y fegggbegg w- i ilcaroy c ci dec 31 94 18l busuxd w7 thursday evening xi tax orrice aim street jt0uffw1ue oltt terms 123 per yean 8100 lr 1aui in advance tonfcbi tibttn i year i si5 i 15 10 advehtzstxa rates space 1 tear- jw oa column- s i w halftotuwn quartercoumn 25 ja eighth column la i y transient atlvertlicroeitjeml municipal jtc scents per lino first iumtion auu- cnts per line eaeh kubseaueut insertion professional cards on inch and under 5pr tear 53 for 6 months ucuuti copy of paper transient adtertlsementi must bo sent ionot later than thursday noon- notice of c banco ol standing advertieuents must be siren not later than monday neon and copy matt be sent in not 1 iter than v amon veuesdav adrs- of farms for sale on inch and under 1 month 1 cich subsequent month 5 cents adv of stray animals 1 lor 3 insertion advertisements without specific direction will o inserted every issue until forbid and oturgea accordingly joc printiko we have also a firstclass jobbing department a ooantctionand are prepared to do business ia ht line at prlces that cannot be beaten tcems usu wm malloy b a editor and 1kwrirron istfssitfisssj isu3 x1cgajj g smith macdonald conveyancer notary fcbllc bgjj hai removed to the ofuco insandecayii erly occupied uy toe laje suzx03tti ioerifci3ctai3tt3 boxue 9kanufcotiues txixca buteirprises vol vi no 51 stouffville ontario thursday feb 8 1894 whole number 311 hwawskmthe troublesome lady bankers thlabi i was on liia trail the 81 james mecdllougb ll b barrister solicitor etc j daleys block stouffville ont kzoxxsr to loan under an avalanche daleys block money to loan os aooo seoajtitv sale and farm notes gashea so taken fob collection draftt fssttej ri branchtt and ufwille okt fort maedooald davidson patterson barrtsxicjbs sowoitobs notaries public etc ofncxs masonic buildings toronto st toronto and main st stoultviue jkkehuqc w- davlbdox- v mcdovald jxo apatlettjjos b a ultant of canada head office toronto caritaxpaidul reserve fond 1000000 525000 i geo p idowhstes barristkr solicitor convxtixcir xotaby ac sposbrds block stouffville ont monj33v tto loast bowmanrillt t bradford brtnlford brighton brussels campbelltord agencies at caaninkton chatham colborne durham fcrest stccttville dkntab ir smith dentist stouffville ont l ds of the royal college of dental surgeons ont d d k of toronto university- b to inform the public of stouflyillo and tioiolty that owing to the increase of his practice and the solicitation of his many lriendlie has permanently located here and his office will bo open dally except monday for consultation and practlco in alertens block where he bu been during tho past year anwjthctica for paiolei extraction tlold and crown wrk a specialty- call if poisible on wednesday thursday or fri day to wako appointment an- erratic ivers fine mare slipped hopelessly y s shepherd dog a moss of discon- hlwlate wetness trotted sullenly behind his sitp atm aan cloae t the horces heels olivers cor- hajjsi mmmxm jsacastdalfduroyswere soaking from hia sombreroa stream of water dripped down his back and te damp carcass of a defunt antelope swung to his saddle became painfully odoriterous thai verv antolope had lured him to the top of sistya peak oud had tak en revenge for the first shot which had brought its demise craig naturally hottempered and impatient swore audibly he wond ered why a man should want to b hunting in the rockies why if he did he could not tell when it was going to rain or did anybody ever know colorado weather why if a man know enough to go to the top of a peak he could not find hu way down he had no idea where he was and tight was near at hand under the aspens that slapped him merrily with wet branches as he passed it was al ready dark he wondered where doctor john was that ass would make a jest of the matter he was offensively personal in his jokes he would not thiuk of going to look for bo friendly you never can tell he and lord morris were monsieur can bo agree able quite lovely to strangers if he wants to be tie man grumbling to him ielf led the mare to tho barn 1 dont fancy leaving her to his mercies said oliver uneasily a he watched man and horse from tho porch somehow i havo not overmuch confi en3 in your servant i nt he evil looking annette though thinks heis beautiful but louis will be tat j e co your horse he is fond of them and 2fi a thoroughbred too lik that one will delight him his likng for horsca isthe only human trait he has do come in just a little while wero not robbera or bend ers thoiieh things aro funny bring your lovely dot- will he fight a little mite of ono v if ho did id disown him amilod craig she stooped and picked up a flnlty skyo terrier and holding it in her arms led the way into aluxnriouslvfnraifurd room with rttzt jkt ftpfp- fir ehces oi travel and cjilturo in brie- that antelope bole day it seems cruel tu kill the poor little things she said wistfully they have such a h d timo in the winter aud the elk a whje troop smothared by a snowslitfe aro s arved then they come down to the in th5 mouataag- corn co eat hay with tho oittle i would t liko to put hay out for them but i am not skotinta stray deer 3art tlie destructive ulowed and just think my money has bought this ranch it was mortgaged for all it was worth monsieur spent everything you know but you dont know and think i am dreadful she ran to the window and