Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), December 20, 1889, p. 4

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pr wm i exailltfe soar address ate number on a label to jlwl you ae i- your renewal w ackowlvlged by the change of the number on ihetahd keep your subscription paid ad eance the year ended last march and if sou have not reneieel you owe us a dollar the tribune stouffville dec 20 1689 clubbing rates we have not space to mention the papers that arc clubbed with the tm- iike but if you desire any publica tion along with our own we can supply both at a considerable reduction watch our columns for announcements of the tarious magazines minnesota dear editor a note in the montreal daily witness suggests the necessity of giv ing a few statements about this west ern land the witness states that minneapolis and st paul were under snow on nov 28th and inti mated the uselessuesa ef making excursions westward under such con ditions when in canada the smile was often provoked by american blunders re garding canada now the smile is on the other cheek thefact is there has not fallen sufficient snow this season if all thatlias come had remained to afford a sleigh ride we have had a ifewfalls of snow ranging from the thinnest coat of while to three inches but the temperature moderated with the falling of the snow so that in a few hours nought was left but patches ofdirty show in ditches under fences and on the old shady side of the foot hills or bluffs from august 25th there have been but 18 days ofuubfokeii sunshine the sun shines clear and warni dav aftor day and at time of writing dec 12th the atmosphere is mild and sky as soft as our finest october days it has been indian summer for over two months one week was damp anil cloudy otherwise the usual minnesota weather frosty nights and clear sunny days has been the rule with the xceptioiioftiiis open dec natives tellrqtf f have experienced the custp- tr mary minnesota autumn arid how about thh i soil people c asks some one the soil of minnesota as a whole can not be surpassed by any equal area in the world for fertility and agricultural possibilities you can ride for hundreds of miles and see only dark sandy loam lit for highest garden culture there is plenty of it for sal from 10 to 40 pir acre minnesota is capable oi feeding the entire population of can ada in other words of supporting 5000000 people southern minnesota is the paradise of fanning northern minnesota is more broken and less adapted to agricultural pursuits but those who are not afraid ot timbeivd lands make good homes and the mines and lumber industries offset the advan tages of the plaiiismeii in the south i confess to have fallen in love at surht withnh boundless billowy prair ies sucli outlook such outreach of earth and sky no wonder the people of theplains are aggressive and libciil a man must be peculiarly constructed who can remain contracted in liis views under such a sky and with such a andscape- before him let no one imagine the minnesota prairies means level monotony no more so than the ocean is a dead level the native woods willow oak birch hickory and balsam of gileadrf cotton- wood trees are plentiful soft maple is plentirul also at brownsdale winre i spent the tirjst few weeks of m v advent next ytou cannot see the village from the railway for maple and willow groves the fanners have plan ted small or chards and sugar maples and tiiesti are flanked with two or lour rows of willow or cottonwood trees so that the homes and buildings are snugly nestkri in their kindly slickers miuiujr the land scape very picturesque again you can drive for miles and find tut roads hanked with stately or growing trees such it drive is from brownsdale to wall ham 7 miles 5 of which is an avenue the water is good the wells vnrv in depth pf the witfur in riiiffviiit i have found no dineivree in hikwatm- trom thtof the avewkc wel in can ada the homy of the bulaloniid n-d- deer hd ami has plenty ot water and grass- vi 1 the people are of various races the american and canadian are the leaders ill crserpris- 1 here are 10000 cans- dpiis in minneapolis there are about 40 in the ministry in the minnesota contercre as a whole their history is not swh to shame the ixanr nor disgrace the maple leaf the west is iiiid uiititude hero where t w am wafrnduti souli-cisren- mii- nesota the crmaus prdoinina r stlnv are about twothiids cvilioliss the rest arc lutherans as a coise we hyv th vfutii ental be actuiiiid rfith thui is to u-jd-r- stand why the americans have mis sions in germany tnere is that condition of life which such a mixing of nations and creeds u likl- to produce we are in a moral frinoiit the leaven of american christian or chrsitian american civili zation cannot