going out of mm hip hip hurrah i hip hip hurrah a merry xwias to you all and lots of them cxflnomapgihctgerixarexai ua a ixjp m spoliors great concert is over but the bargains still continue over 3400 tickets given away but only 2391 people got in to enjoy the greatest treat ever known in this noble dominion of purs and we want the 2391 customers of ours to stick right to us until my chin- whiskers turn grey we intendtak- ing stock the first week of february as we will their just have heen one year in stoufiville so we intend to reiince our stock from now until february at leastg5b0000sothatj wewan have rooin for our spring importations low remember we are jad- fakirs nor blows nor yet ighters but we are stiekersstick to our customers and stick to what 4w0say and to get ahead of us you will have to stu er ihanihp jrogyphics of ancient bgypasee4ound to take the leadlor burhmotto is- mem there aksls atleasips9 what a trea you had on friday last well just stick to barf am house- come early and often until february stocktaking is over and you will be more than surprised for there is something in store for all of our customers i would not men tion what pur bargains are for you alf kho w our store is chucked mil of bargains all choice new and good we have no baits we seiid out no d odgers we dont misrepre- sent our goods we make no seeqnd price we dont run down our neighr bors nor our neighbors goods s we love our neighbors and our neigh bors love us and- when we givea treat we give it and not chargeyou withit nor yer do youhayeo miyj you can buy at000 suit for 696 we have two more- ciisel of of silk handkerchiefs linen arid cambric handkerchiefs plush and leather pocket books plush and leafehersatcheisail heandjnst marketed at mariufttcturers prices we are going- to give bigger bargains than icver during decemberand january 0ur wprthy vedij tor wont givetiie nioreroomor i would tell you something that would make you laugh out loudl but keep your smiles until febniary as you will all need them but come and see us often the morelyou come the more you biiy the more- you buy from us the more you save so edmealongto the- i r balance of stock must be sold for what it will bring at cos 1 to make room for our large fall pur chases which are now coming forward fresh stock of wall papbbs and bqrbebs that 3c tea still leads furelianl 1 ring wood cheese pure spices crockery d gi asswabk styles latest quality excellent u prices low special mbet a for the next n1nkty dxyb i will jrivt a special discount of io per gefit off regular prices on all cash purchases j line vvrv e-implft- uitl wei suitiu ik 01 kuriiivurk jvdioom fjets parlir suiressuiilxiis hairs tpriuirs mattresses luunjjcs sofas ee iveryiliiig iniko your lio ciuiroravj0 1 hose in need of furniture will do well to ule iiilvantajju 01 this oppor juuily isviv baraiis s heso dr nii iv soli iii order to wsiko an or i i onei iician- irumhur a spuciauyi ejdayissabdefisblbhc stc ik vil le fjdhe xioiveeii stouffvule sept 11th 1839- is up to the times with full likes of 0 to suit the season si also special lines in scottish tweeds imported direct tailoring to order a specially diagonal worsteds fancy worsteds plain worsteds also special lines in teas coffees spices sugars glassware and delf ware any mam who is weak kervous dsbilitatod bolnhis folly and ignofanoo b tri fled away hlu vigor ot body fllnd and malhood cauahig oxbeustius drain upon tbo fountains of life hoadeche baokacho dreadful dianas vjoakncas ol memory bashfulness ta society pimples npon the face and all tho ef f ecto leading to early decay consumption or insanity will fled in our epoedtio no 23 a positive cure it imparts youthful vigor restores the vital power uioldiod young strengthens and iuvigoratos tho brain and nerves builds up tho muscular system and arousob into aotlon the wholo physica onergy of tho human tramo with our bpoolflo no 23 tho most obstinata