looked out you would not mind she said anxious ly hurrying a little monsieur ought to be btck any moment if he and hia friends hat to 31 at i on terrible manifestation orvaures relentlest foicea on a trlpt sioantiln3lor wo had gone out from fort owen to open tho pass is the big hole mountains to en- able the wcod choppers to get a supply of fuel for the post it had snowed for seventy j hours without a break aud at several havo been drinking very much they are m repass there were drifts twenty i- n atislttisi iii r ii feet high there were twentyfive of us u especially monsieur oh i did not i mean vou should atop under command of lieutenant and about j noon wo had dug our way half through the jpas tho mountain slopes on each side i have made you trouble will do you harm iq f 8 lv taiiy hl vou nnt know where 1 ioofced icvoi as a nopr though tho slant was much harris ton mark ham newcastle parkdale pic ton montreal winnipeg a robinson dentist willbeatmillcrs hotel stouflvile on the istli andit the trewont ujw ii0uq markham on the 20th of each month itoicmanslfotel ml bert on the 11th victoria siuare on the 21t wnen these date fall on bunday the following usndaywiii bo undoritood also agents at new york- london en northwest provinces and british columbia drafts issued and eolleetiona made on all points in canada at lowest rates- farmera notes die- counted sale notes and good business paper negotiated at eurrent rates of interest a savings bank has been opened in connection with the branch at stottkit v i x- xm where deposits of kand upwards are recelred and interest allowed thereon at current ratos deposits of special nature trust funds ao rcceired on favorable terms office hoars from 10 a-m- to 3 pm saturdays rom iiatn to 1 pm for further information aoply to john elliott by teiug here you mut know where morriss place is down tho row here somewhere but i dont know justwhere iukerwas there it was not a fit place dontrou think she went on feeding his doc scraps from the waiter while slie vwknthat it is funny of me strangerj agebt thenall8h0ensu3 ami ev a it was strangely atpvariauco with the wild and lonely country outside but oddly natural in colorado in tho rockies the unexpected is always happening a day- laborer is often a college graduate waiting for a stake or a cowboy may be the son of an earl acquiring experience it wo tried to snare travellers said the young lady coolly louis would rather hurt our business his manners are so bad this is tho den of monsieur do keataud who came here to avoid the war with prussia he was only a young lad then but a born coward and his brother is a colonel in the french army his father a general he darent go back to france sit down heres a chair fcr your coat you will feel better dry ill excuse your shirtsleeves talking all the while she set a chair lor ganccd up and saw his grave face ins coat one for himself near the hearth j p quivered and then kneeling down by the big dog she put tho little one on the floor and pro ceeded to make them acquainted skye instantly became a flnjf of growl and fight j but mac with an ennnyeed sigh stretched himself and lay down to rest ho realized e was intruding but meant to make the sharper than he ordinary houss roof it was a good 1 000 feet to the cedars grow ing on the ridge and it made one dizzy to look up and realize the distance wo aro liabloti meet with a disaster here the officer had said as we began work with our snow shovels in tbemorniog thcrgmust be no shooting with your ro one could j vo nol oliver gently na not live here witwuthearinz something of j r up there not a man of us of i wl11 ovcr ba fou before next june the crazy frcuclimiria oliver put on his cojt in silenco tho big shepherd dog leaned his beautiful head against thoirla knee while she fed him and little skye quite content with a stray bite now aud then looked on in approval oliver thought ho would like to take her in his arms as if she were the child she looked that pretty little yellow gown the bright girls face with its saddened look touched him sorely he was not wont to be inter ested much in women those ho met were of two classes and this child was of neither class- different being a pathetic haunting one a child in years and yet two the pass ran cast and west for a distance j of 2x1 feet and than mtde a sharp turn to the north at the turn we had what might be called a third mountain in front of us tho slope wis as high as others and pitch ed to the wcs or down the pass we thusi had three alopestwo pitching aroas the pass and tho other lengthwiio of it for the first hour overjr man was nervous and afraid then the feeling began to wear off and some of the mon expressed their con tempt of the peril at the end of two hours tho officer hid to repeat his words of iution atabout 1 1 oclock a fall of snow from the lefthand slcpo revealed the heby moments- fig iu let j cu know im not the fool you think fogg pouibly not which one are you prisoner ten dollar i for stealing a pir of shoes judge tiats what 1 said why judgethey did xt fit fweddy aw mis ginevwacould ycu aw live in a flat m as ginevra yes but not with one cuiretto what ara you goiug to give me papa whon i get mrried harpxgon my consent clairette t jones this cigar you gave me is a vile one bnwn you dat knowa eood cigar when i give ycu ona jones per haps not but i kuow a bad one briggs