olmicli 3votices chkist church malqststutrule etetrr kv o- cwrft divine itmj cvrvsuiiry t 3 v- tn except on ike tttinlui jjy mtacli uitttiwliu service will itnm at 10 m a m itiit 7 in llxtli clmjl etry truajayat 1x0 p ui v n rtivice tkursdxv at 77 oa1116t church uilaio stftcuffvtnckftuooierpator heiilco albert hi bouth livtd imce eerymt- t lh30- m at j l iu- butday tclitol at sujit w lrajer icecticc en wed iftjay tiiik at 0cliv- youns peoylu uiiu ivenr alenday tvtuinf at b oclock ail no wtlcoxe methodist church cliuch street stiffville itev j w stewart iator rcji euee main st wetu lttviuptrico every uuday at ittiaiu ami 7 l iautdaychfol at i30 pm- tieoenl irvcr mcelitii vn wctlncidav cveniue alt vounc iipmajtruetii t ou 1 hurt jay tvunnkat knth jirueevcrvotlicralciniayevea- ibtatt3u- ail scits free biwitcm welcome miiiy fvb luli 11 kev t vf pickett of wliiuvatc will occupy he pulpit moraine and tveiifij the tribune stouffvluie fkii 8 180i to test drinking water a simple yvv uetectinc the rrcseuee of impurities in considering drinking water says the english mechanic the only really important question is whether the water is or is not contaminated by sewage or decomposing water it may i o inhxri ns n rule that very few samples of iriiter aro free from thfs even after treatment by the best liters under the most lavor- oble c mditions and thequetion in prau- tico is not whether deeoup miiii inntter ispresont but whether thu quantity t objectionable or dangerous as a rough preliminary tes solution of permanganate of p6tah i caiuenr and enough of thi fur a hundrel test inay bo purchased fur a iiiiy from any chtmiiit make a solution of the per manganate in water of a strength which in appearance is about thecojur of port hft jlfop fea ili water to tie tested and njd mjhbbmj the solution to color the watertll pink cover it over and let it stand throe or four hours and if the pink color lias disappeared the water is doubtful aluminium vessels luvte i r cooklnx r wrr nice iut it ill probably wot l long befprw the ilrtjsttt latiie proportion of hou-fcvper- vvhod tight it mut kitchen- and rt-h- euu teaiils wilt be sighin and aiug for diimmutn eokiiig ilwheji it lime tno muy coau ft dvurtnd them at prvwiir though tins avvrio woman 11111t content hi rf with her sgh ami hope- fr j inn mum kitchen ttisuw ir in the tstute caegry with silk ua- deiclthhtg wry iilcv hut very expen sive mmv curious wwmonwtw tnuitda f he dished at tio worlds klirud th vvoimi uf the wtinmtis huiluing onie of them siiid the dishes vvir crtmjiiv usligiitail iicniy a uvurn firm iiisiaruil to intrdiee the duhe- in tie liait atul t hoy are now to be had by people lit liberal uieiiiia in kew vork they are very bright cleaulotlking dishes as shiny though in a r sul duel way as nickel but the tuast t-ar- prising tiling is their extreme lightness a man ou tailing hold of an oruiuurj uippor or spider thinks ho is being swin dled o- ii handling a papier macho model gilded over as a mutter of fact tho dishes are about onethird lighter than those of tho same bulk in iron or tin that item at once commands the dixies to the housekeeper one of who chief complaints u that of lifting heavy ket tles and especially porcelain or agate preserve kettles another thing the wo- men will like is that the aluminium kettlo or spider will keep its bright new color better so it is said than its black iron fellow ur its many hued tin com panion it is claimed for the aluminium kettles that they will not get smutched and burned black or dtcoloid by acidi and fats as vessels of other metals do and if it does get discolored it can be cleaned letter and much nioro easily itut when you want to buy a dish you learn that an ordinary dipper cots 25 cents that a wash basin cests gu cents a fourquart kettle 140 ami other dishes in hko proportion averaghf from three to live times more tiuuxjji and tin dishes o vug to the itjvt ou ways of jfroduehig b j7i dllmf ifcw muoti cheaper than it hnhcolno to he ujod and theaverae krrtitjffeta a short time to b toiiit v j aluminium kitchen dishes xy su borrowed mirth thk kvcs for wealth 1j gio me a tiss wont you sho hesitatingly well