rest until the lump is leavened between now and tbat day which will wituess the final issue of this heteroeaous amalgam there will be much selfdenial and perhaps sacri ficed butet no one suppose christian- itv will lose truth is most vigorous when oppressed as a result ot these constitutions christians are alert and ngjfressiye there is more swing mor go i may add just here a dull takeiteasy pulpit is very quick ly extinguished life is intense- this cannot be avoided people that have opened the new county dotted it with villages towns and cities from the hamlet of four corners to tne twin city with over half a million people and industries streets public build ings and commerce second to none and that did their contingent share in th civil war and all this within 35 years of necessity have to move fast as to crops and markets i may re mark that the one depends upon the circumstances and ability f the far mer the latter upon causes beyond the state two causes have affected the farmer unfavorably one- is the one crop system for years wheat was the staple this required no extensive system of culture as a result far mers kept one or two cows and horses ffr the plough and reaper if the crop was good all was well but a fail ure meant total failure a few years ol failure in the wheat fields put min nesota hack fully ten years now genejajirkj5iing is coming into fashion as iutethero is general success aiidbfomta is not likely to be re tardspniy advance as she has been i atiefidetpa county show in southern minnesota in a few years it will match a provincial show the grounds are larger than ottawas and as large as torontos the foundations aim at an annual exhibit equal to some i have seen at these named places theres nothiug lost in aiming at big things oats average 40 bushels wheat 25 clover from second crop seed 4 tim othy j com 80 to 40 baskets and other products in equal rates you can see here as evervw the difference madeby the difference in men and methods the markeis and prices are deter mined by the distance and competition the freight is the drawback to the farmer time and increase ofpbpwlav lion will remedy this minnesota far mers ure at a disadvantage for awhile from the competition of new states the latter have thin papulations com pared with their productive power they must find their markets beyond their territorry this handicaps the farmers of oldor states for a while this must bo endured meanwhile those older states are turning attention to products the newer states cannot produce yet theres money in blood ed stud those who will undertake this department of agriculture have fine prospects the climate is good the extremes o heat and cold reach higeerand lower by a few degrees than in canada but the air is so much drier that they are not folt as in canada we have had one keen niffht fourbelow zeroyet i walked that evening having only t hi- clothes i wore in oct in ontario 1 have had no occasion so far for other than my light fall overcoat ielt hat and hare not put on my gloves half a dozen times since coming here this of course for walking my heal- li is rather on the gain yet i am doing full work- i have a pleas ant relationship in my church and people and opportunities for doing good life is freer here than east men are not conciinied so much about what ou thiii k and what you know and a man is measured of what h does audiences are very restless under a dull speaker and aro not likely to come under the affliction a second time but they will endure a good deal if the speaker is saying some thing and saving it in an agreeable way they may nut accept your eon- elusions but tho ii tome again if they neiieve the speaker believes what ho says and says it in a pleasant manner for men who have means to pur- elms lanq and not go into debt there are good oponiilgs in minnesota for young men i think the chances iro as good here as anywhere there is a future before this west greater titan any stat or place east of the mississ ippi lie who runs may rend this it isn simple fact very few who come st ever r turn cast i- stay host is s ftcicrt f r wise men it is a a brave jplic- f ivover tramp and dead heads oi n calling but as good a pliv- as can be found for plucky cheerful workers h- w k que idci of the sii bath a- d religion to bickics ajiti consumptive syrup stands at the iuad ot the- lis for all disease of the throat and lungs it acts iikomagie in breaking up a cold a cough is soon subdued tightness oi the chest is relieved even the worst com of consumption is relieved while inrirnt vases it may b- said never to to ri i- is a medicine prepired roin the a rive priicipls ot virtjns i several mclcinal herbs v d can in dctmnded upon oralainu fst hospital remedies for arphlniiiury what are they