vhat a severe cold your land lady h griggs ye she sat in my room for an hour yesterday what will drive a man to drink quicker than a sharp tongued woman did you ever try a boiled salt mackerel hungry htggin3wota right nowadys ank yonor tanka weary watkins 1 guess tanka would hit us abaut right whim i first came hare said the edit- it i vadoily on shirt to m nim andbatiiaveyou now tho name h comrade not he the laziest man in the cf ll peace she jumped up the world why then should craig oliver tier her arm aud flung a logon the take meat to doctor john antclopo steak victkrinary jt t storey veterinary surgeon graduatk in honors of ontario veterinary collegeand honor ary lellow ol tho veterinary medical society- all dfcaes of domettio animals treated skilfully on tho hittst scientific method orders by tele iraphormnil night or day promptly attended to tharges moderate special attention gireo to dentistry 0flee and residence same as j clarkes westkndstouflrille atjcxlonictcrs n e smith licenskd auctioneer for the counties of york and ontario sales of farm ptock etc attended toon shortest notice ana reaaonablomtes stouttville out- james obrien licensed auctioneer for the eounttesof york and ontario- orders by mall ortelegrapb will receive prompt atten tion charges moderate stouflvllleont tonsoitlal artists call at the paris tmsorial parlor orhrstelarsjutr dressing andsbaving sat isfaction guaranteed mr s to k of sharing soap cometlqne mag- atsla lather brashc strops c- is complete alto flrstelais kaiors for sale and guarantee hasor honing and shears sharpenlnica speel- slty j wshankel proprietor l r h hoover issuer of marriage licenses green river oiit j l baker issuer of marriage licenses xuitdaee corner of mala and albert sli itett ofot il stouffville ont w i krrtney fljarea scgrardlnx london the population of london that is the london of the registrargeneral or prac- tically the administrative county of london was found to be 4211743 showing an increase of 396199 or 104 per cent upon 1881 as compared with an increase of 117 per cent for the whole of england and wales this difference is referred to by the report as a notable fact inasmuch as it is the first timo that such a phenomenon has presented itself london having been found in every preceding intercensal period to havo gained more or less in its propor- tions as compared with the country at urge the report continues suggestion has been mads that the explanation of this apparent relaxation in tho growth ot load on scorn pared with tin- country at large may he in the fact that the census of 1811 waa taken only a week after easter day when a number of per sona who had gone away for an easter holiday had nu come back from the coun try it is possible that this may have had some slight effect upon the enumerated population in those quarters that are mainly inhabited by tho class that is wealthy enough to take prolonged holidays but it is difficult to suppose that it could have hod any sensible effect upon tno stggregate population of the whole townespecially when it is recollected that ir many londoners migrate at easter into the country many countrymen on the other hand pay a visit at that season to london how the pkople mvje from the section of the report dealing with habitations we find that according to the returns there were altogether in eng land and wales 5451497 inhabited houses besides 372181 uninhabited and j8337 in course of building the average number of occupants to each inhabited house was 532 against 533 in 1831 and 533inl87i no material change there fore has occurred in the last 20 years in the proportion borne by population to house- the proportion varies of course greatly in different areas being highest naturally jo great towns where space is valuable and the houses are of large size but for each individual town the proportion has remained fairly constant a table which gives the proportion for london and all municipal towns with mere than 100000 inhabitants shows that such change as has occurred in the proportions is in a direction that suggests diminished crowding the proportion of persona per house being with two exceptions lower in alt these towns in 1801 than it was in issi with regard to tenements by which was rr5d any house or part of a house faj occupied either by the owner or by a tenant the total number in england and wales wasl31j0i which gives with a population of 20002525 an average of 17 persons to each tenement and of 112 tenements or distinct occupancies to each inhabited house no ewer than 431653 of the tenement are brought under the definition of overcrowded and in them dwelt 3253044 persons or 1123 per cent of the total population- the average nam berol persons per room being 28 the jbearing counties aro atatedto be those ho so favored brought from the summit of a cloudreaching peak yet that invidious doubt of doctor johns there must bo evideree or he would tell the atory of an imaginary antclopo and imaginary shot it grewdarker if possible wetter tho sodden antelope flounced about and tho dog whined dolefully confound you mac cried oliver if you are bored what must i be do you think im doing this for pleasure besides you can shako the rain of your coat and it soaks into mine if i stay outside tonight it means rheumatism sure ill bt the doctor is huddling over tho fire now with that infernal pipe of