th warriner is holding- a great novelty sale which is ausing big excitement every day tremendous rush for the iiargains he is giving special bargains every day for the next two weeks we will give 4o lbs light sugar and 3 lbsof our 35c tea for 200 37 4 e 30c 200 any woman or man buying theee dollars worth or more dress roods will get 40 lbs bright sugar for 100 with a boys suit of clothes of three dollars or more we will give a sack of flour on hth we will repeat the sugar and tea sale and will offerjevery thing in the crockery line right bona to cost will be our bargain day for gents furnishings 25c tiesforl8c 15c ties for 10c 10c ties for 5c samo reductions in braces 1 jo hats for si 1 hat for 75c 75c hat foi 50c 15 suit for 1150 10 suit for 8 s suit for 6 5 and g suits for 4 4 suits for 25 also in the dress goods department we will give special bargains as we want men women and children to visit us on saturday 26 ltx granulated 1 36 lb raw sugar 1 r 33 white sugar 1 every day toisrray march 11th we will hold a print sale and everything in that line will be sold at a great sacrifice now each department will be taken up successively and the prices put so low that our opponents will be exclaiming warriner is demoralizing trade altogher but as usual we ever intend to carry the sway for bargains the pantry we are still to the front with good goods and low prices as we buy our sugar by the cakload we are in the posi tion tc give you the best prices in the market we will guarantee the quality as well as the price be fore buying hear our prices big snap in london layer raisins as we have pur chased an entire line from wholesaler we can sell them at 8c per lb or 7c per lb by the box sunlight soap gc per bar or 17c per box our specialties tilsonberg rolled oats silver package tea golden age flour windsor salt j h ratcliff co jlst 4 z on ttieaboye date our lease expires and wc are closing up our business and until that date we will offer our com plete stock of school books pocket books hymn books fancy goods toys games c at cost and below now for bargains as the whole stock must be cleared out at once mmn m mam m ii we also offer for sale 5 show cases and our completelce cream outfit consisting of tables chairs freezers en gine and engine house with fix tures c c at a bargain 8 c f lif ulty co agents for whaley itoycc co music and musical in- truments the tribune 5touffvjlle mar 5 1894 local notices- all advance notices in the local columns ot the trinunkofmcclinkg or entertainments at which an admifsion feo is chanted or from which a pecuniar- benefit is derived must he paid tor at tho rate of seven cents per line each insertion no cbarro less than twentyfive cents when bills are printed at this offico or advertieemons of en tertainments are inserted a brief local will be kiven free local items- dinner and tea sets at j j raon at t by parlor cook eoal stove cheap e trulls the best peels and extracts at j j raos 5 lbsof granulated sugar for 1 at kacs tin sap buckets made to fit the now iron spites prices rlffht jat silves ter doughertys aldczeidan concert in daleys hall on friday evening mav 24th is95 keep this carefully in mind s m- warriner lis this week putt ing prices where the goods are sure to sell ho is sroing to hold a two weeks novelty salt it will pay you to read his extended nd in another column hbakt diskase reliever in i0 min- wtml ah cases of organic or sympathetic heart disease relieved in 0 minutes and quickly cured by dr agnewa cure tor tho heart one iiose convinces sold kowan c co druiieists money to loan i have some pri vate funds to loan on good kocuritv at low rates ol intercut also furrn and vill age property for sale or oxelmngf c- russell fitch ollico over warrincrs store i o f sunofkiani a grand con cert under tho auspices of tho i 0 f at tho above place will bo held on tho evening of march 13th tho program of which contains tho following noted talent sara lord bailor- mrs j a mcgillivray uxbridgf h a collins and c- c whale doors open at 730 admission 25c an excellent time ex- peeled ah are cordially invited a much felt want has been remov ed in the markham high school nulldlng the blackboards wore in bad shape and thel oird have put slated blackboards completely round bvery room wo are sure that it will 1m a great advantage to tho teacher- and will bo a great saving of time an permanent work can bu left on them without interfering with the regular work ot tho classes it pays to havoschool apparatus in good shape at all times h e carr family butcher wholesale and retail dealer fresh and salt meats smoked hams c also game poultry fish in season orders called for daily if requested house to rent in todds block ap ply to j a- todd warriner wants 25 brb dried ap ples at once g lbs of good currants for 25c at itaes m warriner is selling sugar by tho brl very cheap- two 2nd hand cook stoves for sale cheap at t e trulls 100 pieces new prints fast