the growth of intelli gence in medical matters nas given rise to a demand lor a class ot genuine reliable medicine the opportunity of the ignorant quack who grew neh caring everything out ol a single bottle has passed to supply satisfactorily this demand this list ol reme dies has been ereated they are the favor ite prescriptions ol the most famous medical practitioners ot the day gathered irom the hospitals ol london paris berlin and vien na prescriptions which cost the patients ol these specialists irom j25 to 5100 are here offered prepared and ready lor use at the nominal price ol one dolar tack hot one of them is a cure all each one has only the reasonable power ot earing a single disease and each one keeps is contract sufferers from catarrh- diseased longs bronchitis asthma consumption bheumatum dys pepsia liver and kidney complaints fever and ague nouralgia female weakness leueorrhosaor nervous debility shouldsend stamp lor descriptive catalogue to hospital bemedy co 383i west king st toronto canada it your dragcist does notkeep these remedies remit price and vre will send direct scordsslojs it ler deserlstlte eatalosa containing testimonials ftm r- km h w 4 smc i af t49 vs siii wxo cown full used age esn be bad where there u a vacancy a sw utsilfes ret sling saws sent m with eaoh raui by the in of this tool everybody eaa me their own saws new and do it better than the croatest expert can without it adapted t all vsaws every one whoewnsa sawshonld kavoone salrtmyimmmjnmtarasacusa ask yffgr dealer or write taiatlko sawine xi- hetkk se tu a caul st china in to our subscribers thespocitl announccnient which ap- penrc1 in our coiinnns sonic time since announcing a special arnuitetncnt with b j kendall co of emsbnrgh foils vt publishers of a treatisr on tht horse and his diseases whereby oui subscribers were enabled toobtain a copy of that vduuue work free by sending their address to b t kendall co and enclosinc a twocent stamp for mailing sams is renewed for n limited periol wc trust nil will avail themselves of the opportunity of obtain ing this vahiible work to every lov er of the horse it id iudispeiiiable as it treats in a simple manner nil the discis which afflict this noble fimiiial its phenomenal sale- throughout the united states and canada aiske it stimdiird iiithijrity afehtinn liii i ri nltcnmtiij firjte bpcctfiillyedieaud to ilx- onvlitvix mimi jihiulehildrcn of lie late altxiki milliter in ihe lentil of thei innllm ii- dimited liiulire bye 8tb 18s9 id ar t vour fohui lon int- been itrvst your inothcrs ittm lit dcoln leinoviit while you lutif hihuind tliur hiiiii she lived iilnriu in militiidi v rurnl country i pine w hers vvii ri- nlhor vant- wire writ snppiioil but it was best that ah- blfoilh lirnv the plan- where her coiupiiiiii iliiil her elisingyearsweresiiltcriiig yems but patiently she boru her pnin securely anchored on the yoek who more for her a life of mminc with loving hcxi i and generous hand she minislenil to the snftring nr was she ever known lb spurn the ihctiv sllpplulil llin her ihr v the cause f tjj iisi lay near hei liail his word she prii initli blirveil ami with acmiterald hand siir jave iis she lnlslf received the church ins lot in her a tiieiil i the poor a helper ia ilistres the ufijlihorhiid in winch sie liveij will moirii ie r alsenc- frjiin the i know your iirts ar- sil nor is i smngi that you should wi ioir ciihiiei too are baiheil in leais liciue iheir love for her yas svevl but mourn you imtns witiimit hope she slrpsir iesi free from pai yvlien liiii 1io is her life appears with him i licaveii slie ihen sil ret then ch rih oviir nicinriw o uutiicr tvlio is now ht risl and in sibmjsiviii sweetly say our kither niiweh what i- lu- rhii larthteis cliihlieu mourners ail prc nein life or futare bliss the world let nd wii all itjo- will he ihe ri d iisut of tins n home in heaven if not prepared no ehcrishil lovd ones nitct agiu no golden brown or diadem uiuiss vou re washed from every trfr ti his isi die i s v brii viiti o-o- m y u nii ial bl d alone cau iinfce ynu yuu fur i s licnvc ft iter w ivij 20 lbs sugar for 1 at s nt warriners stouefvilli to every cash purchaser of 5 00 worth of dry goods groceries and crock sugars excepteji we will give 20 lbs of sugar for one dollar haviug bouglj tremendous stock at the ver lowest cash price we are now enabled to give customers such inducements never before heard of in the hutory of stouffville sarremembsrthis we willlnot be undersold sec our stacks of new dress goods from locfs per yard upwards cashmeres black and colors from 20ct per yard upwards remnants at less than halfprice 100 pieces of grey and check flannels from l2j cts p r yard upwards great loads of mantlings below what you could ask or think