his and mike ia clean- fire years a wife and of such a man she of a oave about thirty feet above our ij heads it was believed by all to be the lair of a bear or panther and at noon when the men sat down in the pass to cat their pork and hard tack the officer atxrt- dont think me dreadful she said piteously lam so lonely so forsaken and you brought hack the old days you look so kind tho words just came loould not help it suppose you were me shut up here my father lostatsea my mother dead two years ago and my only friend my only relation saying it was my duty a icb to live here for ever and ever i wish that you would try to like ms and that i cd to go up and investigate without the aro you comfortable she ask- could iccl there was somewhere in the world edstandingandamiling on him a lovely a good man who would be a friend to mo and pity me he took her little hand in his big ono aod looked down on her sunny head you am a little child he said softly i know your life must be urd i cannot bear to think of it i shall be proud and mike but ho cleans the doctors boots first last and all tho time some men havo a faculty of imposition the more uncomfortable oliver bacame the more ho thought of his guest snugly ensconced in his huntingcabin miles away on tho troublesome an untrustworthy little strnam that maanderod through tho mountain park irrigating the crops boun tifully in the spring but often annihilat ing them in midsummer vjiostoastlojr hiauio lnk nt my dearth smoking my tobacco ordering my servant about and ho would leave me out here to perish ho know it was going to rain that is why ho said he had the tooth ache i swear ho hasnt one oi his own mii il ia gut ails him and mike hasnt sense enough to go out with a light ha i theres one 1 tho trees more widely scattered showed him a sudden glimmer of light across the murk below like a fallen star ho urged tho mare forward down a stoop hill and found from herquickened pace ho was on a travelled road then she shied aud stop- sed and ho was close to a shut gate he ismounted opened it and mindful of cat tle closed itafcer hiin aftoraahort walk he saw the dark outlines of building a house with corrals and barns from the last came the savage barking of dogs and the clank of their stretching chains as they leaned from iheir kennels mao in duty flush on her face delightfully so oliver looked tit her in wonder was alio child or woman a slight girliah figure but beautifully formed tiny hands and feet a mass of short reddish curls around her neck parted smoothly in tho middle hazel eyes with dark lashes a nose retrousse piquantly so and a rosebud mouth that showed small white teeth of dazzling brilliancy her skin was almost unnaturally pale and a dimple in tho left check drew attention to its soft roundness her gown of yellow china silk clung to her beautiful curves and the wide rufile of the yellow around her throat was like the petals of a flower he looked at her left hand there was no ring in fact all the jewelry sho woro was a bunch of silver bangles on her right arm no you live here ho asked lamely as she knelt again on therugtopathu dog skyo in hor arms instead of replying she made hor dog sit up on its hind legs and beg an accom plishment skyo disliked showing as he desired to cot acquainted with tho new aog nnd thifi circus baslncsrscemcd derog- atory to his dignity see said tho young woman breath lessly isnt ho cunning but ho does it much better when there is not company ho nover will show olf can your dog give his paw 1 dont think i over asked him stam mered oliver who was thinking what a pretty picture tho girl made well ho is too tired to tease now oh jumping up and standing by the fire you asked who i was no if you lived hero do you think half sadly a person could live here i i dont know i do said the young woman emphat ically i havo tried it two years and winters all tho long shutin months i eat sleep breathe but i dont livo i am called minny happy to be your friend i havent many when one has lived long m the world ho has sorted tho wheat from the chaf and i can count my friends on my fingers- ono hand indeed then let mo be the i i it lo finger sho said shyly tho sound of horses hoofs outsido made her withdraw her band suddenly and a frightened look camo over her face oliver picked up hts riding- whip hit ira lower lip and waited mac with a growl slunk up to his mutera heels the door was flung rudely open and a man stepped into the room sa overcome with anger he could at first form no word a little man with a dark evil word ou his part i followed him the fall of snow had left the rocka bare and reveal ed three or four smill trees but it was a hard climb to reach tho cave it wasnt a cave at all but only an indentation in a cliff with a shelf of rock overhanging it this overhang extended out for perhaps four feet starting tiik destructive stream tho in n were not all in a bunch but some of them were even out ot aightaround the bend after discovering that we had ueen duped about the cave wo stood looking down aud across and were just moving to get down when one of the men below us jumped up and shouted a deer a deer hurrah bays venison my trcacmetlt new lease of life patient ifcs but vou 11 admit that you charge hizh rentt a tom i wonder why nettie gaye screamed so loud when i kissed her ex treme modesty dick no force of jabit im worried abant