colors just iu at s- m warrincrs you ought to 6eft tho 4cent corn scrub brushes at silvester dough ertys harry sangster is visiting at the home of his parents ma and mrs k sangster new 1894 chatham fanning mills to exchange for hav or wood apply to j w turner stouffville 35 lbs of a beautiful bright yellow sugar for 100 and 25 lbs ofno1 granulated for si 00 at brownscombo per daniel byer from stayner who has been very successful in curinc cancers and tumors has removed to dr s l freels promises east end stouff ville miss blanche obrien and her broth ers frank and arthur of chicago are homo to attend tho funeral of their gister mrs a stouher our inspector has been giving spec ial attention to enforcing the cleaning of enow off the sidewalks but ho should occasionally in his peregrina tions turn a penetrating eye towards the coal ashes that are being thrown on the roadbed of the streets there was evidently harvest weath er somewhere at at ha recently a bnighswander brought to our office today a number of specimens of real live grasshopper the germs were evidently desposited last fceann in tho flower pots and aro now develop ing in tho conservatory knglish spavin liniment removes all hard soft or calloused lumps and blemishes from horses blood spavin curbs splints rinc bono sweeney stifles sprains sore and swollen throat coughs etc save 30 by tiso of one bottle warranted tho most won derful blemish curb ever known sold by kowan a co drupvisr o forsyths pacer joker while be ing driyen on tuesday bv dr smith dentist lrom claremout managed to secure his liberty leaving doc in the snow and making havoc of tho cutter the animal was hdlv injur ed in one leg but jbv tho skilful at tention of p g button v s is al ready able to use tho log and will soon bo all 0 k warriner hat commenced a groat uovcltv sale todayj which ho intends to continue daily for tho next two weeks it will pay all who want goods to read his extended ad in a- nothcr column just think 2g lbs of granulated sugar for 1 and 32 white sugar for 1 and dry goods of every kind at proportionately low prices make a point to call and inspect for yourselves and you will bo sure to buy pnrmclcos tills possess the power of acting specifically upon the diseased organs stimulating to action tho dormant energies of the system thereby removing disease in fact so great is tho power of this medi cine to clwmae and purify that diseases of almost every namo and nature- are driven from tho body mr 1 carswell carswell x 0 cnt writes i have tried parmeleus pills and find them nn excellent medicine and one that will sell well with this issue tho be gins tho eight year of ttsexlstnncn wc havo during the past five years slnco wo have been connected with it ondcavorcd to make it a thorough going local paper and its largely increased circulation indicates how far wo have been successful with tho continued support ot our many patrons wo will endeavor to main tain its high reputation both as a nows and advertising medium the will of tho lata dr gcorgo morton of toronto disposes of property worth 8387657 provis ion is made for mrs morton earnest morton will at tho ago of 24 got three houses on church street 100 shares on standard bank stock 10 of western bank stock and tho house hold furnituro william morton gts 320 acres in east gwillimbury francis gcorgo morton tho brantford bank property and william laugh- ton morton property on sheridan avenue new i millinery i and qressimng ship in in a voubusecks premises opposite s m warrincrs gills trimmed hats 95 ladies hair nets 2 for 5c fancy hair pins 10c each dress and mantle making rea sonably done mrs adair is a graduate of prof de- lamnrtons scientific garment cutting academy and geuls tailoring schoolto- ronlo any work entrusted to us will receive our best attention and wc will use our best endeavors to give entire satisfaction mrs adair miss darracn j j rao has tho best uasins and currants 100 cords green wood wanted at s m warrincrs 200 barrels ot good apples wanted at tho pantry j 11 ratciit co warriner made a large shipment of dried apples last week white and neglige shirts in great variety at monkhouses 100 cords of first class 4ft hardwood drv or green wanted at tho pantry j ii ratcliff co wanted general servant for light nousework reference mits ii powell 3t stouffville j jkao has just received a host of white dishes which ho is able to sell 25 per ccntlpss than the regular price call and see thom it is expected that work will ho commenced early at glen major to put the pond in shape for a trout pro- serve the toronto syndicate have been talking ot building a decent club house on their land at tho weir ponds south of the town for constipation sick headache stomach and liver troublcaund all derangements of tho digestive and assimilative organs avers pills are of inestimable value sugarcoat ed and pleasant to take they are always reliable and retain their virtues in any climate