i will ifyuitwout give it away somerviilu courier a local dealer auv- rttses a new stock of walkingsticks fur geiilflmeif with carved uoohkh heads riiiladelphia uwortl culoimr thats a qiieersluipetl ptcco of pie looks oiueihing like a turn over waiterno sr its a leftover good new jackson tells mo tho last thing ho wrote was accepted do veil know what it was yes his lesignatiou chi cago inter ocean jagson says iai one thing for a ser vant girl to know her place but quite a different thing for her to keep it ehnira gazette ive half a mind to wrilo a magazine poem all riihu half a mind seems to bo at out enough for that scgtof thiiigitaijyork ress- india u century an there is a curious old world gazvtle that tells us of his life at calcutta and gives us strange glimpses of a lima that is no more to make up for the hck of kliitinndgarand cook our subaltern provided himself with a slave and dire was his anger if his human chattel at tempted to change his condition lie advertised his loss in hot hast telling a sympathising public that for the greater security of his rights the slave had his masters initials branded oti ins firm would any ouo to whom the lad might apply ror employment send him back to ins owner luckless lad and basely defrauds i owner surely human merchau lijy must have been cheap to conia within the means of scanty ninetyfive it- was but natural that the suhaltern should follow wliero hiisupsrior ofliers led tho way and those higher in the service kept not ouo but several slaves to do their bidding leuhcol call stationed at fort william hi 17sii ad vertises for a slave boy who has dared to leave htm and says he will esteem himself particularly obliged if any gen tleman will enable him to recover his lost property a few years later tho etst india company had recognized that slavery was a blot on our social system and issued a notice that any ouo limnd dealing in this detestablo iraluc ao shocking to humanity would lie punished with the utmost severity this notice however seems rattier to apply to thosj who were ex- porttiig slaves than to those who kept them for their own ue journeys in thou old days were sleepy lengthy and withal expansive luxuries it was naturally a ssrious business to get to and from lump and masters of sailing vessels weroit seems inclined to make their charges exorbi tant to their luckless pissjigrs tho honorable kwt india cnnpanyin its paternal relation to its servants isues warnings commands and regulations on tho subject but apparently with lit tle result atltt 1ihlimvnttlram vivft u suteu tuat wiiuj genera officers should piy ii3 for their passage an easigu suotild only pay 103 ami n cadet 70 commauders were waruotl that if by any ways or iiieansdirectly or indirectly thoy stiouhl take or rvcoivy further sums ot money for the saint thoy should par to the com pany jor tho use ot tho toplar hospital trcblo tiie sum so taken too coriihttl magazine die german frofenr avlien tho typical french student be comes professor ins whole duty is dis charged when ho accurately oxpoundi tho matter of his programme polished elegance and lucidity of stylo being of course expected atid these to do him justice are seldom wanting this how ever is intrinsically nothing more lb m was expected of hi in ns a student or even sehoolooy and a schoolboy of a larger growth ho does practically remain ttio german system however ha accustom ed thomudentto the standpoint of the professor whoso lecturo makes no at tempt at these french qualities of crvs tali i no cut ami olish otitis a mowing stream at brightest rippled with fresh thought at dulleit laden with undis solved but fertilizing matter it has imcn gathering on its way instead then of tho profesjor being arrested in his individual development as is inevitable with nil educational in stitutions of tho napoleonic type be they universities or schoos tho german student is accelerated in tho develop ment of mich originality as ho may pos- stwt even if he possesses no natural originality ho may bo trained to aid in carrying out tho investigation of his master ond so becomes an inquirer un investigator from tho beginning thus has