my st bernard a he losi his appe- m worried about mine too why he isnt judge of court for sup pei the deer was above us but wo could not soo it on account of the overhang all the men had their revolvers and as they began to flourish them and prepare to fire the officer called out- a command and a warning if they heard him they did not heed him he was still speaking whon three or four shots were fired almost simultaneously and some one cried out that tho deer had been hit it was the concussion that started the snow and it started from thuvery top of the slope where the warm sun had softened it 800n i felt a trembling of the mountain face sunken eyes and long black beard i ttiu leancd under tho overhang and suit was drtoping and the lle d i ood side by si his corduroy s hat he flung on the table ijaking wet lie had tho air of one who hiifiddcn fast in an evil mood j w ate ylij- keeping marfani tie restaud hissed fty this isatvory pleasant surprise for a manj v the gentleman asked shelter henri tho girl said trembling ho lost his way and louis would not tell him how to find lord morriss place you can of course give me tho direc tion oliver said courteously though his hand clinched tho whiphandle tighter lord morris told mo of your hunting- exploits i thought we should have met before this but doctor john and i are side the avalanche swept ovcr us daylight was blotted out in an instant and tho grinding roaring and crushing wore something terri fic j k it scorned asif the mountain rocked and pitched liko a steamer at sea and the noise was louder than any clap of thunder you overheard it couldnt have lasted over sixty soconds though the timo seemed ton times as long thorn we looked down to find the pass at tho soles of our feet in other words it had filled up to a height oi thirty feet with snow bowlders trees and earth two hundred feet to the west of us was tho lower mouth or opening beyond that a plain the snow had not ou aro fined 10 for contempt offender 1 say judge socio as the sentiment is mutual why not call it a draw gus what do you girls do at your conversation club justsit round and stare at each other and talk clara- no indeed we play whist ho iusinuatingly i cannot reform without help i need some guiding star she curtly you wouldnt if you were not oat bt much at night he what would you do if i were to kiss yon sne are you very curious to know he v very she well you might try and sco relief has come the tide has turned the timo of dreadful doubt is past through varied struggles wo have learned to write it 91 at last tutter is miss nubbins in servant no sir shes gone out walkiig with another mvi tutter all right tall her i came in a sleigh auntie it isnt good form to hold your fork in that way little niece auutie do you think it is u good form to sure at folks whilo they ore eating thats right my littlo man i knew those piis of mino would pall you round what did yon put em in water or rasp berry jam eh pet em in my pea shoot er usds across tub sea foreign faota and fancies- old itorm ercutt or lute rt chronicled briefly inlercttlu uoppenlnx or uecentunte deaths from yellow fever in rio janeiro average six a day the antwerp jesuit college was destroy ed by fire loss 5203000 murders suicide and burglaries occur with shocking frequency in australia coffee palaces are a feature of melbourne life no leas than s100j000 being invested in them lord roberts says he hai under his com mand in india 14000 british soldiers pledged to total abstinence bulgaria recently sent 20 common school teachers to switzerland to investigate edu cational methods tho guards at laroquelte the prison in which bombthrower vaillant is confined have been doubled jbor men are organizing throughout jralia and nominating candidates for ominjjlcntion9 dnfihess of yofkmas setup swing raguestii wet ueiptvivhr sfcjj id gcr- te german retclistartt manys adherence on the international tary convention concluded last jear the norman german lloyd and hamburg- american steamship companies intsnd to pool their mediterranean business tho emperor of austria although a de vout catholic has finally given his sanction to the introduction of a law to require civil marriages empress eugenie has declared her inten tion to spend the whole winter at her villa of the cap near men tone on the mediter ranean shore the weeks news caxadiay mr- vtheneuve was elected mayor of montreal over mr james mcsbane by a majority of one hundred and seventysix votes the directors of the bank of montreal passed a resolution of regret on the death of mr peter red path who waa a member of the london committee of the bank a draft insolvency bill has been prepared by the dominion government and will be submitted to parliament at the approaching session it has 12s clauses and is divided into six parts an attempt was made the other morning to burn tne michigan central fretghtaheds at niagara falls ont the fire waa nolic ed in time to prevent much damage a can full of waste t aturated with oil was found bluing under the plattorm the temperance people of hamilton ont are making great efforts to entirely abolish ahop licenses n thatcity the city solic itor dies not believe that they can legally do so but the aldermen will be asked to piss a bylaw on those lines the exhibits of work done by canadian women which were shown at the worlds fair havo arrived in ottawa