caso caibo enrud in threo months and roconfconos in less than thirty days each psckago contains two weeks treat ment frico 82 curob guaranteed our cpoo- iflo no 24 is an infallible cure or all private diseases oniafuroi how longstand ing sold nndor our written guarantee to efleot a cure price 85 toronto medicine do loronto out ladies only fkencu ivegulailwjv iill far superior tu ivryol aniy niivmyal or oxide limloritii liy ills tiuiiian if f latlies uiio iiseilicin mtjnllll y never fill ue- ieve pi iniuk kecuiakiiv pleas ant and 1vclltnll price 2 jnmnlo medi cine co- toronto ont a call is respectfully solicited stoiiftvilk docloth 18a n b sanders the leadimg shoe house we beg- to announce that our business for the past six months has been yerysatistactory we are -making- everv preparation for doing a large trade duringtnisfall and winter 0ar new stocic ofbrtijts slioes trunks valises c is arriving and will be found complete in all required styles sizes qualities and prices i prdered work receives our special attention promptlyand neatly done we guarantee satisfaction weare thankful for past favors and will do our utmost to suit 3ou jwhen you cail sjrpxfppvitie sept llthr18s9 tho hioht sncccssfal remedy over dlscov cred as it is certain in its effects and does not blister bead proof below kehdjulls spavih gore office op cnalxs a sttpkr brekdeit of cuxeland bjlt ai xilothxq bbd hobses f-v- elmwood iii nor- 20 18s3 dn bjkksdallco dear sirs i have always purchased your ken dalls spavin curo by the half dozen bottles i would liko prices in larger quantity i think it is one of the best liuimenta on earth i have used it en my stables for thrcfc years c vours truly chas a sstdek weave- holdings a brooklyn n y november 3 1s8s dc b j kendall co dear sirs i desire to give you testimonial of my good opinion of your kendalls spuvin cure i havo used it for lameness stiff joints and snavinn and i havo found jt a sure cure i cordi ally recommend it xo all horsemen v yours truly r a h gilbeiit manager troy laundry stables kehda1ts spavin curl sant wiktom coustt ohio dec j9 1ss8 dn b j kendall ca r gents i feel it my duty to sny what i have dono with your kendalls spavin cure i havo cured twentyflve horses that had fcjpavlnfl ten of juvk bone nine afflicted with jbiir llcnd and seven of itlsr jnw slnco i havo lma ono of your books and followed tho directions i bavo never lost a cafoof any kind yours truly andrew turner horso doctor kehdjujls patir cure price si por bottle or six bottles for 5 all dhifr klstshavojtorcangetjtforyouor it will bo sent to any address on receipt of price by t propria tors dr b- j- kendall co enosburgh fallsrvt sold by all pkitggists tm l wr kill hirlv wililc o0 a inl iif- iii- in ik- t hen if znjt lau imd iasics iiiisit- to rcitli in lrcamsj hi luiirlir tnsto fiwlii itrlvil nlf jlljl v illml- tii suxims of fiiiiii iiij n silicic 0fi main street stousville genuiiie goods at whoiealev n prices alwoblmanneljqioni ige i f a veiy large stock of fhess gbocls fronilocpeityard c 4buttoned kid gloves at 40c per pair wool shawls from l00 up and other clearing- lines at verv rlow prices j urqulaart avriiiien slcms n la in i jjjiiinuti ir raon i iovrii criicli tliath n vicciiiir vikoi tjie plaj aiii jriii i tcj on ie v uridirei b vniiil i lie iii s nrs made of rji an i jimliidiincii des ilto iciils inariv fidi i- vilicn- swlafquntains yv t vlirc inisbes boadwiy -u- ami iccs bang low villi c irptm-j- rfiid jiiid jriml iir 1 i pios icls tbo gtrecins tbat lea a low n i he sivrf are moiling croams of frozen ic and these in rivulets begun with mallows sintv- ibesup intpthe spongecake xsilvy run iib cyvhigiihii- yc then oer the mead with ticisreei iliu yonnjjsters flit like suiiny tceims but ere ii iijfivi sip thev iko be jlv mouiilnin starts o quake it liiie3 iuiiiilis they hwake and minis the wmit ik with divims fim liipjiincotti maizioe for janu- aiy 14 ff 3 1 a m