risen not only a diversity of intellectual experience and character impossible to any but tho most excep tionally original und fortunate ien edu cated in other countries but also n far greater proiortioii of graduates cnpabla of immedinto employment in nil tho spe cial tasks of modern life from book- making to chemical manufactures i the englishman or scot again nl- though quko a often possessing native ginality as tlio german nnd of new litcctrteil woiulert at hand iu the nearer foreground i see a prac tical method for tiio preductiju of elec tricity directly front the burning of oil this achieved there necessarily follows tho universal adoption of tho lectnc motor as a prime mover thy relegmbi of the steamengiuo to the scimp- heap and the almost immediate reali zation of the airship as a uieaiisof tratia- portatinn asaunung the cause of chemical afthi- lty to ho in tho unliko elrcric cmrej of the combining atoms i see the prac tical realization of electric synthesis whereby wholesome food products will be directly formed under the potency of electric atliuvtes i see tao a marked advance iu elcctrotiierapautics whro by human life will be prolonged and its sufferings alleviated diagnrwisaud prog nosis will hj profoundly aided by exact electricil measunneuts of the various organs of the human bjdy as regards their electro- motive force and resistance the electro therapist of the future will employ electric charges and currents or restoring the normal charges and cur rents f tbo body as well as for the stiuuilatiou of iiervouu or muscular tis sues hack of i hes achievements i discern n practical apparatus forscdtig through a win- ie u device for looking iutj a receiver ai one end of a liietallio wire and seeing therein a faithful reprotuc- tion of whatever optical images are im pressed on a transmitter at the ntior end even though thoiunudsof miles in tervene i sou the possible uo of the stepdown transformer for tho prepira- tion tf a roadbed or roud surfacu by the vitrtlicatioji in situ of clay or ottier suitable toil by tho intense heating power f ouonuous currents of electri city mccluros magazine writing by twortrili one of tho most interesting exhibits in the electricity liuildiug during the worlds fair was tho now writing lole graph called by the inventor t to r- 2t by the gentlemen interested that the telautograph was completed and ready fur the public in fact the instruments were rent to jickott lrk an i opooted successfully during tuu pijriod of t e fair but no inventor himself was not sat is lied with the machines and wljiio i to still further improve them a con siderable number of the iiistrumjiits had been matle but the iitauufaunire was stoppetl to await tio result of these later experinieutsaiid now theauuoiiuce- nient is made that a greatly improved imtrumcia has been produced too ptruigs attached to the transmitting pencil that cuiied some difficulty iu writing liftvo been replaced by stiinll nid steel rods that have no tendency to pull tho pencil away from the writer who can now write with tho greatest eaie and tho pencil may bo dropped upon i he paper at any part ot the writ ing lield tho switching arrangettiont in the transmitter has also been much changed and impiovod uut tho most radical improvement is in tho receiver tho outside apparanco of this instru ment has not been changed as tho same cover fits over both tlie new and old ro- ceiver but the intiior arrangement has bevn nlmoit entirely replaced tho motor that was used to shift the piper and tlrjvo tho mechanism and iiiudo such an unpleasant humming noise has been done away rith and the great number of adjusting points that added much to tho complication of the old mac due and required much expert attendance have been reduce 1 to one the mechanism is nuo much simpler and tlie cost of production will be pro bably a third less than formerly as a remit of these improvements tho writing peed of tho telautograph has been greatly increased and in actual test luriytwo words per minute have- been written ago lust thirtylive which was- formerly tho record this is much faster than the majority of business men can write and so