and the work ot returning them to the exhibitors who sent them to chicago will bo begun there is a great difference of opudon amongst th coal mine owners of nova scotia as to whether the removal of the duty on coal under tho wilson tariff bill will be beneficial to the provinces or the reverse the births deaths and marriages act of british columbia is to be amended sal vation army officers are to be given the legal right of christening burying and marryingand other privileges enjoyed by ordained ministers of tho gospel the ontario fish and game ccmmiiricn met at the queens hotel toronto and pre pared their annual report to be presented to tho local legislature several amendments and some now clauses will be asked for at the approaching session of tho legislature unsociable sort of men and dont go obontl only fttlion froin eio hat the hive you hoard of the sad fate of the novelist tajnti ho committed suicide from jealomy lucausa tho heroine of his latest story muried another man ho been writing winter poems for days and days together for he thinks along in may time theyll fit in with tho weather was sho what you would call a fine singer i dont know didnt you hear her yes out i didnt thr toinwliattho price of the was customer i wan i will fit comfortably and shea ctcik yes mant we have that veiy sizo in fifaiyii t through tho agency of the missions to seamen society over 5000 sailors havo been enrolled as total abstainers in cork harbor alone temperance societies aro being formed among the mujiks of russia the members undertaking to abstain from vodka for 12 month tho young abstainers unbnof china now numbers in its several branches at shanghai foo chow and other cities upward of 9000 member the united states consul at palermo denies the report that french funds have been scut to tho sicilian revolutionists a perriambuco despatch rays the crew of the dynamite cruiser nictheroy refuge to serve unless their wages are paid in ad vance it is denied that the pope has written to tho sicilian bishops asking them to act as peacemakers in tho troubles now agitatim sicily b the subscription in rome to the fund to relieve relatives of italian workingmen killed in the aigues mortcs massacre last summer amounted to 100000 francs a congregational tompcranco association for ireland has been organized with rev w newman hall a nephew of rev dr newman hall as its secretary italy gives tho world outside her borders 2k0000000 oranges spain 1400000 nnrt porlu 80000 paraguay 00000- i england has redtlced it ot from three to two and r cent the london daily telegraph says that there mill be very general sympathy with the american decision not to permit com merce to become absolutely crippled by the wanton struggle waging in brazil the london jacobites held a memorial service in commemoration of the memory of charles i- who was beheaded on january so 1619 they also decorated the statuo of charles i at charing cross there was a demonstration oi lhs unem ployed loudon jews on saturday in front of st paula cathedral a sharp encounter took place with the police and twelve of tho rioters were so seriously injursd by blows from the batons of the police that they had to be sent to the hospital tho british board of agriculture in re plying to tho arguments of the scottish deputation asking for tho removal of tho embargo on canadian cattle said that they havo not yet been satisfied that tho cana dian lawa and regulations afford sufficient and reasonable security against the importa tion of pleuropneumonia m united states inspector de barry is endeavoring to have some twenty canadian girls who aro training as nurses in the buffalo hospitals deported under the alien labor law o price ot their nt a mimber that wher th crowding ot dirlungi u inot u j i luui bile lighted windows craig aw the homo proper wa built oc logs anj raised considerably from tho ground with a wido veranda ap proached liy a long flight of etepj a door in the lthat was on a level with tho ground suddenly opened anil a man camo out with a lantern an undersized man with a white face deepsunken bliclt oyes and a scrubby beard around his chin of such a blueblack color his facs looked doadly what a stales prison mug r craig thought but he said politoly i havo lost my way i vi no1 tho man holding his lantern rudely near olivers face i do not need your assuranco ol that y ml friend but if i insulted you with a bribe conlil you put up my horse and give me shelter for tho night no western hospitality is evidently out of your line i fancy now york or the ad- jacent islands aro more to yoor taste than a ranch in tho mountains perhaps you could direct ma to uri morrisa hooting box it on the troublesome about fivo miles from parkville i an a stranger hero as i only bought tho lodge this spring i dont know where it is ah i atraiger too you own this place 1 i dont wa that that is your affair i might make it mine if tho odds woro ot so against me oliver muttered christened minerva after bound set up a challenging uproar silenced m fathers ship a funny name that does only by his masters whip irom the m0 children ought to bo allowed to name themselves dont you think so it might bo better but minny is a pretty name and with a smiling glanco of admiration for oliver liked a pretty woman suits delightfully i was named peter think of that but luckily had a middlo name