see our piles of overcottd mens and boys from your price down to mine see our piles of mens and boys clothing bought at 60cts on the dollar the customers will get the benefit- light sugar 15 lbs fiir 5100 r white sugar 1 lbs for 100 granulated sugar ii lbs for 100 japan tei for 25cts worth 40cts try it the best 50c tea in stouffville c tbs good tea for 100 all canned goods at big bargains we guarantee to sell goods cheaper than can be bought anywhere else in tlie country and give 20 tbs sugar for 100 with a five dollar purchase space will hot permit a more lengthy price list suffice to say we keep a full as sortment at prices to suit the hard times and help the farmer to bear the burden of the low price of grain s m warhiner the leadr in prices imssoiivtxost op partnership notice is berebj piveu that the partner ship lieu torare rxistiinr between us as cabin kt m akkhs un ueutakeus and fuksituke dealieus ha been ilissolved ly mutual coisent mr jacob burklmlder leiiiinc the business w ii iks cimtiiiiid by mr samuel buridmulcr who sm pay all eims against i he firm u mcounlsdue llii- firm must lie fettled by dec soth 1889 thanking tin tnllr for the lihenil pat- ronngc civeli us ve remain yours ic- peeturi- sburkholder j burkholder stouftyiile oct 218s9 will soon be here and incintiniiing 1lle above mentioned busi ness 1 have decided to do so on a- strictly cash basis in iirdei to rcdncfcthc very v large stock- on hand prices will be cut down very ehise many linea will be sold cocslder- ilhl below wlinlesile cost hoping lo r-ceiv- a coiiiiiiinince of public favor i remain yours truly s burkholder 1890 s 1890 weekly jsmpireo canadas lhaiir newsiaikpt patrio n in tone tkueti canada tkue to the empire the empire is now the smt weekly aeer is piepared to meet every de mand in choice grqceeies as he has one of thalapgest and best stock of xmas goods ever shown in stouffville ag br own telephone store cedar posts for sale the undersigned bus on hand about 1000 hist class cedar posts for salo h mcdonald alarch 8th 1s89 v to ren carriage and blacksmith shops for merly owned by messrs j e- ravmcr stouffville possession given at once apply to j a todd stouffville mav 3rd 1889 tit- 0lfsti- rs arc bcng nioc i ailu new wj1i wii urciy increase place l ill llie hinjs of all lls- ihc lvjlivtuf pre- m pcil irriueuit aitl mlrniriivc cufu a iutcrclanti tae as an iniuiciluiu lv rv liiti mi yeir vvtl i e give fjfv to xeiv sulirickflllts iannj iluiy oc pour ivom uwv lill rtrteskvflkhllliki l ox riie wtcvy kneilrcnnrl tijk tirilllis iie eii iwnuc niijrev ll 0 ih l la aitflr sa tltiliihst- will lllc oi zipp1ncotts magazine with varied and excellent contents is a library in itself j it was indeed a happy thought to print an entire novel in each liumier not a short novelette but a long story suth ess yon are used to get in book form and py from one dollar to one dollar and a half for not only that but with each number youket tie thiffi paeis iialr cuttino and shaving arlor stand one doorwest of sanders block main st stouffville 4 a complete ladies and gent hairdressing parlor hair-cutting- singeing shampooing curl ing etc haiidressing for balls parlies thea tres etc in the must fashionable styles j w shankel prodrietor aleshkn wmst s ilauy expenses ialdj or ijliiril cfiiiiinissiiiin in local l men tullitffee nocollecii6t3 ivriuiincnl positions fjii iranteei evpcr- icnci unnecessary choice of tenitery if apply at once r l p thurston co- 1mpirc nurseries rochester n y sv heifers strayed an abundance of other contributions whichgives you a good magaiine besides the novel j the ringing blows which have been struck on the gateway of popular favor have resounded throughout the entire land and today lipptn colts magatine stands in the front ranjof memthly publications and is the most widely- readandtaliedof publication of its kind iiisfie l dec 12 1s89 world for full deifriptive circulars address lippincotts kfagazine philadelphia 300 per year a cts single number i the publisher of this paper will receive y fur mbscription jiiinio into the premeis of ihe iinilur- j signed lot 5 rem- 8lh con wit i j t- iuiici oil or alxrit xijv lih 1ss0 iwo yearling heifers owiiii- is nfiiiril i prove property pay ixpenris andt ite heinawil- poltari m oc rjivt v- ill lr l ir ih- v l n y ill co l tt d tuni errors dpyguth nskssww s ws spegifig remedy ciimtwics never khow to failto core wcaknru and tajt eciy of mmd nnc4 and body ncfvoitt ivouratlon t i car scmtnal imtct weak httttory wanlajr sm0n oforctftt lu iiccevt luti cjuflcncd the admhs- tionfctcrvdoctor wkokmxtudkdlt it strikhs at th vhky knotot f t a v mx mjjnplluiixu jjlv 1 tkuwlwlikoctouktkaubmakt u jpweylhuioo sixruin ttfc idj aft

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