far as speed is con cerned there is nothing more to be do- si red tlsirnetor in ifotiery iu tho matter of tho slocking which sometimes shows a bit above tho boot on windy days when the pavement is wot lady col blow toil how many kittles were you in col blow ton mudant tho true soldier never loostsof bis deeds cleveland plain dealer v ynas choliy gave her a piece of his mind when ne met her u must havo been a very small piece then ir he has any left new york press mis housvr whatd that furniture dealer ssy when you told him that mirror ho vent up was cracked hous- er said hed look into it buffalo courier she that is so tuddoin lie how firm you women are in your convic tions thats just what you said when i proposed two years ago chicago re- miss jiffic ilagcrman ami miss iila frascr of locust hill were visitinpr miss jennie lehman for tho past week mr and mrs ii cieiidcnninpr of markham and g stork of london were the guests ot mr and mrs jcs mortens on tuesday walter ii speight a quondam leading pupil of the markham high school is now pushing the quill in the oflicc or g s macdonald barrister eseljays liver lozenges arc not bringing the dead to life or performing unheard of miracles but they are brinring health and sunshine to many a home previouslyclouded with ttoubles resulting from biliousness and torpid liver 25 ctf a box at nil dru store3 the annual convention of tho sabbath school association of east york will be held iu tho methodist church here on tuesday and wednes day feb 13th and 14th inst aycrs ifatr vigor keeps the scalp free of dandruff prevents the hair from becoming dry and harsh and makes it flexible and glossy all the elements tliot nature je- qiiires to make the hair abundant and beautiful nrc supplied by this admirable preparation our school trustees aw about pro cce tho addition of an annex tjntmpst school building which will contml roouls tllo health and of trio pupils is ono of the mttvn tj and it is t cceivs ffffftfc with pure vigorousiiswrcoiirsiug through the veins and animating every fibre of tho body cold weather is not only endur able but pleasant and agreeable io other blood medicine is so certain in its results as ayera sarftaparilta what it docs for others it will do for vou born lkakovd on monday feb 1th the wife of hcv w h lcaroyd lcmonvillc of a son mcmuixen on saturday feb 3rd the wife of geo a mcmulicn of italian- trac oi a sou macklrm on sunday feb 4th the wife of v w macklein stouffvillc of a daughter married srorpv mapau at the rcitidcnco of thos hodgson ew on the 7th itist bv tho key j w stewart wm leslie starry to ida j mafar jordan okay at the residence of the officiating minister feb 7th inst bv the rev v percy mr samuel jord an to miss annie grey all of the town ship of whichurch maktib hare at the residence of the officiating minister feb 7th hifct by the rqv w pcrcv mr john mantle to mies sarah hure all of the town ship of uxbridgc died jenkins at unionville on saturday feb 2nd benjamin b s jenkins aged gj year 8 months and 0 days vanzant at slouftville on monday feb 5th john vanzant ncd 87 years and 2 months lreranllon is lletler than cure and those who arc subject to rheumatism can prevent attacks by keening the blood pore and free from the acid which eauies the disease you can rely uptn hoods srtpariiu u a remedy for rheum atism and catarrh also for every form of aerofoil salt rheum boils and other diseases caused by impure blood it tonf s nd vifdimi tho whole system york county council council resumed bumtesj on tuesday of het week at 2 p m cornmuuieatioii fnai mr luudv in refer ence to building of cuuiney at industrial howe communication iroui metropohton elec tric h it coiumuuieation from aurora high school coaiinuuicaiiou from city solicitor re lake shore koud tolbgato slatermvcoriatek for apjioiutiiient of superiuteadeat of loik road repaeliag a byuv for tlut purpose bo submitted on friday mr slater sid ho was opposed to iiieni- bersof lh eouueil acting m miperintend- ents of the roads because they might bw ebauged froai time to time and thnefore he felt the neeevsity of not appointing them two yeum go toaio members of tliu coaaeil were