan of part of said villago of stouff ville known as the wright and pringlepjan surveyed by george mcphillips p l s 1857 and fded in tho rcgiitry oliico for the county of york on tho 25th day of january 1s58 ns plan no 230 the following buildlng aro said to he erected on tho promises two pair frame dwelling ekms 20 per cent of the purchaso oy to be paid down on the day of sab balance terms will be mado known at sale or inrtlier particulars apply to josks mackenzie leonard solicitors toronto street toronto r j daley stouffville bhl9 for over fifty 1 cm iibs wnrawirs soornio srsurhaii been wed by million of mother for their children while eethlnit- if duturbcl ntnialit and broker rr yourreatby a ek child mi flaring ami crying with kin of cutting treth lend at rnco and get a tile of mrs wlmlawg soothing imp for children teething it will reliere the poor little uflerer immediately depend upon it mot hern r there no miiakeanont it it euro diarrhoea regulates the stomach and rowel cure wind colic lofteni thedutnund reduces inflamma tion and ive tone and energy to tho whole an ient mrs avlmlowa soothing syrup for children teething is ploaiant to the taite and i the prescription of one of tho olden and ben eraale physicians and nnrses in tha united states price twentycre eenua bottle sold fhm tux cmldril itofaro horn qulorfn 1 wiu cunnd of acut- bronchitis by minakds l1ximent bay of inlands j m camibill i was cured of facial neuralgia by min- ards liniment spriunliill n y- wm dikiem i vwi cunn of chronic rheumatism by minards linimbnt albert co n b geoiu3b tisour por sn sale atiot31 con 9 pickering afresh milch cows 2 part jrmeyanil 3 durham apply to hahmox yake altona p o farm to itcnt om hundredacre farmto rent 25 acres eclcl balance of land plowed ready for seed possession given by april 1st for particnlar apply to waiter miller stouffville that b p are selling boots and shoes at 10 per cent discount off cash prices that all who buy from them during this sale will save money that crowds ot people are taking advantage o f this sale that you will be sorry if you dont inspect this stock and get prices that this sale just suits the general public j general merchants idaileys block main street stouffville james t daley all kinds of boots and shoes mado to order firstclass stock of leather to chnoso from tho now waterproof method is fjroatly boncfitlnjr thoso troublod with rheumatism jivo them ft trial special attontlon given to orders for hand sowed work repair nc done on short notice thfwest store in mtrxet building a great reduction for tho next 30 days we willmake a great reduction in the price of ladies mantle cloth and dress goods for cash special values in the following lines ladies vests ladies gloves ladies hoso gents ondcrwear cardigan jackets gloves mitts yarns and flannels see my xmas goods in ladies andgents hdkefs neck scarfs c groceries i am well equipped for tho holiday trade my stock is complete in every line nothing but the finest brands of currants raisins peels and extracts ringwood cheese pure coffee and lily white flour always on hand call and see my stock of crockery glassware andchinawaro i can please you see my window oe xmas china j 7 ae yoiinif truly a the pioneer

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