allow mo to introduce my- solf craig oliver of denver and your neighbor in tho valloy of tho trouble- soino i am sho hcitatcd a moment and looked athim defiantly mrs do restaud i know youd have to know i put it off on purpose now pleaso dont look at me out of the corner of your oyo and wonder i am not moro dignified and stop boing pleas ant to me be ca uco i am married i dont sco said oliver unconsciously becoming more distant that your being married makes any difference i am glad j for up hero they darent talk politely lo mo becauso of monsieur in fact for weeks i only havo skyo to talk to i know i run on foolishly but i am liko an exile meoting a neighbour from tho home country no gentlemen como hero lord morris was not he might havo been onco but liquor changes everybody sine aunt hannah was sent away six months ago there has not been a living onl here 1 oven endured by tho way smiling again are yon hungry i breakfasted this morning answered oliver well ill get you ometung to eat much tho road you camo straight down two miles turn to tho left said de restaud coldly my man has yourmarercady inanks mrs dj restaud you have shown truo western hospliality i shall always remember it goodnight ho could not look at that shrinking fig uro with its frightened eyes goodby sho said sadly i hopo you will find your road as he closed tho door lo heard her give a cry of pain as if she had been rudely seued and ho almost stopped then went hastily down tho steps he wished ono of tho riiflians dismounting before tho poroh wonld peak lo him ho would havo liked to silenco him no ont spoke however hven louis led tho nnro up in silence oliver looked her over as he mounted toia oil iho man a dollar and said as he cantered off w ml i w nt agaiu my civil friend the gate was open so ho went easily past all pitfalls and tho mre iwing rested in a short timo he saw the light from his own cabin and with an odd sense of comfort oo a lost homeless man is a pitiful ob ject tho world over jlik rushed out lo tako the niro ho was just going to look for him the doctor hsd worried hut oliver without a word went into the house ho went to his- cigar box lit a cigar then lood before his own hearth with a queer air of possession ltwasjuslasho thought there sat doctor john in that ridiculous lowered dressincgown and embroidered cap with his eternal pip a unconcerned aa possible back at last old man said doctor john cheerily vl wc getting wor ned about yon thanks growled oliver a it ffff continued the other a little elderly with bright ono opposite wo wore struck dumb for the moment and aa we stood gazing blankly tho snow started on the third slope away up near tho crest a ball started rolling anil ten seconds later the snow on a spaco 300 feet long nas moving instead of piling up in tho ravine it struck and forcodthe snow down there lo tho cst and followed after discillinr unto death it was ft great river of snow saeeping past us loirs trees and bowlders which weighed tens of tons were borne along like straws and so swiftly that tho eye caught no second glanc all at once there was a eneck and right before us a soldier was shot to the surface it was corporal hcrl who was probably farther up tho pass than any other man he popped out of tho snow head first and at full length and for perhaps fivo seconds was within ten fcot of u aud looking squarely into our faces he was bareheaded his overcoat gone ami his fsco bleeding ho know what bad happened and no tioubt realized his peril but as he stood there saved for the instant up went his hand in a salute to the lieutenant as his arm dropped he disappeared from sight it was discipline in tho faco of death an instance that will never havo itc counterpart out of that narrow rocky pass poured tho tide with a fury which scraped it as bare as a floor aod tore great rocks from it aides at tho west mouth the snow filled a ravino fifty feet deep and then pouted out on tho plain for a quarter of a mile- it was no u c to look for the indies fivo hun dred men could not havo moved that mass in a fortnight twentyfourmen wereburled there it was idlo to hope that any of them still lived along in tho last day of juno we found them one after auother and even then wo had to dig tho snow would havo smothered them as it rushed dovobut with tho snow camo rocks which crushed some of them to pulp jtho cor whojhad aalut- there were oysters in tho church fair stew for hours no person spoke twas sad to seo thorn pining for that dear oldfashioned joke husband- woo i hoo goo landll- why do jouset that alarm clock so that it i uo0d are with tho kuropcantreopvtn k 5 hcdlime wife india and the remainder at home in jtgypt ihat is to remind mo that its timo to and natal wind it up my dear coo j it is said that the king of siam has bo- como so addicted to tho use of atimulanta that ho is practically a mental and physical wreck cmiorjflbspihas coiisultod with italian fiiitrtco jiuiisccttjoririfio aanccrnlngrmt expediency of affording tho sicilian peasants tho use of tho uncultivated lands on tho islands a frenchman who has just been re leased alter undergoing a long term of im prisonment in germany aa a spy givj a very uninviting description of life in gor man prisons the wholo number of homos end mules possessed by tho briliih army is within a fow of 27000 of whom rather moro than mr georgo v child proprietor of the