appoiuted but the change haa net been satisfactory wo went into the expenditure that hud bexn nude iudilfereut years more being spent iu 18d2 when under the management of the members uf county council than when ajsuperiutendeut was appointed i3 being spent more in lslr2 tn in iu 1sj1 mr lvgg seconded by mr br vans moved into a commutee of tho whcilo which was carried mr hill in the chair mr slater having referred in bis remarks to the warden having had gravel purchuod from his pit the warden replied warmly said ho had given gfloo to the county from his own gravel pit and which lias cost the county nothing mr slater deprecated making any slighting remarks against the warden and thought there was no occasion for so much heat in the matter mr evans thought there was an immense amount money wasted on labor if any cc oi mission era have not carried out the law ho was willing to havy an investi gation no matter who was appointed a superintendent will not be able to get over the roads more than once a fortnight mr pugsley had not much to say tho south part of yonge street is in a far hotter state than it has been for a number of years mr stokes agreed that the roads are iu a better state of repair than when a superin tendent had been appointed mr vule vnm1gik ivmied fhotirtt lay over mr evans was opposed to iiost- pouing the warden thought a supehu- tendent was lictter than a foreman under the present system mr richardson made some remarks which brought forth the warden who said ho had laid out the sev eral hundreds of dollars at the very doors of the worthy reeve of scorboro and he was surprised at the complaints he now makes mr yule submitted that the question be discussed tomorrow which was lost also the resolution of mr slater woodcock and reejor moved that the council go into committee on the report of audit committee mr hesdop in the chair mr woodcock as chairnirri of the committee introduced the subject referring to the statutes under which certain officials claim more compensation than lie believes they arc entitled to he said it was no de sire of his to impute the motives or honesty of the officials but he thought thy law would bear him out iu the course he had adopted if not it was about time to know it it was absurd to think of the amount of expense the county was put to he had no objections to tiie appointment of county constables on duty bat he drew tlie line when clerks and others out of office should be summoned to do their duties there 13 no necessity to go all over the county to search for constables when a registered letter would fetch them when wanted the charge of a constable for arresting four persons would be si 50 each prisoner and when assistance was wanted such should only be 1j 50 a day notsloo a prisoner a has been charged the clerk of the peace had been drawing 02 a year for ycarsfor doing that which the luwdoes not require him to do also for the serving of jurors lie has been charging sco per year since 18uj at which time the law had been changed therefore he had hern gctthis this much money when he should have known the act had liccn changed also there was a sum of 49 in respect to voters lists when he cannot legally claim more tliin s filing the voters lists for onuhalf of the city was put down at s70 the amount of dis crepancies not chargeable must amount to thousands of dollars the law allows an agreement being entered into between the clerk of the peace and the county to agree upon a lumpsum for certain duties one more thing he would like to refer to w mr jones calling tho names of iho jurors for several days after the pitting of the court these was no necessity for paying at the rate of gi per day tor 17 days when tli iwmiimi mily lint hlil llf t mr yule moved tpe adoption of the r port which was carried irilvaiis submitted tiro report of cornini sioncriroiiliuntbn slrcet of money expend ed thereon report adopted slater pngslcy that council go into committee of iho whole lo hear vi a mac donald alderman hewitt oxalderman leslie who together addressed tho council for ono hour on tho jeorgian bay canal and heat light power anil water several questions were put to