at uxbridgo on monday morning last the firo alarm sounded and as us ual tho firemen responded promptly to the call the scene of the supposed fire was at the residence of mr t mc- grattan nothing more snrious was seen however than some red hot pipes and considerable smoke butter and cheese look out for a public meeting in tho interests ot the dairying industry to bo hold in stouffville about the 20th inst ad dresses mav be expected from some of our foremost provincial dairymen the question is one on which every farmer should endeavor to gain the best modern information in view of tho present glut iu tho butter market and the probable oyer stocking of tho cheese market the coming season which has been predicted by some of our old cheese men in this vegetable pills dr parmclco hag given to the world the fruits of long scientific research in the whole realm of medical science f combined with new and valuable discoveries never before known to man fr delicate and debilitated con stitutions parmcleefl pills act like a charm taken in small doses the effect is both a tonic and a atinuiiant mildly exciting the secretions of the body giving tone nnd vigor that hockev game tho follow- ing from tho pen of gmurrayof picker ing college explains itself in your last issue appeared an article re garding tho hockey nmtch between pickering college and stomtvillc stat ing that foul play and impartial rof- creenig was indulged in by tho college team as referee i feel that i have hid a very unjust charge laid against me in all probability had tho score of c to 3 been scored instead of cal umny being heaped upon our team in general nnd mvsefm particular there would have been unbounded praise of om treatment it is unquestionably very unscrupulous for any team to at- tributo their loss in a came to foul play and impartial relerecing and it would only bo done bv a team not hav ing sufficient skill to cope with an an tagonist it is owing to just such things as this that so much disrepute is put upon all games and it is to bo regretted that rtouffvillo cannot boast of a team who would deign to resort to such sordid means to qualify their defeat lot all who may havo had reason to behove that the college team and thir referee did not do the square thing notice tho score in tho return match on saturday c to 8 in our favor stouffville having their own rotereo and being on their own ice wo would recommend mr murray to read critically tho article referred to iu tho tuinukb of feb 21st ult and compare it with his reply glvon above it may assist him in his liter- fiiiitit thats the word in tho direction of bargains in mens furnishing of course you know by this time we are going out of them some of the bargains we are talking about- heavy top shuts for 50c regular price 1 twentyfive cent ties 2 for a quarter all other ties equally cheap rubberine collars 10c heavy wool sox worth 25c 2 pairs for a quarter cardigan jackets 50c a piece worth a dollar all furnishing half regular price furs hcaiy well make ns an offer if it suits us well and good if nor no harm done john bray merchant tailor stouffvm t t t the jeweller spoffords block stouffville j w mcmullen jr is a proud man- twins wanted ton cords wood in trado at j ville of good bard brays stouff ary cductatton ed brays ad in another column and tho price card in his windows will shoir you what you can buy furs for eycninjj ffcar and tribune for s2 per annum now is your timo if you want two food papers for a small out lay 85 lbs of a beautiful orijrht vellow sugar for si 00 and 25 lbs of ni 1 granulated for 100 at brownicombo porkins fatal accident a sad accident occurred on tho c p it at bartons cut near locust hill this morning by which section foreman brown was instantly killed tho particulars of the accident wo wero unable to obtain queen vs xj pitiier application was made bv c k fitch barrister beforo judge mcdougall and motion was granted tho defendant entering into his own ncognisanco to appear whon called for county attorney dewart appeared for tho crown mnny people with tho notion that nat ure ought to take cro of herself allow a couch to plagua them for weeks and months whereas if naturo wero assisted with a dose or twa of avcra cherry pocta- rol the euro might bo cftcctcd in a very feir days our hoclcoy boys played tlio return match with tho pickering college seven here last satutday afternoon the game was fast from tho start and cn- tirly devoid of rough play the homo team went to pieces during tho last fifteen minutes of tho gamo and al lowed tho visitors to sco re three games in rapid succession making tho score 6 to 3 tho following players represented tho rcapoctivo clubs pickering goal w- cronk point e doyle cover point j t aytoi for wards m dople j gibson j place w cornell stouffvillo goal jv j jlccarty point ii b sanders for wards jo l campbell jno wood gate f kao and 0 c burkliolder and weekly to new subset ers till dec 1895 for v