ledger and a most generous employe and a foremost philanthriplst died in phila delphia early on saturday morning tho rev dr talntge oftha brooklyn tabernacle contemplates starting on a tour of tiio world preaching and lecturing at his principal stopping places in tho house com niteo of tho ohio state legislature dr c a- pylo proposed that criminals sentenced to death should be ap propriatod to use in physiological resoirch and that they ebtuld bo vivieccted ill order that medical men could study tho stomach heart and brain in the living sub ject mr william brown a native of binbrook ont and lately a n emberof tho pinkcrton detcctivo force was inudored in omaha while on hia way to san francisco where ho intended starting in business although the murder took pla e some weeks ago full particulars of tho tragedy havo not vot asnctntiingtmr comenro-ngnt- iwsjw oknkral nictheroy a towi across the bay from rio janeito is in the hands of tho insur gents which give them an important strategical position the spanish military tribunal has senteno d thomas ailed tho author of tho bomb outrage at villaueuv t barracks to psnil servitude for life nollie why do you lot your husband poke so much fun at your new hats i think its horrid may whymy dear i have to let him get something in return for his money havo you your now house insured mrs owight yes your husband is afraid t fire then mercy yos ho will leave the house any tlmj before ho will make one littlo ponds of water frozin firm and tight mako the coal and fee mon wild with pure delight miss flderlelgh i wonder why theyre liltrojucing such oldfashioned daric- i cant manage to learn them mis laus tiquo oh the stops will all come back to you by and by cholly it aw may be all svighu you know but iawfind it doosed hard to believe that wa are descended from aw peitro sharbaro formerly a member of tho british parliament died a few days ago in tho attic of a roman tenement he svas a learned man but eccentric to tho border of lunacy tho light on tho underground trains in london has hitherto been insoilicient for reading it is now proposed to inlroduco aooo penuyinlheslotniachinci topronde light for those desiring it a despatch from warsaw says that tin postal official in prairka as well as in hud nik were arrested for forwarding nihilist circulars which emanated from thoaludents revolutionary society in warsaw claims amounting tosomething oversjo 000000 havo been filed by american citizens js cliil clsima commission iho chilian claims on tho united stiles amount lo a very moderate sum leaving a heavy balance aginst chili tho sozdiast publishes a summons signed m inm-itr- h ho indopendent socialist and anarchist monksys miss smart after lookinc him wig upon tho gorman oncmploy over i dont od workingmen to meot on january isth algy couuting tho coil do you or always tako a ohipsroa along whon you go to tho thester misi de pnk my no never unless i to with a man two seat will bo plenty the dajocled odo taox i dont know what to do here are a lot of bills and i havent got a out cint yon sigjoit somo way lo raise tho wind lack how would a draft do nuery r t pufjowftormuut- h0v7 a deserted village tlrjlsila city r once cay anil pros- per itapmly falllnz ill a psset conld writ on the dssorte1 vii social and political platform aid wh honon of nythe kir was fined 30 for refusing to ao as mayor to which ollieo ho was olocted tho other day ho oxmayor was strongly urged to serve again and in reaponss said that to save tho town from the deplorable condition it was in ho would do so a letter from cairs says tho kiollves outbursts of temper terrify his ministers- he is as petulant as a spoiled child it is reported at itifiin that thoprojoctid russian summer maiiauvrcs will bo located at a great distance liotn the prussian fron tier probably in the district of smolensk while out driving on friday evening the duchess ol manchester who is temporarily sojourning at pau wa thrown from hor carriage and received injuries about tho head and face which however are not re gardod aa serious tho women of ba len westphalia and tho rhino province have formed a ci m-nit- to i with a view to giving prince bismarck an elaborate present on his birthday on tho 1st of april arrangements aro rcarly completed in berlin for floating a largo loan for tho bene fit of italy tho armed transport itapu owned by fio brazil goveinmnt with admiral c-n- calves on loird i ai icon capturodby tho i surgents a- nbqleoted ofllldses- nave von uooni fur one riojon knnsr n here tlirro is uoom the childrens aid society of toronto is deiirous cf finding h miss throughout tlo province of ontario and olscwhce in which to place out children under tho con trol of tho society these children havo either been deserted by their parents or by reason of their parents neglect havo been committed by tho court to tho caro- of this society which by the children protection actpassed at the last session of the provincial legislature it constituted their guardian until they become of age the society places out no child which on the bark trafalgar arrived at melbourne i the order of a jndhasnot been certified queen victoria is nndor v feet in height and broadly built nor doos she miko any attempt lo remedy this condition by artificial moans for mxny a year has paued sinco she had occasion lo require the services of her corsoticro