the speak ers by messrs bull hill bryans and others mr sylvester was in tho chair lawrence lemon that metsrs wal lace rcesor and arnold le a committee to confer with a commit tc from tho junction high school in tho matter of arriving at what may iks duo the junction under the aetof isol crried kvaus woodcock that the committee on pylaws etc fntodllco a bylaw for tho hppointmeit of coinmiftsioners on the york roads carried tho council adjourned the council reassembled at looclook on wednesday morning a communication was received from the richmond hill agricultural society re- quoting the usual grunt of 2a a motion by mr woodcock wns carried to the effect that the industrial homo com missioners bo instituted to examine into the truth or falsity t f tlo charge against llic keeper of tho home mid to rcjiort at next session of council it will bo remembered that tho keeper was ehartcd with using obscene language over tho telephone and ftfbr denying tho cliargo he nskc i the coun cil for an iiivntijatioii a motion was moved by mr pcgg and seconded by mr davidson and carried that high constabio jones 1m requested to furnish tho council at the present scsion with a detailed statement in writing of tho services performed by him for iho salary which he received for tlio past year a grant of 25 wm made to tho west york farmers inslituto the special committee opiointcd to mem orialize tho ontario oovcrnnicnt re changes in tho law respecting dogs and sheep brought in its report the principal changes castoria is 3r samncl pitchers prescription for infant nad children ifc contains neither opium morphine nor other karcouc substance it is a harmless subslituto for paregoric props soothinff syrups and castor oh it is pleasant its guarauteo is thirty years use by millions of mothers castoria is tho childrens panacea tho mothers friend c castorixusosrehadaredtocriidrenthat i recommend it as superior to any prcscriptioa fcnown to me i a acccca j ill o oxford st crootlyb y thousoc castoria ir ro calversal and its merits so trvll tcra tht it seems work of eupercrccioii to cajarjs it few aro tho ictetisent easasu3 who tlo to keep castoria vittda ecy reach cialca ilaittijr 1 kew york city castoria cattra cures colic coestlfimtoa sour stomach riarthwa eructatloa kills worms kircs ulecp tal promotes di- eesiioa without injurious modicatioa for cctveral yoara i knvo rccocuacadea your j castor lv nnd thall rjwrtys costlsuo u dococs it lii3 iiaailabl iroduced boaeiieij results eowix f iaonsi si d 3c5lh street and tth ave kowyork city sought for bolng that the clerk of ever ty- assrssor with declaration and each assessor municipality shall annually furnid every i each shall require the owner or keeper of any dog to make a solemn declaration of the iwrofdori owned hv him or htrfi make a better filling for corsets than any other known material featherbone corsets are tough- er and more elastic than any other make as they are entirely filled with quills featherbone to be had at ail retail dry goods stores j j rae estab 1874 tins fall we arc showing a larger and mere varied stock of than vc have ever shown before ibeatjtifuland stylish dress goods in tweeds serges diagonals hopsaoks shot effects whip cords meltons c black henri at sp prices a full and complete stock of jazi2s js3 gusxs urot3xivx3jvti hosiery gloves flannels hats and caps yarns and tweeds 1 still lead tho trade in cie2siiks cnsockksrsr wlasswajse ai mmi n 13 riiigwcod oheese and pure coffee always on hand j j rae the pioneer is the place im- tcettci jmyjwiitf ol husincss coiuouently it receives our are receiving a suoar e purchasing me as has far exceeded oui oxpectiirbbsbsse are just in receipof a shipment ot the pat brand ofcanned goods in the dominion wc will guarantrccvcry call and can sell thcv as low as any ituiest israwtls of elorio oranges always on hand we cxpitet a case of the celebrated navel oranges on thursday j h ratclsff be bad led iiim to that inlief lie had told mr woodcock that ha hill would support linn for the first plaee and mr davis for the second but mr woodcock said nothing about one inetnbcr having to be selected outside the council tho warden ruled that the council take a voto on mr hills motioif after tho second vote had been taken it was bmnd that mr davis wan elected tlie hoard of audit will therefore lie the warden and messrs russell ami davis they will receive s3 per day and live ecnts per mile tho committee on county property brought in its report recommending tnat a charter for the purpose of building cunal hi granted by iho legislature po soon as t ia satiatied that a respousih c company prepared to goon with and complete tl e wjrk tlis committee was not preparwl o recommend any uereeinent with tho toron to aqueduct cftuipany giving it tho riglit to sell water hell light etc at the prca- en t time but would recommend that the committee on tylavvs etc assist such company to bbtaui legislative incorpora tion the conuiutce also recommended that the application oi the metropolitan street railway company for privilegi to extend their line to richmond hill be granted and i committed consisting of msu8 pulley hill slaur high stokes richardson and knms le appointed with power to draft and enter into an agreement with paid company and that a bvlaw for that purpose bo introduced at this session the report was adopted itylaws to nppoint commisiioners to manage tho york roads and for commission ers for tho industrial home were laid over for a third rcndhnvatil today mr kvans mot lib for abandoning thoso portions of diiuitalmrect lying within tho towiuhiiis of yorand ktobicokj tolliko imiuicipaiittoft caijgaln fnfil nftir a long diiieussioii inwhich several ancmbcrs gave their views cyi hie tollgato vjticstion the motion was dqelarctl lot only three members supporting jt sales to je held dont forget the monthly sale at the market on thnrsday feb loth at 030 a m wednesday feb 2sth nt 1 p m tho farm stock and implement of thou cusely n k smith auctioneer katurdayfcb 17th at fioodwood school building woodshed large coal stovo and pips las ohnen auctioneer monday feb 26th at 1 p in the farm stock and iiriplemcuti of john mortsou nino inonths credit n k smith miction ccr wednesday feb 11th at 1 p in at sunderland out the clear spring herd of scutch shorthorns the property of william shier tuesday feb 27th at 1 p m at lot 20 con whitchurch tho farm stock ami implements ol wiiisy anderson n k smith auctioneer i tuesday feb 13 at 1 pin at lot fi rear of con 2 uxbridgc the farm stock imnhincnt ac of john hutchinson x b smith auctiontcr friday feb lotb at i pm at lot 3 can a whitchurch tho farm stock and imple ments of mrs john ltrillinger n k smith auctifttictr friday feb flth at i pm at lot con 3 marlbam 27 iwadof cows uppiel to o in calf tho lroierty of llcnjumitt ihirk- lioldcr xk smith auctioneer wednesday kb j4th at 1 p m at lot 2 con p whitchurxh tho farm stock and implement of marshall davis xo rcservo an ho has least liii farm n k smith auctioneer saturday march 3rd at stonltville at ono oclock p m mortgage sale of about c acres of land with large tramc building thereon sec advertisement in another column n e srruh auctioneer friday march 23nl at 12 oclock noon iharp luich provided ui lot 8 con 8 township if wliitchnrch an extensive and important vcxcciorv credit sac of horses ornhjwd redttercl and high gro4le having lately purchased tlie establish ment formerly owned by park bros we are prepared to do all kinds of woodw orii in thebuilding line such as doors sash blinds mouldings planing and matching cj material furnished if required and estimates made we have jzood machinery and are prepared to do firstclass work we have also added a liingle machine to the establishment and are prepared to cut any quantity of shingles on shares or by the bunch shingles for sale cook bros factory opposite railway station mm m irititttruift fclxtirptfijr cu cold la uie iiiaj uulciairli in i soothing cleansing healing instant relief permanent cure failure impossible uanr f ockllftt dlieuei r ilraplr fapwtui or catbirh ofh n ii- tjie ru jinnloliie kutovt nflloul trui liiiln ftsd liiit iic ccnctnl tiling ot il- mjit tc if 700 r troubled with my ol thm or kindred bvmiitoini onr hire cturrli od ilouv lio no in lajrvciulnf uittu ot kil jan lie itnd in umt nrbltrd cold in lifd multi ia ounti m- lawd hy contain iittin mid jrtlu naul i14lm i aold hi all drncjtutf orwlubmtputmiloiircerptf ttuls0ccaliuil100bjriurtaln fulf0rd co brockvllle sb por tdo removal of tmtrtffcwfnw worms of all kinds i llflipl r05 fromclutdren or adults i use dr smiths 1 germ an worn hshm i 1 lozenges always prompt reliable safe and pleasant requiring no after medicine never failing leave ro bad after effects prico 25 cents por eox ior over rit vw ih miw wivpiows fotiu pvrvph- tw nri hv mlliirns ofiikhfttiir ettamiwbilo tcctlnnc f4istiithra pt iuit ndrotonrl your remty a fick child irtiilcrjit cut pnltiof oiltina iveth set d m orco nnd fnttloofmrii wiflowi- ontwpie eyrui for children tcctwrp it will rcbovf tlio or ittlo mtleror immedkflv petcnl ufn ir inler thrrni no miiteidimt t l cj1te dwfrwa rfl-iutriio- the tninci and dowel a citres td oolicsxteiw lliotiutii md roluo iiiiinmi- tloniinl iivcsteieniiiliriceltlowiie t-n- km whsiows sonin- yrm fjr hildrftu tetthmclfi penspt n the tt tho ircvriiiiinn f e i tho oidct nn i lst states price twenty fivo om- jiptttc sold biall dntcsbl ilirniiplifitit iliiorld lio mire fid formr hhbwssothlor prtup aimika wooii makkrt reported by s it- lliman unwashed wool 0 c t 12 c cotts wool or rejects 13 to 14 combine wool 10 to 10 clothing wool is to 10 southdewn wool 20 v to 21 for salp by rowan c co the old veliabo drue store cor main and church sta and sec tlio zargest stoel ol new overcaatings suitings pantings tjlstevihgs in all colorings styles and makes cvor shown in town get a firstclass fit and something that will give yon service large fashionable stock to select from good t f tt it t o it 1 r r stoufifvl iii mahkets sutter jc to 19c cjfs isc to 19c onions 1 0a lmali chickens 80o to 50c a pair cabhtsro 8 for 20c chlvea 1 to s6 pork s000 to sg1c lard 15c lb beef sg 50 lambs 5 wool lljc to 17c potatoes 4dc bo duel 10c goc turkeys sc to 9c lb iocso 7c lb fnllivlicat 0 fij to 0 0 30 spring wheat to lllack eye 1iiasc go to g2 sintill tease is to liarley to 10 oata k to 31 lloar per libl 1 so to 00 potatoes per la to 50 hay per ton 7 01 to 9 00 aisiko c on to on ltel clover 03 to 0 10 toronto stktiit froiu thuriilayi wheat white bushel wheat spring bushel wheat red winter huahc wheat goose bushel oata bushel barley bushel icaa bushel hay ton liny mixed ton straw ton drtsscl hoes reef forequartcrs reef hjmlnuartcn mutton limb spring 1 jmarkk r s filohe s 0 go to s 0 go 0 go lo 0 ofl 1 50 to oo rs to oo hi to a 10 to 15 r to 50 n 00 to 9 00 7 go to s oo s 00 to s 50 g go to g 71 1 00 to 5 00 i 00 to s 00 00 to 0 00 to 7 50 ost- l a promissory note of made by henry radcro lotbbino wliitchitrcti in favor of isaioh ilehnkay of the utli iiho whit church drawn over two years njo nnd now overdue with interest endorsed thereon all parties aio hereby forbidden to negotiate tho same 2t isaiaii hiuikav ior s sale a lino laryc frnnio iiousc and lot on church st the house is nearly new 1ms n vobfl cellar and there aro on the prcmins a stabk- itiid a choice lot of inrgc and small fruits llentv of hard and soft water the offer is hnajldc v the owner iutenda to move to aibo for further particnlara apply to vf- david itrownsfteiuiint or jacoii iteikiiotdfn 2t stouffvillc t williamson issuer of marrilge licenses itfidence nearly odwlt iho maniloo iloaf stoves anil fnrnaicy iros ivoort cook stoves smid ibanges c heap jlsox stoves for woots sml cjoal mesiters a fiill hue of blardvare am ipaints 49ils 3 lass iuid putty eavetiohg5i55 a ait kinds of tin work promptly attended fo t e trull ntul diovery tc test icnownremedy tor nnd nil stomach and twtr troatlat snth coniptton iikuiicii- dycpsn lndikcmioi pire ulod cf- these lorcnsc ar pleasant k ft mum carrlafe illber- removed to the shop lately occupied by y mr kcriison one door east of the cfctjeeins hotel the torosto cider am fruit vinegar co have introduced into their works hero a burr wheel anti will ho prepared on and after monday not 6tli inst to crush on short notice for any who may favor them wit ft an order w j mccohmack sectrftuo f books supplies c s c fleury gos also oysters candies oranges l